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Sound Healing Project

Here is a very amazing sound healing project that I have been working on for some
time. The results are quite impressive. Most sound experiments involving the
human voice and body harmonics require expensive computer hardware and
software. This do-it-yourself project, however, can be put together at a very
reasonable cost.
The premise is that the body generates a set of unique frequencies in the form of
harmonics, notes, and tones. Every person, as they speak normally, emit some of
these frequencies that correspond to the musical scale. This musical scale is
comprised of C, C#, D, D#, E, F, F#, G, G#, A, A#, and B. These will be in a range of
about 2 to 3 octaves according to that individuals voice. I believe that ALL 12 notes
should be included in a healthy persons voice. If there are notes missing in that
individuals voice pattern, then that missing note, or notes, will correspond to some
deficiency in the body. This deficiency can be corrected by applying those missing
notes to strategic points, or the Human Energy System (chakras) of the body .
Equipment Needed:

1@ KORG AT-12 or KORG DTM-12 Auto Chromatic Tuner. The AT-12 is my

favorite, but is a discontinued model. I purchased 2 of them at various music
and pawn shops, so you should be able to find one if you look around.
The DTM-12 is the model that replaced the AT-12 and should work equally
well, but look around a try to get a AT-12 if you can. There are probably
other tuners out there that will work and if anyone knows of other models
that have these features, please let me know. I paid about $75 for mine at a
local pawn shop.

1@ Microphone. This can be an inexpensive mono (not stereo) microphone

with a " phono plug. If you have a microphone with a 1/8"
mini stereo plug, which is very common, you can adapt it with a Radio
Shack Part # 274-348. If your microphone has a 1/8" mini mono plug, you
can also adapt it with a Radio Shack Part # 274-325C. You can use any good
quality microphone for this project but try to get the best you can afford. I
use a small Sony Microphone which is designed for use with a cassette tape
recorder. Any reasonable quality microphone should work well.

1@ 3 to 10 watt powered speaker. These speakers are sold in pairs so you

will have to buy 2 but you will only need 1 for this project. I am using a Sony
SRS-48, but again, ANY small quality powered speaker in the 5 to 8 watt
range will work.

Pictured above is the assembled sound

project ready for use.

Here is the template for recording and noting the notes and harmonics
in the voice pattern. You can save and print the
jpeg image for repeated use.
How to use.
Connect all equipment as shown. The microphone is plugged into the 'input' jack of
the tuner. The speaker is plugged into the 'ear' jack of the tuner. Print a copy of the
Sound Experiment Template shown above and attach it with double-sided tape to
the tuner as shown below being careful to line up the grids on the template with the
note divisions on the tuner (see below). It might be helpful to place a piece of

cardboard behind the template to make it more rigid and easier to write on. You
should also keep a small log book on hand to record the name of the subject,
gender, age, hand polarity, and general health comments and conditions, etc.
Analysis: Turn on the Korg AT-12 by moving the left switch to the 'B. Check'
position and make sure the batteries are good, them move the left switch to the
'Power On' setting. The 'Power' light will come on. Next, move the right switch to the
'Meter Fast' position as shown below.
Have the subject begin to speak into the microphone in a NORMAL,
CONVERSATIONAL tone of voice. They should just talk normally and maybe read
from some selected printed material for about 5 minutes. As the subject is talking,
various lights below the note display on the tuner will flash momentarily showing
the frequency of the subjects voice. As the subject continues to talk, use a marking
pen to place dots on the paper template corresponding to the notes that are lighting
up. Just keep recording the dots to obtain a record of which notes are contained in
the subjects vocal pattern. Most subjects will have many dots on certain notes,
fewer on others, less on others, and no dots on some notes. Also record the 'Octave'
that the subjects voice falls into. This will usually be a 1 or 2 octave range and will
almost always be in the -2 octave range on the tuner. The purpose of this analysis is
to find out what notes are making up the subjects NORMAL voice pattern. After
about 5 minutes of analysis, you should have a good pattern recorded showing the
notes and frequencies that the subjects voice contains. This completes the analysis.

Application: After studying the subject's Sound Experiment Template, it will

become apparent that there are a number of frequencies or notes missing from the
vocal pattern. The subsequent application is the process of replacing those missing
frequencies. Make sure that you have the powered speaker plugged into the ear
jack of the tuner and make certain that there are fresh batteries in the powered
speaker. You can also use an AC adaptor for the powered speaker if your speakers
came with one. This is more practical for longer treatments. Turn on the powered
speaker and move the right switch on the tuner from 'Meter Fast' to 'Sound Soft'.
You should hear a tone coming from the speaker. The initial KORG Tuner tone

defaults to F# in Octave -2 when turned on. Adjust the volume on the powered
speaker to a good, strong volume, not too loud and not too soft. Look at the
subjects data on the Template that you just collected and decide what frequencies
or notes are missing. I prefer to start at the base of the spine and work up to the
crown of the head. The tones will now be applied to what is called the chakra
system by some, but what I prefer to call the Human Energy System, hereinafter
referred to as HES. If for example, one of the primary missing frequencies of the
subject is C, then using the 'UP' and 'DOWN' buttons on the KORG Tuner, change the
output note to C in the proper octave which is probably -2. Begin frequency
application to the subject by holding the powered speaker anywhere from several
inches above the body to directly on the body. If I were applying the note C
(Green) I would probably apply the speaker to the corresponding HES point on the
body, which in this case would be the chest\solar plexus area. I would move the
speaker completely around the chest of the subject in a slow 360 degree motion for
about 3 to 5 minutes or whatever seems comfortable. If the cord on the powered
speaker is not long enough to reach all areas of the subject, you can purchase a
headphone extension cable at any electronics store. Refer to Table 1 for further
information regarding sound, frequency and color equivalents.
As the frequencies are being applied, there should be some immediate and
noticeable changes to the subject such as flushing of the face and skin and a feeling
of warmth as energy and blood begin to move and circulation increases.
During frequency application the effects can be substantially enhanced by having
the subject HUM or CHANT the tone that is being applied. Also have them visualize
color entering the body, see, sense, or feel, the Deep Red/Brown energy of the
Earth entering through the bottom of the feet and moving up through the ankles, up
through the calves and knees. Then as the energy moves up into the thighs and
hips, to the base of the spine, it turns Bright Red. From there it moves up into the
abdomen where it becomes Orange. As this energy moves up further into the solar
plexus area, it turns Yellow. Now, coming in from both sides of the body, see, sense
or feel, Green energy entering the body and radiating in the center chest area at
the heart. See, sense or feel the energy about 12" above the head. This energy
color is Magenta. Allow it to move down from the Universe, and as it reaches the
top/crown of the head, it turns into a beautiful radiant Bright White. Now allow
this energy to move down, and as it reaches the center of the forehead, it turns
toViolet, Purple, Indigo, and then moves down to the throat area where the
energy turns Blue and radiates around the throat before moving further down to
the higher chest area turning Turquoise.

An octave is an interval defined by a factor of two. For example, the generally

accepted standard for the frequency of the note A3 (A below middle C) is 220 Hz
(Hz=cycles per second.) If you double that frequency to 440 Hz you have A4 (A
above middle C.) Double it again to 880 Hz and you have A5, and so on. This 1:2

ratio holds for all notes said to be an octave apart. The twelve tones of the scale fall
within a single octave.

Table 1: Dinshahs Sound/Color Equivalent Chart



Musical Note
A# and E
G and E
G# and D

Note Frequency
378 (3 x 126 = 37
432 (3 x 144 = 43
459 (3 x 153 = 45
486 (3 x 162 = 48
513 (3 x 171 = 51
540 (3 x 180 = 54
567 (3 x 189 = 56
594 (3 x 198 = 59
648 (3 x 216 = 64

*denotes reverse polarity. From: Dinshah GP. Spectralchrometry Encyclopedia, Third

Red (Note G) (391.995)
Red is associated with the first HES -- Muladhara (Root Support). It is a hot
color that represents life energy, physical strength and vitality. Red is
used to increase vitality and to send warmth.
Orange (Note A) (440.000)
Orange is associated with the second HES -- Svadhisthana (Sweetness,
Her Special Abode). It is a warm color that energizes, invigorates and
nourishes. Orange can bring self-confidence.
Yellow (Note A# & B) (233.082)
Yellow is associated with the third HES -- Manipura (Lustrous Gem, City of
the Shining Jewel). It is a warm color that can stimulate the nervous
system and effects the mind and emotions. Yellow can help with mood
elevation and alleviates exhaustion and burnout.
Green (Note C & C#) (261.626)
Green is associated with the fourth HES -- Anahata (the Pure Sound of
Creation). It is a cool color and a great balancer. Green can help soothe
and bring harmony.
Blue (Note D) (293.665)
Blue is associated with the fifth HES -- Vissudha (Purified). It is a cool color
and brings lightness, peace, calm, and helps with sleep.
Indigo (Note D#) (311.127)
Indigo is associated with the sixth HES -- Ajna (To Perceive, the Qualified
Absolute). It helps build a positive outlook and bring inner strength.
Violet (Note E) (329.628)
Violet is associated with the seventh HES - Sahasrara (Thousandfold,
Thousand Petaled). It is a regal color and is the color of innerpower. Violet can bring higher understanding and calm.

Optional Application Enhancements: The effects of this project can be

exponentially increased by using color therapy at the same time as the frequencies
are being applied. This could be done several ways.
1. Have the subject wear 'Colored Glasses' that correspond to the frequency being
applied. For example, if applying Note D to the throat area, the subject would wear
the corresponding BLUE color glasses. I found some of these Color Glasses on the
internet HERE.
2. Another method would be to use a lamp with Color Gels to bathe the subject with
the proper color corresponding to the frequency being applied. There is extensive
information available on Color Therapy at the Dinshah Health Society Page. Another
great source for the Dinshah material and ordering the correct lighting and
Roscolene Color Filters is Ken Adachi. See photos of his Color Gels and lamps HERE.
Be sure to get Dinshah's book "Let There Be Light".




Here are several interesting websites dealing with tuning to 432 Hz:

Not The Final Word. This project is not meant to be "The Final Word" on the
subject of Sound, Frequency, and Color healing. Rather, it is just the beginning point
of a journey which I hope you will embark on and see where it leads you. Please feel
free to try different equipment combinations and modify the protocols to suit your
particular circumstances. If you would like to experiment with these tones on your
computer system, I have included a great FREE Tone Generator which you can
download HERE. If you are unable to find a KORG Tuner or would like to run this
project completely off your computer, I have also included a great little softwarebased tuner program which will work exactly like the KORG. You can download the
PC based Tuner HERE. The PC based tuner program is pictured below and runs
under Windows 95/98/Me. It will also run under Windows XP if you set the program
compatibility options for Windows 98 / Windows Me Mode. Just plug the microphone
and powered speaker into the sound card of your computer. ---James Golik

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