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The View from the Road bonata Appleyard, Kevin Lynch and John R. Myer ©) RCW ACHR UL Maer) Donald Apoleyard. Kevin Lynch and John R. Myer Publishedby The M.LT. Press forthe Joint, Cees eae La! icon eee oe eee ty ee ets ee ene Ce ene en eee ee coy eee eee any eee ae? created an important and controversial book erm eee ee ee es nen ener) eee ee eee eee ee een See ee ae ea eee Pe a EL ee a Donald Apployard isa graduate ofthe Archi tectural Association School in London and ete ee eg eo oe eee era) ee ry Since 1961 he has been Assistant Professor eee en Pees Cees a Ce neta etc eee ey Seen en eee ets Sree een ee ee eee ee Ee eee Re ee ee eee eee ae eee eee ae ate? eee ee eee Ce erence tn Peg red Corey enti te enna) ee eee od one eee Contents: 2 Preface 31. The Highway Landscape 4 The Highway Experience 6 The Elements of Attention 8 The Sense of Motion 10 Road Alignment 11, The Motion of the File 12 The Sense of Space 12: The Extonsion of Selt 14 Goal Approach 18 Orientation 17 Mesning 17 Rhythm and Continuity 18 Sequential Form 18 The Objectives of Design 49 2. Recording Highway Sequences 21. An Abstract Notation of Motion and Space 24 The Notation of Orientation 27 3, Analysis of an Existing Highway 28 The Approach to Central Boston via the Mystic River Bridge 80 Sequence Diagrams 32 A Tip on the Northeast Exoressway 238 The Trip in Review 39 4, Methods of Design {38 The Central Artery. Boston 40 The Boston Image 42 Design Procedure 45 The Size and Eccentricity ofthe Ring 48 Orientation of the Road System 48 The Fixing of the Main Intersections 48 Orientation to tha City {47 Space-Motion and View Diagrams 49 The Riverway 48 The Centerway 49 The Crossing 51 Interpretative Drawings 51 Road Environment 153 Some Comparisons withthe Official Route 54 Road Detail 97 The Night Scone 158 A Running Commentary on a Clockwise Trip 62 5. In Conclusion 164 Bibliography and Photographic Credits bso fr te Jon Caner for Uran Susie ar Harvard Uneraiyyhe MT. Pos. ‘comnisg. Masesenas ‘he suspies of he Joint Com or tan Masechuts Intute of Tecbology end ‘ounded in 1989 organs ané encourage planning. economies edveaton. enginet- Ing histor. pose. oa sence. The View from the Road wy covaio srrtevano, kevin even AND JOKN a, wvER Sezend pee, Janay, 1986 copriaht® 1066 bythe Mesachuats tint of Tecnology Foren Preface ‘This monograph deals with the esthetics of highways: the way they look tothe driver and his passongors, and what ths implios for thei