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The Revolutionary Sleep Breakthrough System

Daniel C. Johnson

Copyright 2009 Daniel C. Johnson

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
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means-electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or any otherexcept for brief quotations in printed reviews, without the prior
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: Heres what I know

pg. 1

Chapter 1: Where Did Sleep Breakthrough Begin?

pg. 4

Chapter 2: The Tip of the Tip of the Iceberg

pg. 7

Chapter 3: How Does Subconscious Reshaping Work?

pg. 15

Chapter 4: Controlling the Subconscious

pg. 20

Chapter 5: How to Get the Most from this Program

pg. 32

Chapter 6: How the Results Happen

pg. 37

Epilogue: My Story

pg. 42


pg. 52

Heres what I know
Im going to share something with you that will awaken you, disturb you,
invigorate you, excite you, and confound you. I know this because it has
done all of these things for me and for everyone with whom I have
shared it.
I know a secret. I know an extraordinary secret. I know something about
you that you dont know. But Im willing to share it with you if youll
stick with me for a few brief minutes of this day in order to change the
rest of your life. And youre going to thank me someday.
I have worked and studied - and studied and worked to find this secret.
This is not some metaphysical speculation on the workings of the energy
of the universe, though I do not discount those theories and speculations.
This is a scientific button youre allowed to pushif you know where to
find it. This button can awaken change in your life. This button can make
things work for you that have never worked before. This button can
create force and drive and direction for your life. And you can program
that direction.
Im going to teach you how to use the most powerful tool on the planetyour brain. Im going to show you how to make your brain create the
environment you desire to live in each day of your life. If you only knew
how immensely powerful your mind was, you would have spent the kind
of time that I have already spent over the past several years studying the
hows and whys of this tool.
I am going to give you a gift, though. I am going to save you years of
research, study, and work. Im going to give you the secret in this book.
And when you understand what I understand about your mind, youre
going to see the change in your life youve been yearning for a long, long
time. And when it has come to fruition, I want you to write to me and tell
me about what youve experienced.

Though this secret is hotly debated in circles of psychology, and isnt

necessarily in the mainstream of coaching, or motivation, it is coming
to the mainstream of neurology. You see, much of the scientific world
has been so busy learning how the mind works that they havent slowed
down long enough to figure out how the average woman or man can use
it to its very fullest capability use it to design a life that matches the
expectations we all put on our lives.
Let me ask you a question. Who were you supposed to be? Do you
remember the way you saw your life when you looked forward in your
minds eye? Did your life turn out the way you dreamed it would? If not,
what on Earth has kept you from creating that life youve dreamed of
since you were little? Id like to ask one last question. If I show you
what invisible force has shaped your life, will you use the tools I give
you to reshape the parts of your life that you know have so much room
for improvement? I want to share this profound secret with you. And I
want you to share it with the people you know. Theyll thank you, just
like youll thank me.
A mind that has been stretched will never return to its original
dimension. Albert Einstein
Now, why would I choose a strategy so on the fringe to impact
change? Do people read about this system and say to themselves, thats
ridiculous?! Yep. Do people write me to say, this whole thing sounds too
good to be true? You bet. Do people think Im crazy? Some of them sure
do. Many people have their doubts at first. Some of our clients started
out as strong skeptics.
Heres what I know. I know I get emails from people who have used this
system telling me how much better their lives are now. I get to read the
thank yous. I get to hear about how much more focus and energy they
have. I get to hear about how they have patience and reduced stress at
work. I get to listen as they tell me about how their relationships have
gotten stronger, healthier, more passionate. I get to hear about how they
find so much more joy in every day now. I get to hear about how after
struggling with their weight for decades, theyre seeing pounds melt
away without them having to work for it or sacrifice.

Heres what I know. My system works for people. It worked for me. I
love looking over my download lists and seeing people who downloaded
one or two programs a few weeks ago, and now theyre coming back to
download new programs. I get their email responses saying, I want
Heres what I know. I love what were doing for people. And I know we
can do something for you too.

Chapter 1
Where did Sleep Breakthrough begin?
One day I had a conversation with a man who changed my life forever
I have a friend who has epilepsy. He and I were talking one day when he
told me about a seizure he had a couple of years before, when he was in
his mid-thirties. His mother was driving him to the store when he became
catatonic for a brief moment. When he came to, he was disoriented.
He asked his mother, Where are we going? When she said they were
going to the store, he was more confused. He asked where his friend
Tommy was.
His mother said, Son, Tommy died years ago.
My friend objected, No, he didnt! We were just together a few minutes
Over the course of the next several minutes, it became apparent to his
mother that he believed he was sixteen years old and back in high school.
It took her some time to bring him back to reality and an understanding
of where he was - and more importantly when he was.
The most interesting part of the story to me was not the odd seizure. The
part of that incident that unlocked a search in me as if I had just found a

treasure map was the unbelievable detail my friend could recall from a
random day, twenty years in the past.
He remembered the clothes he was wearing, what he ate for lunch,
everyone he talked to, what they talked about, the things he had studied
in class that day! Every tiny detail of that day was stored in his memory
filed away somewhere beneath the level of conscious thought.
This level below your conscious is popularly referred to as the
subconscious mind. Now a more accurate description and
nomenclature is the non-conscious mind. This is where information is
stored and actions or decisions are made without your conscious
awareness. In clinical and scientific settings, the term non-conscious is
accepted and understood at the level we will discuss here. However, for
the purposes of understanding this book, we will refer to this part of the
mind by its more popular name.
It struck me that our mind is soaking up nearly every detail of every day
of our lives in pictures and thoughts and storing them somewhere deep in
the recesses of our brain, possibly never to be consciously recalled again.
The question I could not stop asking myself was, Why?! Why would our
brains store that much random, useless information? And, where does it
all go? Why cant we recall it when we want to? Why did it take a
seizure to recall every detail of a day two decades in the past?
As I went over and over those questions in my own mind, I came to
realize that our brain is the most powerful computer the world has ever
seen! We must be taking in millions of bits of information every single
day, and storing them throughout our entire lives! But again the question
would just not go away.
I went on a journey over the next year and a half as I tried to answer this
question. I grew as an individual because the answers it brought to me
carried me to an understanding of a mind so amazing, so beautiful, I find
it difficult to describe within the confines of the English language. The

lessons I learned from studying the human mind created massive change
in my life.
As I watched these changes take place, it became more and more clear to
me that what I truly wanted was to share this knowledge with the world.
I wanted to help people just like me people who had struggled again
and again to make changes that just would not take root in their lives. I
suppose in my heart, I want to help the millions of people struggling with
lifes abundant challenges.

Chapter 2
The Tip of the Tip of the Iceberg
Ninety-eight percent of what we now know about the human mind has
been in discovered in just the last ten years. Using real-time Magnetic
Resonance Imaging (MRI) scans and Positron Emission Tomography
(PET) scans, scientists have been able to watch the functions of the
human mind, track them, map them and understand them in a way never
seen before in the history of mankind and the most important outcome?
Eighty percent of what we thought we knew about the human mind was
The human mind is capable of recognizing and acknowledging
information within one-sixteenth of a second. Sixteen times every
second, your brain records the pictures of the things around you, the
temperature of your surroundings, the noises you hear, the aromas in the
air, the sensations youre feeling, the taste in your mouth, and possibly
most importantly the thoughts going through your consciousness.
Your brain processes input effectively at a rate of seven bits of
information at a time. That means that essentially, your brain is
processing seven bits of information every sixteenth of a second, or at a
rate of one hundred twelve bits of information per second. In a minute,
you will process 6,720 bits of information. Each hour, that equates to
403,200 bits of input. So, in a sixteen-hour, typical, waking day, you can
notice and record 6,451,200 bits of information.

All of that information is stored in your mind. How much of it do you

remember? Has anyone ever asked you, So, what did you do today,
and you had a hard time remembering? Where did all of that information
go? Was it deleted? Was it forgotten? Or, was it sorted and stored? Did it
find its way to some neuro-associative pathway in your mind? It
absolutely did!
My friend with epilepsy is a perfect example of the way our brains
absorb information, sorting, cataloguing, and filing it away, every day of
our lives. Count how many years or days you have been alive. Multiply it
by 6,451,200 bits of information. How much data is stored in your brain?
This is my 12,009th day to be alive in this world. I have absorbed
77,472,460,800 bits of information. My brain is a sponge for data. So is
yours. If one of us was stricken with epilepsy, we could have the same
experience my friend had total recall of data and events from a day
decades past.
I focused my curiosity and my passion on understanding why we take in
that much information and where we put it all. Very simply, I found
these three things:
First, your mind absorbs millions of bits of information each day and
creates a mental framework of what is normal in your life. Second, we
sort and store this information deep in our subconscious each night while
we sleep. Third, your subconscious mind is a powerful and important
tool that works daily to keep your life within the framework of what it
believes is normal. It lets us know when something is changing or out of
place to protect us from moving into a dangerous situation. Your brain
works hard to prevent you from changing!
Take a moment to think about the implications here. Since you were
born, your mind has watched the world around you, soaking up
information faster than any of us can even imagine. And every night, it
has taken that information and catalogued, filed, and stored it in a
massive bank labeled What Your Life Looks Like.
Did you grow up hearing your parents fight? Did you grow up seeing
abundant love and affection? Did you live in a home where music was

played all the time? Did you see alcoholism? Were you loved and
respected? Were you put down and ignored? Your mind has been
soaking up these images of what normal looks like to you every single
day of your life. And theyre all still in there, defining your life every
Just imagine how that has shaped your life. Do you consistently find
yourself in unsuccessful relationships with the same kinds of people? Do
you run into the same struggles over and over at work? Do you
perpetuate unhealthy eating habits like emotional eating or boredom
eating, even though you try so hard to change? Do you chase idea after
idea, never following through on anything?
The fact is that once your mind has created a framework or a blueprint
that says this is your life, it works daily to build upon that blueprint and
reinforce those beliefs about who you are, how you are, and what your
life looks like. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Why? The
rich build a subconscious framework that says, I am a rich person. The
poor build a very similar framework - only theirs says, I am a poor
A winner in sports is said to have a winners attitude or a winners
mentality. This is entirely accurate. When an athlete builds a
subconscious framework that says, I am a winner, everyone can see it.
Other competitors walk up to this athlete and immediately know that he
or she is a winner. And time after time, it gets proven. It is proven to the
winner and reinforces his or her beliefs. It is proven to the loser and
reinforces his or her beliefs.
Lance Armstrong had never won the Tour de France before battling
cancer. When he beat cancer - one of the biggest, scariest, ugliest
challenges in the world - he built a framework that said, I can beat
anything. He went on to win the Tour de France seven times!
Your subconscious framework is the guiding power behind nearly
everything good or bad that happens in your life. It is as if the
subconscious is the Keeper of your life. It keeps all of your memories,
your thoughts, your emotions cradled deep in your mind. It keeps the

framework that makes you aware of your identity, who you are as a
person in this world. And it keeps the situations, experiences, and
perspectives in your life under its control. The Keeper gets to decide
where you go and where you dont. The Keeper tells you when you can
change and when you cant.
It does this without conscious thought or discernment. The Keeper
doesnt have a personality or a rational mind. It only has a framework
and a set of rules that your life must abide by in order to remain normal
and within that framework.
We can even see this worked out in coincidences and seemingly
random events in our lives. There is much conversation these days about
the Law of Attraction which says that what you focus on and desire,
you attract in your life. The principle states that your mind is so powerful
a source of energy that by focusing on certain things, you can line up the
energy around you to guide you into circumstances and coincidences that
bring your desires to fruition.
And it works for many, many people. This principle can actually be
tremendously effective as long as your subconscious desires are in sync
with your conscious desires. The reason the Law of Attraction doesnt
work for some people is that their Keeper is telling them NO!
Consciously they desire more money, more stability, better relationships.
Subconsciously, their framework is built on a foundation of poverty,
failure, and hurtful or unfulfilling relationships. And the Keeper is a
more powerful source of energy than the conscious mind could ever
dream of being.
Take a few moments to think about the images, sounds, experiences, and
relationships youve had in your life. Consider how your subconscious
mind has soaked up all of this information and created your sense of
normal. What does the Keeper decide for your life?
Do you like everything about your life? Is everything going the way you
feel it should go? If there are areas of your life that dont look the way
you think they should, can you look back to life experiences that may
have embedded in your subconscious the patterns that led you to this

place you now see? There is a strong possibility that if there is an area of
your life with which you feel discontented, somewhere in your
subconscious is the information you soaked up long, long ago that told
you, Here is how your life is going to look.
Now if you try to make a change in your life, your subconscious mind
goes on alert. It realizes that something is out of place. The deepest and
strongest part of your mind is driven to keep you out of danger. If it
senses that something in your environment is changing, the Keeper goes
to work to fix it. If you can imagine your subconscious mind talking to
you as a separate person, it might sound something like this.
Keeper: Hey, it looks like youre trying to change something in your
You: Yep.
Keeper: Well, why would you do that? Weve stayed out of danger and
stayed alive this long without any changes.
You: Yes, but theres a part of my life that I need to change now.
Keeper: But weve never done things this way before. What if this new
change hurts us or brings us some kind of new danger?
You: It wont.
Keeper: But what if it does? Then where will we be? It could hurt us.
You: It wont! I want to change this!
Keeper: I dont like the unknown. It scares me. Im going to do all I
can to prevent this change from happening.
It is important to remember here that science has shown your
subconscious mind controls 96% to 98% of your life. The habits and
patterns that guide you through your day are deeply rooted in the
subconscious and the Keeper guards them fiercely. Your conscious mind
is only the tiniest tip of the tip of the iceberg. Considering that, if youre
trying to make a change and the Keeper disagrees with your conscious
decision, which side is most likely to win?
Your Keeper will now work through your habits, patterns, and
preferences to steer you away from this new change that you want to
make. You will look up one day and realize that you have failed to reach
your goal, and your life looks very much like it did before you tried to

change it. This is exactly the way the Keeper works to prevent you from
changing your life.
If you have ever tried to lose weight and failed, you probably noticed that
you did well for the first day or two. You may have even made it
through a few weeks or months. But over time, your drive to work at it
slowly diminished each day, just a little at a time. You eventually gave in
to your cravings or went back to your old, unhealthy eating patterns. You
stopped eating healthy. You stopped working out. This return to
normalcy is the Keeper working hard to prevent you from changing your
After all, giving up foods you love is not fun. In fact it can be a little
painful. Its the Keepers job to keep you away from pain. Exercising
can be a little painful when you first start. Your subconscious mind will
help you find a hundred reasons to do something other than that painful
exercise. Its just doing its job.
Unfortunately, the Keeper doesnt have the rational, problem-solving
ability of the conscious mind to look objectively at the situation and
realize that the change is actually a healthy change. The subconscious
mind only has two goals in its entire existence. 1. Absorb information. 2.
Keep things normal.
Until now you were largely at the mercy of these two goals. That is not
to say that change is impossible. Obviously, its not. We often see people
make massive changes in their lives. Perhaps you have even made
successful massive changes in your life at times. The secret was that the
massive change was initiated by a reason, a drive, a purpose so
compelling that it was able to either override the immense power of the
Keeper or more likely the purpose was so convincing, that you persuaded
the Keeper to believe the change was actually a good one.
A person who quits smoking somehow convinces the subconscious that
this change will be better for them than not changing. The conscious
mind somehow persuades the subconscious to believe that not changing
will be much more painful than making the change. This usually must
happen on a very deep and meaningful level in order to be effective.
A prime example would be if you have ever seen someone suffer a heart
attack and subsequently change their diet, stress levels, and exercise in

order to avoid the pain and fear of another heart attack. The potential for
death is a pretty strong motivator for changing the subconscious mind.
You also observe this when someone has to hit rock bottom before she
is able to make a positive change in her life. This happens in addiction
situations, financial situations, relationships, and many other cases where
the subconscious minds fear of continued pain is stronger than the fear
of change. When you reach that point, the Keeper says, Ok, now you can
change. This place youre in hurts too badly.
Most of us, however, arent fortunate (or misfortunate) enough to have
such a strong motivational factor in creating change. We are left trying to
find something strong enough to motivate us to change, and often falling
short of our goal.
All that is about to change for you, though. The concept behind the Sleep
Breakthrough system is to find a way to change the subconscious mind
before or at the same time youre creating change in your life. Imagine it!
The ability to impact the subconscious mind in order to create change
would be a tremendous power in our lives. We would find ourselves
able to decide on a change and then watch it happen in our lives without
the difficulty of overcoming the ingrained habits and patterns weve
created over the course of our lives.
Just think. If you could convince the Keeper that this new change you
desire in your life was good for you, then you would have that
immensely powerful guiding force working for you, helping you to make
the change quickly and easily. That 96% to 98% of your brain would
help you to develop new habits and new preferences, and to find reasons
for you to change instead of creating reasons not to change. You would
see those coincidences that bring you to a new, more positive place
unfolding in your life, seemingly out of nowhere.
This is the key to finally overcoming the obstacles that have been
preventing you from making healthy positive changes in your life, your
relationships, your finances and your body. You are no longer at the
mercy of a blinded Keeper. You can bring vision and insight to the
power of your subconscious mind and for once, have the Keeper on your
What will you change now that you know your subconscious can help
you? What happens when one day instead of trying to steer an iceberg

against its will, the iceberg decides to take you the direction you want to
gowhere will you take your life?

Chapter 3
How Does Subconscious Reshaping Work?
The subconscious mind is an almost mystifying power source. You have
no doubt heard of or even seen entertaining hypnotists get a person to
make a fool of himself by barking like a dog or some such nonsense
while under the power of hypnosis. In these scenarios, the hypnotist has
manipulated the power of the subconscious mind for the sake of
Whether or not this practice is ethical, advisable, or even decent is not a
subject to be debated here. For the purpose of this book, the important
thing to remember is that it is possible. It is possible to access a part of
our minds that lies somewhere beneath the level of our conscious
thoughts and has control over our behavior.
This realization and evidence that the subconscious can number one, be
accessed by outside stimulus, and number two, create a change in our
behavior is key. Knowing that this is possible, the next logical path is
simply to decide how best to access the subconscious mind. From there,
the final question is what to say to that part of your mind while it is open
and impressionable in order to create lasting positive change in your life.
It is important to realize that in our everyday lives, the Keeper does not
act in such a noticeable and direct way to change our behavior. The kind
of behavior a person will exhibit in a Las Vegas comedy hypnotism show
is awfully far from the kind of behaviors any of us would ever want to
engage in during our normal lives.
In our everyday lives, the Keeper works so subtly to guide us that we
dont even realize its happening. When the world sees you manifest
your preferences throughout your day, what they are seeing is your
subconscious at work. You however, dont usually see it at all.
For instance, the clothes that appeal to you as you shop in the mall are a
signal of your subconscious preferences. As you walk through a store,

you pass racks and racks of different kinds of clothing. Then, one piece
jumps out at you and you walk over to it, thinking to yourself, Ooh I like
Why do you like it? Because it looks nice? Why does it look nice?
What is it in you that says,Therethat piece of clothing matches my style.
You have a subconscious framework for your style that is based on
your personality, your upbringing, your body type, your self-image, your
socioeconomic stratum, and society around you.
That subconscious framework guided your eyes toward that particular
piece of clothing and very subtly told you that you would like it that it
would match your style and fit inside your framework. Most of us look
through our closets and find that we buy a lot of the same types of
clothes over and over again.
In relationships this subconscious framework is particularly powerful.
You might be in a room full of people when you notice someone from
across the room. He or she may notice you at the exact same time. Now
in an entire room full of people, what on earth would make you single
out that one person? Why would you instantly feel some attraction to a
person youve never met, youve never talked to, you know absolutely
nothing about?
You might say it was because he or she was attractive. But we have all
had experiences where we find ourselves somehow attracted to someone
that other people dont necessarily find very attractive. In fact,
sometimes we find ourselves attracted to someone that even we dont
think is particularly attractive. On the other hand, we might meet
someone who is clearly a physically attractive individual and yet we feel
absolutely no attraction whatsoever to him or her.
What is it in us that sparks that attraction before we even know this
person? The Keeper is expressing your preferences for you and creating
in your brain the feelings of attraction. There is some preference or
pattern you absorbed over time that is evident in that person. Your
subconscious mind singles that person out of a crowd and tells you,
There, he is the kind of guy you would like. He fits your framework for
what a man should be in your life.
Consider though, what if that person isnt very healthy for you? What if
you consistently find yourself being attracted to the wrong kind of

person? What pattern is it that youre exhibiting as you repeatedly fall for
someone who will eventually hurt you, treat you badly, leave you, or just
turn out to be a loser? At this point you must realize that your
subconscious framework has been telling you that it is normal to be
treated that way. A master of the study of subconscious thought and
emotional states, Anthony Robbins, has written, The strongest force in
the human personality is the need to remain consistent with how we
define ourselves.
Even if your conscious mind says, No, I want love! I dont want to be
treated that way! Again remember, the conscious mind is only the tiniest
tip of the tip of the iceberg. The largest part of your very powerful brain
is guiding you toward that same negative relationship over, and over, and
over again.
Your subconscious is that part of you determining what your life is
supposed to look like. All day, every day, the Keeper is telling you what
normal looks like to you. So as soon as you finally find a romantic
interest in your life who you truly feel is normal - run! The heartache is
not far off.
The only way to change that pattern is to either become romantically
involved with people youre not attracted to (which doesnt sound very
appealing) or to somehow change your subconscious desires. How do
you do that? How do you change your mindyour inner mind?
You will sometimes hear me refer to the subconscious as the inner mind.
It is almost as if you had a different brain entirely housed inside the one
you think youre using every day of your life. This inner mind is twenty
times more powerful than the part of your brain you recognize as your
consciousness. Because of this imbalance of strength, the Keeper affects
things in our lives that we cannot even begin to recognize by ways and
means that we cannot even begin to understand.
If you are that person who has experienced the disparity between what
you think you want in your life and what you continue to get, you will
deeply understand this imbalance of power. If you consistently find
yourself repeating patterns that youve tried with all of your strength and
focus to break, you will understand the power of the subconscious mind.
Its almost eerie to truly spend time considering the immense power of
your subconscious mind to shape your life. You have to begin to accept

the fact that the thoughts you think are pitifully weak compared to the
driving force that hides within the folds of your brain, the frighteningly
powerful magnet that is your subconscious mind.
This magnet is polarized by the experiences you have soaked up
throughout your life. And it attracts and repels choices, people, places,
and perspectives in your life just like a magnet affects metal without the
metal having any conscious control over its attraction to that magnet.
Worse yet, this magnet has no conscious control over what it is
attracting. If you are polarized to attract drama, stress and anxiety to your
life, you can consciously will yourself to be calm and stable as much as
you want. But that hugely powerful magnet hiding in your mind will
draw people to you that bring you the drama, stress and anxiety youre
polarized to seek out.
It almost doesnt seem fair that a force so truly powerful could be
guiding our lives without our control and awareness. Then again, no one
ever said life was fair, did they? Your magnet is what it is. Before you
change your life, you must acknowledge and accept the fact that your
subconscious magnet is there, its strong, its guiding your life, and it
isnt good or bad. It is a neutral keeper of your framework. It accepts
data and acts upon it without judgment, conscious thought, benevolence,
or maleficence.
Your subconscious is simply a massively powerful computer that has
been programmed to do its job every day and night. It is the hardware
and your life has provided it with the software it runs daily in your life.
Remember as you think of your inner mind that you can program a
computer to solve complex problems, or to play tic-tac-toe. You can
program it to create amazing works of art, or to crash massive
information systems. It can be programmed to bring help or to bring
The computer doesnt know its being programmed. It just runs the
programs you put into it. It doesnt judge whether the program is good or
bad. It just runs the programs you put into it. It doesnt have the
reasoning ability to ask whether its programming helps people or hurts
people. It is entirely neutral in its execution of programs.
Your Keeper is not to be blamed for problems it attracts to your life. You
cannot reasonably be angry that your subconscious manifests negative

patterns in your life. It is as neutral and helpless as that computer. It is

simply a tool to be used and shaped by its user.
The wonderful news is that once you realize and accept this fact, you are
back in control! You have the power to program your computer to run
the programs YOU choose for your life. You can reshape the framework
that shapes your life. You can change the polarity of your magnet. You
just have to have the desire to do so. Once you have that desire, you can
open your subconscious mind to accepting the new programming that
your logical, conscious mind knows will be better for you. You can open
your inner mind to new learning and new growth.
For many years, it was believed that the human mind exhausted its
capacity to grow and reshape itself after adolescence. Now, neuroscience
has proven the brains capacity for neuroplasticity. This means that no
matter your age, if the brain is exercised in the right ways, it can still
form new neural pathways, stretch its boundaries, and grow or continue
to develop in the different forms of intelligence. As long as you are open
to stretching your mind, your mind is open to being stretched. Use that
neuroplasticity to your advantage! Open your mind to being stretched
and reshaped, and you will be able to enjoy the rewards of a life shaped
to your design.

Chapter 4
Controlling the Subconscious
You desire should now be to learn to use your brains neuroplasticity.
Remember that the subconscious mind is always open. Every moment
of every day, it is absorbing information from your surroundings. The
real question is how do you put the things into it that you need there in
order to create those changes you desire?
The Keeper is able to be manipulated by outside stimulus in a number of
ways. The first and most commonly known way is the one already
mentioned hypnosis. We have all most likely known or heard of people
who went to a hypnotist to help them stop smoking, lose weight,
overcome their anxiety or maybe even conquer some physical pain with
which they were struggling.

The reason people turn to hypnotists for solutions such as these is that
these kinds of experiences in life are largely related to and anchored in
the patterns and habits our Keeper so vigilantly protects for us.
We often speak of smoking as a habit. We discuss poor eating habits. We
talk about a pattern of anxiety. As has already been discussed, these
patterns and habits are born from our Keepers desire to provide
In order to change the minds idea of what is acceptable consistency, we
sometimes ask a hypnotist to help us make changes in the way our
subconscious perceives our choices or lives. And it often works.
In seeing a hypnotherapist, a patient will often find that the therapist is
incredibly skilled at relaxing the conscious mind and opening the
impressionable side of the subconscious mind. The hypnosis can then be
used to implant important positive behavioral and preferential changes in
the mind of the patient.
Many people find that hypnosis accomplishes precisely the outcome the
patient had in mind. Hypnotism can be a powerful tool in reshaping the
way the mind perceives stimulus and a powerful tool in shaping our
People also find, however, that the effects can be very temporary.
Consider for a moment that you have spent years, maybe decades
building your subconscious associations about your life. Imagine how
strong those associations may have become over that amount of time.
Each time you witnessed or repeated a pattern in your life, the neurons in
your brain fired a blast of electricity along a particular path. The more
often you saw or repeated this path, the deeper and stronger that path
became. With enough repetition, those paths can become such a part of
your innate personality that it seems they may never be changed.
Then a patient goes to a hypnotherapist who puts him or her into a deep
state of hypnosis and for ten or twenty minutes and creates a new neural
pathway. The new pathway is a good one, no doubt. It works. It
accomplishes the effect the patient desired. The problem is that its a ten
or twenty minute pathway. The old pathway was a twenty year pathway!

If the therapists patients had the time and money to go back to the
hypnotherapist day after day for months and months, they would
probably find the process to have a very permanent outcome.
Unfortunately, most of us dont have that money or time.
A second time our subconscious minds are open to suggestion and
manipulation is during deep states of meditation. This has been
evidenced by the meditative practices of Eastern Yogis who are
sometimes able to withstand incredible physical harm by using the power
of their minds in a deep meditative state. One famous picture of a
Shaolin monk shows the power of this mind over matter as the monk
sits quietly in the streets of China and after he has covered himself in fuel
and set fire to his own body to burn himself to death as an act of protest.
The mind is an amazingly, and at times disturbingly powerful thing.
This type of meditation could no doubt change the life of the person
using it. Unfortunately, it can take years to develop the kind of skill in
meditation that it would take to overcome the deep neural pathways that
lead us to perpetuate the habits and patterns we seek to change.
I dont know about you, but I certainly do not have the time to put my
life on hold for years as I move to a Tibetan monastery to practice my
meditation all day long. Meditation, though a healthy practice for
anyone, does not provide the most reasonable method for making
subconscious change.
The third time the Keeper can be intentionally influenced by external
stimuli is as we introduce specific sensory stimulation tied to neural
associations. This has been used for a long time by advertisers seeking to
elicit either a buying response from you or at least a positive association
with their products. Sights, sounds, and smells can be powerful
subconscious stimuli.
You might remember a time that you smelled an aroma, and it instantly
took you back to a memory from your past perhaps far into your past.
Certain songs or sounds can bring out memories and associations that
instantly anchor you to a place or time in your life. A picture or a scene
you watch can powerfully take you to a strong place of association from
your lifes experience.Commercial marketers understand this and
consistently use visual, audio, and even aromatic stimuli to create
exciting, fun, engaging, or relaxing neural associations within your mind
when you are reminded of their products.

It is abundantly obvious that we are able to intentionally impact,

manipulate and shape the subconscious mind. The impact of this type of
stimulus has been strongly documented, particularly as it relates to
subliminal visual stimuli.
In research on subliminal visual stimulation, a group of test subjects
exhibiting various addictive personality issues were all shown a video
screen. Half of the group watched the screen as a phrase popped up and
went away in less than 1/16th of a second so that it would not be
recognizable to the conscious mind.
The phrase was a powerful subconscious connection for the test subjects
that made them subconsciously remember the security and importance of
being connected to their mothers as children. Researchers found that the
test subjects who were exposed to this subliminal, subconscious stimulus
were ___times more likely to recover from their addictions as well as
showing greatly reduced instances of relapse as compared to the group
who did not see the subliminal stimulus.
On a less extreme and more personal level, you have probably had
experiences when you watched a movie that uplifted you or listened to a
song that put you in a great mood or state. These were small examples of
the way your subconscious mind can receive cues during your waking
hours that promote a positive neurological and biochemical response in
your mind and body.
As you think of the way that experience felt, imagine the power of your
mind to affect the way you feel, think, and experience your day. These
associations we hold deep in our subconscious minds are a guiding force
in each day we live on this Earth. Doesnt it only make sense that we
would work hard to learn how to positively affect our own Keeper so that
we could use this immense power to our own benefit instead of just
letting it guide us blindly down lifes path or worse letting other people
drive us to behave the way they want us to, as the media and advertising
companies of the world like to do?
The Key
The Sleep Breakthrough system and this book focus on the longest and
most readily available period of time your subconscious is accessible and
open to change. It is during this time that you can leverage the
impressionability of your subconscious mind and make massive positive
change in your life without sacrifice, without tremendous work, without

spending hours of your day in meditation or thousands of your dollars on

It is during the time each day or night when you are asleep that you have
the power to influence your life, your subconscious, and your future.
Keep reading and youll learn exactly how and why this works. Youll
have the key to unlocking your potential for positive change.
As you sleep, your mind takes the millions of bits of information you
have absorbed through the day, assesses them, sorts them and files them
away. In fact, the primary and some say the sole reason we humans
sleep is actually to rest our minds. Our bodies have resting mechanisms
that would allow them to continue on without sleep. It is our brains that
shut our bodies down in order to have time to process the gigabytes of
information we have taken in.
The way your mind accomplishes much of this work is through your
dreams. Your Keeper uses the dreaming stages of your sleep as a tool to
help you sort through thoughts, sensations, feelings, and data input from
your life.
This phenomenon isnt strictly unique to humans either. Dog and cat
owners will quickly recognize when their pets are dreaming as well. The
protectionist tendencies of the primitive mind of animals are actually
very similar to the protection mechanisms of the human subconscious.
Animals can dream just like you do.
As you sleep, your conscious mind gives way to your subconscious mind
and the magic begins. Your Keeper compares the information it has
absorbed recently to the data paths you have already formed in your
subconscious framework.
Your dreams are the brief, two to three second flashes of data as it is
assessed and stored in your subconscious. You dream all night, whether
you can remember it or not. So, think about the dreams you can
remember. Dont you often find that they are related to things youve
seen recently, conversations youve had, feelings youve experienced?
Was today a normal day? Did anything strange happen? How did you
feel about your relationships? Did anything dangerous happen?
These questions get answered subconsciously as your mind assesses the
internal and external interactions you have experienced. It determines

where they fit into your picture of the world and it files them away under
those headings in the massive file storage of your brain.
Interestingly, as it does this, it leaves the file drawer open. Though
youre asleep and your conscious mind has shut down for the night, your
ears still hear. Your skin still feels. Your mouth still tastes. Your nose
still smells. You have proof of this.
Can you remember a time when you have been sleeping and you began
to dream about a siren or a smoke alarm beeping only to wake up and
realize that your alarm was going off? Your senses are still taking in
stimulus as you sleep and when the timing is right, they can sometimes
transpose that stimulus into the dreams where your subconscious mind is
busy sorting information from your life.
The scene in the movies is always amusing where the actor is kissing a
beautiful woman when she starts to lick him all over his face, and the
actor wakes to find his dog giving him a tongue bath. All kidding aside,
this kind of subconscious stimulus can actually be very potent.
Former soldiers who suffer post traumatic stress disorders can experience
horrific dreams as their mind continues to sort through the tragedies they
have witnessed and experienced in war. And a strange noise in the night
or an inadvertent touch from the person sharing that soldiers bed at night
can be extremely dangerous as the subconscious registers that sound or
touch during the middle of a dream about the war.
On the positive side, however, this phenomenon can be used to our
advantage. Once we understand that the subconscious is impressionable
during sleep, we can make the best use of this time to input messages
that help us to create positive associations in our lives.
There is a long list of areas where most of us could find room for
improvement in our lives if we simply had the tools to shape the
subconscious effectively. These tools are actually readily available and
not terribly difficult to use.
The key to unlocking these tools is the ability to introduce suggestions
during certain types of brainwave function. As mentioned before, the
times this can be done are during hypnosis, deep meditation, and sleep.
The common factor in all of these is the frequency of brainwave

Brainwaves are labeled based on their frequency, similar to other types

of waves. In radiation, you find X-rays, Microwaves, Gamma-rays, etc.
With the brain, we study Beta waves, Alpha waves, Theta waves, and
Delta waves. Beta waves are what your brain emits during your waking
hours. Alpha waves indicate light sleep, meditation or hypnosis. Theta
waves exist in deeper sleep. Delta waves represent the very deepest part
of your sleep cycle.
As a person enters sleep, hypnosis, or meditation, the brainwave function
changes from Beta waves to Alpha waves. You can often notice this
happening as you fall asleep or as you are slowly waking from sleep.
These types of brainwaves are present in that space between sleep and
being awake.
The conscious mind is letting go, little by little. The Keeper is opening
up, going to work. Dreams begin. Sometimes you can feel reality
slipping away as your dreams begin. You may even feel like you can
exercise some control in your dreams as they first start to unfold in your
minds eye.
During this time, the subconscious mind is impressionable. This is the
time when noises you hear find their way into your dreams. This is the
time when the television show you havent turned off yet gets integrated
into the images in your mind. This is the time when youre trying to stay
in a conversation, but you keep nodding off. Then, you realize youve
said something to the person next to you that makes no sense
whatsoever! Embarrassing, of course, but very telling as it pertains to
subconscious brainwaves.
This is a prime time to introduce subconscious suggestion that you would
like filed away in your mind with the rest of your experiences and
beliefs. It is this stage that hypnotherapists typically use to open the mind
to subconscious or post-hypnotic suggestion.
The next important phase in sleep programming is the Theta wave sleep
phase. This is characterized by Rapid Eye Movement or REM sleep. In
this phase, the Keeper is wonderfully busy sorting data and filing it
away. These dreams come at a lightning fast rate of 2 to 3 seconds each,
though they may seem much longer to the dreamer. Much of the minds
perception is remarkably relative. Remember, you can recognize and
acknowledge images within 1/16 of a second!

During this time, subconscious suggestion can be repeated over and over
again. Though the conscious mind is no longer aware of its surroundings,
and sleep is deeper at this point, subconscious suggestion can be
recognized. The workings of this suggestion in the mind are often seen
during this phase of sleep as deeply symbolic dreams come forth night
after night.
Again, imagine a hypnotherapist taking you through eight hours of
hypnosis and subconscious suggestion every night for months. Imagine
the new associations and perceptions you could form during therapy like
Subconscious reshaping during your sleep cycles works like that. It
consistently helps your subconscious to build new beliefs and
associations. It reprograms your Keeper to work with your desires. And
it allows you to be the programmer, writing the new software for the
powerful computer you use each day of your life.
Lets use a real life example of this system at work in a womans life to
better understand the mechanics behind it. Susan had always struggled
with focus at work. She was easily distracted. Since she could remember,
teachers had been telling her to pay attention, quit daydreaming, stay on
As she grew up, her friends, family, and teachers repeatedly told her she
could never stay focused. They told her she must have attention deficit
disorder. They asked her, why cant you just stay focused?!
Every time Susan heard this, it soaked in a little. Every time she
struggled in school because she lacked focus, it reinforced her belief that
she lacked attention and focus. By the time she had grown into an adult,
she was positive that she would never really be able to focus on anything
for more than a few minutes. More accurately, her Keeper was
convinced that her identity was someone without adequate attention and
This became an even more serious issue when she began a new job
where paying attention to details was paramount. She was required to
keep information straight and accurate for hours a day. She had repeated
errors at work. She was frustrated because she felt she really lacked the
focus to do well at the job.

Susan found our subconscious reshaping system and began to listen at

night. As her ___ waves gave way to Alpha sleep waves, her conscious
mind let go and her subconscious mind engaged. As this was happening,
she repeatedly heard messages that interrupted her beliefs about being
unable to focus. The messages formed new beliefs of just how focused a
person she was.
As she moved into REM sleep each night, the messages played in a loop
throughout the night. She heard these positive messages dozens of times
each night as her subconscious mind was busy filing away data about her
life, her experiences, her feelings, her beliefs, and how it all fit into her
subconscious framework.
Remember, these messages conflicted directly with the identity she had
securely programmed into her subconscious. As that subconscious
opened at night, her mind was forced to find something to do with this
new information.
Now it is possible that the first response the brain may have to this
information is one of incredulity. Every time she heard a message telling
her what a focused person she was, her brain may have quickly
responded with, No youre not.
However, the more times she heard that authoritative voice tell her how
focused and effective she was, the more the brain had to accept the
possibility that perhaps it was true. This is the key to change. The minds
pattern of belief must be contradicted long enough to allow the user to do
something different.
As the mind was subconsciously dealing with that conflict, Susan had a
day at work without any errors. She wrote me to tell me about it. She was
amazed, as was her boss. This new pattern, however brief it may be,
reinforces the statements floating around in Susans subconscious mind
those statements telling her how focused and effective she is.
Now that this belief has been reinforced even slightly, the next night
those messages sink a little deeper into the file in her brain marked My
Identity. She was becoming a focused person. This went on for several
weeks. Day after day came and went with Susan showing a marked
increase in efficiency and no errors in her work.

Her boss and her bosss boss noticed the change. Now she had other
people, figures of authority, noticing and reinforcing her new beliefs
about herself. It is this creation of new habits, perceptions, and patterns
of belief that make the subconscious reshaping program work so well.
Every time you succeed at making even a small step toward your goal, it
reinforces the messages you hear each night. Every night and every day
your new, positive patterns become stronger and stronger in your life
until it becomes hard to even remember what it was like to suffer with
the negative patterns. Its a tremendously victorious feeling.
This system works the same way for people who have struggled with
their weight for a long time. Typically, people with weight issues dont
have metabolism problems, they have eating habit problems. They very
simply eat more calories than they expend.
Every day, they have habits and patterns that subconsciously guide them
to choose certain foods over others, certain portion sizes, certain
mealtimes. These habits are exceedingly difficult to break.
The diet yo-yo occurs when someone tries to use the 2% to 4% of their
brain we know as the conscious to try to overcome the 96% to 98% of
the brain we call the subconscious. They may be able to change their
habits briefly. They may drop some weight for a short while. But
eventually, those old habits, so deeply engrained in the subconscious,
come back. And the new healthier habits are forgotten.
These people have soaked up, processed, and continuously reinforced a
subconscious identity perception that tells them every day they are an
overweight person. There is a good exercise to prove this.
Sit down somewhere private. Close your eyes. Take off your shirt while
keeping your eyes closed. Tilt your head down as though you were
looking at your body, but keep your eyes closed the entire time. Look
with your minds eye at how your body appears. This is your minds
representation of your body.
Then open your eyes. Notice whether there are any differences in your
perception and your reality. Many people are surprised to see what a
difference there is between their imaginative self image and the reality of
their appearance.

Some overweight people have an image in their minds of a time when

they were younger and thinner. They have a subconscious framework
that tells them they are skinny people. These kinds of people typically
find it much easier to lose weight if they decide to. They simply put their
choices back in line with their subconscious identity framework.
Many overweight individuals however, find that they see themselves as
more obese mentally than they are physically. This makes it extremely
difficult for them to lose weight. They have a strongly internalized
identity telling them every day that even if they happen to drop some
pounds, they are still a fat person.
Dr. Maxwell Maltz was a plastic surgeon who studied this phenomenon.
He noticed that even after cosmetic surgery had fixed the problems his
patients saw in their faces or bodies, they still kept the same self image
and saw themselves in the same way they did before the surgery. Their
subconscious identities were stronger anchors for them than even the
reality of looking in the mirror.
What does your subconscious framework say about you? Are you smart,
dumb, skinny, heavy, focused, scatter-brained, a smoker, an addict, a
happy person, a depressed person, a hard worker, a lazy bum, a success,
a failure? What is your brain telling you about yourself every day of your
These questions are key to deciding what needs positive improvement in
your life and the first step in creating a better life for yourself. On the
Sleep Breakthrough web site, you will find a model for a new
framework. It is a free download and is an excellent tool in starting the
process of using subconscious reshaping to bring positive improvements
to your life.

Chapter 5
How to Get the Most from this Program
The Sleep Breakthrough System is perfectly simple to use. As you have
already read, the key is listening to the program messages you have

chosen throughout the night. Though this is a simple instruction, this is a

vitally important part of the program.
Remember, you have five phases of sleep. There are four separate phases
of non-REM sleep plus one phase for that very important REM cycle.
Also remember though, that you move between these phases repeatedly
as the night goes on. While you sleep you may go from light sleep, to
deeper, REM sleep, down into the deepest Delta wave sleep where your
brain function slows even beyond the ability to impact the subconscious.
Then, you might move right back to light sleep or even occasionally
wake up sometimes at night. This cycle happens many times each night.
If it goes uninterrupted, the sleep cycle from light sleep to deep sleep and
back again is roughly 90 minutes long. This means that in an eight-hour
night, you may go through five or more sleep cycles.
If you want to get the most from your subconscious reshaping, youll
want to make sure that you are hearing the messages during those most
important parts of your sleep cycle.
People in the past have tried to reshape the subconscious using
suggestions administered to the mind during sleep. But they failed
because they tried to introduce the messages later in the night when the
designers thought you should be in the right phase of your sleep cycle.
Unfortunately, its relatively difficult to accurately predict precisely
when those times will come to you throughout the night. The best bet is
to have the messages playing throughout the night so that no matter when
you are in the right frame of mind, the messages will be available to you.
Another important consideration is the truly brief flashes of dreams you
process while you sleep. With your dreams only being two to three
seconds in length, it is nearly impossible to ever predict when you will
enter into a dream that is tied to the portion of your subconscious
framework youre trying to reshape.
You have hundreds of dreams at night. Some of them may not be
remotely linked to the area of your subconscious mind you want to
change. Some of them might be deeply rooted in that area of your life.
The best chance you have at impacting the mind during that particular
dream is to repeat the messages you want to internalize many times
throughout the night.

The Sleep Breakthrough mp3 downloads are only sixty to ninety seconds
in length. Now, obviously it might be even better if you could hear just
two to three seconds of the perfect message at the perfect time.
Unfortunately, the English language cannot communicate concepts
nearly as quickly as the human mind can process them.
The downloads you will be listening to contain language designed to
interrupt negative or unwanted patterns and introduce suggestions of
positive patterns. The goal is to repeat only a few messages often enough
during the night to hopefully catch the right brainwave pattern, in the
right frame of mind, with the right dream, at the right time.
Some nights this may happen many times. Some nights it may not
happen at all. We sometimes receive emails from clients who have
noticed marked difference after only a day or two of listening to their
reshaping programs. Sometimes it takes weeks or months.
Everyone is different. Each night of sleep is different. It should be
expected that sometimes you will make tremendous progress in relatively
short periods of time. On the other hand, you may sometimes have very
slow progress or even backslide in your progress at times. Be persistent.
Your mind has taken years to form the subconscious framework you
carry with you each day. It may take several months to adequately
interrupt and reshape that framework.
The specific design of the mp3s is what makes the system effective and
what makes it unique. Some clients have asked why the mp3s sound the
way they do. They ask what the key to the language is or how the voice
impacts the sleep. Some people have asked whether subliminal
suggestion would work as well or better.
The messages are tailored to do several things. A first important note is
that there are no subliminal messages in the audio files. They are clear,
direct language with a tiny amount of white noise in the background to
aid in sleep. So many subliminal audio programs are available on the
market but they do not have the impact the Sleep Breakthrough system
This is because the subconscious mind doesnt have to be spoken to in
hidden messages. It isnt necessary to stack multiple layers of speech on
top of one another and blend them into meditative music or ocean waves

in order to speak to the Keeper. Your entire life, you have been spoken to
in direct language. Your brain understands it. It accepts it.
There is no reason to make it work ten times as hard to separate and
decode subliminal messages in order to gain the desired effect. In fact, it
makes more sense to make it easier for the subconscious to simply hear
the messages directly, assess them, sort them, and file them away.
Though subliminal messages seem intriguing from a marketing
standpoint, they dont do anything special for your subconscious.
Next, the messages in the Sleep Breakthrough system uses neuroassociative language. There are messages you agree with blended with
messages you may not initially or accept. Your brain automatically
believes the first message it hears and so is persuaded to believe the
second part of the message as well.
Lastly, it took a lot of trial and error to find the type of voice that had the
most effective outcome in the programs. After trying several messages
and voice tonalities that didnt work, we found the one that worked best.
This voice is unique. It works to get you to sleep and keep you asleep.
Many people have questions about whether theyll be able to fall asleep
with someones voice speaking to them on an mp3 throughout the night.
What they quickly find is that the language used in the audio and the
messages theyre hearing actually help them to get to sleep and stay
asleep more soundly throughout the night.
Now a quick word of preparation is appropriate. The voice in the mp3s
sounds a little creepy. Its very deep. Its very monotone. Its very
authoritative. It sounds like its trying to get into your subconscious and
make changesbecause it is. And it works. Usually, people listen to the
files while theyre awake to see what they say and how they sound. I
hear the same reaction most of the time. Oh that is creepy. If you
dont mind putting aside that initial impression, youll be very happy you
Many users of the Sleep Breakthrough system literally report feeling
substantially different after their very first night of using the
subconscious reshaping programs. Others gradually see changes taking
place in their lives over a period of months. Some programs, such as the
Increase your Energy system, consistently help users to feel better and

enjoy more energy in their days almost immediately. They feel the
difference in their lives overnight. Pardon the pun.
When using a program that is designed to overwrite years or decades of
subconscious programming such as the Feel Your Worth or Find
Your Purpose programs, it may literally take months of listening to
begin to see the changes that are being attracted to your life. Changing
the polarity of your subconscious magnet after a lifetime of daily
programming and constant reinforcement can take some time, as you
might imagine.
You can be excited to see rapid change, but be patient to see the beauty
you can find in gradual changes as well. It may take quite some time for
your newly reshaped subconscious mind to fully reshape your patterns
and habits. It may take even longer for your powerful inner mind to
begin to attract new people, new choices, new experiences, and new
perspectives to your life. Dont stop listening before you see the true
strength of the Keeper acting out its new patterns and preferences in your
life. It is a truly amazing metamorphosis to behold. To watch a life
reshaped is a profound experienceespecially when its your own.

Chapter 6
How the Results Happen
The first night after you begin to listen to your programs, you may feel
different. Some of the programs in the Sleep Breakthrough system are
essentially comparable to a post-hypnotic suggestion. This is the simplest
level of change users report.
One Sleep Breakthrough client described it like this:
This morning I woke up after listening to your
Stop Smoking Permanently program for the first
time last night. As I started getting ready for work,
I had the thought, I need a cigarette. Then
another thought argued with me and said, No you
dont. It was like I had my own voice that Im

used to hearing when I think to myself, and then

another little voice that seemed like it came out of
This type of experience is very typical of the feedback I get from my
clients. When a person using this system begins to engage in a familiar
and often negative pattern, a little alarm goes off in the subconscious
mind that says, Wait! Somethings not right.
It is this pattern interrupt that you will notice day by day with increasing
strength as you continue to use the Sleep Breakthrough program. It is this
pattern interrupt that means the system is working to reshape your
subconscious mind.
Eventually this pattern interrupt can become so strong that you cant
even remember the old patterns and habits you had before. Now of
course, you can override the interrupt. You may choose to simply
continue to engage in the old patterns. The difference is that brief second
when you now get to choose.
When you experience that little voice that stops you for a moment, you
are no longer slave to your Keepers desires. You have a moment to
exercise your conscious minds ability to act on your behalf.
With each tiny victory, your mind begins to create new neural pathways.
These new pathways lead you to larger and larger positive decisions in
your life. Eventually, you will have reshaped your entire framework to
your liking.
This method of subconscious reshaping is the more recognizable part of
the system. This is the type of change clients see when using programs
like, Increase Your Energy, Permanent Weight Loss, Enjoy Eating
Healthy, Eliminate Bad Eating Habits, and Stop Smoking
Permanently. The subconscious patterns associated with these everyday
life activities are interrupted often enough to build new, healthier
patterns, and it is a very visible kind of change.
The other kind of change users of this system experience is much more
difficult to describe. This mode of change is related to the deeper
associations we hold regarding our lives, our identities, and our reality on
this earth.

These global associations can also be changed with subconscious

reshaping. But the process is longer and more difficult to see on a day to
day basis. When these subconscious patterns are rewritten, the changes
are gradual over time.
These deeply guarded associations are changed with the users constantly
hearing repetitive, authoritative messages during the deeper parts of the
sleep cycle when the subconscious mind is open to impression. This
leads to some interesting changes in the persons life.
The first experience is typically the dreams. These dreams are often
deeply symbolic. Users of the system report dreams that are strange,
meaningful, and occasionally even a little disturbing to them. These
dreams are sometimes related to their pasts, their relationships with
others, their insecurities, their deepest fears and their hardest times.
I do not in any way claim to be an expert on dreams. But I can report
what I have heard from clients and what I have experienced myself. And
I can describe it to the best of my ability to figure out what is happening
in the subconscious mind as these dreams unfold.
It appears that dreams will start out very normal but then shift to a place
that is tied to deep associations about the users identity and life. It is my
assumption that these dreams take shape as the individual hears the sleep
programming at just the right phase of sleep as the Keeper is using
dreams to sort out experiences, thoughts, and beliefs about the persons
In these dreams, we typically find ourselves in a situation closely tied to
a negative association from our lives or our pasts. The Keeper seems to
be unpacking its beliefs and associations from our framework as if it
were unpacking old items that have been boxed up in the attic for years.
As the boxes get opened, sometimes some hurtful and disturbing images
may come to us in these dreams. The good news is that consistently we
find that we are able to overcome the challenges we face in these dreams.
It feels as though the keeper is getting out all these boxed up
associations, taking a look at them years later with a fresh perspective
and coming to the realization that they arent all that difficult to deal with
after all. We really do have the power to look at our struggles, our

insecurities, and our fears and then overcome them with the strength and
tools we have available to our immensely strong inner minds.
To wake up from one of these dreams can leave a person with very
mixed feelings. On one hand, it is draining to face the darkness and hurt
some of us have boxed up in our attics. On the other hand, it is
empowering and liberating to have overcome these challenges in our
dreams. It is a unique experience to say the least.
As the dreams continue to unfold, you may not be aware of how much
youre changing, because it is happening so gradually. One of my clients
mentioned that she had been listening to the Overcome Your Fears
program. She had experienced some truly disturbing events in her past,
leaving her with deep inner fears in her life. In order for her Keeper to
overcome these fears, she had to dig deep into a dark past. It sometimes
created some very difficult dreams for her. But in every dream, she was
victorious over the challenges she faced. And each dream helped her to
more fully accept her strength and overcome her childhood fears.
She said that she hadnt really noticed the changes in her life daily,
because they came so gradually. But now that she could look back over
time, she was able to remember how much of her life she spent in fear.
Now she no longer felt that anxiety and irrational fear each day.
In fact, she said it was difficult to even remember what it felt like to be in
that fearful place each day. Its similar to watching your child grow up.
When you see your child every day, you may not notice him or her
growing. When a friend or relative who hasnt seen your child comes
over, however, that person may be shocked at how much your child has
grown or changed.
Often, people using programs such as Conquer Depression, Find
Your Purpose, Feel Your Worth, Love Yourself, or Be a Positive
Person initially write to say they arent noticing any changes in their
lives. I reassure them and ask them to continue to listen to the programs
every night they can.
Then, Ill get an email from them saying they finally looked up one day
and realized that a huge change had taken place in their lives. Maybe
someone else had pointed it out to them. Maybe one day they were
reminded of the way they used to be. However it happened, they were
suddenly aware of just how far they had come.

Gradually, they have changed the polarity of their subconscious magnet.

Slowly, over time they have reshaped the desires their Keeper expresses
and attracts in their lives. They cant explain it. They cant point their
finger at a specific occurrence and say, Theres where it happened. Thats
when it all changed. But the effects of that gradual change are truly life
altering for people.
It is these kinds of metamorphoses that excite me even more than the
visible kinds of change. These examples remind me of the power of the
subconscious mind and the value of the tools I have given people to
reshape parts of their lives they have desired to change for a long time.
When I see people whose lives are made better by reshaping these deep
associations, I feel wonderful for their success. When I see people who
have begun to attract positive friends, healthy relationships, fulfilling
careers, and a true sense of self worth, it brings me tremendous joy and
It is this kind of change that I hope for you as you read this book and use
this program. I hope to get an email from you someday telling me how
you looked up one day and everything had somehow changed for the

My Story: Who is the Sandman?
It was my sister who first said I was like the Sandman weve all heard
of, bringing sweet dreams to people in the night. I liked it, so I kept it. In
fact though, its a bit of a misnomer. As Ive mentioned before, a lot of
the dreams my program brings to people are deeply symbolic. Theyre
not always rainbows and gumdrops, and theres a very good reason for
that. People who use our system look forward to those symbolic dreams
and are thankful for the change they bring in their lives. But well
discuss that a bit later. For now, Ill share with you a bit about myself,
my background, and what led me to study subconscious thought and
eventually subconscious reshaping.

I was born December 7, 1976 in Pordenone, Italy. My mother and father

were both in the United States Air Force. My parents were incredibly
loving and devoted. Our home was full of love, encouragement and
affection. My parents instilled strong, positive values, never using harsh
or uncaring words, never fighting in front of my younger sister and me,
and always holding our family together through good times and bad. I
could not have asked for a healthier example of how two people can love
each other and function in a relationship.
We moved constantly, though. After my parents left the military, we
moved from place to place as they constantly looked for work and a
better life for their family. I changed schools thirteen times before I got
to high school.
Several times my bed was the floor of a relatives home as we moved to
a new town to start over. At the time, I thought it was just a fun
sleepover. Now as an adult, I realize we were essentially homeless and
dependent upon the charity of our family and friends as my parents tried
to get on their feet, yet again.
Very early on, my parents realized that I had been gifted with an
exceedingly strong intellect. Eventually, I would test with an IQ of 146.
This qualified me for Mensa, the international society for individuals in
the top two percent of intelligence in the world. Sometimes I jokingly
say that if my parents had known just how smart I really was, they
wouldnt have spent so much time trying to tell me what to do. And the
phrase, What on Earth are you thinking?! would have taken on a whole
new meaning.
Unfortunately, the gift of intelligence went largely unused throughout my
upbringing as I moved from school to school, never staying long enough
to really have a teacher or mentor take a strong enough interest in me to
work with me or lend any guidance. My parents, even with as much as
they loved me, didnt quite know what to do with me or how to engage
my mind. And even with all the love in their hearts, they simply werent
able to create an environment that was steady, stable, or empowering.

I was always the new kid, always getting in a fight, so often in the
principals office. I was arrogant, bored, and often started trouble for
myself or others. I got in trouble for vandalism and destruction of
property over and over again. We often lived in extremely poor areas,
project apartments, trailer parks, and rough neighborhoods where I
would consistently hook up with the group of kids who seemed
determined to make the worst, most dangerous and destructive choices
available in any given moment. Im embarrassed at many of the choices I
made as a child. Im thankful that no one including myself ever really
got badly hurt.
Now, I will add to all those wonderfully positive qualities, that I was
very overweight as well. I weighed over a hundred pounds by the time I
got to the third grade. You can probably imagine the impression I made
on my classmates and teachers as I walked into a new school. Heres this
kid - overweight, unkempt, poor, wearing clothes a size too big or a size
too small because they had been bought at a garage sale or handed down
from family. Then inevitably, I would get into a fight with another
student or more often a teacher. In short, I was a mess.
In 1982, my dad decided he was tired of moving from place to place,
always starting over, always taking some mundane, low-paying job. He
moved us to Warrensburg, Missouri where he and my mother would go
to college. He studied computer science, and my mother studied nursing.
After they graduated, life was supposed to change. Unfortunately, the
moving continued and now there were new problems. One morning, I
remember waking up in a frigid trailer house in Kentucky. I was bundled
in blankets. There was no heat. We had had our utilities turned off again.
It was New Years Eve. I went to the kitchen. There was nothing to eat
but the remnants of one box of Rice Krispies cerealno milk. We were
flat broke. My dad walked out of his bedroom. It was the first time I had
ever seen him clean-shaven. He had worn a beard my entire life.
That morning, he had a cardboard sign that read Kansas City. He told
me a friend was picking him up and driving him to his brothers house in

Missouri. I was too young to realize he was hitchhiking halfway across

the country to try to provide for his family.
Soon, we moved to Kansas City. He had taken a job with Trans World
Airlines as a computer systems troubleshooter. It was a great job with
great pay.
Before long, my mother, my sister and I packed up what we could fit in
our little yellow hatchback and moved to be with him in Kansas City.
Life started to get significantly better. Unfortunately, thats when the
real problems began.
My father began acting very strangely. I often didnt understand what he
was talking about. He repeatedly told me that people were following us,
trying to hurt us, trying to take me and my sister, or trying to get to him.
He constantly talked about people at work trying to listen in on his phone
calls, talking about him, trying to get him in trouble or even do harm to
his family. He became convinced that he was in constant danger. He saw
cars following us that werent there. He talked about people hiding in
bushes or behind buildings watching us.
His struggle with what we eventually learned was paranoid
schizophrenia ended badly. One evening, at the end of a long, hurtful,
and violent time in his life, he attempted to kill my mother, my sister,
and me. He had cut my mother very badly when I ran to the sound of her
screams. I stopped him. I made him let her go. I watched as she ran out
the door, leaving blood everywhere, to go find help. I was 10 years old.
The police came shortly thereafter. They took my father away. They put
my sister and me in the fingerprint room of the jail. We listened as my
father screamed from a padded jail cell. I walked to the door where I
heard the screaming. His tortured face popped into the small window in
the door. He yelled, Help me, Danny! Get me out of here! Make them
let me out! The jail guard literally laughed as I pleaded with him to let
my dad out.
My sister and I were put into emergency foster care for several days. I
spent my 11th birthday at that foster home. The next day, some social

workers showed up to take us back to my mother. She was beaten badly,

covered in purple and green bruises, and so many stitches.
She took us to my grandmothers house where a lot of family was
waiting. She had some horribly difficult news for us. My father had
hanged himself in the state mental hospital two days ago. He died
December 6th, 1987.
I share this history with you for a very specific purpose. It isnt to shock
you or to gain your sympathy. It is to illustrate to you what built such a
drive, such a fiery passion in me to help people.
My fathers disease and death changed my life forever. Forgive me for
not sharing here the depth of the struggles we faced over the next several
I moved out of my mothers house at 17 years old. I shortly thereafter
conceived my first child, my beautiful oldest daughter. I got married in
March of my senior year of high school.
I rented a house and worked as much as I could, thankfully still finishing
high school. But after a second amazing and beautiful daughter had come
along, college seemed a ridiculous absurdity.
And so, my life churned on throughout my young adult years. I repeated
the patterns of my youth, always moving, always starting over, always
poor. My little family was on public assistance for years as their leader
barely scraped by.
I will spare you the long list of my significant and numerous
indiscretions. Suffice it to say if you can name a shocking moral
misjudgment, I most likely engaged in itmore than once. It was a
shameful time in my life.
After several years of being so very unhappy with my life, it began to
occur to me that these patterns were repeating themselves in a way that I
felt powerless to affect. It seemed that no matter how hard I tried, I saw
the same problems over and over again.

I was always overweight and unhealthy, trying to lose weight but gaining
it back plus interest. I had horrible eating habits. I ate because of
boredom. I ate when I was sad. I ate to bring about emotional responses I
couldnt seem to find elsewhere. It lowered my self esteem.
My children lived in six homes in the first five years of their lives. I was
constantly and consistently creating a reality that matched my concept of
normalcy. The problem was that my idea of normal was pretty screwed
I had two difficult marriages followed by two even more difficult
divorces leaving me with absolutely nothing to my name both times.
A close friend of mine called my house the suicide house and wouldnt
let me spend very long there alone. He said it was too depressing to see a
life so empty and he was afraid for me. He even had to give me some
money to help with bills. At one point, my mother brought by a basket of
food that she left on the doorstep as she rang the doorbell and tried to
drive away before I would realize it was her.
The only thing that brought me joy during those times was the love I had
for my daughters. My third phenomenal daughter was born to me in my
second marriage.
Something had to change. Something had to drastically change. I hated
my life. Here I was, supposedly a genius, and I couldnt figure out how
to stop being such a failure at life! I cannot count the tears I cried.
I looked up one day about a couple of years ago and realized that
something was not right. It seemed that no matter how badly I wanted to
work hard, make good choices, and succeed, the harder I tried, the worse
things got.
Every day was hollow. Every night was empty. Every experience was a
painful reminder of just how sad my existence really was. The
knowledge of my own failures and the fact that I was hiding them so
effectively from the world was constantly eating away at my mind, my
heart, my spirit.
I had to learn what it was in me that repeated these negative patterns. I
had to understand what was keeping me depressed, angry, broke,
overweight, disappointed, inloved, in failed relationship after failed

relationship. There had to be something causing this pattern that was out
of my control, because if I could have willed it to go differently, I would
have done it in a heartbeat.
I felt powerless to affect positive change in my life. I had seen therapists.
I had hired coaches. I had read dozens of self-help books and tried to
apply their principles. I had done everything I knew how to do with my
conscious mind.
That was when I was fortunate enough to meet my friend whose epileptic
seizure changed my life. My mind opened to possibilities that
revolutionized the way I looked at the lives we lead and the choices we
When the realization came to me that it wasnt my conscious mind I was
fighting, it all changed. When I realized it was my Keeper keeping me
trapped in my negative framework, it created a transformation in my life.
I began studying the subconscious mind in depth. I began reading studies
scientists had written based on research into subliminal messages and
subconscious programming. I began testing different methods to learn
what worked and what didnt.
When I finally found the system that worked, it happened.
I dropped five pounds in the first week. I went on to lose twenty-five
more. I did it without sacrificing or dieting. It just came off. I truly began
to love healthy food and dislike things that were bad for me. I began to
consistently exercise. I felt many, many times more energy than I had
ever had in my life.
I changed my business model completely. It became fulfilling and
profitable. I felt like I was finally truly on a path to success. The more I
worked, the more I got in return. It was a huge transformation from a
time when the more I had worked, the more I had failed.
I began working on this book and the web site that allows other people to
experience the results, the joy, and the satisfaction Ive been able to
experience. I worked on it with a passion and a drive Ive never seen in
my life. At times, I would be able to go days without rest to complete
this vision I had created. I have desired so badly to bring this amazing
change to other peoples lives as well.

Let me stop for a moment, however, to reassure you of this. It wasnt all
easy. Still to this day, I see the deepest associations of a wounded psyche
and an impoverished lifestyle bubbling up and being smashed against the
rocks of truth and reality. It is a turbulent transformation. At times, Im
not even sure I can handle the depth of the change. But Im so
completely thankful for it.
Im not finished with my own growth. In fact, I hope I never finish. To
stop growing is to start dying. I look forward to the changes that continue
to take place in my own life in my own inner mind. It is a monumental
What this means to you
Based on my lifes relatively extraordinary experiences, I have a true
desire to see positive change in other peoples lives. I believe the
subconscious reshaping system I invented can bring about massive
growth and tremendously positive change for the people who use it.
I believe you can change your habits. I believe you can interrupt your
negative patterns. I believe you can unpack your own boxes in the attic
and find that youre strong enough to change the parts of your life that
you so desperately know need changing.
I want you to try the system Ive created. I want it to work for you. And I
want to hear from you and find that youre experiencing positive growth
in your life.
This life is here for you to enjoy, for you to grow, for you to learn, and
for you to give back. And if you know there are areas of your life that
have room for improvement, I want you to let me work with you to make
your life better than it has ever been better for you, better for those
around you, and better for every person you touch.
This is my goal and my mission - to help you live your life to the fullest
capacity of your mind, your heart and your spirit.
Your success is my success. Lets take this journey and celebrate your
new life together.

To Learn More
You can access more information regarding the specific programs
available from the Sleep Breakthrough subconscious reshaping system at
There you will find over 100 programs for

health and wellness

business and work success
weight loss
smoking cessation

You may also get in contact with Daniel Johnson via email.

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Nonconscious Information Processing. MIT Press
Dan Johnson is the creator of Sleep
Breakthrough, a patent-pending system for
subconscious reshaping. He is an entrepreneur,
business strategist, community volunteer, writer
and devoted father of three amazing daughters.
He lives a passionate life of growth and giving
and encourages others to do the same.

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