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White Soft Paraffin



Action and Uses.Light liquid paraffin is employed as a vehicle

for oily spray solutions containing ephedrine, menthol, thymol and
the volatile oils. For the preparation of solutions of the alkaloids,
arachis oil is preferable, or almond oil, 1 part, may be mixed with light
liquid paraffin, 2 parts. Light liquid paraffin is preferred to liquid
paraffin for use in sprays since, being less viscous, it is more readily
broken up by the spray apparatus into the necessary fine particles for
projection into the air passages. It is erroneously regarded as a nutritive application for the hair, and forms the basis of many brilliantines.


(Paraff. Moll. Alb.)
White Soft Paraffin

White soft paraffin is a mixture of semi-solid hydrocarbons usually

obtained from petroleum, and bleached. A similar product may be
obtained from the tar produced by the distillation of coal at temperatures
below 500. Products of inferior quality may be obtained by melting
together suitable proportions of liquid and hard paraffins. White soft
paraffin occurs as a white, soft, translucent mass, unctuous to the
touch, and not more than slightly fluorescent when viewed in daylight,
even when melted. It is odourless and tasteless.
Insoluble in water and alcohol (90 per cent.); soluble in ether,
chloroform, benzene and fixed or volatile oils.
Standard, B.P.White soft paraffin has a refractive index at 60
of 1-453 to 1-460. Melting-point, 40 to 46. In other respects it
complies with the characters and tests for purity for Paraffinum Molle
Action and Uses*White soft paraffin is used as a basis for medicaments in a similar manner to yellow soft paraffin. It is used in the
preparation of paraffin ointment when the latter is used for white
ointments. White soft paraffin may be sterilised by heating at 150 for
one hour.

Parenol, B.P.C.(Parcn.)Parenol. <Syn.Solid Parenol. An emulsion of water
in a mixture of wool fat, 15 per cent., and white or yellow soft paraffin, 65
per cent.
Unguentum Paraffini, B.P.<Ung. Paraff.)Paraffin Ointment. White beeswax, 2 per cent., and hard paraffin, 8 per cent., in white soft paraffin or yellow
soft paraffin. When it is used in a white ointment, it should be prepared with
white soft paraffin and when used in a coloured ointment, it should be prepared
with yellow soft paraffin.
Unguentum Simplex, B.P.(Ung. Simp.)Simple Ointment. Wool fat, 5 pe*
cent., in a mixture of hard and soft paraffins. When it is used in a white ointment it should be prepared with white soft paraffin and when used in a coloured
ointment, it should be prepared with yellow soft paraffin.

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