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*Assume Feed rate is constant

Variables to control
Controlled Variable
1. Column Pressure (P)
- Pressure is often considered the prime distillation control variable, as it
affects temperature, condensation, vaporization, compositions, volatilities
and almost any process that takes place inside the column.
2. Distillate Composition (Y)
- Recover more volatile component as much as possible; efficiency.
3. Bottoms Product Composition (X)
- To contain lesser of the more volatile component; economics.
4. Liquid Level in reboiler (L1)
- Liquid level influences the purity and amount vaporized. A low level could
damage the pump and a high level could allow liquid in the vapor line.
5. Accumulator Level (L2)
- Facilitates the flow of distillate and reflux.

Manipulated Variable
1. The amount of material in vapor phase by regulating the amount of feed
entering (V1) or rate of condensation.
- Set stable conditions for column operation.
2. Level control on the accumulator and reboiler (LC 1 & LC 2); Temperature
control (TC).
3. Level control on the accumulator and reboiler (LC 1 & LC 2); Temperature
control (TC).
4. Maintain boil-up rate by regulating the steam valve opening (V5)
5. Regulating the flowrate of reflux (v2) and distillate (v3).

Feed flow
Feed composition
Feed temperature
Reboiler heat supply
Condenser cooling supply

Application of closed-loop
The control strategy is simulated by setting the model solution specifications to
mimic the way the column is controlled. For example, if we are considering a control
strategy where the reflux flow is fixed and a tray temperature is controlled with
steam flow, then the steady state model solution conditions would be to set the
mass reflux flow and tray temperature.
The first step is to find a set of operating conditions that meet or exceed the
product composition specifications for all expected feed rates and compositions.

This can be an iterative process, however in many situations we can use our
knowledge of distillation to help find these conditions. Again, if we are fixing the
reflux flow, we need to find the feed conditions that require the highest reflux flow
to satisfy the product composition specifications. The reflux flow will then be set at
this value for all other feed rate and feed composition combinations. We also must
find a temperature set-point that will keep the top and bottom product compositions
at or below specifications for all expected conditions.

Can effectively eliminate disturbances for fast responding processes.
But it waits until the disturbance upsets the process before taking corrective
Can become unstable due to nonlinearity and disturbance upsets.

Feed forward
Compensates for ds before process is affected
Most effective for slow processes and for processes with significant deadtime.
Can improve reliability of the feedback controller by reducing the deviation
from setpoint.
Since it is a linear controller, its performance will deteriorate with

Feedback-only must absorb the variations in steam usage by feedback action


Feedforward-only handle variation in steam usage but small errors in

metering will eventually empty or fill the tank.

To Steam

To Steam Users







To Steam



Make-up Water

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