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face 30-40 sdfsdf

10 foi de cracare graham
de zahr cofetari de cup
sare kosher 1 linguri
1 baton de unt topit vcmvncj
16 uncii crema de branza, dedurizat
1 can de zahr confectioners
extract de vanilie 1 linguri dfdsf45
3 cni fulgi de ciocolata, topit
ntr-o pung de plastic, zdrobi biscuiti graham fin cu partea din spate a unui vas
mare sau tigaie.
ntr-un castron mare, se combina biscuiti graham, se combin zahrul, sarea de
cofetrie, i unt topit, amestecnd pn cnd amestecul este textura de nisip umed.
Dump amestecul de cracare graham ntr-un vas de copt de 9 9 cptuite cu hrtie
pergament. Apsai amestecul n jos cu minile pentru a crea un strat uniform.
Congela timp de zece minute.
ntr-un bol separat, combina crema de branza, zahr pudr i vanilie, amestecand
pana la omogenizare. Se ntinde amestecul de brnz topit uniform pe partea de
sus a cracare crusta graham. Congela timp de o or.
Se transfer prjitur cu brnz congelat pe o plac de tiere, peeling departe de
hrtie pergament. Felie unul benzi centimetru orizontal, apoi vertical, crend mici
cuburi. Prajitura cu branza
ntr-un bol mediu, cuptor cu microunde ciocolata la intervale de 20 de secunde,
amestecnd ntre ele, pn la topit i neted. Dip cuburi cu brnz n ciocolat, se
scurge n exces, i le-a pus pe o tav cptuit cu hrtie pergament. Se repet cu
cuburi rmase. Congela timp de 15 minute, apoi servi!

Makes 30-40


10 graham cracker sheets

cup confectioners sugar
1 teaspoon Kosher salt
1 stick melted butter
16 ounces cream cheese, softened
1 cup confectioners sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
3 cups chocolate chips, melted


In a plastic bag, crush the graham crackers finely with the back of a
large pot or pan.
In a large bowl, combine graham crackers, combine confectioners
sugar, salt, and melted butter, stirring until the mixture is the texture
of wet sand. Dump the graham cracker mixture into a 99 baking dish
lined with parchment paper. Press the mixture down with your hands to
create an even layer. Freeze for ten minutes.
In a separate bowl, combine cream cheese, confectioners sugar, and
vanilla, stirring until smooth. Spread the cream cheese mixture evenly
on top of the graham cracker crust. Freeze for one hour.
Transfer the frozen cheesecake onto a cutting board, peeling away the
parchment paper. Slice one centimeter strips horizontally, then
vertically, creating little cheesecake cubes.
In a medium bowl, microwave the chocolate in 20-second intervals,
stirring in between, until melted and smooth. Dip the cheesecake
cubes in the chocolate, dripping off excess, and set them on a tray
lined with parchment paper. Repeat with the remaining cubes. Freeze
for 15 minutes, then serve!

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