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Read the Signs Life Gives Us

by Keith Varnum
To look is one thing.
To see what you look at is another.
To understand what you see is a third.
To learn from what you understand is still something else.
But to act on what you learn is all that really matters!

- Native American Wisdom

Your spirit has great plans for you this lifetime! Want to know what they are? O
ur souls are enjoying a fun adventure, while most egos are enduring a frustratin
g nightmare. Our souls are creating exactly what they dream. Most personalities
fall short in satisfying their desires. The vibrant success of the soul is littl
e known only because most of us aren?t taught how to connect with the exciting s
cenario of the soul.
Spirit Rules!
The soul is in charge of our lives! Our souls have been running the show from be
hind the scenes since the beginning of time. And you can easily tap into your so
ul?s point of view and find out what your soul?s been up to since the moment you
were born.
The most direct route the soul takes to connect with us is by speaking with a si
lent inner voice or urging. It tries to reach us through intuition. But often we
don't, or can't, receive this direct inner communication. Spirit then resorts t
o using our outer world to get our attention to deliver its guidance. The ever-i
nventive soul tries to get through to us by way of noticeable, distinctive, stra
tegically-timed signs in the form of events in our daily life.
Constant Guidance
Reading outer signs is a way to intuitively and gracefully open your personality
to the wonders, wisdom, support and guidance of your own brilliant soul plan. O
ur soul is always trying to guide us. Spirit uses these outer signposts to steer
us toward our goals. We live in an interactive, responsive Universe that is des
igned to fulfill our deepest dreams?if we would only play along!
The Deck is Stacked in Our Favor
There is a science, as well as an art, to reading signs and signals. Our beliefs
and intentions go out from us and have an impact not only on other people, but
also on what happens to us.
Signs and synchronicity are pure physics. All outer signs are a mirror reflectio
n of our inner consciousness. The quantum mechanics of meaningful coincidences i
s constantly working for us. Our magnetic field of energy is always attracting e
xactly what we need to create our hearts? desires. We?re destined to enjoy an ab
undant life?and the Universe is designed to help us find it.
You can successfully navigate through the myriad of your life choices by using t
he precise guidance system that the outer world constantly presents. You can inc
rease the number of fulfilling life opportunities by increasing the accuracy of
your interpretations of signs. And you can open the door to more magic, meaning
and money in your world by learning to suspend skepticism and conditioned respon
All our emotions and dreams are encoded messages from Spirit. The soul also talk
s to us through inner and outer coded symbols, sounds and unusual lights, or int
ermediaries like angels and spirit guides. Often the soul has to resort to drama
tic, external events to grab our attention, like body symptoms or car and comput
er trouble. When has your soul had to resort to strong medicine to get your atte
ntion? (for example, sickness, accident, divorce)
Cloaked in Mystery
The traditional path of outer sign reading is one of mystery and mysticism. It h
as been an intrigue full of secrecy and sacred rites. But this ancient divining
path can also be walked with practical feet! The mystical approach once simplifi
ed and clarified, can be a very easy, dynamic, productive and rewarding way to l
ive your everyday life?and to create the realities you want for your enjoyment a
nd growth.
Reconnect with an Ancient Approach to Life
For thousands of years human civilization has used the outer world for guidance.
Only in the last few hundred years have we lost touch with this ancient and eff
ective way to follow the divine destiny of our lives. The successful civilizatio
ns of Babylon, Egypt and Greece followed oracles who divined omens and messages
from beyond. Even up to the time of Shakespeare, folks were guided by reading th
e signs of the outer world. The Bard?s plays are full of references to omens and
You can employ this ancient approach to create miracles in your everyday modern
world?and attract abundance in your bank account, vitality in your body and sati
sfaction in your bedroom. Reading signs is a very practical ways to make room in
your personal Universe for daily magic.
A Helpful Early Warning System
Life offers us a practical Early Warning System?if we pay attention! Life gives
us messages. When we fail to get the message, life gives us a lesson. If we don?
t learn the lesson, life gives us a problem. If we don?t deal with the problem,
life gives us a crisis. If we don?t handle the crisis, life quits giving!
What early warning signals from your universe have you been disregarding?
Action Means You Got the Message
In many Native American languages, the word for getting the message is the same
word used for my life has changed. In other words, in their culture, if you dont
act on the guiding signs presented by the Great Spirit, you didnt really get th
e message. If you dont make the necessary changes in your behavior and attitude
to alter the course of your destiny, you never really understood the true import
of the message.
Being in intimate touch with the ebb and flow of the interconnectedness of life,
indigenous peoples recognize lifes outer signals as useful Early Warning Signs.
These outer signs are reflecting the inevitable outer course of our inner river
of consciousness. Native peoples know the only way to have their life unfold ha
rmoniously is to respond immediately to the accurate feedback life gives them. F
or indigenous people, there is no middle ground as there is for most modern, int
ellectual Westerners.
Modern folks often respond differently to divine assistance. Instead of respondi
ng immediately as would native peoples, contemporary Americans typically ?think?
about the signs being given by Spirit. Even after recognizing the wisdom of the
message, most people still don?t make the indicated changes in their life. In a
llowing the thinking mind to enter into the equation, we invite misinterpretatio
n, discounting, invalidation and even denial of the message. And most often, the
result of this mental intervention is inaction. We always have our ?good reason
s? not to make the changes suggested by Spirit!
The Road to Magic
I happened upon this invaluable, built-in divination system in my youth. I found
when I acted from the outer signals Spirit sent me, my life unfolded in wondrou
s and magical ways. And I noticed that when I hesitated and questioned my extern
al guidance, I often ended up not taking the suggested actions, which usually le
d to unfavorable and even disastrous outcomes.
After years of painful personal experimentation with ignoring and denying the Ea
rly Warning Signs life constantly gives me, I now heed Spirit?s messages?without
hesitation or analysis!

Drawing from the wisdom of native and ancient spiritual traditions, Keith Varnum
shares his 30 years of practical success as an author, personal coach, acupunct
urist, filmmaker, radio host, restaurateur, vision quest guide and international
seminar leader with ?The Dream Workshops?. Keith helps people get the love, mon
ey, and health they want with his F-r-e-e Prosperity Ezine, F-r-e-e Abundance Ta
pe and F-r-e-e Coaching at

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