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June 4, 2008

Port Susan Middle

School Budget
Request for
2008-2009 School

Port Susan Middle School

Budget History and Request

Port Susan Middle School Budget History
Acct. Code Category 2004-05 2005-06 2006-2007 2007-2008
01-00-23-500-111 Principal's Supplies 1600 1200 1200 1200
01-00-23-700-111 Principal's Purch Services 500 250 250 500
01-00-23-800-111 Principal Travel 250 250 250 250
01-00-23-900-111 Principal's Capital Outlay 400 500 500 2400

01-00-24-500-111 Guidance Supplies 200 200 200 200

01-00-27-500-111 General Supplies 13360 15310 13233 15310

01-02-27-703-111 PS Registration 3500 3500 3500 3500
01-00-27-763-111 PS Xerox 21100 22000 22000 22000
01-00-27-700-111 Purchase Services 750 750 750 750
01-00-27-800-111 General Travel 750 750 750 1000
01-00-27-900-111 General Capital Outlay 6000 4400 4400 6000

01-11-27-513-111 Substitute Salaries 1750 1800 1800 1800

01-22-22-503-111 Library Book 0 0 0 5442

01-22-22-505-111 Library Supplies 2490 2400 2400 0
01-22-22-527-111 Library Curriculum Support/Books 7250 3675 3675 0
01-00-22-765-111 Learng. Res. Cont. Services 250 250 250 0
01-00-22-900-111 Learng Res. Capital Outlay 1475 1500 1500 0

01-32-27-500-111 Art Supplies 3650 3285 2200 925

01-32-27-700-111 Art Cont. Services 200 200 200 200
01-32-27-800-111 Art Travel 100 100 0
01-32-27-900-111 Art Capital Outlay 0 0

01-33-27-500-111 Band Supplies 2750 2500 1025 425

01-33-27-700-111 Band Cont. Services 2000 2000 1000 600
01-33-27-800-111 Band Travel 450 450 450 0
01-33-27-900-111 Band Capital Outlay 0 0 0

01-34-27-500-111 Chorus Supplies 1350 1850 1605 313

01-34-27-700-111 Chorus Cont. Services 760 760 437 437
01-34-27-800-111 Chorus Travel 0 0
01-34-27-900-111 Chorus Capital Outlay 0

01-35-27-500-111 Computer Supplies 2500 2500 1837.5 1000

01-35-27-700-111 Computer Cont. Services 0 0 0 0
01-35-27-900-111 Building Technology Cap. Outlay 6450 5000 4337.5 4337.5

01-36-27-500-111 Drama Supplies 250 300 300 0

01-37-27-500-111 Language Arts/English 1300 1800 900 0

01-38-27-500-111 Foreign Lang. Inst. Mtls. 350 350 200 0

01-39-27-500-111 Health 150 150 125 75

01-39-27-700-111 Health Purchase Svc 200 200 225 135

01-40-27-500-111 FACSE Supplies 2100 2100 1700 1000

01-40-27-700-111 FACSE Cont. Serv. 300 300 300 200

01-41-27-500-111 Industrial Arts Supplies 2000 2000 900 900

01-41-27-900-111 Ind. Arts Capital Outlay 300 300 300 300

01-44-27-500-111 Annual Supplies 250 200 200 0

01-45-27-500-111 Mathematics 890 1800 900 0

01-47-27-500-111 PE Supplies 2100 1800 900 300

01-48-27-500-111 Reading Program 2000 1800 0 0

01-49-27-500-111 Science 2000 1800 1800 800

01-50-27-500-111 Social Studies 500 1800 1400 0

01-52-500-111 Video Prod. Supplies 0 0 0 0

01-52-900-111 Video Prod. Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0

Total Basic Ed. 96425 94080 80000 72299.5

Allocation 96425 94080 80000 72299.5

BUDGET HISTORY AND REQUEST 2004 Ec. class--a total of 56 students @$10.00 = $560.00. I
Language Arts
2008-2009 also have an exploratory rotation of 6th graders that
are in need of supplies. A general budget of $600.00
Last year we donated our budget to the library. This should get me by.
year we’d like to use the money for the following: A spereate budget of $200.00 is used to maintain
✦ Low Level, High Interest book with Accelerated the sewing machines. I would hope to keep that
Reader Quizzes. These books would be circulated amount.
through he library for all students to have access to. A side note--food prices are rising. This request is
These books would benefit low-level readers AND ELL the bare minimum in which I could operate a successful
students. FASCE program. Amount $800.00
Ell Resources: How do we best meet the needs of
these students? Example: Dr. Maria Carbo “National
Health and Fitness
Reading Styles Institute” “Power Reading Stories”
Books on Tape. Amount: $900.00
We need 8 new master locks for our equipment. It
Math seems severalteacher/coaches have not locked them
2008-2009 properly after using them and now they are missing.
Our equipment is disappearing little by little. We try to
Rules: 300 replace one big item each year and with the budget
Graph paper: One case
from last year we were not able to do that. You were
Poster Graph Paper:
able to help us out and get us hockey equipment. If our
Compasses 30 (classroom set)
budget was $700.00 we could probably replace a big
Colored Pencils 30 (packs)
item and buy some new locks. Our budget was once
Hand Held Pencil Sharpeners (30) Amount:
$2000.00 a year. This last year it was cut to $300.00
and your help buying us something substantial.
We service every student and try to keep the
Band playground happy. This year many items were lost and
2008-2009 were mistreated. Equipment for classes of 30 students is
Supplies $525.00 ($50/piece of music x 4 expensive. We are requesting $900.00 for the coming
ensembles x2 pieces each (we used to request 12 pieces year. Amount $900.00
each = $400.00 plus reeds, drum heads, etc.)
Maintenance/Repairs $2000.00 (We had to delay 2008-2009
the servicing of many instruments at the end of 07-08
Last year the science department has not been
due to lack of funds. This is our budgeted amount we
funded adequately. The cost of replacing the science
had wen we had 600 students in the school, plus a little
kits and supplies for three grade levels is a challenge
more to make up for 07-08).
with what they have been funded. Amount $2,000
Travel $235.00 (We go to 3 elementary schools ($85
plus contest $150.00) Amount: $2760.00 Principals
FACSE Last year was our “big year” had the need to
2008-2009 replace technology in the office. This year, we do not
have the immediate need. We are requesting $500.00.
This year I spent an average of $10.00 per student
Amount $500.00
to supply groceries for cooking labs and materials for
sewing projects. Next year I will have one less Home

Library Computers and Graphic Arts
2008-2009 2008-2009
LLIBRARY BUDGET HISTORY This is a new course offering at PSMS. Software
will need to be bought for the students. Amount:
02-03 $ 5.900 $4,650
03-04 $ 6,959
04-05 $ 11,465
05-06 $ 7,825 Chorus
06-07 $ 7,565 2008-2009
07-08 $ 5,442
Replacement of music and competitions takes
The library budget is used for fiction collection money. Our chorus program is growing next year, and
development, AR quizzes and materials/supplies to maintain
the library. we will need to replace and add to some of the music,
Approx. 200 new books have been purchased this year and to enter competitions. Amount: $900.00
and 100 books for replacements and additional copies as
circulation demands.
Air Sports

This program has historically been underfunded.
Students moved and books not returned $300.00
Natural wear and tear discards/replacements $350.00 Amount $500.00

The 2006-07 school year was the first year collection Advisory
weeding was done. When Port Susan opened the SMS 2008-2009
librarian selected about one half the books from the existing
SMS collection and sent them to Port Susan. These were not To start advisory it will be around $5,600.00.
new books. We did not have an automated software program
and database at the time, but judging from the dates of books
weeded the average copyright of our fiction books when
PSMS opened 1982. From 2006 to present I have weeded
approximately 750 books from the PSMS collection.

Weeding criteria
• Copyright
• Usage
• Condition of book
• AR Quiz available?
• Is book still in print?
• Classic or award winner

No additional money has ever been placed in the library

budget to support AR and STAR reading assessment since
we started the program in 2003-04. These programs are
funded with donations and fundraising efforts. This year I
have used approximately $1,000.00 of book budget money to
purchase AR quizzes.

PSMS does not fund maintenance or development of

our nonfiction, biography, reference or professional
collection. Our current budget supports the fiction collection
Amount: ?

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