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To Fulfill The Assignment of Quran Hadits II
Lecturer : Yuanda Kusuma, M.Ag.

Written by:
Endah Asmaul Khusna



September 2016


A. Background
God has created the universe and its contents, with all his
greatness, that ruled the universe and set it up, this event was a
lot. All of this created God only for all his creation especially for
the man. God provides what created him in order to be utilized
by human beings to be able to meet the needs of human life. It
all proves that man is God's creation that has a high degree
compared with the other creatures of God.
At the moment the big problem that is going on is a lot of
natural disasters which ravaged this nature, the cause of it all
was caused by two things, first, because the natural phenomena
as a natural Dynamics process itself and secondly, as a result of
deed and gluttony that is human actors and main contributor of
all natural damage that occurs. Greed and selfishness often
pushes human beings doing the halp-things that led to the
destruction of nature, such as deforestation, mining activities
that exceed the limits, to excessive energy consumption and
much more. Many of us are just thinking about personal comfort
without thinking about the impact that occurs in the environment
around us as well as the global environment as a whole.
In the Quran God a lot said about keeping the environment
or nature, God created this nature not only to take advantage is
excessive but God also commanded man to care for it and keep it
so that the universe is balanced and can be utilized by the
generation of successors. Beside that, the Prophet also forbade
damage the environment, ranging from the very small deeds

such as banning urines (human) where it can interfere with the

human. It is already clear that rasullullah also commanded man
to not damage the environment or nature in order not to interfere
with other cipataan creatures of God.

B. Problem
1. what understanding the Qur'an?
2. What is the sense of the Hadith?
3. How do I return a human task in preserving Nature based on
Qur'an and Hadith?

C. Goals
1. Explain the notion of Al-Quran
2. Explain the sense of Hadith
3. Explain how to restore human task in preserving nature is
based on the Qur'an and Hadith.


1. Understanding of Al-Qura'an
The Qur'an is derived from the word meaning qara'a
collect and compile. Originally the same qur'an with
Qira'ah which means stringing letters and words to each
other in a single regular expression. The roots of the
equation that is the word (masdar-infinitive) of Qara'a,
Qira'atan, waqur'anan. God explains in Qur'an Sura AlQiyamah verses 17-18.



We who are responsible for collecting (in your chest)
and a relation (on the tongue). Then when we have
improved his reading (to you, with an intermediary jibril),
then read them according to it.
In particular the Qur'an being the name for a book
which was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad. then so
be it as an identity. And Al-Qur'an is not limited to a book
with all of its content, but also part than the texts are
also passed down to him. So if the heard one verse of the
Qur'an is read for example, then justified the readers
that read Al-Quran.1

1 Syaikh Manna Al-Qaththan, Pengantar Studi Ilmu-Al-Quran ,(Jakarta:

Pustaka Al-Kautsar, 2011) cet ke-6 , hlm. 16

So it can be disimpulakan that the Quran is the name

of a book in which there are the oracles of God or
treatise which was revealed to Prophet Muhammad
through the Angel Gabriel, which is used as a guide, the
laws, orders and prohibitions and guidelines of life for
human beings in order to make his life happy world and
the hereafter.
The source of the teachings of every religion is the
Holy Scripture, so did the religion of Islam, the Qur'an is
the source of the teachings of Islam, a source of legal
norms, and Islam is first and foremost, there is some
function of the Qur'an are:
a. As proof upon Apostolic Prophet Muhammad
b. Human life as a guide to distinguish between
right and wrong (Al Furqon)
c. Can be a warning (Al-Dzikr) whereas negligent
in running human jurisprudence which sent
Allah. Such as stated in the letter Al Haqqah:

10-15:9, Shad: 1-29, Yaasin, 69, and Al-An'aam.

Can become givers description explanation
(bayyin) when humans experience a deadlock

in dealing with all the issues at hand.

e. As instructions in issues of belief, religious law,
and morals.2
f. As a cure for the disease (healer) psychological
abuse. As in surat yunus: 57, Al-Isra ': 82, Fushshilat: 44
g. As teaching or advice (mau'idhah) for humans,
as described in the letters of Ali-Imran: 183,
Jonah: 57
2 Achamd Gholib, Studi Islam, (Jakarta: Faza Media, 2006), cet ke-2,
Hlm. 44

h. As a corrector for the Holy Scriptures that were



recognition is



human beings in their religion.

i. As an afterthought or a thought for people who
want to think to get a valuable lesson. QS.
Shad: 29, An-Nisa: 82 and Al-Mu'minoon: 68.
j. As a source of knowledge that is very exciting
to be examined and studied over time.
2. Understanding The Hadith
According to Al-jadid is language that means something
new opponent of Al-Qadim (old) means which means show time
close or a short time. The Hadith is also often referred to as alkhabar which means news, namely the dipercakpakan and
sesutatu were transferred from a person to another person are
the same meaning with the Hadith.3
Also known as the Sunnah Hadith i.e. everything that
moved from the Islamic prophet Muhammad, either in the form of
deed, Word, and taqrir, instruction, nature, behavior, life's
journey, and the good that happened before his Prophethood or
So Muslims can be inferred is something new whether it is in the
form of the words, deeds, biography the Prophet Muhammad,
which is used as a guide to life.
The function of the Hadith are:4
a. The








strengthening (ta'kid).
3 Munzier Saputra, Ilmu hadis,(Jakarta:Rajagrafindo Persada, 1993),
4 Ahmad Gholib,Op.Cit Hlm. 102-104

b. The Hadith as identifiers (bayan). Against the Qur'an. The

explanation given there are three kinds of IE as follows:
1) Gives a detailed explanation on the verses of the
Qur'an that is global (tafsil al-mujmal).
2) Hadith specialized in the verses of the Qur'an are
common (takhsish al-' amm)
3) Limiting the kemut'lakan verse of the Qur'an (taqyid
c. Hadith branched from the staple in the Qur'an (tafri'ala ald.

Creating a law syaria'at (tasyri ') that have not been

explained by the Qur'an called bayan tasyri '.

3. Return the Human Task in preserving nature with
the Qur'an And Hadith
A. The phenomena that occur in nature
The religion of Islam taught his people to love nature
and take care of her, as well as prohibit doing various
damages in the face of the Earth that is one of worship to
God Almighty. But at this point is that many humans who do
mischief on Earth. As the word of God in the Qur'an. Ar-Rum:

The damage appears to have been on land and in the
oceans caused by human hands, that God may feel to them
some of their works, so they return to the right path.
This verse clearly tells us that the damage occurred
in the Mainland and the sea all was caused to human
behavior. Humans have an insatiable nature of something,
so they utilize natural with lightly without caring for and
conserving nature. So now the balance of ecosystems that

exist on Earth became distracted so much calamity that

occurred because of it. Many of the natural disasters that
occurred in the face of the Earth such as floods, landslides,
denuded forests and these are all human behavior and
greed of human beings who never settle for what has been
perceived much more emphasis on human flesh rather
than use his mind to think of the consequences that occur
when they are damaging the environment or nature.
B. Quran and Hadith, As A Workaround To Restore The
Human Task As The Caliph To preserve Nature
Islam is a religion that is very attentive to the
balance and environmental sustainability, the messages
conveyed by Allah in the Qur'an. The verses of the Qur'an
which explains about human beings is the best of the other
beings as well as a major role in maintaining and
preserving the human nature is as follows:
1. QS.At-Tin : 4

Indeed we created man in the best form.
In this letter explains that man is the most perfect
creature compared to the creatures of God, therefore God
provides all the needs of human beings in the universe.
2. QS. Al-Isra :70

And indeed We exalt the sons of Adam, we carried them

on land and at sea, We give them a sustenance from the
good things and we debate them with the advantages of
most creatures that we have created.
3. QS. Al-Baqarah: 30

Remember when your Lord said to the Angels: "Behold, I
was about to make a Caliph in the face of the Earth." They
say: "why do you want to make (the Caliph) on earth that
people who will make mischief therein and shed blood, but
we always celebrate with praises and purify thee?" And the
Lord said, behold, I know what ye know not.
The elements contained in this paragraph are: 1) the
man as Caliph, 2) Natural Kingdom as ardh. (housing), 3)
duties of the Caliph, that the relationship between man and
nature and all its contents including the men.5
4. QS. Al-Ahzab: 72

We have elaborated the mandate to the heavens, the
Earth and the mountains, then everything was reluctant to
take up the mandate and they worry will betray him, and
5 Quraish Shihab, Membumikan Al-Quran : Fungsi dan Peran Wahyu Dalam
Kehidupan Masyarakat, Bandung:Mizan, 2007, edisi baru, Cet.1, Hlm.246

dipikulamanat it by humans. Behold the man as evil and

very very stupid. "
In this verse tells us that God commanded man to
guard and preserve nature but most people don't care for it
and only do damage to the nature. Here are very in this
appeal emphasized God to man to preserve nature.
5. QS. Ar-Rum :41-42



According to the scholars explained that in this paragraph
contains the meaning of which is that human beings lack the
crops and fruits that occur when it's caused by disobedience.6
Based on the letters Ar-Rum we as Muslims are able to identify
the behavior of safeguarding the environment are:
a. The behavior of not damaging the environment
b. Environmental destruction due to realized Behavior
c. Behavior take a lesson from the previous destroyed
by damaging the environment of his own life.
Shows the behavior of maintaining environmental sustainability
of life as contained in the Qur'an surah Ar-Rum verse 41-41:
a. Be






animals dsan Allalh vegetation.

6 Abdullah Bin Muhammad Bin Abdurrahman bin Ishaq Alu Syikh. Tafsir Ibnu
Katsir Jilid 6,(Bogor:Pustaka Imam Asy-Syafii, 2004), hlm. 380

b. Do not litter
c. Do not kill animals.
To be able to practice the behavior melestariakn of the
a. Instill a strong faith in their hearts, so that is not easily
carried by the deeds of the devil who always wants to do
b. To Instill the belief that human life is in need of a good
natural environment, flora or fauna. Their presence and the
sustainability of the panorama to determine the safety and

survival of mankind.
Instill confidence that damage the natural environment,
the same as digging penderiataan for yourself and human


life on ummnya.
Instill keyakinann that the emergence of the damage of
the natural environment, solely due to the hands of

ignorant humans.
e. Start being behavior preserving the environment now,
ranging from the home environment, school and all the
environments that we go through.
6. Al-Araf : 56

And ye shall not make mischief on the Earth, after the
(God) to fix it, and pray to him with fear (not accepted) and
hope (to be done). Verily, God's grace is very near to those
who do good.
In this letter explains that Allah banned from
committing destruction and things that harm it, after a
repair on it. Because if a variety of it. Because if a variety
of affairs is already well underway and once that happens
the destruction, then that is more dangerous for mankind.

From surat Al-Araf like where we can identify so that

humans don't do damage IE:7
a. Enhance the Worship to God Almighty, that man
always remember that whatever we do will get a
reply and if doing so damages as a consequence will
be felt by the man himself.
b. Always pray to Almighty God, for he has power over
what you see fit and to avoid greedy nature towards
earthly life.
c. Humbled and bowed himself before God Almighty.
Some of the Hadith describes the human task in
preserving the environment or nature:

From Abu Hurayrah said: the Messenger of Allah, said: ....
"people who ride and drink (milk) is obligated to give her food.(
HR. Bukhari)

From Abu Hurairah, said; The Prophet said: "when a man

walking on a street, suddenly felt a terrible thirst by him, then

he went down into a well and then drink. Then he came out of
the well suddenly he saw a dog in the State also are thirsty lick
7 Abdullah Bin Muhammad Bin Abdurahman Bin Ishaq Alu Syaikh, Tafsir Ibnu
Katsir Jilid 3, (Bogor:Pustaka Imam Asy-Syafii, 2004) Hlm. 395

the ground, when that person is saying to himself, for the sake
of God, dog initelah suffer like what he experienced. Then he
went down into the well and then fill water into the shoes, the
shoes were bitten. After he rose to the top, he immediately
gave the drink to the thirsty dog Central iu. Inasmuch as such,
thanks to God and forgive his sins. After the Prophet saw,
explained this, the companions asked: "o Messenger of Allaah,
if we obtain a reward in giving makanandan drinks to our
animals?". The Prophet replied: "every benefit given to animal
life, God gives the reward."( HR. Bukhari dan Muslim)8
The Hadith above give firmness how Islam is very attentive
to the safety and protection of animals. Even mentioned, that for
those who help animals at the same time earn three reward,
namely: (1) God is grateful to him; (2) God forgive his sins; and
(3) God gave him the reward in addition to the rewards as the
creator, God is the ruler of all his creatures, including animals. He
was the one who give sustenance, and he knows the place of
dwelling and food storage place, God Almighty. In this Hadith
proves that we as human beings must keep the balance of the
ecosystem that exists in this universe doesn't ruin it because God
will reward all deeds that we're working on.

8 Shahih al-Bukhari, juz II, hlm. 833, Muslim bin al-Hajjaj, Shahih
Muslim, juz IV h. 1761

Al-Quran is the name of a book in which there are the
oracles of God or treatise which was revealed to Prophet
Muhammad through the Angel Gabriel, which is used as a
guide, the laws, orders and prohibitions and guidelines of
life for human beings in order to make his life happy world
and the hereafter.
Hadith that something new be it in the form of the
words, deeds, biography the Prophet Muhammad, which is
used as a guide to life.
Al-Qur'an and Hadith, as a workaround to restore the
human task as the Caliph to preserve nature, namely:
a. Instill a strong faith in their hearts, so that is not
easily carried by the deeds of the devil who always
wants to do damage.
b. To Instill the belief that human life is in need of a
good natural environment, flora or fauna. Their
presence and the sustainability of the panorama to
determine the safety and survival of mankind.
c. Instill
environment, the same as digging penderiataan for
yourself and human life on general.
d. Instill keyakinann that the emergence of the damage
of the natural environment, solely due to the hands
of ignorant humans.
e. Start being behavior preserving the environment
now, ranging from the home environment, school and
all the environments that we go through.
f. Maintain living creatures like flora fauna which has
provided benefits to mankind.


Abdullah. 2004.Tafsir Ibnu Katsir Jilid 3. Bogor:Pustaka Imam AsySyafii

Abdullah. 2004. Tafsir Ibnu Katsir Jilid 6. Bogor:Pustaka Imam
Al-Bukhari,Shahih, juz II, ,Muslim bin al-Hajjaj, Shahih Muslim, juz





Quran.Jakarta: Pustaka Al-Kautsar

Gholib ,Achamd. 2006. Studi Islam. Cet ke-2. Jakarta: Faza Media
Saputra, Munzier. 1993. Ilmu hadis.Jakarta:Rajagrafindo Persada
Shihab, Quraish. 2007. Membumikan Al-Quran : Fungsi dan






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