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University: Helwan

College: Fine Arts

Section: Architecture



Submitted by
Taha Mohy EL_Den
Mahmoud mohamed basuony

submitted to
Dr . Iman Osama Abd Elgawad


Research observation
Research problem

Research Aim & Objectives

Research methodology & structure
Relation between urban Design & Media technology as buildng facedes
Relation between Digital Screen Media facades and Contemporary Architecture Faces

Separated and classified Digitial Media facades in SiX different technical categories


1 . Projection Facades

2 . Window raster animation Facades

3 . Display Facades

4 . Illuminated Facades

5 . Mechanical Facades

6 . L E D Facades

The purpose of the Media Facades project is to discuss and develop interactive
media facades as integrated parts of the inside and the outside of buildings. The
project contributes to new ways of displaying dynamic and interactive content in
large scale. The main points of interest in the project are:
Spatiality & Architecture
Technology & Materials
Interaction & Use
Genre & Content.
Media Facades

Relation between urban Design & Mediab Screen technology as buildng facedes

Relation between Digital Screen Media facades and Contemporary Architecture Faces


The architecture has always incorporated the latest in construction technology. Today, beyond
seeking improvements in the qualities of interior spaces, this technology enables the
architecture to activate the public space and not through formal historicist resources, but more
directly with the implementation of digital facades.


Perhaps the first architect to study this relationship was Robert Venturi, that the explicit in Learning from Las
Vegas, one of the most influential books in history of architecture, both its content and the intense debate that
is still causing. This is not a book about Las Vegas, but a book on the symbolism of architectural form the basis
of the city, characterized by expressive noise generated by the thousands of posters claim they want to
attract the passer and take you to the slot machines the inside of the Venturi casinos.Este study about the
power of symbolism in the architecture, iconography and its extension to urban life in the form of
advertisement, includes a repertoire of visual images and startling criticisms that have served as a heading to
the facades that face today's digital world


One of the first projects to explore the theories of Venturi decisively was the faade of the Sandberg Institute in
Amsterdam.The designer Teun Castelein had seen how a web designer named Alex Tewn had jumped to the
press to have sold every pixel on the homepage of its website for advertising purposes, and generating a sort
of patchwork of ads with a unique aesthetic and changing.So Castelein projected a facade, because of its
proximity to the A10 motorway access to the Dutch capital was very visible, like a huge employer of 13,000
pixels-slab that cost 20 each were immediately hired by companies such as Ikea, Bloomberg or Vodafone.
Thus the design of the facade at the time, always controlled by the disciplinary mechanisms of the architecture
and ultimately the design of the architect, went to be controlled by market dynamics, making this large mosaic
tiles on changing information at the mercy of the rules of trade and economy


The advent of digital technology to market more stable, inexpensive and its integration into the exterior cladding
systems has brought a revolution in this field, allowing passing of innocence ultimately a facade composed of a
succession of billboards to transmission capabilities of a TV the size of a building in which the domestic lounge of our
home is now the entire city. One of the first fronts of these features designed in Europe is the center of contemporary
culture MEDIALAB / PRADO, made by the architects Langarita and Navarro.The digital culture center required a
system to make visible their research on art, public space and new technologies. These questions are answered in a
digital facade of 144 square meters, covering the entire building accessible from the Plaza de las Letras and
popular downtown district of Atocha in Madrid. The huge canvas is composed of approximately 35,000 points of
light LED technology, which allows them to change color, so being run by a central computer are able to reproduce
any image, video or text.So the face of the building can be transformed into the face of Isabel, a local resident, or
on the board of an airport that tells all activities of the center while the city projected onto the video work by the
guest for the occasion.
The media faade becomes so active in a support capable of promoting interaction with society, the experiences of
play and the transmission of information, for both visitors to the center as the residents of the neighborhood and
therefore can assault the passer as did the posters that Philip K. Dick Minority Report. It seems that at least the
facades the future is already here.

Separated and classified Digitial Media facades in SiX different technical categories

1 . Projection Facades
Projection technology enables dynamic, customized lighting
scenes that can give a building a magical character

Colorful lightmotiv Projection at the Oetker Halle // Bielefeld

Separated and classified Digitial Media facades in SiX different technical categories

1 . Projection Facades

Illumination of the Classical Facade from Castle Bellevue // Berlin

Separated and classified Digitial Media facades in SiX different technical categories

1 . Projection Facades

Stunning Video Mapping Hoeker-Fest // Herford

Separated and classified Digitial Media facades in SiX different technical categories

1 . Projection Facades

Building Individual Slide Projection // Bad Oeyenhausen

1 . Video Projection Facades

Separated and classified Digitial Media facades in SiX different technical categories

2 . Window raster animation Facades

NIX Frankfurt, Germany

This is a research project on the
advancement of conventional light
and building automation
engineering. It was developed for a
45 story, 85,000 meters-squared
office in Frankfurt however, it was
suspended due to administrative
difficulties. The concept of NIX uses
the singular office light volumes as
base units to implant threedimensional holographic images onto
the body of office buildings.

Separated and classified Digitial Media facades in SiX different technical categories

2 . Window raster animation Facades

Lehman Brothers Building

New York, USA
This corporate installation in
Times Square is a huge
animated sign that is
wrapped around the
Lehman Brothers building.
The sign displays a mix of
animation, information,
messages and more.

Separated and classified Digitial Media facades in SiX different technical categories

2 . Window raster animation Facades

During the 2011
International Association of
Amusement Parks and
Attractions (IAAPA)
tradeshow in Orlando,
Florida, Electrosonic hosted
an exclusive industry event
highlighted by a spectacular
3D architectural projection
presentation on the side of
the Crowne Plaza Universal
Hotel. Architectural
projection mapping is a
technique that can turn
almost any physical surface
into an animated video

Separated and classified Digitial Media facades in SiX different technical categories

3 . Display Facades

Bayer's former HQ in Leverkusen, Germany.

Separated and classified Digitial Media facades in SiX different technical categories

3 . Display Facades

seen the so-called "Media Facade" now adorning Bayer's former HQ in

Leverkusen, Germany. Built by ag4 media facade GmbH and GKD AG, the
massive display apparently consists of 5.6 milion LEDs that cover the entire
17,500 square meters of the building, and which can be lit up at will to pump
out gigantic advertisements worthy of any science fiction movie. You'll note this is
the former Bayer headquarters -- it seems that the promise of 'round the clock
ads visible for miles around saved the building from the wrecking ball.

Separated and classified Digitial Media facades in SiX different technical categories

4 . Illuminated Facades

Modern Facade

Effective Facade Lighting of a Private House // Bielefeld

Give your house a modern twist with contemporary lighting design.

Separated and classified Digitial Media facades in SiX different technical categories

4 . Illuminated Facades
Allianz Arena Munich,
The Allianz Arena is
covered in 2,874 of
tufted translucent material
(air cushions) and is the
worlds biggest facade
made of foil. The stadium
is lit from inside, resulting
in the entire arena

Separated and classified Digitial Media facades in SiX different technical categories

4 . Illuminated Facades
The Grand Lisboa
Casino Macau, China
The casino was inspired
by a yellow Lotus flower,
the official emblem of
the Macao SAR.
Additionally, it consists
of an intelligent lighting
system that combines
59,000 LED pixels and
kilometers of LED lines,
to create a giant video
and light display that is
capable of displaying
more than 4.3 trillion

Separated and classified Digitial Media facades in SiX different technical categories

5 . Mechanical Facades

Jean Nouvels famous Institut du Monde Arabe in Paris is clad in a mechanical media surface made
up of intricate lattice windows whose blinds have been attached to a mechanism that mimics the
aperture of a camera, closing and opening in reaction to the suns intensity throughout the day.

Separated and classified Digitial Media facades in SiX different technical categories

5 . Mechanical Facades

Aegis Hyposurface, is fabricated with metal plates that move

and react in real-time to electronic input. The interactive
media surface means that the movements of spectators are
mirrored by the display and transferred in exact detail into
expressive flowing movements rendered by the plates

Separated and classified Digitial Media facades in SiX different technical categories

6 . L E D Facades
LED Facade Lighting

Building Illumination with LED // Freie Scholle Bielefeld

The illumination of a facade with LED technology gives a building a modern appearance.

Video L E D Facades

Separated and classified Digitial Media facades in SiX different technical categories

6 . L E D Facades
Flexible Colors

LED on Events
NightLab illuminated events
with innovative LED technology.

LED technology has a high

creative potential. The dynamic
interplay of light and color can
be used to create an attractive
atmosphere. The flexibility of
LED products enables excellent
temporary installations - at
events, performances, shows,
sporting events, theatre,

Lighting Effects Give an Atmospheric Appeal to an Industrial Hall

Separated and classified Digitial Media facades in SiX different technical categories

6 . L E D Facades

Sophisticated Lighting with LED

Technology at an Evening Event

Impressive brightness at low heat generation. The colour and vibrancy of the LED light brings monotonous surfaces to life and creates
a special atmosphere.

Separated and classified Digitial Media facades in SiX different technical categories

6 . L E D Facades

LED for Outdoors

illumination with LED
technology in outdoor
areas have significant
energy savings compared
to traditional lighting.

Warm White Outside LED Lighting for Facade Accentuation

A facade lighting with environmentally friendly LED technology creates a perfect interplay of light and architecture.

Separated and classified Digitial Media facades in SiX different technical categories

6 . L E D Facades

Atmospheric Ambience with Low Power Consumption

Each garden is a small paradise. Whether wild, arranged, romantic or straightforward. LEDs convey the viewer of the
beauty of nature and light.

Separated and classified Digitial Media facades in SiX different technical categories

6 . L E D Facades

Lighting of Trees as Evening Eye-Catcher

The peculiarity of nature can be accompanied by individual lighting concepts by NightLab. A harmonic overall impression - seeing the
garden as a picture - is the result of carefully selected light sources.

Separated and classified Digitial Media facades in SiX different technical categories

6 . L E D Facades

Inviting LED Technology in the Front Yard

Light glamourizes the place of stillness and invites the viewer to remain.


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