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The following are just some of

the recognized benefits of

yoga for children (and adults):


Assists neuromusculardevelopment
Promotes development of the
vestibular system
Encourages midline crossing
motions; motor development on
both sides of the body
Develops a strong and flexible
Increases balance, body
awareness and coordination
Improves posture and
Develops core strength,
essential for good posture and
correct physical alignment
Reduces injuries and improves
Improves digestion, circulation
and elimination
Strengthens the immune
Relaxes the body, promoting
better sleep


Calms and clears the mind,

bringing us into the present
Relieves tension and stress
Increases concentration, focus
and attention span
Promotes thinking and
Stimulates auditory processing
and responsiveness
Expands imagination and

Reduces stress and anxiety

Improves ability to be less
reactive; more mindful of
thoughts, words and actions
Balances energy (high or low)


Builds confidence and selfesteem

Supports character
development and emotional
Enhances team skills and
social interaction
Develops discipline and selfcontrol
Supports individuality and selfexpression
Encourages social and
environmental awareness and
Supports a sense of universal
Inspires respect for self and


Improves mind/body

Encourages a fit and healthy


Promotes an overall sense of

Yoga helps children see the beauty
and light within themselves, thereby
boosting their self-confidence,
allowing them to feel more

comfortable with their bodies, and

helping them get in touch with who
they are inside. A child who learns
yoga, mindfulness and relaxation will
be developing essential skills for a
lifetime of health and wellness in
mind, body and spirit.

Yoga has always been a

practice that in its essence is
holistic in that it is about
exercise for the whole person.
There is an essentially
integrative ingredient in how
yoga poses are performed
that goes beyond the purely
physical. In fact, you could go
so far as to say that yoga can
not only be good for the body
and the mind, but even
perhaps inspire positive
behavior. In other words, yoga
can help nurture certain

Respect The etiquette

of yoga practice allows
each person to work at
their own pace and
improve their own
abilities, rather than
exercise under pressure.
This instills an inherent
attitude of respect, for

yourself and for others.

Yoga is the practice of

Self-awareness Yoga
focuses on how your body
works and how each
movement is an
expression of the
interrelation of your
physical being and mind.
In this respect, yoga is
about creating a strong
mind-body connection.
The deeper
understanding of your
inner self that springs
from this creates greater

Confidence The
wonderful flexibilityinducing stretching that
yoga practice involves
makes your whole body
feel longer and leaner.
You will walk tall and not
just because you feel
limber but also because
yoga supports a sense of
inner acceptance that can
really boost confidence
levels. Its difficult to
leave a yoga practice
feeling anything but full of
good feelings. And of
course the positive
physical results you see

Empathy The lack of

competitive edge in yoga
creates an environment
where you have space to
grow individually but also
where you see your fellow
yogis as part of a
community; a community
of which you are a
member. This sense of
camaraderie brings about
a feeling of synergy,
acceptance of others, and
ultimately of empathy
and understanding of
other peoples needs.

Discipline Continuing
on from patience is the
benefit that comes from
repetition of movements
in yoga. By applying
yourself and seeing how
you can progress
systematically, you can
really appreciate the
value of effort and

Patience Yoga isnt

about rushing to reach a
set goal or cutting corners
to get somewhere faster.
The journey is actually
part of the process and
the focus on proper form
over cardio action puts
the reins on impatience.
Focusing on exercise in
the present moment also
serves to promote a more
centered attitude.

Balance Body and

mind; strength and
flexibility; yoga is
inherently about balance
and this sense of creating
stability and taking time
to make sure you are
operating on an even keel
transfers through to life
and how you live it too.
Yoga is not about excess
or deprivation but wellroundedness.

Expression Feeling the

flow of movement and
experiencing how your
body stretches and bends
can sometimes make
yoga seem like an
elaborate dance. The

only boost your feel-good

feelings even further.

deliberation and precision

are not confining but in
fact create poses that
allow you to really
express yourself through
your physical being. Yoga

is a form of selfexpression and not about

bottling up who you are,
but being who you are

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