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Sources of HB.

Adding equal portions of beet juice, orange juice and carrot

juice and drinking it before breakfast help raise haemoglobin

Foods like eggs, dark vegetables, green leaves, dried fruits, nuts
and beans are also rich in iron.

Tamarind leaves are excellent source for raising haemoglobin. Iron

blockers like tea, coffee, milk etc. should be avoided and iron
supplements and vitamin C should be taken for better absorption of
foods rich in iron.

Deficiency of folic acid could result in low haemoglobin. Eating

pumpkins that are rich in vitamins and folic acid could thus raise Hb

It will be more beneficial if you take vitamin C supplements or foods

rich in vitamin C along with the treatment of iron deficiency
anaemia. Vitamin C helps in the increased absorption of iron in the
body and thereby increases haemoglobin levels.
Guavas help treat iron-deficiency anaemia and are also believed to prevent leukaemia.

The iron found in animal sources is called haeme (ferrous, Fe 2+),

which is highly available for absorption and usually 20-30% of it is
absorbed from the diet. Shell fish, chicken, liver, beef, red meat,
turkey, fish, pork etc. are good sources of iron.

Foods to Raise Hemoglobin Blood Levels

Hemoglobin is the protein in red blood cells that transports oxygen from your lungs to the rest of
the body. Because iron is an important component of hemoglobin, consuming iron-rich foods
will raise your hemoglobin levels. Low hemoglobin levels can lead to iron deficiency anemia.
This condition causes a rapid heartbeat, fatigue, a weakened immune system and shortness of

Fortified Foods
Many foods are enriched with iron to increase your daily intake. These products include
breakfast cereals, pasta, bread, malted drinks and grits. The Food and Nutrition Board
recommends 18 mg of iron for women and 8 mg for men. Many cereals contain enough iron to
fulfill your daily allowance in one serving. Check package labels for more information.

Animal Sources
The iron from animal sources is more easily absorbed by your body than the iron from plant
sources. Therefore seafood, poultry, eggs and beef are good sources of iron. Seafood selections
include clams, salmon, oysters and sardines. Other sources include beef and chicken liver. These
foods are also good sources of protein, which you needs for tissue growth and repair.

Plant Sources
If you are a vegan, eat pulses and beans to raise your hemoglobin levels. Good sources include
red kidney beans, lentils, soybeans, black beans, white beans and cowpeas. The American
Dietetic Association encourages eating these foods with vitamin C-rich foods to maximize iron
absorption. The Office of Dietary Supplements lists citrus fruits and juices, kiwi fruit, broccoli,
baked potatoes and tomatoes as rich sources of vitamin C. Snack on dried prunes, apricots,
raisins, Brazil nuts and almonds.

Other Foods
Vitamin B-12 and folate also aid in the production of red blood cells. Folate naturally occurs in
turnip greens, okra, collards, artichokes, spinach and asparagus. Cheese, milk and yogurt are rich
sources of B-12. Choose nonfat and low-fat varieties. Avoid consuming dairy products with ironrich foods because the calcium in them reduces the absorption of iron.

Low Hemoglobin Food and Diet

A liberal intake of iron rich foods will immediately check iron deficiency anemia.
Initially, to make up for the deficit, iron supplements are advised. But gradually, taper the
dependence. Good sources of iron are- whole wheat, brown rice, green leafy vegetable
(spinach, broccoli. Cabbage, fenugreek, lettuce), beet, cherries, tomatoes, dates, figs.

Consumption of iron alone will not help.

The low hemoglobin diet must also comprise of adequate protein. Milk and its products,
egg, organ meat and soy are the best sources.

When taking iron foods/ a supplement, always take vitamin C alongside. This facilitates
the absorption of iron.

Vitamin B should also be taken liberally for increasing hemoglobin level. Sources
whole cereals, fruits and vegetables and milk.

Beet is the ideal food, which stimulates haemoglobin production. It regenerates RBC
production and speedily fights the symptoms of anemia.

Anulom-vilom, a breathing technique (PRANAYAMA), should be done, religiously

everyday. It purifies the body; throwing out toxins, improve bodys resistance and helps
in normal vesicular breathing.

Eat food containing iron.

Eat green leafy vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, collards, etc.

Green peas and other varieties of peas.

Liver, chicken, turkey.

Egg, organ meat beef and lamb.

Iron fortified cereals and brown rice.

Iron supplements in tablets and capsules.

If you are taking supplementary iron, orange juice helps it to absorb effectively.

A healthy diet is one of the best ways to boost the levels of hemoglobin in the blood.
Alternatively use of iron and folic acid supplements would also prove beneficial.

However, the use of supplements is often associated with side effects like constipation.
Here are some of the dietary measures to boost your hemoglobin levels.

Include green leafy vegetables in your daily diet. Spinach, Broccoli, Mustard greens,
Arugula,Dandelion Greens, Collard Greens,Romaine Lettuce,Swiss Chard, etc are great
sources of vitamin A, C, K, folate, calcium and iron. They are also rich in fiber which is
essential to alleviate symptoms like constipation in elderly. These foods are packed with
antioxidants that prevent the occurrence of conditions like cancers and cardiovascular

Apricots, dates, raisins, Cashew nuts, figs, soy, sesame seeds, etc are also rich sources of

Wheat germ, Wheat flakes, oat bran should form an integral part of your diet. Malt bread,
Whole grain bread and cereals are packed with iron and folic acid which is essential to
boost the levels of hemoglobin in your blood.

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