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Foods to Eat

Foods to Avoid

Herbs to Take

Broccoli sprouts






Low-fat dairy

Tea (black and green)



Spicy foods



Black and red pepper


High-fat dairy


Tomato products


Tomatoes, onions, garlic


Oranges, grapefruit


Figs, dried fruit

Apple juice

Junk food


Fried food

Skim milk

Cured sausages

Low-fat cheese


1. Carom Seeds
Carom seeds are a natural antacid that is beneficial for gastritis. They provide relief to
the stomachs mucous membrane from acidity and hyperacidity. Carom seeds can also
treat indigestion, nausea and bloating.

Carom Seeds Home Remedy to Get Relief from Gastritis

Mix together 1 teaspoon each of carom seeds and dried ginger with a little bit of
black salt. Take 1 teaspoon of this mixture with a glass of warm water 3 times a

Another option is to add 1 teaspoon of carom seeds powder and teaspoon of

black salt to a glass of buttermilk. Drink it 2 times a day.

You can also boil 2 cups of water with 4 teaspoons of carom seeds until the water
reduces by half. Strain the mixture and drink cup of it 2 times a day.

Follow any of these remedies until the gastritis symptoms go away.

2. Ginger
Ginger can also effectively treat gastritis due to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial
properties. It can reduce inflammation and treat the infection as well as alleviate
symptoms like stomach pain, gas, indigestion, nausea and bloating.

Add 1 teaspoon of freshly chopped ginger root to 1 cup of boiling water. Cover and
steep for 10 minutes. Strain, add honey and sip this tea slowly. Drink it 2 or 3
times a day for about a week.

Alternatively, mix together tablespoon each of ginger juice and honey. Take it
before eating your meal 2 times daily for a week.

You can even chew a small piece of fresh ginger root or take ginger capsules to
treat gastritis.

Note: Ginger may interfere with blood-thinning and high blood pressure medications.

3. Yogurt
Yogurt is a good addition to your diet, especially when suffering from gastritis. Yogurt
with active live cultures is particularly beneficial in this regard.
The probiotics present in yogurt help protect your stomach lining from H. pylori bacteria
that causes gastritis. Also, yogurt boosts the immune system to fight off infection more

Eat 2 to 3 cups of plain probiotic yogurt daily until you get relief.

You can also try a yogurt, banana and honey smoothie. Drink it 2 or 3 times a day
for quick recovery.

4. Chamomile
Chamomile tea may also be very helpful in treating gastritis. It is rich in certain essential
oils that are beneficial for the digestive system. It can even soothe the intestinal
walls, providing relief from sudden pains, and eliminate gas. Plus, it can reduce stomach
inflammation and thus reduce the risk of ulcers.
1. Add 1 or 2 teaspoons of dried chamomile flowers to 1 cup of hot water.
2. Cover and allow it to steep for 5 to 10 minutes.
3. Strain, then add some honey.
4. Drink this tea several times daily for a week.
Note: Do not boil this herb as its active compounds will be destroyed.

5. Peppermint
Peppermint is another herb known to treat gastritis due to its anti-inflammatory,
antibacterial and antispasmodic properties. Its soothing properties can reduce
inflammation of the stomach lining. Plus, it can help reduce nausea, indigestion and

Take standardized, enteric coated peppermint tablets. Usually, 1 tablet 2 or 3

times daily is recommended, but it is best to consult a doctor before taking it.
Enteric coated tablets will help avoid heartburn.

You can also chew fresh peppermint leaves or add them to your soups, salads and

6. Strawberries

Strawberries can also help heal gastritis due to their antioxidant property and high
content of phenolic compounds. It can help prevent the start of inflammation in the
stomach lining.
In a 2011 study, European researchers concluded that regular consumption of
strawberries can help reduce the harm that alcohol causes to the stomach mucous

Add 1 tablespoon of dried strawberry leaves to a cup of hot water. Let it steep for
5 minutes, then strain. Drink it 2 or 3 times daily until the gastritis symptoms

To prevent gastritis, eat a few strawberries daily.

7. Holy Basil
Holy basil has also been found to be very effective for treating acute gastritis. Its antiinflammatory and antibacterial properties help decrease inflammation and reduce
infection caused by the H. pylori bacteria. It can help treat symptoms like stomach pain,
indigestion, vomiting and nausea.

Chew 4 to 5 leaves of holy basil slowly to treat stomach pain. Do this daily for at
least a few weeks.

Another option is to mix 1 teaspoon each of basil juice and ginger juice and drink
it 2 or 3 times a day for a week.

You can also drink basil tea with honey 3 times a day for a few weeks. To prepare
basil tea steep 1 teaspoon of basil leaves in hot water for about 5 minutes and
then strain it.

8. Fennel Seeds
As fennel seeds help soothe the digestive system and relax the muscles in the
gastrointestinal tract, they are highly recommended for gastritis treatment. Due to their
stomachic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, fennel seeds
are beneficial in relieving symptoms like indigestion, bloating, intestinal gas, heartburn
and vomiting.

Add 1 teaspoon of fennel seeds to a cup of hot water. Cover and let it steep for 10
minutes. Strain and add a little honey. Drink it 3 times a day for a week.

Also, chew fennel seeds thoroughly after a meal to relieve symptoms.

. Licorice
A popular Ayurvedic remedy for gastritis is licorice. Its anti-inflammatory and soothing
properties can reduce inflammation and relieve symptoms like heartburn, a burning
sensation in the stomach, indigestion and more.
Also, it can protect the stomachs inner lining from infection and reduce the risk of ulcers
from gastritis.

Add 1 teaspoon of licorice powder to a cup of hot water. Cover, steep for 10
minutes and strain it. Drink this tea 2 or 3 times a day for a week.

You can also take 250 to 500 mg of standardized deglycyrrhizinated licorice, or

DGL extract, 3 times a day. If you are taking any other medicine, consult your
doctor first.

10. Potato Juice

Another effective remedy for gastritis is raw potato juice, thanks to its antacid and
healing properties. The alkaline properties of potatoes help reduce bloating, cramping,
excess gas and other symptoms of gastritis.
1. Peel 1 to 2 raw potatoes and grate them.
2. Put the grated potatoes on a strainer and press with a spoon to extract the juice.
3. Dilute 1/2 glass of potato juice with a little warm water.
4. Drink it 3 times a day, 30 minutes before each meal, for at least 1 to 2 weeks.
Additional Tips

Drink 2 cups of coconut water every day.

Cut back on red meat, red peppers, sour food, pickles, tea and coffee, sweets and
aerated drinks as they may irritate the stomach lining. Avoid dairy products until
the digestive system is healed.

Regularly drinking green tea may prevent chronic gastritis.

Eat your dinner at least 2 hours before going to bed.

Eat slowly and make sure to chew thoroughly to facilitate proper digestion. Eat
small meals at regular intervals to help reduce any excessive acid buildup in the

Avoid drinking water with meals as this can delay digestion.

Drink an ample amount of water throughout the day to keep many symptoms of
gastritis at bay.

For gastritis due to anemia, take supplemental chlorophyll after consulting your

You can take supplements of vitamins B12, E and C to help your body heal quickly.

Maintain a food diary to find out what triggers gastritis and try to cut back or
eliminate those foods from your diet.

Quit smoking as well as reduce or eliminate alcohol intake.

Minimize stress through meditation or yoga as it can worsen the condition.

If you are taking any medicines, consult your doctor as certain medications can
aggravate your stomach problem.

General diet tips for gastritis

avoid combining too many different foods at one meal

meals should be taken at least 2 hours prior to retiring at night

eat 4-5 small meals rather than 3 large meals

consume more soft foods

do not drink liquids around meal times as this diminishes digestive juices in the stomach

do not eat if you are stressed, try to create a relaxing environment around meal times

chew thoroughly and dont rush your meal

keep a food diary to help you to assess which foods irritate your digestion

try to consume a bland diet

consume a light diet which is easily digestible

your stomach can be irritated by foods which increase hydrochloric acid in the gut

do not over eat

Choose foods which aim to alkalise the body rather than create acidity

Application of heat (hot water bottle) can help to reduce the pain associated with gastritis

Remember to continue to eat a diet full of variety, this includes quality foods that will
encourage healthy digestion and repair. These include plenty of fruits and vegetables,
wholegrains, quality proteins (lean meats) and healthy fats

Soak any nuts, grains and legumes you consume as this helps fermentation to begin
which means the digestion is better able to digest and absorb them without compromising the
digestive process

Avoid processed foods in your diet as these have a low value of nutrition and create acid
and inflammation in the body. Choose carbohydrates from quality sources such as grains, fruits
and vegetables

Foods to avoid in gastritis

spicy, rich, fried and fatty foods

avoid preservatives, colours, flavours and additives

alcohol and stimulants

deadly nightshades - chillis, tomatoes, eggplant, capsicum

sweets, pastries and cakes

sugar and highly sweetened foods

avoid highly refined and processed foods such as white flour products

limit your intake of red meat

avoid trans-fatty acids

avoid strong processed cheeses, dried fruit, raw fruits and vegetables, wholegrain breads,
crackers and pasta, pickles

avoid gassy vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower and green beans

reduce seasonings to your foods spices such as garlic, onions, salt, cinnamon and cloves
for example

eliminate bread and whole grains

avoid dairy products with the exception of a small amount of yoghurt or cottage cheese

avoid sulphur dried fruits

avoid eating foods which are too hot or too cold

avoid tea, coffee and carbonated drinks

Foods to include for gastritis

consume foods which are high in flavonoids such as apples, cranberries, celery and

eat foods which contain high amounts of B Vitamins

choose nourishing foods high in minerals

manuka honey

slippery elm


yoghurt and cottage cheese

plenty of fish in the diet for its anti-inflammatory effects and high low-reactive protein

sweet fruits such as papaya, banana, mango, peaches, pears, apples, melons, berries and
kiwi fruits. Combine these with some yoghurt or add them in a smoothie with some coconut milk
to boost protein and carbohydrate content. Blended foods such as smoothies are a great way to

ensure good health and nutrition when the digestion is compromised as the food is partially
broken down already and therefor easier on the digestion to assimilate

Include many probiotic and fermented foods in the diet to help to reduce the Helicobacter pylori infection which can contribute to gastritis. These foods are yoghurt, probiotic
powders, sauerkraut, kefir, miso, tempeh, kombucha, kvass, sourdough and kimchi

Vegetable juices such as carrot, beetroot and apple is a simple way to ensure adequate
anti-oxidant intake which is imperative to help combat the inflammation causing gastritis

Vegetables such as sweet potato, carrot and potato are higher in carbohydrates to help
maintain weight

A blend of avocado and banana together either added to a smoothie or eaten mixed in
some cold rice is a nourishing way to increase the oils in your diet but more essentially the
calories consumed for the day

Coconut water is an excellent choice to help increase hydration, flush the body of
inflammation and provide electrolytes. It is beneficial to drink coconut water when the
symptoms are flared as it does not tax the digestive system and drinking only coconut water at
this time can greatly reduce the pain and inflammation. Coconut water is not high in calories
however you may choose to use coconut milk/ cream in your diet also and these foods provide
nourishing oils and may help to maintain weight in certain constitutions

Choose a low-reactive protein powder which has a balanced ratio of carbohydrates and
protein. For example 20g protein and 20g carbohydrate content. Many protein powders contain
low carbohydrate levels and are specific for individuals hoping to loose weight, however if you
would like to increase body weight then you need to consume a higher level of carbohydrates in
the diet. Choose one that contains protein from sprouted grains such as rice as these are easier to
assimilate, low-reactive and should not aggravate gastritis. Avoid protein derived from whey as
this is a dairy based source and may cause a flare up to your symptoms

Avocado is a highly nutritious food, some cultures believe that you could live your life
eating only avocados as they contain a large variety of essential nutrients, oils and proteins with a
higher caloric content

Sample menu for gastritis


stewed fruit with yoghurt


banana smoothie (add slippery elm powder, almond milk, psyllium husks and manuka

scrambled or poached eggs in a soft wrap like a tortilla

rice gruel

rice pudding

coconut and rice flour pancakes


steamed vegetables

boiled egg

warm pumpkin or vegetable soup

miso soup with sea vegetables and soft tofu

steamed fish

baked or broiled chicken


fruit salad of apples, pineapple, pears, melons and strawberries


vegetable broth


carrot juice mixed with spinach juice


coconut water

soft fruit smoothies (bananas, peaches)

homemade oat and almond milk

barley water

bone broth

aloe vera juice

potato juice

Fasting and gastritis

Many people have great success with a diet for three days which is based on only eating fruits,
this is close to a fasting diet and can help to quell the irritation of the gastrointestinal lining
while helping to recorrect the digestive acids of the gut. This treatment gives the stomach the
chance to relax and rest and to restore its balance and function. A complete fast for 3 days is
optimal as this ensures that all irritants are stopped and gives the stomach the time to heal.

Loss of Appetite
A loss of appetite can be a secondary complaint with gastritis as often it is quite painful to eat.
Choosing foods which are simple and have a high nutritional value will help you correct the
problem and reduce your symptoms. Omitting foods from your diet that aggravate the condition
means that there is a whole lot of room for highly nutritious foods. Get creative with your cooking
and heal the body through the foods you eat. Remember that gastritis is an alarm bell signalling
that the digestive system is not happy. Drastic changes to the diet can ensure the reduction of
symptoms in the short term but a life long commitment to change in habits reinforces health for
the rest of your life.

The inflammation of the gastric mucous, known asgastritis, is one of the most common
stomach problems. It can become present for a short period of time, what is known as acute
gastritis, or become a condition which manifests itself for years, chronic gastritis. Once a
diagnosis has taken place, medical indications must be strictly followed for a quick
improvement. Avoiding the symptoms of gastritis is possible if taking into account certain
measures, including a change in diet. That is why at we explain what to eat
when suffering from gastritis with the objective of not worsening the discomfort caused.
You may also be interested in: What to Eat and Drink When you Have Salmonella
The first thing that must be done when considering what to eat if you have gastritis, either
acute or chronic, is to remove those foods which increase the irritation in the gastric
mucous, as these will only worsen the symptoms and nuisance of the disease.
And so it is recommended that in your gastritis diet you avoid:
Dairy products
Citrus fruits such as orange, because they increase acidity and the reflux
Vegetables such as tomato, onions and garlic
Highly spiced meals, especially those which are hot and contain pepper or seasoning

When you have gastritis it is very important to maintain a healthy diet, based in the
particularly healthy preparation of foods. Fried dishes, those which are heavily spiced or
those with excess sauces tend to not agree with a stomach with gastritis. That is why it is
best to go for simple preparations and few condiments; steamed, oven cooked or grilled
meals are the most recommendable.

It is also important to monitor dietary intake of high in fat foods because they increase
stomach acid production, which translates into pain, acidity and discomfort. To eat when
suffering gastritis without hurting your stomach it is recommended you avoid:

Whole milk, matured cheese and butter. Always choose skimmed presentations and
reduce their intake

Cured sausages because of their high fat content

Junk food and fried snack foods

Instead choose healthier options such as low-fat dairy, soy or almond drinks, light meats
like turkey and homemade food prepared as mentioned in the previous step.
Is also necessary to avoid food containing added sugar such as confectionery or soft drinks,
as they also tend to have a high level of fat and, in the case of carbonated drinks, increase
the production of gases in the stomach.

It is appropriate to increase the intake of fibre in the diet, especially those that are present
in wholegrain cereals, green leaf vegetables like spinach or broccoli and fruit except for
citrus fruits. The foods high in fibre are varied; add those you can eat to your diet to notice a
great improvement in your stomach's health. It is important that you always try to consume a
portion of fibre at every meal.

Instead of three abundant meals, a diet to tackle gastritis should include five or six meals
per day, each moderate in portions. Eating in large quantities will increase stomach unrest,
that is why it is recommended to do so in little amounts but several times a day.
Eat slow, chewing food very well. If you suffer gastritis do not skip meals or your stomach will
let you know with pain and acute discomfort.
In addition, controlling tension and stress and practising exercise will help you recover much
faster and improve the status of your gastritis.

This article is merely informative, OneHowTo does not have the authority to prescribe any
medical treatments or create a diagnosis. We invite you to visit your doctor if you have any
type of condition or pain.

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