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General Biology 1

Bio 1 Lecture Unit 1


Biology: “Science of LIFE”

From the Greek, bios – life
logos – reasoned account

➢ Characteristics and behavior of organism, origin of species and individuals,

interaction with each other and with their environment.
➢ Scientific extension of human tendency
○ Feel connection and be curios about all forms of life
➢ Biophilia: innate attraction to life in its diverse forms (Wilson, Harvard)
○ Sense of connection to diverse organisms and also our attraction to
pristine landscape with clean air and lush vegetation

A. Biodiversity
➢ The variety of organisms on earth
○ Ecological diversity
○ Genetic diversity
➢ Changing environment condition --- only diversity can ensure that
some individuals or species will be able to adapt to changes

Estimate of Biodiversity on Earth

• Total number of species of plants and animals: 10 – 30 Milliom
• Identified and categorized around 1.7 Million only (3/5 are insects)

The Philippines: a mega diverse country

• More than 9,250 native vascular plant species
• One third are endemic

A. Classification: arranging the biodiversity of life

➢ Kingdoms of Life
i. 1700s - Plantae
- Animalia

ii.1800s - Protista
- Plantae
- Animalia

iii.1900s - Two Empires (based on the nucleus)

i. Eukaryota

➢ Four Kingdom Scheme

i. Monera

➢ Five Kingdom Scheme (Whittaker, 1969)

i. Monera

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General Biology 1
Bio 1 Lecture Unit 1

➢ Six Kingom Scheme
i. Eubacteria (true)
(Archezoa, Chromista)

B. Levels of Organization
➢ Domain: higher forms
i. Bacteria: Eubacteria
ii.Archaea: Archaeabacteria
iii.Eukarya: Eukaryotes (Animalia, Plantae, Protista, Fungi)
➢ Kingdom
➢ Phylum
➢ Class
➢ Order
➢ Family
➢ Genus
➢ Species

C. Basic Food Chain

➢ Energy
➢ Sun
➢ Air, Soil Materials
➢ Producers
➢ Herbivores
➢ Omnivores
➢ Parasites
➢ Carnivores
➢ Decomposer

D. Characteristics of Life
Characteristic Explanation Example

Day to Day Survival: Overcoming Disorganization

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General Biology 1
Bio 1 Lecture Unit 1

1. Order or There is a precise Frogs have one eye on

Organization arrangement of each side of the head
structures and activities
in living things, and
each has a specific
relation to others.

2. Adaptation Specific structures and Frogs have a long sticky

behavior suit organisms tongue that entraps
to their environment insects and other food

3. Metabolism/ Organized chemical A frog digests an ant

Energy Utilization steps break down into small chemicals;
molecules and convert then reorganizes them
them into products that into new body parts.
build body parts or
make energy available.

4. Movement Using their own power, A frogs’ tongue flips out

organisms are able to to snag a fly
move themselves or
their body parts through

5. Responsiveness Organisms perceive the When a frog sees an

environment and react ant, it flips out its
to it. tongue.

6. Homeostasis Regulatory mechanisms Regulation of the

maintain an organism’s amount of blood flowing
internal environment through the blood
within tolerable limits. vessel

Survival Over Time: Continuing the group despite the Death of Individuals

7. Reproduction Organisms give rise to Frogs produce more

others of the same type frogs

8. Growth and Ordered sequences of An egg becomes a

Development progressive changes tadpole, which becomes
result in increased a frog

9. Inheritance Organisms have units of Genes control whether

inheritance that control a frog will be red or
physical, chemical and black.
behavioral traits.

Group Changes Over Time: Adjusting to Environmental Change

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General Biology 1
Bio 1 Lecture Unit 1

10. Evolution Through evolution, Bright red frogs with

species acquire new poison skin survive and
ways to survive, to reproduce effectively in
obtain and use energy, the cloud forest
and to reproduce. environment.

A. Levels of Organization

Atom The smallest particle of an element that retains the properties of

that element
Molecule A combination of atoms
Organelle A structure within a cell that performs specific function
Cell The smallest unit of life
Tissue A group of similar cells that perform a specific function
Organ A structure within an organism usually composed of several tissue
types that form a functional unit
Organ - Two or more organs working together in the execution of a
System specific bodily function
Organism An individual living thing comprised of many cells
Population Members of one species inhabiting the same area
Community Two or more populations of different species living and interacting
in the same area
Ecosystem A community together with its non living surrounding
Biomes Large scale communities classified by predominant vegetation
type and distinctive combinations of plants and animals
Biosphere The part of the earth inhabited by living organisms; includes both
the living and non living components.

B. Subdivisions of Biology
➢ Y Axis: Organism
i. Botany – Plants
1. Phycology – Algae
2. Bryology – Mosses or Bryophytes
3. Pteridology – Ferns
ii.Zoology – Animals
1. Acarology – Mite and Ticks
2. Entomology – Insects
3. Helminthology – Worms or Parasites
4. Ichthyology – Fishes

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General Biology 1
Bio 1 Lecture Unit 1

5. Ornithology – Birds
iii.Microbiology – Microorganisms
1. Bacteriology – Bacteria
2. Mycology – Fungi
➢ X Axis: Levels of Biological Organization
i. Molecular Biology
1. Cell – Cytologists
2. Population
3. Community
➢ Z Axis: Content Areas
i. Biochemistry – Biomolecules
iv.Evolution – Changes
v.Genetics – Heredity and Variation
vi.Histology – Tissues
vii.Morphoanatomy – Parts
viii.Physiology – Function
ix.Systematics – Classification, Order

C. Themes of Life
➢ Structure and Function Correlation
➢ Form fits function – Biological Structure
➢ Clue: [1]What it does and [2] How it functions
➢ Unity in Diversity
➢ Life is so diverse: Enormous Biological Diversity
➢ Unity
○ Universal Genetic Code
○ Similar Metabolic Pathways
○ Similar Cell Structures
➢ Evolution: Change over Time
➢ Common Ancestor (Branching Tree of Life)
➢ Natural Selection – Differential Reproductive Success

A. The Scientific Method

➢ Series of steps for answering questions
➢ Hypothetico Deductive Thinking
○ Hypothesis: an explanation on trial, educated guess
○ Deductive Reasoning: from general premises to specific result
 Prediction about result of experiment or observation

Ask A Question

Do Background Research

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General Biology 1
Bio 1 Lecture Unit 1

Construct a Hypothesis Think it again

Test with an Experiment

Analyze Results
Draw Conclusion

Hypothesis is

Report Results

➢ The “If ….. then Logic”

○ If a particular hypothesis is correct, we test the hypothesis
by performing an experiment to see whether or not the
predicted result occur, then it is true or not.

A. Controlled Experiment: a [1] control group and an [2] experimental group.

➢ Treated alike except for one variable in the experiment design to test.

B. Theory: Generalizations based on many observations and experiment with

broad application.

C. Law: theory proven to be absolutely true.

Sample: To test the effect of day length on plant flowering plants, compare
➢ Normal , Natural day length (Control)
➢ Several Variations (Experimental)
➢ Replication of Data

A. Early Science
 Aristotle: made systematic observations
 Anaximander: everything in the universe was composed of earth,
fire, wind and water
 Pythagoras:
 Democritus: indivisible atoms

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General Biology 1
Bio 1 Lecture Unit 1

 Hippocrates: method of medical diagnosis

 Ptolemy: Earth is the center of the universe
 Copernicus: Earth is not the center of the universe
 Galileo Galilee: First Telescope
 Kepler: Law of Planetary Motion, Universe

A. Beginnings of Modern Biology

• Vesalius: Human Anatomy(using body calibers/corps)
• Harvy: Circulation (the heart pumps and blood circulates)
• Van Leeuwenhoek: Simple Microscope
• Pasteur: Disproved Theory of Spontaneous Generation
• Lister: Effectiveness of antiseptic
• Darwin: Theory of Evolution

A. Milestones in Modern Biological Science

1. Theory of Evolution
✔ Gradual change of life forms from time
✔ Natural Selection
2. Cell Theory
✔ Cell as the basic unit of life
✔ Schleiden, Schwann, Virchow
3. Central Dogma in Molecular Biology
✔ DNA is the primary genetic material
✔ James Watson, Francis Crick
✔ Processes:
1. Replication: Synthesis of DNA
2. Transcription: Synthesis of RNA
3. Translation: Synthesis to Protein

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