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BIO 10 Laboratory 3rd Long Examination RSBilbao

1. Provide the proper in-text citation: Raven, P. H., Johnson, G. B., Losos, J. B., & Singer, S. R. (2005). Biology
Seventh Edition. New York, NY: The McGraw-Hill Companies. Why is there a need to cite your references? (5)
2. Define taxonomy and systematics. What mechanism is used in phylogeny to depict a hypothesis of
evolutionary relationships? Give the complete classification scheme of taxon from general to specific.
Demonstrate and describe monophyletic, paraphyletic, and polyphyletic groups. (20)
3. A 90-year old fossil of Dinilysia patagonica, a 2-m long reptile closely linked to modern snakes, reveals that
its bony inner ear contains a distinctive structure unique to actively burrowing animals that helps them detect
prey and predators. It has long been thought that snakes lost their legs in order to live in the sea. What does this
new finding tell us about the loss of legs in snakes? Does this mean that the characteristics of snakes living in
water are secondarily acquired? (10)
4. Construct a dichotomous key and give representative plant specimens using the following characters:
presence of vascular systems, reproduction by seeds, presence of flowers, and number of cotyledons. Draw the
habit of a chosen specimen and supply both the scientific name and common name. (15)
5. Construct a table depicting the differences of dicot and monocot plants based on root system and root, stem,
and leaf cross-sections (describe the stele form and mesophyll). Supply scientific names of representative
specimens. (10)
6. Draw the longitudinal section of a root tip and label the parts. Describe the following terms: epidermis,
cortex, endodermis, pericycle, and pith. (10)
7. Mangroves thrive in wet areas where the mud presents an anaerobic environment. What is the function of the
pneumatophores, an example of metamorphosed root, in mangroves? Give an example of metamorphosed leaf
and its function. (10)
8. Draw a cockroach and label the following parts: head, thorax, abdomen, antennae, compound eyes, forewing
or elytron, hindwing, legs, cerci, style, and terga. Is the cockroach more closely related to a caterpillar than a
spider? Why? (15)
9. Describe in detail the proper pithing techniques in preparing a frog for dissection (both single and double
pithing). (15)
10. Select from the following visceral organ systems of a frog then label and describe the structure and function
of its parts: digestive, respiratory, excretory, or reproductive. (20)
11. Bonus Should viruses be considered living things or not? Explain. (5)
12. Bonus Describe your BIO 10 laboratory class experience. (5)
13. Bonus Explain why RNA is hypothesized as the first molecule of life. (5)
14. Bonus What is the laboratory exercise you like the most and why? (5)
15. Bonus List down all your wins and participations during the Dula-dula and Dula 2015. Be honest. Try me.
(5 for first place, 4 for second place, 3 for third place, 2 for fourth place, and 1 for participation only)

BIO 10 Laboratory 3rd Long Examination RSBilbao

1. Provide the proper in-text citation: Raven, P. H., Johnson, G. B., Losos, J. B., & Singer, S. R. (2005). Biology
Seventh Edition. New York, NY: The McGraw-Hill Companies. Why is there a need to cite your references? (5)
2. Define taxonomy and systematics. What mechanism is used in phylogeny to depict a hypothesis of
evolutionary relationships? Give the complete classification scheme of taxon from general to specific.
Demonstrate and describe monophyletic, paraphyletic, and polyphyletic groups. (20)
3. A 90-year old fossil of Dinilysia patagonica, a 2-m long reptile closely linked to modern snakes, reveals that
its bony inner ear contains a distinctive structure unique to actively burrowing animals that helps them detect
prey and predators. It has long been thought that snakes lost their legs in order to live in the sea. What does this
new finding tell us about the loss of legs in snakes? Does this mean that the characteristics of snakes living in
water are secondarily acquired? (10)
4. Construct a dichotomous key and give representative plant specimens using the following characters:
presence of vascular systems, reproduction by seeds, presence of flowers, and number of cotyledons. Draw the
habit of a chosen specimen and supply both the scientific name and common name. (15)
5. Construct a table depicting the differences of dicot and monocot plants based on root system and root, stem,
and leaf cross-sections (describe the stele form and mesophyll). Supply scientific names of representative
specimens. (10)
6. Draw the longitudinal section of a root tip and label the parts. Describe the following terms: epidermis,
cortex, endodermis, pericycle, and pith. (10)
7. Mangroves thrive in wet areas where the mud presents an anaerobic environment. What is the function of the
pneumatophores, an example of metamorphosed root, in mangroves? Give an example of metamorphosed leaf
and its function. (10)
8. Draw a cockroach and label the following parts: head, thorax, abdomen, antennae, compound eyes, forewing
or elytron, hindwing, legs, cerci, style, and terga. Is the cockroach more closely related to a caterpillar than a
spider? Why? (15)
9. Describe in detail the proper pithing techniques in preparing a frog for dissection (both single and double
pithing). (15)
10. Select from the following visceral organ systems of a frog then label and describe the structure and function
of its parts: digestive, respiratory, excretory, or reproductive. (20)
11. Bonus Should viruses be considered living things or not? Explain. (5)
12. Bonus Describe your BIO 10 laboratory class experience. (5)
13. Bonus Explain why RNA is hypothesized as the first molecule of life. (5)
14. Bonus What is the laboratory exercise you like the most and why? (5)
15. Bonus List down all your wins and participations during the Dula-dula and Dula 2015. Be honest. Try me.
(5 for first place, 4 for second place, 3 for third place, 2 for fourth place, and 1 for participation only)

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