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Course Guide

Australian Foreign Policy

Drs. Tri Cahyo Utomo, MA
Nadia Farabi, S.Hub.Int., MA
Andi Akhmad Basith Dir, S.I.P., MA, MIS

This course examines the government and politics of Australia, as well as
Australian engagement in the global. It is intended as an introduction to Australian politics
and government. The course aims to introduce students to the history, ideology and
structures of politics and government in Australia, and to place Australian interests in the
context of external. At the end of the course, the students should be able to exhibit a
general understanding of politics and policy development in Australia, and have better
understanding of public policy issues in Australia.
The class will comprises lectures and discussion. Students will be required to read
texts provided by the lecturers, and be prepared for a class discussion.
Before Mid Semester Test
: 50%
- General class participation 20%
- Assignments 10%
- Mid Semester Test 20%
After Mid Semester Test
: 50%

Week-1 Introduction
- Overview
- Australian identity
- Australian people
1. Gibson, et al. 2005. Introduction in Australian Social Attitudes: The First Report by
Shaun Wilson et al. New South Wales: UNSW Press Ltd.
2. Evans, Ann & Edith Gray. 2005. What Makes an Australian Family? in Australian
Social Attitudes: The First Report by Shaun Wilson et al. New South Wales: UNSW
Press Ltd.
3. Bean, Clive. 2005. Is There A Crisis of Trust in Australia? Australian Social
Attitudes: The First Report by Shaun Wilson et al. New South Wales: UNSW Press
4. Goot, Murray & Ian Watson. 2005. Immigration, Multiculturalism and National
Identity Australian Social Attitudes: The First Report by Shaun Wilson et al. New
South Wales: UNSW Press Ltd.
Week-2 Historical Background
- European settlement
- Colonial independence
- Federation
1. Macintyre, Stuart. 2009. Beginnings in A Concise History of Australia, 3rd Edition.
Port Melbourne: Cambridge University Press.
2. Macintyre, Stuart. 2009. Newcomers, c. 1600-1792 in A Concise History of
Australia, 3rd Edition. Port Melbourne: Cambridge University Press.
3. Macintyre, Stuart. 2009. National Reconstruction in A Concise History of Australia,
3rd Edition. Port Melbourne: Cambridge University Press.
Week-3 Political Institutions
- The Australian system of government
- Parliament
- Executive government
- Federal system
1. Maddison, Sarah & Richard Denniss. 2009. Introduction in An Introduction to
Australian Public Policy: Theory and Practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University
2. Irving, Hellen. 2004. Introduction in Five Things to Know About The Australian
Constitution. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
3. Maddison, Sarah & Richard Denniss. 2009. The Australian Policy Context in An
Introduction to Australian Public Policy: Theory and Practice. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
4. Carney, Gerard. 2006. The Constitutional Evolution of the State in The
Constitutional System of the Australian States and Territories. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
5. Carney, Gerard. 2006. Executive Power in The Constitutional System of the
Australian States and Territories. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Week-4 Parties
- Political parties and the party system
- The electoral system
- The Australian Labor Party, the Liberal Party, and the National Party
- Minor parties and independents
1. Jackman, Simon. 2003. Political Parties and Electoral Behaviour in The
Cambridge Handbook of the Social Sciences in Australia by Ian McAllister, et al.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
2. Bennett, Scott & Rob Lundie. 2007. Australian Electoral Systems in Parliament of
Australia Research Paper 21 August 2007, No. 5, 2007-08.
3. Rodrigues, Mark & Scott Brenton. 2010. The Age of Independence? Independents
in Australian Parliaments in Australasian Parliamentary Revies, Autumn 2010, Vol.
25 (1) pg. 109-35.
Week-5 Decision Making Process
- Politics and the media
- Agenda setting
- Interest groups and political lobbying
1. Maddison, Sarah & Richard Denniss. 2009. Identifying Issues: Agenda Setting and
Policy Discourse in An Introduction to Australian Public Policy: Theory and
Practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
2. Maddison, Sarah & Richard Denniss. 2009. Who Does Policy? in An Introduction
to Australian Public Policy: Theory and Practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University
3. Maddison, Sarah & Richard Denniss. 2009. The Role of the Media in Setting the
Policy Agenda in An Introduction to Australian Public Policy: Theory and Practice.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
4. Maddison, Sarah & Richard Denniss. 2009. Consulting with Stakeholders in An
Introduction to Australian Public Policy: Theory and Practice. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
5. Maddison, Sarah & Richard Denniss. 2009. Research and Policy in An
Introduction to Australian Public Policy: Theory and Practice. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Week-6 National Economy
1. Bell, Stephen & John Ravenhill. 2003. Political Economy in The Cambridge
Handbook of the Social Sciences in Australia by Ian McAllister, et al. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
2. Altnman, Jon. 2009. Contestations Over Development in Power, Culture,
Economy: Indigenous Australians and Miningby Altman, Jon & David
Martin.Canberra: ANU E Press.
3. McColl-Kennedy, Janet R. et al. 2006. Australia: Changing Consumer Behavior
and Marketing in Handbook of Markets and Economies: East Asia, Southeast Asia,
Australia, New Zealand by Anthony Pecotich & Clifford J. Shultz II. New York: M.E.
Sharpe, Inc.
4. Connolly, Ellis & Christine Lewis. 2010. Structural Change in the Australian
Economy in Bulletin, September Quarter 2010, pg. 1-9.

Week-7 Assignment
Week-8 Mid Semester Test





Theories of Australian Foreign


History and Identity

The Making

Australia and Partner: the U.S.

Scott Burchill and M. Griffiths.

Theory and Australian Foreign Policy
in Baldino, Carr and Langlois (eds.),
Controversies and Debates (Oxford
Wohlforth, W. Realism and Foreign
Policy in Smith et al eds., Foreign
Policy: Theories, Actors, Cases, 2nd
ed. (Oxford UP)
Doyle, M. Liberalism and Foreign
Policy in Smith et al eds., Foreign
Policy: Theories, Actors, Cases, 2nd
ed. (Oxford UP)
Rudd, K. Hard Heads, Soft Hearts: A
Future Reform Agenda for the new
Australian Government
Cambridge UP, Ch. 1
Evans, G. Enlargers, Straiteners and
the Making of Australian Foreign
Drum, M and van Onselen, P. Media
and the Making of Foreign Policy in
Baldino, Carr and Langlois (eds.),
Controversies and Debates (Oxford
Broinowski, A. and J. Curran. The
US Alliance in Baldino, Carr and
Langlois (eds.), Australian Foreign
Policy: Controversies and Debates,
(Oxford UP).
Burns, N. Emerging Asia and the
Future of the U.S.-Australia Alliance.

Australia and Partner: Asia

Development & Pacific

Cook, M. and Dalrymple, R.

Relations with Indonesia in Baldino,
Carr and Langlois (eds.), Australian
Foreign Policy: Controversies and
Debates (Oxford UP).
Andi Akhmad Basith Dir. Australias
Political Economic Interest in AsiaPacific Regional Cooperation (1989
Reading bricks will follow

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