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Im now investigating the Singularity and the Big Bang. Science

speculates that Time was born at a decimal point followed by 42 zeroes
and a 1 of a second, at which point the universe began to differentiate
as it is thought that Gravity broke free from the Fundamental Force at
that micro-nano-moment.

Science can make no definite claim about anything that happened before the
completion of Inflation at 10(-32) Plank Units, when Space was born and the
universe had apparently grown to the size of a grapefruit.

Before that, the Singularity was infinitely hot, dense and small, defying all the
laws of physics.

By 0.01 second, the four forces Gravity, Strong and Weak Nuclear, and
Electromagnetic had manifested. The particles called photons, bosons, quarks and
electrons had formed. By the end of the first second, the nuclei of deuterium,
helium and lithium had formed but electrons could not yet join them.

Those photons didn't provide visible light. They would have been gamma rays. It
was only from about 380,000 years after the Big Bang that light started to travel
freely in the universe. This then, might be the proper starting point of measurable

So science cannot explain most of the first second, particularly the phase which
defies the law of physics. Their Standard Cosmology begins at 0.01 second.

I think the answer is that the singularity and the universe only came into being
when Inflation was complete at 10(-32) Plank Units OR at 0.01 second when the
four forces had fully separated.

Before then, the singularity and the universe existed only in consciousness.

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