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You and Aaron Joseph Graf aren't connected on Facebook

Project Manager at Revolution Inc., Mouthpiece at Blasphemy Inc. and Temporary Foreign Leader at Operation Secular
Democracy in the Arab World
Lives in Leeds, Alabama

Conversation started today

Michael Anastasiou
Sup? Q for you: do you believe all that exists on this earth is made up of atomic and subatomic particles that follow
the laws of nature?


9:43pmAaron Joseph Graf accepted your request.

Aaron Joseph Graf

Michael Anastasiou
So then too are your very thoughts thus determined. So where do you get confidence that you can make choices or
have views based off evidence?
By your own omission your thoughts are forced upon you.

Aaron Joseph Graf

To an extent.

Michael Anastasiou
Only to an extent are the atomic and subatomic particles bound by the laws of nature with some bound by magic?
Where does this special pleading come from?

Aaron Joseph Graf
There is no such thing as magic
This isn't special pleading. Special pleading would be praying to an intangible figure to go out of his way to turn
your life around for you.

Michael Anastasiou
Having trouble staying respectful? What is the exception that allows you to say there is part of your brain that
escaped laws of physics?
And that's called prosperity gospel...I don't believe that. Please don't assume. Notice how is ask respectfully?

Aaron Joseph Graf
Considering every thought you experience is the result of electrical pulses in your brain, we are indeed bound to the
laws of physics.


Michael Anastasiou
So back to square one.
No confidence of correspondence to reality....your consciousness and thought is predetermined. fluctuating matter.

Aaron Joseph Graf
And I haven't gotten disrespectful yet. If I was I would have called you at least three derogatory names

Michael Anastasiou astounds me atheists claim to know things with certainty, hooding to believe things based on
evidence....when in reality...this choice is an illusion..not sustained by their world view. Do you also see the
*choosing to believe

Aaron Joseph Graf
No. Some people are predisposed to certain activities as a result of certain stimuli. There is nothing inconsistent
about this. A lot of who we are and how we think and feel is a result of the environment we are raised in. If you're
raised in the South, you're likely to be a Republican. If you're raised in Gaza, you're likely to be a Jew hating asshole
with a victimhood complex. It doesn't mean there aren't those who refuse to believe or behave according to
convention, it just means that humans by nature are herd animals.

Michael Anastasiou
So accurate are only atheists because of their environment...doesn't escape what I've said. It just broadens the scope
of view. Ultimately atheists are atheists because they had to determined by the fluctuation of atomic and sub
particles making up all matter. There's still no such thing as certainty or choice.

Michael Anastasiou
X has to be X regardless.
Please forgive my auto-correct

Aaron Joseph Graf
You know. For someone who claims I was being disrespectful, you sure are spewing out a lot of generalizations

Michael Anastasiou
Not at all! I'm just saying what you told me!
See first corny you made to me.
Check if I misquoted. Everything is matter...subsisting of atomic and subatomic particles that fluctuate as the laws of
nature dictate. You said yes.
First comment. Oie. Sorry.
So as what you referred to (environment) is comprised of such matter....I don't see where I 'generalized'. I'm just
saying fatalism is the natural conclusion. The ideas of choice and certainty of knowledge thus are illusion-ary.
Consciousness is why most secular scientists hold to a form of deism. Choice and certainty (let alone morality)
logically require transcedentals (non-matter if you will) ...and a transcendental first cause to account for it.

Michael Anastasiou does not need to live visibly consistent. I can live as though i have choice and certainty of
knowledge....while claiming to be a naturalist atheist. But this is accomplished by either not realizing this
intellectual contradiction...or by facing it and then pretending it doesn't exist.

Michael Anastasiou
You strike me as someone big aware and intellectual gifted and quite capable of realizing the problem posed. Either
I have free choice over my thoughts...or they are forced upon me. If forced...there's no confidence what is forced is
true. As all thoughts are forced..even affirming ones.

Michael Anastasiou
*who's aware (my auto-correct is very annoying! Doesn't even make sense sometimes Lol)

Aaron Joseph Graf
I disabled autocorrect for a reason.

Michael Anastasiou
Good idea! Ty

Aaron Joseph Graf
Well, most peoples thoughts are forced on them from the time they are kids. In China, you are likely to become an
Atheist. In India, a Hindu. In Iran, a Shia. In Gaza, a racist asshole. In Alabama, a Christian. Some peoples brains
simply weren't wired to oppose what they have been made to believe. Others are.

Michael Anastasiou
why are you going back to some?
Has it not been already established all?

Aaron Joseph Graf
I mention some because no human brain is the same

Michael Anastasiou
"All thoughts are forced." Do you posit an exception?
Seen 10:19pm

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