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Pokemon Go
1. What do you know about Pokmom GO?

2. Watch the video which introduced Pokmon GO to the world.


Is this something that looks like fun, or is it a waste of time?

Have you downloaded the app?
Have you played it yet?
Do you know anyone who has?

3. Match the words with their definitions:

1. Imaginary (adj.)
2. Mine field (n)
3. Pond (n)
4. To train (v)
5. Twice adv)
6. Overtake (v)
7. Impact (n)
8. Hacker (n)
9. To trick (v)
10.Theft (n)
11.To sponsor (v)
12.Shipwreck (n)
13.Cliff (n)
14.Break into (v)

a. to give money to support something

b. a rock face, especially at the edge of the sea
c. when something is taken or stolen by a thief
d. a person who uses computers to illegally get access to
e. a small body of water (smaller than a lake)
f. to fool someone, act dishonestly
g. two times
h. a place outside with explosives or bombs
i. fictional, not real
j. the place at sea where a ship rests after it is
k. to pass something
l. to teach (a person or animal) something over time
m. enter a house or other place when you are not
n. influence

4. Read the Text:

Nintendos famous game Pokmon is new again! Pokmon GO is
a free Android and iOS reallity game that was developed by
Niantic, and was released in the United States, Canada, and large
parts of Europe in July of this year Japan (the home of Pokmon)
is still waiting! In the 1990s, people collected Pokmon cards,
but now players walk around the real world to find imaginary or
mythical creatures called Pokmon (or pocket monsters).
Players take them prisoner, but they can also train them to fight
with each other. By using GPS, Google Maps, and a smartphone's
camera, Pokmon GO makes players feel like these cute little
monsters really exist.
As players walk in the real world, their game character moves too. Players
catch Pokmon by walking to places where, for example, the
grass is moving. Then they can throw a Pokeball at it to try to
catch it. When this happens, your screen says Gotcha! (or
got you!). Players can also walk to special places in the game
called "PokeStops" or "Gyms". At PokeStops, players can find
PokeBalls and candy to feed their Pokmon. At Gyms, players
can get their pokmon to fight another pokmon to try to win that gym for their
How popular is it? Pokmon GO is number one in app stores. Forty-eight hours
after it was released, Go had been downloaded on to almost 6% of every
Android device in just the USA. The app was downloaded over 30 million times

in just one week, and the company has made over $35 million in two

weeks! Users are spending twice as much time on Go than on others

apps like Snapchat. It is believed that the Pokmon GO app will soon
overtake Twitter in the number of daily active users.
Soon players will be able to buy a Pokmon GO Plus device
which they can wear on their wrists (like a watch) or on their
clothes. It will allow players to play the game without looking at
their smartphones all the time. Every time a Pokemon is close, a
special light will flash (an LED) and it will vibrate
(bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!). The Pokmon GO Plus device isnt
available yet, but it should be ready by the end of July in the
USA, and by the end of August in the UK. It will sell for 34.99 in
the UK and $34.99 in the US, and people are already ordering it
like crazy!But, its not all fun and games. It is also having a huge negative
impact. Hackers have infected millions of smartphones with illegal copies of the
app. Other criminals are tricking players to go somewhere (the app tracks your
location via GPS) to find a Pokmon character, and then these criminals rob
them. One girl in California was killed because someone wanted her Pokmon
GO. Some players are going into other peoples houses to find their monsters.
Police in Northern Ireland told players, But theres a Zubat in there is NOT an
excuse for breaking into someones house. The computer magazine advised players: Don't go walking around neighbourhoods late at
night, and it suggested collecting Pokmon in crowded places to be extra safe.
Many, many Pokmon GO players were having
additional adventures while walking the streets:
theyve fallen into ponds, walked into trees and
buildings, walked off 15-metre cliffs, and in
Denmark someone found a dead body, and as we
have just said gotten robbed. In Bosnia, some
players are walking into mine fields with live
explosives while looking for their Pokmon
monsters. A local charity has put up signs to warn
Pokmon players of the danger. A few days ago in Barcelona, Japanese tourists
walked into a 1,270 metre-long tunnel (where pedestrians and cyclists cannot
enter), and police had to rescue them. This week Spanish police issued safety
instructions about how to play the Pokmon app so no one gets hurt.

People have even written guidebooks to help you find Pokestops. You can also
watch Youtube videos for tricks, or
download apps to help you find hard-tofind monsters. But not everyone is happy
about the places that have become
Pokestops; for example, police stations, a
shipwreck at
and even the White
House in Washington. The security guards who
caught the man looking for his Pokmon at the
White House were not very pleased. Nintendo has
made mountains of money from the original app,
but after Pokmon GO was released, they
decided to add something different: sponsored
locations. Restaurants and other public places pay to make their location a
Pokestop. Its a type of advertising. The manager of one restaurant in New York
City reported a 75% increase in his sales over just one weekend after he paid
$10 for his Pokestop. Its easy to see why a business (like a bar or restaurant)
in a big metropolitan city would want to do this. The amount of extra money
sponsored Pokespots could bring Nintendo and Niantic is incredible. Some
analysts believe that Pokmon GO could make billions of dollars a year. And is
there a positive for the average player? People are playing outside, getting
fresh air, and having fun. In one town in Britain, police said players reported a
theft in a house while hunting for their monsters. In fact, the police in the USA
have developed a strange Pokmon monster to attract the citys most
dangerous criminals. In some ways, Pokmon has joined the police force! Like
everything else, have fun, but be safe
5. Circle the correct answer: T (true) or F (false)

Pokmon was first created in the 1990s.

The original Pokmon was played with mobile phones.
Pokmon Go has been released around the world
Gotcha means caught you!
People are using their Pokmon GO Plus devices now
People have been seriously hurt or even killed because of the game.
There are Pokmon monster hiding in the White House
A sponsored Pokestop makes lots of money


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