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Articles from General Knowledge Today

Basics of Brand
2010- 06- 06 05:06:00 GKToday

A brand is a symbol or a mark t hat helps t he cust omers in inst ant recall and
dif f erent iat es it t hereby f rom t he compet it or product s of same nat ure.
T he American Market ing Associat ion (AMA) def ines brand as f ollows:
A Brand name is a part consist ing of a word, let t er, groups of
words or let t ers t o ident if y a product or a service of a seller or
group of sellers t o dif f erent iat e t hem f rom t hose of compet it ors.
Generic Brand:
A brand name over which t he original owner has lost t he exclusive claim
because all of f erings in t he associat ed class of product s have geneally
known as t he t he brand name can be called a "Generic Brand". Generic
brand product s are of t en of equal qualit y but lesser prices as t hat of a
branded product .
A Brand v/s a T rade Mark:
A brand t hat has legal prot ect ion and is grant ed solely t o it s original
owner is a T rade mark.
Brand pref erence / Brand Loyalty:
It is t he degree t o which cust omers are commit et t ed t o a brand. It ref ers
t o t he chances t hat a cust omer chooses t he brand over anot her brand.
Brand insistence:
T he cust omers willingness t o search a brand and insist ing t o buy a
brand is brand insist ence.
Brand Equity:
It is t he overall value of a brand in t he market
Brand awareness:
Brand awareness measures consumers' knowledge of a brand's
exist ence. T he ext ent t o which a brand associat ed wit h a part icular
product is aut hent icat ed by pot ent ial and exist ing cust omers eit her
posit ively or negat ively is Brand Awareness. Creat ion of brand
awareness is t he primary goal of advert ising at t he beginning of any
product 's lif e cycle in t arget market s. In f act , brand awareness has
inf luence on buying behavior of a buyer. Brand awareness can be
measured by showing a consumer t he brand and asking whet her or not
t hey knew of it bef orehand.
Brand Recall
T he ext ent t o which a brand name is recalled as a member of a brand,
product or service class, as dist inct f rom brand recognit ion is brand
recall. For example if I am asked t o name a f ew f avourit e cars I may
recall Wagon R, Sant ro Xing, and so on
Brand recall may be "unaided" and "aided" "Aided recall" measures t he
ext ent t o which a brand name is remembered when t he act ual brand

name is prompt ed. An example of such a quest ion is "Do you know of
t he "Honda" brand?"
Brand Recognition
T he ext ent t o which a brand is recognized f or st at ed brand at t ribut es or
communicat ions is Brand Recognit ion. It is basically an aided recall. If a
product name can be associat ed wit h a cert ain t agline, logo or at t ribut e,
t here is presence of cert ain level of Brand recognit ion.

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