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210 4 little garden on the side of Montmartre, To the left a small one-storeyed house with an uncovered porch and vestibule. Beside the house, down stage, a small door in a wall, To right some scaffolding. At the back a hedge: betwen the hedge and the scaffolding, a site of slats. A garden path along the hedse. Beyond, the roofs of the neighbouring houses rise in tiers. Panorama of Paris, Almost twilight. SCENE [ dx the curtain rises, Julian, book in hand, seated by the house, seems lost Lonine her elbow on the balustrade of the porch, tooks at him, smiling and affectionate, and then goes to hi Jase Andante (tfanquillo) LOUISE Depuis le jour Ber since the day PIANO tou . te flen_ri ..¢ ra. diant with flo > vers ot jemesnis don.né - e, when untothce 1 gave me, eee |i (2 | Un poco animate Meno semble mia desti. né _ e. Je—_crois r6. ver. seems my path way be fore me. T seem to dream — aut —sousunciel de fée. ri 2. ¢, Pame encore gri- sé . 0 neatha fairyland hea. . —~ ven,while my soul still is drunk with |___—— oo a4 Pi riu a Tempo d= JULIAN bai . ser! first” kiss, de ton pre - mier thejoy of thy Lowi. | Lowi. segue \p-sostenuto ~ sel “quel. -Ie belle vi. el of sal Ah, “howswect is life! vo mareata nota bassa solamente Mon ré . ve wétait pas un ré- ~ ve! My dream has not been merely dream . ing! 44096 Un poco animato J= 72 nf 4 é-tendsur —moi___ oer me his wings . Pid vivo dette ~ lest de mon coeur chante joie of my __ heart new is the Joy Pid vivo date nf - det D aingt cespressivo mf Jst0n ~ bre, tout se ré_ jou. it de. moptri . ope - 1 ture doth rejoice with me, and with me tri phe! Autourde moi tout est sou . ri A emo? dz6o —— LP du premier jour d’a. --mour! of our first ‘day of ~ mant L Quelle belle vii. Oh, how sweet is Life! Animate rall te 9g gy pt ah je suisheu ren . = se! trop he. 4h Tam so hap: : 1 py! all too a Tempo, —=. 2 et jo trom. . ble dé . eu-sement, andl trom. > ble with exqui ~ site delight ral. du premier jour d'a- of ourfirstday of au souve - nir charmant — when 1 re. call the charm — segue 216 2 Tempo Accel. ou mf 2 Tempo JULIAN LOUISE throwing herself in his ar Louise estheu-ren . se? Tropheu . ren. . - se! Louise thenis hap. py? Yes.too ~ hap. . _- py! LO wo ——w Aceel. JULIAN tenderly. Tu ne regrettes rien? And youhave nore . grets? —hh be~ a. Sipe. Jw) = rr" = a Tempo nous Accel. nf jent Que puis- None, what have 5 ; . P

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