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A Test on the Normality in the Tobit Model

Jinook Jeong 1
School of Economics
Yonsei University
Daeyoung Jeong
School of Economics
Yonsei University

January 2010

We propose an alternative Hausman test for normality in the Tobit model. Unlike
the previous tests by Ruud (1984) or Newey (1987), our test compares the Tobit estimator to
an estimator which is consistent both under the null hypothesis and under the alternative
hypothesis. To do so, it utilizes a purely nonparametric estimator for the Tobit model
proposed by Newey (1999b) and Jeong (2004). We present a Monte Carlo simulation to
compare the finite sample properties of our test to the previous tests.

Keywords: tobit model, normality test, bootstrap

JEL classifications: C12, C15

Acknowledgement: We are grateful for the helpful comments on the earlier draft from
Graduate Seminars on Contemporary Economics at Yonsei University. The authors are
members of Brain Korea 21 Research Group of Yonsei University.

Corresponding Author, 1) address: School of Economics, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea 120-749, 2) phone:
+82-2-2123-2493, 3) email:

I. Introduction
The maximum likelihood estimation of censored regression model has been named
Tobit after Tobin (1958).

It is well known that the validity of the Tobit estimator depends

on the assumption of normality. Arabmazar and Schmidt (1982) and Goldberger (1983)
among others show that the Tobit estimator becomes inconsistent when the normal
distribution assumption of the disturbance is not satisfied.

A number of alternative tests for

the normality assumption in the Tobit model have been suggested.

studies is the Lagrange Multiplier, or score test.

One direction of the

Lin and Schmidt (1984), Bera, Jarque and

Lee (1984), Chesher and Irish (1987), and Pagan and Vella (1989) propose various types of
score tests.

Another line of research is Hausman test approach.

proposes a Hausman test for the normality in the Tobit model.

Nelson (1981) first

He compares a method of

moment estimator and the maximum likelihood estimator to construct a Hausman test. 2
Ruud (1984) uses a probit estimator, truncated regression estimator, and the Tobit estimator
in constructing a similar pseudo-Hausman test. 3

Newey (1987) proposes the same

Hausman-type test using the difference between Powells (1986) symmetrically censored
least squares (SCLS) estimator and the Tobit estimator.
However, the finite sample performance of the Hausman tests for normality is far
from perfect.

Ericson and Hansen (1999) examine the finite sample performance of

Neweys (1987) Hausman test through a Monte Carlo simulation.

Even with 640

observations, Neweys test severely over-rejects the true null hypothesis, and significantly
under-rejects the false null hypothesis. Holden (2004) evaluates the performance of Ruuds
(1984) Hausman test which compares the probit estimator and the Tobit estimator.


Nelsons test is not exactly Hausman test because his second estimator is not consistent under the alternative
hypothesis. Although a Hausman-type test could be defined with an inconsistent second estimator, the original
Hausman test statistic uses a consistent estimator under both the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis
for the second estimator.
Nelsons (1981) test could be interpreted as a special case of Ruuds (1984).

the sample size is medium (150 observations), the size is inaccurate and the power is very

Even when the sample size is large (900 observations), the size and power are not

The size distortion and power reduction of the Hausman tests are probably due to the
bad design of the test statistics. Ruuds test compares the probit estimator and the Tobit

Both the probit and Tobit estimators are consistent under the normality (H0).

However, under nonnormailty (H1), both the estimators are inconsistent.

The original

Hausman test compares two estimators, one of which is consistent only under H0, and the
other of which is consistent both under H0 and H1.

By doing so, the Hausman test statistic

converges to zero under H0, and is guaranteed to diverge under H1.

Of course, as Nelson

(1981) and Ruud (1984) argue, it is possible that Hausman test could be well defined even
with estimators both are inconsistent under H1.

If the probability limits of the estimators are

different under H1, Hausman test is feasible.

However, the small sample performance

depends on the actual difference of the two estimates even in such a case.
Neweys test also has a limitation. Neweys test employs the SCLS estimator for
the second estimator to be compared with the Tobit estimator.

It is well known that the

SCLS estimator is not consistent when the error distribution is asymmetric.

Thus, if the

underlying distribution happens to be an asymmetric nonnormal distribution, just like Ruuds

test, both the SCLS estimator and the Tobit estimator are inconsistent under H1.

Again, of

course, asymptotically Hausman test has no problem if the probability limits of the estimators
are different under H1.

However, the finite sample properties of the test could be distorted

as shown by Ericson and Hansen (1999).

This paper proposes an alternative Hausman test for normality in the Tobit model.
As the proposed test does not have the problems that Ruuds test or Neweys test, its finite

sample properties are expected to be better than those earlier tests.

It utilizes a purely

nonparametric estimator for the Tobit model to avoid the inconsistency of the second
estimator under H1.

We compare the finite sample properties of the proposed test to the

earlier ones by a Monte Carlo simulation.

II. A Nonparametric Estimation of Tobit Model

Let us consider the following (generalized) Tobit model. However, the test can also
be applied to the simpler version of Tobit model where Xi = Zi. 4
yi* = Xi + ui

i = 1, 2, , n

di* = Zi + vi


yi = yi* and di = 1

if di* 0

yi = di = 0

if di* < 0

where Xi has k variables, Zi has m variables, and (ui, vi) is assumed to have a serially
independent bivariate normal distribution with a mean of zero and a variance matrix of


for all i. With the normality assumption, the model can be estimated by the

standard MLE, to produce the so-called Tobit estimators.

To construct a Hausman test, we need a nonparametric estimator to be compared with
the Tobit estimator.

This paper uses the nonparametric estimator introduced by Jeong

The estimator is based on the generalized residual.

The generalized residual,

developed by Gourieroux, et al. (1987) and Chesher and Irish (1987), is defined to replace the
unobservable residual in latent variable models.

It is simply the (estimated) conditional

expectation of the error given the observed data.

Formally, the generalized residual, e i , is

This simple Tobit model is sometimes called standard Tobit model or Type 1 Tobit model after Amemiya

defined as:
e i E (ei | yi )


where is an asymptotically efficient estimator of the parameter vector of the model, .

The generalized residual turns out to be useful in estimation of limited dependent variable

When the errors of the observed model have non-zero mean due to the limited

observability in the model, the non-zero mean is often a source of bias in estimation.


such cases, the generalized residual can capture the bias caused by the non-zero mean of
errors and make the model estimable.

In the above Tobit model, if equation (1) is estimated

by OLS using only the uncensored data (di* 0), the estimate of will be biased because the
conditional mean of ui is not zero.

However, the conditional expectation, E(u i | d i * 0) , is

a linear function of the generalized residual ( ~v i ) where v i E(vi | d i * 0) .

Thus, the error

term (ei) of the following regression will have a zero mean, and the equation can be estimated
by OLS..
yi= X i + uv v i + ei


The functional form of ~v i depends on the underlying distribution.


normality, the generalized residual becomes the well-known inverse Mills ratio.

v i =

(Zi )
(Zi )


where is the pdf of the standard normal distribution, and is the cdf of the standard normal

In this case, the estimation of equation (4) becomes the Heckit or Heckmans

two-step estimation. 5
If the normality assumption is not satisfied, the generalized residual will take an
If X and Z have exactly the same variables, is only identified by the nonlinearity of the generalized residual.
However, as the generalized residual is often close to linear, such practice may create identification problem.
See Little (1985).

unknown form.

Jeong (2004) proposes the following procedure.

First, the selection

equation (2) is estimated by some nonparametric estimation method, such as maximum score
estimation by Manski (1975, 1985), a distribution-free maximum likelihood estimation by
Cosslett (1983, 1987), smoothed maximum score estimation by Horowitz (1992), or single
index estimation by Klein and Spady (1993) and Ichimura (1993), etc.

Using the estimates

of , an approximation of the conditional expectation of ui in equation (1) is specified as

i E(u i | d i * 0) 0 + 1 (Zi ) + 2 (Zi )


This second-order approximation is a simpler version of the one in Newey (1999b).

In the

second stage, g i replaces the generalized residual term ( uv ~

v i ) in equation (4).

y i = x i + g i + e i


Equation (7) is estimated by OLS, and then the standard error of the estimated , NP , is
computed through bootstrapping. 6

The bootstrap is employed for refined finite sample

properties, although Newey (1999b) derives the asymptotic variance of NP under somewhat
strong regularity conditions. 7

The consistency and asymptotic normality of the estimator

are also shown by Newey (1999b).

Jeong (2004) finds that the estimator performs well in

finite samples, and that it has more accurate sizes and higher powers than the traditional ones
when the underlying distribution is nonnormal.

III. Test Statistics for Normality

For a test on the normality of the censored regression model, we construct a
Note that the intercept term in is not identified from 0. Only (0+0) can be identified.
discusses some possible measures for separating these two intercept terms.

Actually, Neweys derivation is for a bigger set of estimator than



Vella (1998)

Hausman test statistic with the above nonparametric estimator, NP , and the traditional Tobit
estimator, Tobit .

It should be emphasized that NP is consistent both under H0 and H1,

unlike the estimators Ruud (1984) and Newey (1987) use.

As explained in the introduction,

the Tobit estimator is consistent and efficient under H0, and inconsistent under H1.


Hausman statistic is:

H= n(
NP Tobit ) 'V ( NP Tobit )
is an estimator of the asymptotic variance (V) of the difference,
where V


n (NP Tobit ) .

Applying Theorem 1 of Newey (1999b), it would be straightforward to derive a chi-square

distribution for H.

Instead of the asymptotic distribution, however, we employ the bootstrap

distribution of H for the test of normality, to improve its finite sample properties.
estimate V also through a nested bootstrap.


Thus, the test procedure involves a double

, is constructed by a nested bootstrap, and

First, the bootstrap estimate of V, V

then HB is bootstrapped again in the second stage, to produce the critical values of the

normality test, where H B= n(
NP Tobit ) 'VB ( NP Tobit ) .
As the double bootstrap requires a considerable computing time, we propose an
alternative bootstrap procedure.

When we apply bootstrap distribution, it is not actually

necessary to normalize the statistic with V

Instead, the squared sum of the differences,

As this statistic is not pivotal,
NP Tobit ) '( NP Tobit ) , can be bootstrapped for the test.
however, its bootstrap distribution would have skewness and fat tails. 8

We apply Efrons

BCa method to correct the skewness and fat tails.

The BCa method is to compute the (1-2) confidence interval for a parameter, , as

See Jeong and Maddala (1993) or Horowitz (2000) for details.


1 ( ( z[ ])), G
1 ( ( z[1 ]))]
[ G


where G is the cdf of the bootstrap distribution, is the cdf of the standard normal
distribution, and
(z 0 + z (i ) )
z[i] = z 0 +
1 a 0 (z 0 + z (i ) )

(i = or 1 )


In (10), z ( ) is the -level critical value of the standard normal distribution, z0 is bias
constant for bias correction, and a0 is the acceleration constant for variance stabilization.
z0 and a0 are computed from the sample as

( ))
z 0 = 1 (G
a0 =

1 3i
6 i2 3 / 2

( )



where i is the finite sample version of the empirical influence function

t ((1 ) F + i ) t ( F )

i = lim

In (13), = t (F) .
mass at xi.
point xi.


F is the empirical distribution of the original sample, and i is a point

Thus, i is the derivative of the estimate with respect to the contamination of

is set to 1/(n+1). 9

One-tailed version of the confidence interval (9) is used to

derive the critical point of the squared sum of the differences for the test of normality. 10

Thus, the empirical influence is calculated in the following steps.

First, xi is duplicated and added into the

+ ) , the
For t ((1 ) F
statistic of interest, for instance the D-W statistic, is computed using the (n+1) observations. Alternatively,
may be set to a smaller value to give more accuracy to the influence function. In such cases, the empirical
empirical distribution.

Now, the number of observations is not n but (n+1).

+ ) . For example, if = 0.001,

distribution needs to be corrected accordingly to compute t ((1 ) F
then the frequency of i observation should be inflated by 0.001 and the frequencies of all the other observations
should be deflated conformably.
For more detailed discussion about the BCa method, readers are referred to Efron (1987).

IV. Monte Carlo Simulation

In a Monte Carlo simulation, we compare our nonparametric bootstrap Hausman test
explained above to Neweys (1987) Hausman test which uses the difference between Powells
(1986) SCLS estimator and the Tobit estimator.

We examine two versions of our Hausman

test, one with the single index estimation by Klein and Spady (1993) for the binary regression,
and the other with the smoothed maximum score estimation by Horowitz (1992) for the
binary regression, respectively, as explained in the last section.

We will compare the

accuracy of the empirical sizes and empirical powers of the three tests.

The simulation

model we use is as follows.

yi* = 0 + 1Xi1 + 2Xi2 + ui


di* = 0 + 1Zi1 + 2Zi2 + vi


yi = yi* and di = 1

if di* 0

yi = di = 0

if di* < 0

where we set 0 = 1 = 2 = 0 = 1 = 2 = 1.

The explanatory variables, Xs and Zs are

independently created from a uniform distribution with a mean of and a variance of 10,
respectively. 11
X2 = Z2.

In creating Xs and Zs, to mimic the reality better, one constraint is imposed:

Though it is also possible Xs and Zs are totally independent, it seems more

realistic to assume that there is some overlap in Xs and Zs. 12

A few alternative error

distributions are used for (ui, vi) in the simulation: a bivariate normal distribution, a chisquare distribution, a symmetric mixed-normal distribution, and an asymmetric mixednormal distribution.

The parameters used for the distribution of (ui, vi) are: E(ui) = E(vi) = 0,


In order to keep about 15 percent zeros in the dependent variable, and to look into more general cases, we set
at 0, 0.1, 0.25, and 0.45.
If we alternatively assume that there is no overlap in Xs and Zs, the proposed nonparametric bootstrap
procedure will be easier because the two-step estimator will be consistent despite any misspecification of
distribution, as Newey (1999a) proves. However, in practice, it is safer to assume that there could be common
variables in Xs and Zs.

var(ui) = var(vi) = 1 for all i, and uv = 0.5.

Four different sample sizes are used for the simulation: 20, 50, 100, and 200.


number of bootstrap replications is set to 1,000, and the simulation results are based on 1,000
Table 1 presents a preliminary simulation result for the sample size of 50.

In the

table, NEWEY stands for the bootstrap version of Neweys test, and NP-KS for the
nonparametric bootstrap test with the Klein-Spady estimator. 13

Table 1. The rejection rates of normality tests

Difference in 1
Difference in 2
Squared Sum of the







V. Conclusion
We propose an alternative Hausman test for normality in the Tobit model.


the previous tests by Ruud (1984) or Newey (1987), our test compares the Tobit estimator to
an estimator which is consistent both under the null hypothesis and under the alternative

To do so, it utilizes a purely nonparametric estimator for the Tobit model

proposed by Newey (1999b) and Jeong (2004).

As the inconsistency of the estimator under

H1 is a potential source of distorted finite sample properties of the previous tests, the
proposed test is expected to have better small sample performance.

We present a Monte

Carlo simulation to compare the finite sample properties of our test to the previous tests.

These are all based on the BCa confidence interval of the squared sum of the differences.

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