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Reading Response Journals

This year you are expected to read independently outside, as well as inside, of
school. You should be reading daily. In order for me to stay connected with what
you are reading, I am going to have you write in a Reading Response Journal. This
journal should be kept in a one-subject notebook or a 1-inch binder that can be
easily collected, as it will be due every two (2) weeks.

While keeping this journal, please keep in mind that you will be graded on what
you turn in. Remember that your journals assignments are not optional and
need to turned in on time. You can easily meet the requirements if you are sure
to include the following:

Title of book and page numbers written at top of EACH entry

AT LEAST six (6) dated entries

AT LEAST one paragraph for each entry (3-5 Sentences)

Complete thoughts/sentences

Responses to the reading, NOT summaries.

I want you, as a reader, to respond to the literature. I do not want you simply
telling me what a book is about. That would be a summary. Rather, write down
your thoughts and reactions as you read. You can do this by:

Making predictions (Be sure to include why you think that will happen).

I predict that the White Witch is going to use Edmund to get to Aslan

Writing down your questions/wonderings that are going through your mind as
you read. (These may or may not be answered as you read on. That's okay.)

I wonder why the character _________ decided to walk away,

rather than fight back? If I were __________, I would have done
___________ because.....?

I wonder why the author.........?

Making Connections including:


This part in the book reminds me of the time when.....

I can identify and connect with the character _____________


I remember feeling the way that the character ____________ is

feeling because..........


This story reminds me of the book _______________


This particular character reminds me of the character _______

from the book (or movie) ________ because....


Analysis of a Character

Do you like the character? Why or why not?

I don't really care for the character ____________. I find her

to be rather obnoxious because ....

What kind of a character are they and why? (Dynamic-Changes;

Static-Stays the same)

I think that the character ____________ is a static character

because, despite everything that has happened to her, she is still

___________ is definitely a dynamic character. If he hadn't lost

everything, he would still be the spoiled brat that he was at the
start of the book.

Remember to simply record your thoughts as you read. Readers are ALWAYS

My words of wisdom are that you do not wait until last minute to read and respond
in your journal. If you do, you will find yourself without enough time to get it
done. If you read regularly and respond regularly, you will do well!!

Best of Luck,

Mrs. Wedge

Due Date: Wednesday, September 28th, 2016

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