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The amino acid homocysteine is also part of the list of facts that make you more

prone to suffer cerebrovascular diseases cause this amino acid in excess will
cause a medical situation called hyperhomocysteinemia caused by low levels of
vitamin B6, B12 and folic acid , this combination of facts also have consequences
that affects the CV system like the low level of acid folic is inversely proportional
whit the levels of homocysteine at the blood and if the levels of homocysteine
increase it will produce arteriosclerosis disease and also it produces the debility of
the endothelium that combined will make your brain vessels more prone to break
suffering an hemorrhage or if the endothelium is affected the absorption of
nutrients and other important substances between the blood and the brain cells will
be affected and it also produces arterial ischemia reducing the irrigation of blood in
the brain producing brain stroke damaging different parts of the brain also when
homocysteine autoxidates produce reactive species of oxygen can be the
beginning for the developing of hyperhomocysteinemia causing arteriosclerosis
and helps the formation of clots in the brain vessels also the damage of endothelial
walls decrease the production of nitric oxide developing a trend to arterial spasm
which is the sudden narrowing for a period of time affecting the fluid of blood in
vessels that can have repercussions as activate the coagulation system or it can
disturb the pressure in vessels will cause the rupture of one of it or any other
complication associated with the fluid of blood in the brain vessels ," the
population studies of this cases have shown that for every 5 mol/L increase in the
concentration of homocysteine cardiovascular risk it is increased 20 - 30 %" (Ros &
Pinto, 2003) this studies shows the relation this amino acid have with the
production of cerebrovascular accidents cause as you know cardiovascular

diseases are extremely related to cerebrovascular diseases cause it will cause

serious amounts of troubles and complications for the brain circulatory system .
Hyperhomocysteinemia aggravates patients facts that also produce CV diseases
like diabetes , cigarettes and hypertension multiplying the risk for the patient of
suffering a CV disease by potentiating the bad effect this other facts have in human
body also " recent studies have found that homocysteine is a potent risk factor for
dementia and Alzheimer's disease " (Ros & Pinto, 2003) showing the influence this
amino acid have in our brain activity and the a lot of functions and facts that this
amino acid affects that helps the development of CV diseases .

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