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Alifia Fazza
Adv. L
Selective permeability is a type of biological that will allow certain
molecules or ions to pass through it by diffusion (active or passive
transport). Semi permeable means that some particles, ions, or water can
cross the membrane. Selective permeability usually refers to what can
enter and exit a cell membrane.
This report topic is about selective permeability. To finish the report,
the authors did an experiment. The experiment is about proving to show
the selective permeability using two potatoes. Both of them are using
different measure of materials. Both of them using different measurement,
so it can know the difference or changes that happened between both of
them when it soaked in water.
For the measurement, the measurement is up to us. But make sure
both of them are NOT the same measurement. Make sure that both of
them are the different measurement. Because if it is the same
measurement, we cant see the result clearly. We cant see the differences
or changes that happened between both of them. Because both of them
are the same measurement. If its like that, theres no way it can be prove.
The focus question for experiment is What do you think will happen
to the potatoes when we let it soak in water for an hour or more?. There
are two prediction answers, or most knowingly as hypothesis for the

experiment. The first one is when the potato being soak for an hour, the
nodes (the black thingy on potato) will be gone and the potato will be
cleaner. The second one is the potato will be last longer and it will be
getting bigger than before it soaked.
Materials needed to do the experiment are:

Two potatoes
Four teaspoon of salt
400ml of water

Tools needed to do the experiment are:

Two beakers

Steps took while doing the experiment:

1. First, fill your beaker with the same amount of water (200ml for each
2. Label your beaker to know the differences between both of them
3. Put the 4tsp of salt in one of the beaker and remember which beaker
has the salt, and which beaker doesnt.
4. Slice the potato down into the middle, lengthwise into the same
weight of potato
5. Put the sliced potatoes to each beaker
6. Let the potatoes soak in water for about an hour
7. You can see the result/differences/changes after let it soaked for an
hour or more

There are two types of variables, independent variable and

dependent variable. Independent variable is a variable whose variation
does not depend on another. While dependent variable is the opposite
definition of independent variable. While the dependent variable is a
variable whose variation depend on another.
The independent variable from all the materials above are water
and potato. They called independent variable because they didnt change
measurement and they both are the exact same weight. While the
dependent variable is salt. Because the more salt put in to the water with
the soaked potatoes, the softer and squishier the potato will be. Also, the
other that potato didnt use any salt, but we let it soaked overnight, the
potato will be more firm and the water will run out. At least thats what
the authors thought.

Things to

Potato 1
Potato 2

Potato 1

Potato 2

Mass of





Volume of






4 tsp


After finish did the experiment, the authors finally got some results
and answers. The results of the experiment based on the data table above
is that the mass/weight of potato 1 become lighter (as in smaller). Also,
the potato 1 became softer and squishier than before it has been soaked
in water. Also, the volume of water in potato is increased by 10ml. From
200ml to 210ml. While the other potato stays the same, except for the
water. The volume of water in beaker 2 is decreased. It decreased by
10ml. From 200ml to 190ml. Also, the potato 2 become more firm than
before it has been soaked in water.
Why all of the above can happened? Because theres osmosis.
Osmosis is the chemical process of diffusion. Osmosis involved the
transfer of solvent with a lower concentration of a certain solute through a
semipermeable membrane, and into the area containing a higher
concentration of that solute.
From the results above, the authors can predict that if the amount
of salt is adding by one to two teaspoon and wait for the result overnight,
the potato will get even more squishier and softer. And if the potato
doesnt have any salt in it but let it soaked overnight, the potato will
become even more firm than just soaked for an hour. Also, the water in
that beaker will depleted due to being absorption in the potato.

P.S Sorry if its rlly bad but tbh, I tried my best for this. Fuck me

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