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Notes: Energy Conversions

Where do cells get their energy from?
What are the primary sources of chemical energy?
What happens to the energy in food before it can be utilized by the body?
What molecule is the primary energy currency of the cell?
Why cant energy be used directly from food?
How many ATP could be made from 1 glucose molecule?
What process releases the energy that is inside of food molecules?

Where are the reactants found in a chemical equation?

What are reactants?
What are the specific raw materials needed for cellular respiration?
Where are the products found in a chemical equation?
What are products?
What specific products are formed during cellular respiration?

What does it mean when heat/energy appears on the products side on a

chemical equation?
What is the purpose of respiration?
Most of respiration occurs in which organelle?
What process allows cells to make ATP without oxygen?
Is fermentation more or less efficient than respiration?
What is a by-product of fermentation in muscle cells?
What does the collection of lactic acid produce?
What are two products of fermentation by yeast which are used in food
Do plant cells have mitochondria to convert food energy into ATP?
What does it mean for cells to be autotrophic?
What process allows plants to make their own food?

What substances are the reactants (raw materials) needed for plants to do
What substances are the products of plants performing photosynthesis?

Which product of photosynthesis is actually the food source?

What does it mean when heat/energy appears on the reactants side on a
chemical equation?
Plants absorb energy from what source?
What does the prefix photo- mean?
What energy conversion occurs in plant cells?
Which organelle absorbs light and performs photosynthesis?
What molecule actually absorbs light inside chloroplasts?
Why is chloro- used for naming this molecule and organelle?
Seeds and very young plants need oxygen to grow and not carbon dioxide.
Why is this?
What abiotic factor is not found at great ocean depths?
What do hydrothermal vents provide?
What organisms perform chemosynthesis?
Where does the energy needed to perform chemosynthesis come from?
What role do chemosynthetic bacteria fill?

What larger animals often host these bacteria?


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