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Kuang Heng, the Hardworking Boy

There lived a poor boy named Kuang Heng in China. He loved reading.
Through reading, he found happiness and joy. Unfortunately, Kuang Heng cannot
afford to buy books. So he would work for the rich and asked for books in return.
The riches would give him a lot of books because he was helpful and hardworking.
Kuang Heng worked during the day and read at night. However, he had to to
use candles to read because he was still poor. Each time the candle burnt out, he
had to stop reading.
One night, while he was reading, the moon was shining brightly. He saw a ray
of light shining through a hole in the wall. He went
near to see where the light was coming from. It
was from his neighbours house. Kuang Heng
thought of an idea. He took his knife and widened
the hole to allow more light to come in. Soon, it
was bright enough for him to do his reading. He
was glad that he could read more books.
Years passed and his diligence paid off. Kuang Heng has become an
intelligent and full of wisdom as he wrote many books and became famous in China.
It was determination and diligence that made him today.

Find the meaning of the words:

Ability to buy

1. poor

: ____________________

2. afford

: ____________________

3. burnt out

: ____________________

To stop functioning

4. shining

: ____________________

Quickness of understanding

5. diligence

: ____________________


6. intelligent

: ____________________

Having little money

Constant effort to achieve


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