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Chapter 1 Gender and Society

1. Generally: / den. r. l.i / (adverb) = Biasanya
B2 considering the whole of someone or something,
and not just a particular part of them:
B1 usually, or in most situations:
B2 by most people, or to most people:
2. Role / rl /
/ rol / noun [ C ] (DUTY) =
B2 the position or purpose that someone or
something has in a situation, organization,
society, or relationship:
3. Role model / noun / [ C ] = Panutan
C1 a person who someone admires and whose
behaviour they try to copy:
4. Behaviour UK ( US behavior ) / bhe.vj r / / -vj
/ noun [ U ] = Tingkah Laku
B1 the way that someone behaves:
5. Male / mel / adjective (SEX) = Pria
B1 describes men or boys, or the sex that fertilizes
eggs, and does not produce babies or eggs itself:
6. Characteristic / / / ker- /
adjective = Sifat Khas
C2 typical of a person or thing:
7. Female / fi.mel / adjective (SEX) = Wanita
B1 belonging or relating to women, or the sex that
can give birth.
8. Reverse / rvs / / -vs / verb [ T ] (CHANGE
TO OPPOSITE) = Kebalikan
C1 to change the direction, order, position, result,
etc. of something to its opposite:
9. Masculine / ms.kj.ln / adjective (MALE) =
C1 having characteristics that are traditionally
thought to be typical of or suitable for men:
10. Feminine / fem..nn / adjective (FEMALE) =
Berhub dg wanita

C1 having characteristics that are traditionally

thought to be typical of or suitable for a woman:
11. Nomadic / nmd.k / / no- / adjective
a member of a group of people who move from one
place to another rather than living in one place all of
the time:
12. Show-off / .f /
/ o.f / noun [ C ]
a person who shows off (= behaves in a way intended
to attract attention that other people often find
13. Make-up / mek.p / noun [ U ] (FOR
A2 coloured substances used on your face to
improve or change your appearance:
14. Attraction / trk. n / noun=Pertunjukan
B1 [ C or U ] something that makes people want to
go to a place or do a particular thing:
15. Irresistible / /adjective=Tidak Bisa
C2 impossible to refuse, oppose, or avoid because
too pleasant, attractive, or strong: an irresistible offer
16. Charm / tm /
/ trm / noun [ C or U ]
B2 a quality that makes you like or feel attracted to
someone or something:
17. Appearance / p.rns / / -pr. ns / noun
(BEING PRESENT)=Penampilan
B2 [ C ] an occasion when someone appears in
18. Level / lev. l / adjective (EQUAL)= Rata
having the same value, amount, number of points, etc.:
19. Equal / i.kwl / adjective (SAME)=Setara
B1 the same in amount, number, or size:

20. Investigate / / verb

[ T ]=Menyelidiki
B2 to examine a crime, problem, statement, etc.
carefully, especially to discover the truth:
21. Conclude / knklud / verb [ T ]
C1 to judge or decide something after thinking
carefully about it:
[ + that ] The jury concluded from the evidence
that the defendant was innocent.
22. Gap / p / noun (HOLE)=Celah
B1 [ C ] an empty space or opening in the middle of
something or between two things:
23. Gap in the market C2 [ C ]=Kelangkaan
an opportunity for a product or service that does not
already exist: [+] There is a gap in the magazine
market that needs to be filled.
24. Possibly / ps..bli /
/ p.s- / adverb (NOT
A2 used when something is not certain:
25. Assertive / / / -s.t v / adjective = Tegas
C2 describes someone who behaves confidently and
is not frightened to say what they want or believe:
26. Knowledge / nl.d // n.ld / noun=Pengetahuan
B1 [ S or U ] understanding of or information
about a subject that you get by experience or study,
either known by one person or by people generally:
*Word partner with Knowledge
acquire / gain / have knowledge knowledge of sth
detailed / in-depth / thorough knowledge firsthand / intimate / personal knowledge deny (all)
knowledge of sth background / general / specialist
knowledge be/become common / public knowledge
a thirst for knowledge (not) to sb's knowledge
with / without sb's knowledge in the knowledge
27. Ability / bl..ti // -.t i /noun [C or U]=Kemampuan

B1 the physical or mental power or skill needed to

do something:
*Word partners for ability
demonstrate / have / possess ability lack ability
lose the ability to do sth affect / limit sb's ability to
do sth innate / instinctive / natural ability amazing
/ remarkable / uncanny ability proven ability
28. Encourage / nkr.d / / -k- /verb
[ T ]=Mendorong
B1 to make someone more likely to do something,
or to make something more likely to happen:
[ T + to infinitive ] We were encouraged to learn
foreign languages at school.
B1 to talk or behave in a way that gives someone
confidence to do something:
29. Chair / te r // ter / noun [C ] (TITLE)=Kepala
(the official position of) a person in charge of a
meeting or organization, or a position in an official
group, or the person in charge of or having an
important position in a college or university
30. Firefighter / fafa.t r // farfa.t /noun [ C ]
B1 a person whose job is to stop fires from burning
31. Flight at tendant noun [ C ]
someone who serves passengers on an aircraft
32. Mail carrier noun [ C ] ( also
US for Postman

letter carrier )/

33. Nurse /ns // ns / verb [ T ] (TAKE CARE OF)

A2 (the title given to) a person whose job is to care
for people who are ill or injured
34. Executive / /
/ -j.t v / noun [ C ]
C1 ( informal exec ) someone in a high position,
especially in business, who makes decisions and puts
them into action:
35. Salesperson / selzp.s n /
/ -p- / noun [ C ]
A2 a person whose job is selling things in shop or


Chapter 1 Gender and Society

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