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Volume 42

Issue 2A
Seconds On Dessert!!
By Anthony DAngelo

First Impressions
By Sivahn Sapirstein

As I was walking up the dining hall stairs I saw a

boy run past me while eating that delicious Red Sox
Ice Cream Bar. I walked to the lunch room and I saw
that same guy grabbing another bar. But he already
had one. Dont get another. Then I saw a poor staff
member getting his food. He walks up to the hot
dogs, salad, and Ice Cream bar. Though there were
no more Bars. If that kid havent had the extra bar
he would of got a delicious bar. I interviewed this
staff member who will name anonymous. I was
very disappointed at this selfish action, I wanted
one little treat for the day, he sadly said. So dont
take seconds on desserts. Ill be watching you. This
is Anthony DAngelo signing out.

I stepped out of the car and soaked in my

surroundings. I saw kids running towards their friends,
hugging each other, catching up on the past years. I saw
counselors walking around, handing out love and a sense
of belonging.
Stepping up to get my schedule I whispered my
name timidly. Im sorry a counselor replied, I cant
seem to find yours. All I had feared had come true, I
wasnt actually enrolled! Here, I can help you. I turned
around to see Mike talking to me. He started walking
and I followed, feeling more and more welcome as time
went on. Whats your name? Sivahn. He led me to
an office and after a few minutes of confusion I emerged
with my schedule in my hand and a smile on my face.
Next up was the tour. I personally have no sense
of direction so I hung onto every word they said. When
I asked a question (that happened a lot) they didnt treat
me like a nosy little girl, they treated me with respect
and kindness. I figured out that most of my classes were
in one room and the rest were easy to get to. Once my
nerves began to settle I felt like I had been at this camp
for a long time. CRCAP is one camp I will never forget.


By Eliza Fontaine and Amanda Sussman
One Hit Wonder is an awesome class. It is awesome
because we get to do a song and perform it around
camp. And come up with a band name which for
this session is 11D7. What we are doing now is
doing a cover of the song King Of Anything by Sara
Bareilles. So far it sounds awesome the instruments
we are using are guitars, piano, drums, voices. One
reason you should do One Hit Wonder is because
the counselors are awesome and funny and also
great teachers. Another reason is because it is a ton
of fun.

The Crystal Cave

By Livvy Hartshorn
Part 1
Anne Rose loved walking through the woods. One day she was riding her horse Penny through the
woods when her horse went crazy. Penny had seen a snake. But Anne Rose could tell it was not a rival snake
it was a snake that said that something big and exiting was about to happen. The snake slithered away very
quickly. Penny realized the same thing and followed the snake. The snake lead them through the magical cape
gold trees and through the cod diamond river then to the great Opal river standing there was a shining boat. Do
I get on it or go back Home?
The snake turned into a man welcome aboard your very own Victoria Rose adventure ship.
Frogs by the Creek
By Katherine Roer

Things That Make You Hyper

Andrew McGuire n Josh Bass

Frogs by the creek make such a racket, I rose from my

bead to see what the racket, and then I saw it simmering
lights frogs and crickets dancing out in the night. They
dance and they sang from night until the sun dawned.
Then as the sun rose frogs dove and crickets lost their
light. Suddenly a friendly voice came beside me. Honey
what are you doing up so early? Oh nothing, I said.
Had I been dreaming?

1. Caffeine. Now we all know it makes you

hyper, but today I heard a story about how one
sip of espresso made somebody run 70 floors
in a hotel (thank you calculator).
2. SUGAAA (sugary foods)!!! Sugar makes
people hyper. In chocolate or raw form,
sugar can make you run up a wall. Too much
sometimes fails to output hyperactivity. But it
ruins your teeth .
3. Italian food. Some Italian food (Im talking
pasta and things like that) are exploding with
carbohydrates and are quick energy. Serve
with sugary food for a bomb of hyperness.
4. Fruit/Fruit Juice (artificial or natural). Fruits
(when ripe) are known to peak in fructose
and other sugars and real fruit juices should
maintain this sugar. Artificial drinks also have
sugar in them, but artificial.
5. Processed breakfast foods. Pop-Tarts are
hyperness and I used to eat 4 per day. As gross
as it was, I was hyper but WARNING I threw
up one day. Processed cereals (Fruit Loops,
Cocoa Krispies, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, etc.)
have large amounts of sugar and will induce
hyperactivity, which is why you may see me
running around in circles for no apparent
reason. Other common advertised foods are

All about Greta

Reported by Olivia Hartshorn with answers by Greta
1. What do you like to do after camp?
Go home and play with my cat
2. What do you like to do when you are in the car?
Listen to the radio
3. Do you have brothers or sisters or both?
I have one brother and one sister
4. Do you have any pets and how many if you have any?
1 cat her name is spots!!!!!!!!!!
5. Do you think your siblings are annoying?
No!!!! I actually think they are fun.!
6. What do you like to eat for breakfast?
I like to eat cereal for breakfast

Your Own Movie

By Marcus DAngelo

What Kind of Animal Are You?

By Alex Martiros

If you made your own movie what would it be


What do you like to do in your free time?

A] Go swimming
B] Travel
C] Fix Your Make Up
D] Go for a hike

1st person: I would make it about Hello Kitty

and she gets a makeover. Then she will be called
Hello Puppy.
I said no.
2nd reader: I would make it about girls in a war
who was eating pizza during it
I said no
3rd reader: I would make it about a dog that can
talk and then tries to but bark
I said know
4th reader: I would make it about a salami who
can talk and says hi there eat me
I come over and eat the salami
Me: hey what are you doing are you trying to eat
4th reader: yup
Me: never mind about the movie
All the readers except 4th: lets celebrate with
4th reader: no dont eat me
First Day of Camp
By Madison Richards
Editors Note: This was written yesterday.
Today, as you all know, is the first day of
camp! It is the beginning of something new.
Whether this is your VERY first day, or you
are a returning camper, today is filled with so
many new beginnings. New friends and new
classes. But for some it is a sort of reunion with
old friends that have not been seen over the
year. The first day of camp does, in fact, spell
confusion for campers all over camp. It mostly
has to do with finding classes because there are
so many that go all over camp (I have seen some
people that have gotten lost)! So far, all of my
classes have started with a get to know you
and introduction to the class which doesnt seem
like much but to me gives a HUGE insight on
the class, and by Festival Day the product will
be amazing! Overall, the first day of camp is the
most exciting and nerve racking day of camp.

What kind of book do you read?

A] Swimming catalogs
B] Fun family trip guides
C] Gossip magazines
D] I dont read
What is your favorite food?
A] Fish
B] Anything. Im not picky
C] Crme Brulee
D] Pretzels and water to fuel me up!
What is your favorite kind of pet?
A] A fish
B] Nothing. I dont have time for pets.
C] A poodle
D] A dog I dont care which as long as it has lots of energy!
If You Were Mostly As, you are a Dolphin. You love the
water and everything about it!
If You Were Mostly Bs, you are a Cardinal. You love to
If You Were Mostly Cs, you are a Flamingo. You are
graceful, but you dont like sports!
If You Were Mostly Ds, you are a Labrador puppy! With
lots of energy, you can go for hours and still want to play
The Age Of The Twilight War.
By Adam Bass
Sigh, Twilight, Twilight, Twilight. Thats mostly an issue
for me! It was enough that Stephanie Myers ruined my
image of Vampires but when I heard Eclipse was coming out
to theaters most people were saying Team Edward! Team
Jacob! Of course these people were fan girls and they
KNOW who Bella chooses! I mean if they read the book
why are people saying Bella should date Jacob?! Yeah, yeah
hes shirtless and attractive but come on! Sigh, what will
Breaking Dawn bring? Me breaking down.

Letter from Rome, Italy

By Jam Smith

Invasion of CRCAP
By Katie Predella

Rome is an ancient city whose character is
shaped by the legions of people who look after her.
Rome is both new and old. In our modern, fast-paced
world, Rome still reflects her history and ancient

Warmth, sunshine, and tall trees greet
visitors. Little cars honk and bump their ways over
the cobblestoned, trafficked arteries that Rome uses
to transport her inhabitants. Colorful buildings rise
suddenly from the ground and end just as abruptly; few
buildings in Rome are taller than five stories. On the
bottom of buildings and in open-air markets, storefronts
are wide open. Their workers compete for your

Romans today have a unique schedule that
begins early and ends late. Stores will open at 7 AM,
allowing people to buy goods for the day. At or after
noon, Romans enjoy multi-course two-hour lunches.
Every evening, the Romans take to the streets and
celebrate until 3 a.m.. One wonders how the Romans
manage to get anything done on such little sleep!
Romans are always with their friends all day, every
day, and at every age.

Rome is also the home of some fascinating
Jewish history. Jews have been present in Rome since
the time of the Roman Empire. For many years, they
prospered. In 1555, Pope Paul put the Jews in a ghetto
and limited their rights. The Kingdom of Italy, whose
control succeeded papal control of Rome, allowed Jews
out of the ghetto in 1882. In 1938, fascist race laws
began to limit the rights of Jews. In 1943, Italy began
deporting Jews to concentration camps. One night, there
was a raid of Jewish homes in Rome which seized and
deported thousands of Jews. Today, there are plaques
on side-walks commemorating spots where Jews were
seized. Thankfully, under todays governance, Jews
have the same rights as other citizens of Italy.

The poet Ezra Pound wrote about Rome, That
which stands firm in thee Time batters down, and that
which fleeteth doth outrun swift time. I was just in
Rome. I disagree. Some Roman structures have indeed
fallen, but time can batter down only structures, not
memories, no matter how far back they may stretch. In
Rome, that is a long way.

Once there was an alien who decided to come

to earth to invade someones house. He wanted
to do this because he wanted to get something
called candy. He wondered what candy was.
Unfortunately, he landed at CRCAP. He struggled
out of his spaceship, and into a blue thing in a
long building. It had numbers on it. It had a bag,
a swimsuit, and this spray bottle in it. He stayed
in there for what felt like half of GAH day, on his
planet, GAH. He heard footsteps after a while, so
he stuffed himself into the bag.
After an hour, the bag landed with a bump! He
crawled out, to find... a cat! The cat told him, You
have witnessed my power, and I told you to back
off, but now, you have come to invade my space! I
know what youre here for, so go on! Fight...
(To be continued)

Do You Know Your Best Friend?

By Jayna Wolfe
What is your best friends favorite color?
What is your best friends middle name?
What is your best friends pets name?
What is your best friends favorite piece of
Which room is your best friends favorite?
If you got them all right, youre truly a best friend!

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