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Anthony T. Vento, AVento@Liberty.

edu, PO Box 1342, Laurence Harbor, New Jersey

08879, VE077704970, Daniel Test Form 03082010

Andersonville Theological Seminary

PO Box 545
Camilla, GA 31730

Fax: 229-336-7000

Student ID VE077704970
Name: Anthony Vento
Address: PO Box 1342, Laurence Harbor, New Jersey 08879
1. True

Conservative scholars offer three explanations as to who

Darius the Mede is. The teacher believes the best explanation
is that: Monarchs often had more than one name and Darius

Anthony T. Vento,, PO Box 1342, Laurence Harbor, New Jersey

08879, VE077704970, Daniel Test Form 03082010

and Cyrus the Persian were 2 names for the same monarch as
attested to by the Aramaic reading of Daniel 6:28.

2. False

The decree issued in Daniel 6:6-9 included all the officials of


3. True

The Anti-Christ, like Antiochus Epiphanes has an intense

hatred for the Jews.

4. True

The word picture in Daniel 6:14 for laboured is: an

animal caught in a snare.

5. False

No credible evidence outside the Bible proves there could

have been a den of lions.

6. True

I Kings 8:33-38 and verse 44 tells us that Jews were to face

toward Jerusalem, and specifically toward the temple when
they prayed.

7. True

Darius decree in Daniel 6:24 commanded that the men which

accused Daniel along with their families be cast into the den
of lions.

8. False

The explanation of the 4 kingdoms in Daniel chapter 7 given

by the teacher is the only conservative view.

Anthony T. Vento,, PO Box 1342, Laurence Harbor, New Jersey

08879, VE077704970, Daniel Test Form 03082010

9. True

Sea is often symbolic in Scripture for the Gentile populace.

10. True

A great civilization (like Rome) is not conquered from

without until it has [first] destroyed itself from within.

11. False

The 10 toes (10 horns) or European union will never become

the New World order.

12. True

The Old Persian Empire of Daniel is todays Iran and Iraq.

13. True

The ancient of days is spoken of 3 times in Daniel chapter 7.

14. True

Daniels use of the word saint most likely refers to the people of God.

15. During the great tribulation the Jewish people are primarily the focus of the
Antichrists hatred. This is also called Jacobs trouble in the Old

16. The Anti-Christ will break his covenant with the Jews in the middle of the
70th Week.

17. The Anti-Christ will come out of the revived Roman Empire. There is a very
good possibility that he will be one of the Catholic Popes.

Anthony T. Vento,, PO Box 1342, Laurence Harbor, New Jersey

08879, VE077704970, Daniel Test Form 03082010

18. Beginning in Daniel chapter 8, Daniels vision concerns the empires of

Persia and Greece as they relate to Israel.

19. Antiochus took the name Epiphanes which means: god manifest.

20. The antichrist, like Antiochus Epiphanes has an intense hatred for the

21. Artaxerses gave the order to rebuild Jerusalems walls in 444 or 445 BC that
fits Daniels prophecy in Daniel 9:25.

22. Chapters 41-46 of Ezekiel speaks of the millennial temple.

23. The prince of Persia is satan.

24. ___Michael_____________ the archangel is the prince (protector) of Israel.

25. Daniels deep love for his people compelled him to fast, mourn, and pray
for 21 days. In like manner Jesus said: Men ought always to pray and
not to worry.

26. In what New Testament Scripture did Jesus refer to the abomination of
desolation? Matthew 24:15

27. Complete the following statements based on Daniel 11:40: The king of the

Anthony T. Vento,, PO Box 1342, Laurence Harbor, New Jersey

08879, VE077704970, Daniel Test Form 03082010

south is Egypt, combined with a federation of Arabic nations.

The King of the north is Russia.

28. China will amass an army of 200 million soldiers to move against Israel.

29. Some claim the millennium chiefly relates to only Revelation 20:1-10. Actually
the topic of the millennium is so important; the prophet Jonah stands alone
in the Canonical writings of the prophets as having no reference to the
Millennial Kingdom.

30. During the Millennial Kingdom, David will rule as Christs right hand man.
List 2 Scriptures that provide this: Ezekiel 37:24 and Daniel 7:27

31. A good conservative date for Daniel is: (Circle one)

C. 604 B.C.

32. The book of Daniel is written in two languages: (Circle one)

C. Hebrew and Aramaic

33. Daniel deals in depth with the times of the Gentiles. This is referred to by
Christ in: (Circle one)
B. Luke 21:24

34. The mixture of clay and iron in the feet of the image in chapter 2 represents:

Anthony T. Vento,, PO Box 1342, Laurence Harbor, New Jersey

08879, VE077704970, Daniel Test Form 03082010

(Circle one)
A. A revived Roman Empire that although will at first be strong, will
degenerate due to immorality and relativism.

35. When Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were cast into the fiery
furnace, what burned? (Circle one)
B. Their bonds

36. Babylon is a type of: (Circle one)

B. Rome
37. Nebuchadnezzar lived like a beast in the wilderness for 7 years to ___ him.
(Circle one)
B. Humble
38. The temple and its furnishings are a type of: (Circle one)
C. The church

39. The handwriting on the wall indicates that: (Circle one)

C. Belshazzars kingdom was finished. It was too late for repentance.

40. Who attempted to convince Belshazzar that there was a man (Daniel) who
could cancel evil spells? (Circle one)
C. The queen

41. What are the six traits embraced by new agers?

Anthony T. Vento,, PO Box 1342, Laurence Harbor, New Jersey

08879, VE077704970, Daniel Test Form 03082010

Six is the number of man, 1) emphasis on healing, 2) desire to be modern and use of scientific
language, 3) eclecticism and syncreticism, 4) amonistic, reality as a unified whole, interpersonal
ontology/existence 5) optimism, successorientation, tendency to believe in evolutionary views
(on all levels and 6) emphasis on psychic powers.
42. Give at least two reasons why the 4th empire (revived Roman Empire) is
diverse from the first three.
4th empireiron breaketh all things. Legs of iron Roman Empire. Far less value than gold,
silver, brass. Iron most suited to crush opposing powers. Tenacity, brutality. Emperor Trajan AD
98-117, empire was the largest. Iron- to break into pieces all who oppose them. AD 364, Roman
empire split into 2 parts; Rome and Constantinople= 2 legs of iron. 3 preceding kingdoms, the
metal represent the material of the kingdom; the national elements out of which they are
constituted. Intermarriage may take a part. Mixing of seed, to combine different nationalities.
Final form of the kingdom Ten nation confederation, revived Roman EmpireEuropean Union,
10 Islamic nations. 3 years of tribulation in book of Revelationgreat tribulation, Israel
breaks covenant with Israel. Unite imperialisms and democracy. Clay = earth, democratic rule.
Iron= kingly rule, monarchy. This is trying to unite all people under one rule. Revived Roman
Empire. Revival of the Papacy in Rome. Vicar- someone who stands in the place of. Scarletcolors of the papacy. Culture 1 Catholicism- conservative and moral. Culture 2 Catholicsmoderate to liberal, gaining in strength. Roman Golden Age- was 11 years, AD 69- AD 180
coliseum, Arch of Titus built All roads lead to Rome. Via Appia. AD 235- things began to
degenerate, Christians and barbarians. AD 268- Rome a mere shell of its former glory. Desire to
return to former glory. New World Order- one world religion, Gorbachov and George Bush (41st).
Catholicism is syncretic- allow natives to keep former customs. Verse 42- revived Roman
empire, partly strong and partly compromised/weak. God will set up a kingdom, that will be
eternal, it will consume all other kingdoms. This is the 5th Kingdom; stone cut out of mountains
without human accomplishments, and break iron, brass, clay, silver and gold. Christ is the
smiting stone, in the day of the ten kings, revived Roman empire, God will set up a kingdom.
The stone, is not a human organization or human growth. It shall smite the image in the time of
the revived Roman Empire; fragments of Rome coming together; the Parousia. Daniel sat in the
gate/council chamber, kings court (3:12).
43. Explain Daniel 8:25, he (Antiochus and Anti-Christ) shall be broken
without hand.
Antichrist broken without hand- what happens to Antiochus, he was not killed by his enemies,
but by grief, and remorse in Babylon, he lost an important battle of Elamam and went crazythe
antichrist will not die by his enemies, but will be destroyed (2 Thes. 2:8) by the glorious
manifestation of Christ at His second coming!

Anthony T. Vento,, PO Box 1342, Laurence Harbor, New Jersey

08879, VE077704970, Daniel Test Form 03082010

44. Chapter 9 of Daniel is one of three significant 9th prayer chapters in the
Old Testament. What are the other two?
Ezra, Nehemiah
45. What very significant event occurred exactly 173,880 days after Nehemiah
gave the Jews the go-ahead to rebuild the city wall of Jerusalem?
Nehemiah 2:1- month of Nisan in the20th year of Artaxerses- he came into power in 465 BC, this
verse is 445 BC, if no date is mentioned, then it is the first day in Jewish custom- in Gregorian
calendar March 14, 445 BC- beginning point of the rebuilding of the wall and Jerusalem- 7
Weeks= 49 years; the second part of this prophecy is Jesus Christ, There are 2 princes in this
text, Christ, but the other prince that will come and destroy the city- Prince of Peace and a 2nd
prince, Roman General who invades Jerusalem. 483 multiply by 360 days= 173,880 days; from
the date Artaxerses allowed Nehemiah the wall to be rebuilt, to the day that Jesus rode into
Jerusalem (Palm Sunday April 6, 32)- from March 14, 445, to Palm Sunday (4/6/32) was exactly
173,880 days. Sir Robert Andersons book, The Coming Prince. Luke 19:42- day 173,880- the
Jewish mind did not grasp the day, nor accept Jesus. Verse 26- 3 score and 2 weeks (62 weeks,
62 time 7 years).
46. The 70th week begin when the Anti-Christ does what?
The prince was Vespasian and his son Titus- the Roman general- AD 70- murdered hundreds of
thousands of Jews- the same treachery of Antiochus Epiphanes and his general Appolonius (175
BC); these are types of antichrists. Vespasian and Titus are Roman princes; antichrist will come
from the 4th Roman Revived Empire. Verse 27- confirm covenant for 1 week, in the middle of the
week- a gap between verse 26 and verse 27, at least 2,000 years- these events did not occur in
just 490 days, and not 490 years. Parenthesis Period- did the 70th week, of 7 years, run its
course successively without interruption, no, the 69 Weeks are separated of the last week by an
interval of time in verses 26-27. Verse 26 refers to Jesus Passion and the destruction of the
Temple and verse 27, the 70th Week is in the future- the full 70 Weeks may have run their course
without interruption if the Jews accepted Christ as the Messiah- they did not , so the Jews were
forced into the Diaspora. Can we buttress this Parenthesis in the Scripture- 2 different time
periods spoken about, Isaiah 9:6- government was not on Jesus shoulder the first time He came
to Jerusalem, the Roman govt. did not put pressure of Christ, to appease the Jews, Pilate had
Christ crucified, in Revelation 19- Jesus controls of the government, at the beginning of the
1,000 year reign. Parenthesis referring to Christ- 2 time periods referred to in the same verse.
The 69th Week finished at Christs death. We are in the parenthesis. The 70th Week begins when
the antichrist begins the peace process with Israel. Shabuah- 1st 69 Shabuahs- 483 years- 4/6/322520 days of the 70th Week will be the entire time of the last week for persecution Rev 12:6, half
of this 1,260 days will be the tribulation, 3 years. Antichrist will rebuild the Temple

Anthony T. Vento,, PO Box 1342, Laurence Harbor, New Jersey

08879, VE077704970, Daniel Test Form 03082010

47. Quote the Scripture in the New Testament that describes the physical
appearance of Christ and is very similar to Daniel 10:5-6.
On the day of the vision- he had seen angels before, but this figure was in linen, waste girded
with gold belt, a precious gem body, face like lightningJesus, Revelation 1:13-15.
48. Explain what Daniel 11:37 means when it says concerning the Anti-Christ, he
will not regard the desire of women.
Antichrist will be a homosexual, or since desire of women for centuries had to bear the Messiah,
he has no regard for the Messiah, Micah 5:2, Isaiah 6-7. 1) He will be an antithesis of Jesus, he
will do according to his own will, 2) he will magnify himself above every god, Ezekiel 28:12-19,
Isaiah 14:9-20, (antichrist- interpreted in 2 ways- 1 one who stands in the place of Christ, or a
substitute Christ, 2 someone who opposes Christ), 3) he shall prosper, a political leader,
charisma, wealth and power at his hand, empowered by the prince of this world.
49. Read the entire book of Daniel in your Bible. Write a
(one page 250 words minimum) summary of the book.
God is my judge. Nebuchednezzar exiled in 605 BC. Daniel is second to Exekiel in the main
prophet. Hagiographa holy writing. Jews placed Daniel in the third canon, ketubim, writings..,
Daniel is called a wiseman and seer, but not a prophet. This canon is for seers and priests and
wise men. The law= Moses. 3 levels of prophetical writings: 1) former prophets to interpret how
God deals with Israel. 2) latter prophets deal with the prophet themselves. 3) works of God, but
not a prophet. Prophet a mediator, spokesman for the Lord- Daniel was a statesman in a heathen
court and not a mediator. New Testament calls Daniel a prophet Mt 24:15. Daniel equal to all
prophets in OT. Languages- Hebrew and Aramaic. Hebrew section Daniel 1-2:4a, 8-12:13.
Aramaic/Syriac 2:4b-7:28. Hebrew used to deal with Gods people and their future. Hebrew is
similar to Ezekiel. Syrian used for world powers. Nothing in Hebrew foreign to 6th century BC
person. Worse Daniel 1:10, linguistic evidence. Aramaic is semitic dialects, close to Hebrew; 4
groups Old 10-800 BC, Official 600-100 BC, Levitine, Eastern Aramaic. Eugaritic text in
Armana and Bronze Age used Aramaic.
Purpose of Daniel- not to give an account of the life of Daniel, does not give his lineage or age,
not to give account of Israel in exile. IT is to show Gods power and HE controls nature and
history of nations, lives of Israel and kings of earth, for His servants and people. 3rd century ADPorphory contested date of Daniel- he wrote Against the Christians- not one of these 15
volumes survived. Dead sea Scrolls- no part of Old Testament before 4th century BC. 626-535
BC writing of Daniel.

Anthony T. Vento,, PO Box 1342, Laurence Harbor, New Jersey

08879, VE077704970, Daniel Test Form 03082010

Future destiny of Israel to great world power. Daniel 2, colossal image- 4 empires destroyed
when God established nations. Daniel 7 : 4 beasts destroyed, judged by Jesus Christ. 4 Empires
identified as = 1)Babylon, Medo Persia, Greece, Diodoky, 2) Babylon, Persia, Greece, Media;
3)Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome. Historical errors- we believe the 3rd view, evidence
in Daniel but with the remainder of scripture.

Graded Learning Activity

1. Write a 4 to 6 page paper on the Anti-Christ as typified in the typology of
Antiochus IV (Ephiphanes). Be sure to include the fact that Daniels use of
Antiochus is not solely related to Antiochus, but is a double reference
prophecy to the Anti-Christ.

Esdras- spoke of Rome being revived, he lived in Rome. 10 toes- Dan 2, and 10 horns Daniel
7:7-24, Revelation 12:3, 13:1, 17:3-16- AD 1947- Benalux came into power- Belgium,
Netherlands, Luxenburg, are the 1st 3 horns of the revived roman empire- 1st 3 nations of the
European Union. 1957 France, Italy and Germany joined, Treaty of Rome. 1973, Britain, Ireland
and Denmark joined the confederation. Daniel 7:8- 3 verse 20- 3 verse 24-3. This confederation
will grow to 13. Spain and Portugal 1986, Austria 1996- EU to 13 members. 4th beast becomes a
world empire- New World Empire. Antichrist will control the world. Euro came out in AD 1998one currency by AD 2001. Ancient of Days- 3 times in Daniel 7- white throne judgmentRevelation 20:11. Little horn verse 8- Martin Luther is the NT antichrist of the future- not for
an earlier period of history but for the end time, Daniel 12:4- book sealed until the time of the
end- little horn arrives at the end days after the grouping of these nations. Verse 11- during the
tribulation hour, Revelation 13:5-6, 40 and 2 months= 3 years. 2 Thes 2:8. Rev 19:20- cast into
lake of fire- fires of hell do not annihilate- Jehovah Witness- hell is the grave and evil people are
just annihilated, theory of annihilation. Medes and Persians destroy Babylon, Greece destroyed
Mede and Persia, Rome destroyed Greece. Their customs and cultures were passed on to the
nations that conquered them, they were not obliterated. Persian empire is Iran and Iraq. Matthew
8:20- Son of Man. Ancient of Days- Yahweh God, who presents His kingdom to Jesus- uncut
stone crushed the statue, 1 Corinthians 10:4- rock is Christ. Revelation 19:11-14- little
horn/antichrist vs. Jesus, prophecy of stone smashing the feet is fulfilled; it is over for the
nations, millennial reign. Psalm 2:1-6- picture the final battle, Isaiah 61:1-3. 1,000 year rule from
city of David. Luke 1:31-33, throne of David. Daniel is disturbed because their was a dark future
for his people, the coming of Christ was not anytime soon. God sends a messenger, Angel

Anthony T. Vento,, PO Box 1342, Laurence Harbor, New Jersey

08879, VE077704970, Daniel Test Form 03082010

Gabriel, to understand the vision. 4 beasts- 4 kings from the earth. Teeth or iron, nails of brass,
ten hornsRome. Verse 21- horn made war with Saints. 4 kings, Nebud, Darius, Alexandar the
great, and Caesars. Daniel uses word saint 7 times- in reference to his own people. Church is
absent from the earth, the rapture are in heaven. 2 Kings 17:34- Jacob another name for Israel.
Revelation 12:13- evil one attacking Jews, and Christians. Revelation 7:13-14- great tribulation,
white robe in the blood of the lamb, Jew and Gentile. Revelation 13:15- ties in with what Nebub.
Did with the 90x90 foot image, when they blew their horns, everyone was to bow down,
Babylon in OT is Rome in NT- mark of beast. Antichrist out of Revived Roman Empire. Daniel
understood the 1st 3 parts of the vision, but not the fourth part about Rome. Scarlet- Roman
Catholic Church- 2 camps- culture 1 RCs are traditionalists, culture 2 RCs outnumber number 1
and are liberal women clergy, abortiona division in the Church. 3 - end to wars, and
conflicts, produce a unified anti-Christian, anti-God religion. Antichrist- will promulgate popular
laws. Catholic- largest religion on earth. New Age theology- their goals social and cultural
transformation- new age of love, joy, abundance and harmony- this generation- special energies
to transform humankind into the golden age- Rome during her peak of prosperity and global
power best part was known as the golden age- 6 traits new agers follow-six is the number of
man, 1) emphasis on healing, 2) desire to be modern and use of scientific language, 3)
eclecticism and syncreticism, 4) amonistic, reality as a unified whole, interpersonal
ontology/existence 5) optimism, successorientation, tendency to believe in evolutionary views
(on all levels and 6) emphasis on psychic powers. Daniel 7:25- the antichrist-little horn, will
wear out the Saints, 84 months, reign begins when he makes a peace contract with Israel and the
nations Daniel 9:27, sacrifice to cease, week shabuah- a time period of 7 years or 84 months,
after 42 months the sacrifice will cease. Peace for 3 years, Russia (Magog) will break the
peace after 3 years. Hebrew word shabuah- time period of 7 years, Daniel 4:25- Nebud. 7
times (7 years pass over thee), time is one year, times- 2 years, dividing time= half a yearRevelation 11:2- 42 months, 3 years. Rev. 11:3- 2 witnesses- Elijah and Moses, or Enoch and
Moses, 42 months...1,203score days. Last half of 70th week in Daniel 9:24-27- 3 weeks7
weeks and 3 score and 2 weeks, antichrist will confirm the covenant. Matthew 24:15. Israel a
nation in AD 1948- never at peace or at rest, 7 year duration of peace (Palestinians are
descendants of the Philistines, Russia will ruin this peace. Daniel 11:45- antichrist dies.
Antichrist resurrected, put in stasis and possibly a falsified miracle. New Age- you dont need
God, you can channel energy within you to heal you. Stars are for signs and not for travelling,
earth is for the dominion of man. Antichrist will try to rearrange the 7 major feasts of Judaism
according to his will.
Chapter 8- Vision of the Ram and the Rough Goat- New section- language returns to the Hebrew
from the Aramaic- the change of the language is in keeping with the change in thought- from this
point to the end of the book, the prophecy, which concerns the Gentiles, is concerned with
human history as it relates to Israel. Persia and Greece and how they relate to Israel. Persiarebuild city. Under Greece- Israel destroyed again. Epiphanes means God manifests. Antiochus
Epiphanes is an antichrist- a double reference prophecy, 175 BC and when the antichrist comes,

Anthony T. Vento,, PO Box 1342, Laurence Harbor, New Jersey

08879, VE077704970, Daniel Test Form 03082010

exact facsimile of actions of their behalf. Shushan in the palace, in the Elam Province, by Ulah
River- 2 years from Chapter 7 to Chapter 8. 2 years to meditate on the image of the four beasts.
Shushan was the capital of Persia- Nehemiah and Esther were Persian. The events would not
come to pass for at least 200 years. A ram with 2 horns, west, north and south, 2 horns are Media
and Persia- the higher came up last, Media had supremacy over Persia, but Persia became the
greater power, for 200 years Persia conquered many lands. 3 points of direction- 3 ribs of Daniel
7:5- bear with 3 ribs in its mouth. Ram national emblem of Persia- on coins and headdresses
strength of ram enables it to move kingdoms- 700BC 228 BC. He-goat from the west, horn
between its eyes, collar- extreme anger. Goat= Greece- next kingdom in line. Persia fell in 334
BC when Alexander conquered Xerses. 332 BC Alexander dies and his 4 generals divide the
kingdom. Little horn- comes out of one of the four divisions of Alexanders dynasty- 175 BD
Seleucid side of dynasty in Syria- Antiochus demon of hatred toward the Jews. 2nd Maccabbees
record Antiochus Epiphanes- raided Temple in Jerusalem- 22,000 man army, led by another
devil, unholy trinity in Revelation- satan, antichrist, and false prophetDaniel satan, Antiochus,
Appalinus. Antiochus made Jews- 1)break OT laws, 2) change the name of the Temple of God to
temple of Jupiter (Olympius), 3) harlots in temple of God, 4) dont keep Sabbath, 5) eat swine,
unclean food, 6) threw circumcised babies from a wall, 7) murdered Jews who would not sin and
blaspheme, 8) sacrificed pig on the altar and splashed its blood in the holy of holies. Antiochus
killed 100,000 Jews. Verse 10- little horn grows (Antiochus)- throws stars to the grounds- angelic
hosts are the protector of Gods people- Antiochus against Gods people, Antiochus is cursing
and killing Gods people, and going against God Himself. Stars- Abrahams descendants, Daniel
12, Matt 13:43. Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28- pride made Lucifer fall- satan had five falls. PretensionsAntiochus blasphemes God and His people. Antiochus claims to be god. Antichrist when he
breaks his covenant with Israel he sets himself up as god in the temple. A host given to
Antiochus, people of Israel were under his power with divine permission, book of Job- God
allows satan a permissive realm in certain areas. Daily sacrifices in his power, and substitutes the
worship. When the Jews make covenant with the Jews, sacrifices begin again, but after 3
years, the antichrist will put his sacrifices in their place. It will seem that antichrist will prosper.
8th king of Syrian dynasty- 3fold purpose- same as antichrist kingdom- 1)a religious purpose, a
one world religion, 2) militarily strong power- punished for rejecting it, 3) beauracratic- one
world government. Statewide cult. Revelation 13:11- 2 horns like a lamb, Christ the lamb of
God, attempt to mimic God, winged dragon, evil one, speaks like satan. How long will this
persecution be, 6 years, 2300 days, Antiochus persecution September 6, 171 BC-Dec 25, 165
BC- exactly 2300 days. Antiochus broke the covenant of peace, antichrist will do the same.
12/25/165 BC- Temple rededicated by Judas Maccabees, a type of Christ. Daniel wanted to know
the vision, person stood before him, appeared to be a man, Angel Gabriel Daniel 9:16- to tell
Daniel, the man may have been St Michael or Christ. Man is gaber, similar to Gabriel
strength and power- strength and power of God, speaking to Daniel in verse 15. Daniel 10:9, 15,
17- prostration (Exodus 3, Ezekiel 1:28) touch of angel gave Daniel strength. Verse 23Antiochus and antichrist- understand dark sentences- many problems in the world. 4-5%

Anthony T. Vento,, PO Box 1342, Laurence Harbor, New Jersey

08879, VE077704970, Daniel Test Form 03082010

inflation in economics, people are underemployed. Daniel 11:21- antichrist offers himself as the
prince of peace, flattery. Isaiah 9:6- Prince of Peace- is designated for Jesus. Revelation 6:2
and Revelation 19- Jesus rides a white horse. The antichrist rides a white horse. Jesus is Faithful
and true vs.antichrist is Faithless and vile. Antichrist broken without hand- what happens to
Antiochus, he was not killed by his enemies, but by grief, and remorse in Babylon, he lost an
important battle of Elamam and went crazythe antichrist will not die by his enemies, but will
be destroyed (2 Thes. 2:8) by the glorious manifestation of Christ at His second coming! Christ
will destroy him! 1) Both Antiochus and antichrist are energized and empowered by satan, Dan.
8:22-24, Rev 13:2they are not strong on their own. 2) Both will be magnified Dan. 8:25, 2
Thes 2:9. 3) Both will greatly prosper Dan 8:24, Rev 13:16-17. Control all of the finances. 4)
Both will invade the holy place, Temple, Dan 8:11-2 & 2 Thes. 2:4. 5) Both will make war with
Gods chosen people Dan. 8:24, Rev 13:7. 6) Both will be conquered by Jesus Christ Rev 19:11.
Daniel was drained by his vision and explanation of Archangel Gabriel. Daniel was puzzled but
trusted in the Lord.
Chapter 9- Vision of the 70 Weeks- 1st Advent, 2nd Advent, TribulationCahpter 9 have 2
sections, prayer and prophecy. 3 significant 9th chapters in the OT- Ezra, Nehemiah and Daniel
chapter 9- a servant of God on his knees before the Word of God, interceding for the people of
God- 2 Peter 1:21- holy men of God- true prophets. They search for the meaning of prophecy (1
Peter). James 5- ask for wisdom. Praying and seeking God. Gods timetable for the restoration of
Israel, Jeremiah 25:11-12- 70 years to be punished under Babylon. 2 Chronicles 36:21- Jews
failed to protect their land, breaking 70 Sabbatical years, will be punished for their disobedience,
in accord with the amount of time they rebelled. Captivity in 605 BC, now it was 538 BC- 67
years passed by. Only 3 years left in Babylon. Only a partial understanding of what is to comenow the end time revelation. Verse 4-6- ashes Jonah 3:5-6- sackcloth and ashes- sign of great
mourning, Nineveh capital of Assyria who carried the Northern Kingdom away. Daniels prayer
began with confession of sin, 1st requisite for successful prayer life, confession means to agree
with what God says, Daniel took responsibility with Gods people- 2 reasons why he did this
because1) Israels unpreparedness prevented God from bestowing His blessings and fulfilling
His promise (Ps. 66:18-20, Prov 15:29, 1 John 1:29, Isaiah 59:1-2) (repentance is change of
mind, 2) he looked at God and understood that God was a God to be reverenced, not like a man,
He is divine, immutable, omniscient, omnipresent. Daniels prayer began with a contrite and
broken heart, Daniel refers to God as Adonai Lord-proves Daniel recognizes Gods powerplea for personal and national forgiveness. Verse 3- Daniel begins to call Yahweh- gracious
and covenant keeping king, uses Yahweh 7 times, verses- 3,4,10,13,14,20, Jews word never use
Yahweh (tetragramiton YHWH). He uses Yahweh to remind self and God of the covenant- he is a
one person spokesman for the people on behalf of the covenant- Daniel did not know the full
vision or about the end time, the double reference prophecy (Daniel 12:4). He was sad for his
sins and those of the people. Deut 28- curse poured out upon the people. Diaspora- verse 7- the
Jews were scattered- Israel now run by heathen kings. 70 years of punishment, Daniel is only
focusing on the 70 years of punishment, the angel hasnt revealed to him anything about the

Anthony T. Vento,, PO Box 1342, Laurence Harbor, New Jersey

08879, VE077704970, Daniel Test Form 03082010

future, beyond the 70 years. God is righteous for what He did to the Jews. We failed to keep the
commandments (Romans 5:8). Psalm 51:10- born from a contrite heart great sermon- prayer
and responsibility- God is holding man responsible for their sins, it is not the fault of others. Sins
have hid Gods face from us- God cannot hear our prayers if we are not repentant- not I feel
sorry- in Greek, the word means a change of mind- turning around and going the other way. The
closer we walk to God, the more imperfections we notice (1Cor 3 and 6 Holy Spirit living in
us). Verse 20-21- Gabriel touched Daniel about the time of the evening oblation- blessing- before
he finished praying- God was sending the answer- Isaiah 65:24- before they call, I will answerGabriel comfort and grant understanding to Daniel. Evening oblation- no altar or temple in
Babylon for Jews, 67 years prior Daniel saw a sacrifice- Daniel still remembers since his
childhood- between 3-4 PM- Ninth hour- Acts 3:1, 10:3, 10:30- ninth hour when that OT
sacrifices were offered- these sacrifices were a perfect yearling lamb as a whole burnt offering, a
meal and drink offering which typified Jesus Christ (Hebrews 9: 13)In the ninth hour that the
Lamb of God died on Calvary Mt 27:46. Mk 15:34. Daniel on his knees, presenting himself as a
sacrifice at this 9th hour. God is in charge of all things, antichrist thinks that he can change the
times that God is in control of (Romans 12:1-2). The perfect will of God- what Daniel was
seeking. Verse 22-23- Gabriels mission 3 things- 1) give Daniel skill and understanding, 2)
assure Daniel of Gods love, 3) ensure Daniel give his undivided attention to the vision. Verse
24- 70 Weeks determined on Gods people and holy city- God would continue to punish Israel
for 70 more of 7 of years beyond the Babylonian captivity- the only other OT prophecy that
speaks of Christs first coming, it was Gabriel who presented the news of Christs birth to
Blessed Virgin Mary- applied exclusively to Israel and Jerusalem. 70 Weeks are determined on
thy people- 490 literal years= seventy 7s- 490 units of time, the units must be years for the
mathematics to work out. The messiah has to arrive before the 490 years- 445 BC, when
Nehemiah 2- Artaxerses gave the order to rebuild the Temple. 3 decrees to rebuld Jerusalem- 1)
King Cyrus 538 BC Ezra 1 and 5:13-17, 2) Darius 517 BC Ezra 6:1-12, 3) Artaxerses 445 BC
Nehemiah 2. What was the purpose of 70 week of chastisement- Sabbath day was to be one of
rest- rest means to cease/stop. The Jews celebrated sabbatical years Lev 25:1-7, in greed, they
complained about losing money on the 7th year. Spiritual treachery- 490 years of disobedience490 years of slavery. Time for us 365.25 days a year, for Jews, a year was 360 day calendar.
Jeremiah 25:9-11- a punishment due to Daniel 9:24- 6 reasons, 1) finish the transgression- the
land was not allowed to rest for 70 Sabbaticals, Messiah will settle the debt and give them land
forever Zechariah 1, 2) put an end to the corporate sin of Israel, will end with Jesus Christ, by the
Blood of Christ perfect yearling, sin that brought punishment has been removed Hebrews 10:17,
3) Resurrection of Christ, spirit of grace and supplication, as one mourneth for his only Son
Zechariah 12:10- John 3:16, 4) to bring in everlasting righteousness- King of Kings, world
becomes a blessed place, Isaiah 35:8, place of righteousness, nothing vile, we cannot have a
perfect world until Jesus comes, 5) Seal the vision until the time of the end, Jesus in our midst 6)
to anoint the Most Holy, Ezekiel 41-46- anointing of the Holy of Holies in the millennial
Temple- Jesus will be anointed for eternity. Verse 25- Nehemiah 2:1-8- Jews visited their

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homeland were disturbed because their city was in disarray and they requested the wall be
rebuilt; Nehemiah 2:1- month of Nisan in the20th year of Artaxerses- he came into power in 465
BC, this verse is 445 BC, if no date is mentioned, then it is the first day in Jewish custom- in
Gregorian calendar March 14, 445 BC- beginning point of the rebuilding of the wall and
Jerusalem- 7 Weeks= 49 years; the second part of this prophecy is Jesus Christ, There are 2
princes in this text, Christ, but the other prince that will come and destroy the city- Prince of
Peace and a 2nd prince, Roman General who invades Jerusalem. 483 multiply by 360 days=
173,880 days; from the date Artaxerses allowed Nehemiah the wall to be rebuilt, to the day that
Jesus rode into Jerusalem (Palm Sunday April 6, 32)- from March 14, 445, to Palm Sunday
(4/6/32) was exactly 173,880 days. Sir Robert Andersons book, The Coming Prince. Luke
19:42- day 173,880- the Jewish mind did not grasp the day, nor accept Jesus. Verse 26- 3 score
and 2 weeks (62 weeks, 62 time 7 years). The prince was Vespasian and his son Titus- the
Roman general- AD 70- murdered hundreds of thousands of Jews- the same treachery of
Antiochus Epiphanes and his general Appolonius (175 BC); these are types of antichrists.
Vespasian and Titus are Roman princes; antichrist will come from the 4th Roman Revived
Empire. Verse 27- confirm covenant for 1 week, in the middle of the week- a gap between verse
26 and verse 27, at least 2,000 years- these events did not occur in just 490 days, and not 490
years. Parenthesis Period- did the 70th week, of 7 years, run its course successively without
interruption, no, the 69 Weeks are separated of the last week by an interval of time in verses 2627. Verse 26 refers to Jesus Passion and the destruction of the Temple and verse 27, the 70th
Week is in the future- the full 70 Weeks may have run their course without interruption if the
Jews accepted Christ as the Messiah- they did not , so the Jews were forced into the Diaspora.
Can we buttress this Parenthesis in the Scripture- 2 different time periods spoken about, Isaiah
9:6- government was not on Jesus shoulder the first time He came to Jerusalem, the Roman
govt. did not put pressure of Christ, to appease the Jews, Pilate had Christ crucified, in
Revelation 19- Jesus controls of the government, at the beginning of the 1,000 year reign.
Parenthesis referring to Christ- 2 time periods referred to in the same verse. The 69th Week
finished at Christs death. We are in the parenthesis. The 70th Week begins when the antichrist
begins the peace process with Israel. Shabuah- 1st 69 Shabuahs- 483 years- 4/6/32- 2520 days of
the 70th Week will be the entire time of the last week for persecution Rev 12:6, half of this 1,260
days will be the tribulation, 3 years. Antichrist will rebuild the Temple- Orthodox and Hesidic
Jews want to rebuild the Temple- Revelation 13:4-5- Matt. 24:15-21 defiling Gods Temple.
Exodus 20:4 idol in the Temple will defile it. Rev 12:12. Rapture and the 2nd Coming- Rapture
passages- John 14:1-3, 1 Cor 1:7-8 1 Thes 5:9, 2 Thes 2:1, 2 Tim 4:1, Heb 9:28,& 2nd Coming
passages- Daniel 2:44-45, Daniel 12:1-3, Zechariah 14:1-15, Mt 24:15, Revelation 20. Contrasts
between rapture and 2nd coming- 1) rapture of all believers, no rapture at 2nd coming, 2) raptured
saints go to heaven, 2nd coming raptured saints come back to earth, 3) rapture earth not judged,
2nd coming earth is judged and righteousness established. 4) rapture imminent at any moment, no
signs, 2nd coming has signs and markers to warn about it, 5) rapture is not predicted in the OT,
the 2nd coming is predicted in the OT, 6) believers only raptured, 2nd coming effects all men, 7)

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08879, VE077704970, Daniel Test Form 03082010

rapture before the day of wrath, 2nd coming no is after the wrath, 8) rapture does not involve the
evil one, 2nd coming the evil one is bound, 9) rapture Christ comes for His own, 2nd coming
Christ comes with His own, 10) rapture Christ comes in the air, 2nd coming Christ comes on
earth, 11) Christ claims His bride, 2nd Christ comes with His Bride, 12) rapture only the faithful
will see Him, 2nd coming all will look upon Him whom they pierced.
Daniel 10- Vision of Gods Glory- Introduction to his last recorded revelation, 1st of 3 part vision,
the greatest one of his visions. Group of angels- 1/3rd star of heaven that rebelled- Isaiah 14,
Ezekiel 28- demons. This chapter is in 5 parts- sermon hint- 1) concern of Daniel 1-3, 2) coming
of certain man, v 4-9, 3) communication of angels, 10-12, 4) conflict of spirit world 13-20, 5)
cause of angelic coming v 14-21. 3rd year of Cyrus of Persia- he mourned for 3 full weeks, nor
anointed self. Vision of Daniel is called a thing, there are more than one thing. All history is
focused on the return of Jesus Christ, the key of this vision. Ezra 1:1-4- 2 years since Cyrus
decreed Jews can return to Jerusalem. Daniel upset, because even since 70 years over, more
suffering for Jews, also the Jews were not happy to go back to their own land, last chapter of
Malachithe people were not tithing and being disobedient. Ezra 2:64, Nehemiah 7:66- exact
number of those returning- 42,360 Jews, 7,337 servants, 200 male and female singers. Daniel
mourning also increased because the people who took over Jerusalem in the Jews absent. Daniel
did four things:
1) Ate no fancy food, pleasant bread, 2) no flesh, 3) no wine, 4) did not anoint himself 2
Samuel 14:2- in mourning for what would come to pass for the Jews. For 21 days.
The greatest war the world has ever seen- massive angelic invasion, unseen, Ephesians 6. Future
drama would threaten the existence of Israel. He declared that he understood this vision, unlike
the other visions, and that it would play out in the future, and he was upset even though he would
not be alive, he still had a broken heart. Daniel 12:1- Jacobs Trouble is how Jeremiah refers to
this trouble; Egypt leading an Arab confederation Daniel 11:40. King of North is Russia, King of
East is China and Asia, this will occur during the 70th Week. The latter days Daniel 10:14. The
time of the end, Daniel 11:40. Zechariah 14:2. Daniel still fasting due to vision in Chapter 8why must the Jews suffer even after the 70 years of captivity? Progressive understanding of what
is to happen in the days to come. The others with him did not see the vision, but a great quaking
fell upon them and they ran, Acts 9. Tigris River- hidacal river- he did not accompany the group
going back to Jerusalem- place of vision; this refutes the fact that Daniel was not a second
century, Maccabbean aged writer. Daniel was mid-late eighties, and may not have returned
because of his age, or not free to leave because he was in an esteemed position. On the day of the
vision- he had seen angels before, but this figure was in linen, waste girded with gold belt, a
precious gem body, face like lightningJesus, Revelation 1:13-15. Water means a multitude of
people in apochalyptic visions. 4th person in the furnace in Chapter 3, a Christophany. John 1:3all things made by Him, He was in the world creating the world. Proverbs 30:4- ascended and
descended, His Name and His Sons name. Verse 12 The scene changes and now an angel is

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08879, VE077704970, Daniel Test Form 03082010

before Daniel- Christ would not state He had not power over the Prince of Persia. 3rd part of
chapter 10 is communication of an angel- more than 300 references to angels in the Bible,
Angels 1) worship God, 2) messengers, 3) our guardians without interfering with our free will.
Men ought always to pray and never cease, verse 12 God sent angel as soon as he prayed. Delay
in verse 13- 21 day delay by the Prince of Persia, the angel was sent, but the prince, the angelic
leader of Persia put in power by satan, St Michael is the prince of Israel set in place by God. A
spiritual conflict, invisible taking place. It was good that Daniel persevered in prayer for 21 days.
3 heavens, satan in control of heaven number 1, Revelation 12:10-satan has access to God and
accuses us to God. Rev 12:10- John 12:31. John 14:27- Jesus gives peace- Jesus is in control.
Evil on put fear in Daniels heart. Legion in a Roman army- 7,000 men, 7 times twelve is 84,000.
Hebrews 1:14. 1 Timothy 5:21. 3 times Jesus refers to evil one as the prince of this world- John
12, John 14:30, John 16:7. Matthew 9:34- evil one called prince of devils, Matthew 12:24,
smaller princes under the evil one. demons control entire governments. lord a different angelic
being. Our strength comes from the Lord, by degrees- the angels touch. Gabriel had to get back
to the battle, with Michael- the Prince of Israel. 1st battle with satanic spirit controlling Persia,
and then with a satanic spirit controlling Greece- 200 years after Daniel 10-11. Persia will war
again against the Jews Ezekiel 38:1-5, Persia will join with Russia against the Jews. Daniel
11:40-41- European Union leaders will not allow Persia and Russia attack Israel. January 1,
1981- Greece became the 10th nation to join European Union. Daniel 12:1- Michael protects the
people of Israel. Evil one will try to destroy every Jew on earth. Jeremiah 30:7, Daniel 12:1- day
of deliverance. Psalm 122:6- pray for the peace of Israel, whoever will, will prosper!
Daniel 11- Prediction of the Rule of the Ptolomeys and Seleucids Empires and the end time
events- 2 major sections vs. 1-35 major rulers of the Persian empire, vs. 36-45 future events. The
first 35 verses- detailed prophetic events; 135 prophecies, everyone was fulfilled. Pagan
philosopher- Porphyry- Against Christians- stated Daniel was a forgery based on chapter 11recorded history reported so closely to Chapter 11:1-35- no one could have prophesied these
events before they happened hundreds of years earlier. 4th Revelation of Daniel Cyrus was king
of Medo-Persia- 3 more rulers and then Xerses. Galatians 6- no man mocks God, Alexander died
of malaria and syphylus. Vs 5-20- Seleucids Syria king of North and Ptolemy King of Egypt at
war from 323 BC- 5 major Syrian wars- Ptolemys successful, Palestine and Phonecia were lost
to the Seleucids by the 2nd century BC. Alliance between 2 rulers Princes Bernice, daughter of
Ptolemy II, to Antiochus Theos who divorced his wife Leodicy- ended in calamity, when
Ptolemy died Antiochus divorced Bernice and tried to marry Leodicy, Leodicy married the both
of them and tried to place her son on the throne. Bernices brother attacked Alexandria and stole
booty. Egypt is the King of the South Ptolemy III, 4000 talents of goldsons of Seleucus,
Seleucus III and Antiochus to avenge their dad. King of the South is the aggressor. King of the
North had a great army. Verse 13- for 13 years, no hostility, the king in the north Syria was
building an army. This was 300 years after Daniels vision. Verse 13- 224-187 BC- 225 and 205
BC- the reigns of the 2 kings, the glorious land is Palestine. Cleopatra remained faithful to
her husband and not her husband verse 17. Verse 21-35- Antiochus Epiphanes- little horn of

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Daniel 8- 11 year reign. Flavius Josephus was accused by the Jews to be a traitor to the Roman
side. Double reference prophecy = a type. Josephus records- Sabbath- Jews held superstitions,
Mountain Gerizim- offered swine- Samaritans speak of Antiochus a benefactor and a savior- the
antichrist will be called one as well, the Samaritans did not worship God, they were cowards and
denying God, they accepted the temple of Jupiter in their land, and agreed to pay taxes,
Sidonians in Shechem, they chose pagan/Greek customs, General Appolonius was the governor
of this country. Verse 27-30- the ships of Kittim shall come against him- 2 kings Antiochus
against Philometer- neither had honorable motives- lied to one another- both failed to prosper in
the end- time appointed for the outcome ordained by God- Psalm 73- God and His people will
prosper Hebrews 9:27. Second campaign was unsuccessful- a Roman leader confronted
Antiochus and told him to lead Egypt- Rome gaining in power- the fourth powerful empire- ships
of Kittim- Roman fleet- Numbers 24:24. Verse 31-35- Jews cease worship and put up an idol
(Zeus)- Matthew 24:15- abomination of desolation. Verse 32- people who do know their God,
will be strong and offer resistance. Samaritans and many Jews turned away from God. Daniel
11= 1) 135 prophecies in 1st 35 verses, Persian and Greece empires, 2) nothing contradicts the
135 prophecies, they have happened, no supportive evidence in history contradict them, 3)
convincing introduction to the end times, the end time is rapidly approaching. Verse 36- end time
prophecy. This prophecy has not been fulfilled, not fulfilled historical events, unfulfilled future,
times of antichrist, 7 year reign, and Parousia. He will be a sole dictator, blaspheme God.
Antichrist will be a homosexual, or since desire of women for centuries had to bear the Messiah,
he has no regard for the Messiah, Micah 5:2, Isaiah 6-7. 1) He will be an antithesis of Jesus, he
will do according to his own will, 2) he will magnify himself above every god, Ezekiel 28:12-19,
Isaiah 14:9-20, (antichrist- interpreted in 2 ways- 1 one who stands in the place of Christ, or a
substitute Christ, 2 someone who opposes Christ), 3) he shall prosper, a political leader,
charisma, wealth and power at his hand, empowered by the prince of this world. 30 titles for the
antichrist- Ps. 5:6, 10:2-18, Ps 52, 55, 74, 140:1, Isaiah 6:4-5, Ezekiel 21, Daniel 7:8, Daniel
9:26, Dan 11:26, 2 Thes 2:3-8, 1John 2, Rev 11:7-13:1Verse 38-39- god he will portray to the
people- the god of horses- goddess of strongholds- he will create his own god or war, Isaiah
14:11-14- fall of lucifer. Rev 13:15, Daniel 11:38- god of horses the materials will appeal to the
senses of man, Genesis 3:6- the tree was pleasant to the eyes. This is based on New Age. This
image will be an image of humanity. There are many delusions. Control the news and deceive the
multitude. Rapture- Jesus does not touch the ground, the dead rise first from the dead, and
believers ascend to Jesus. Antichrist will have to explain how millions of people disappear. He
will lie about how millions of people disappeared- maybe space aliens, or they were taken away
so that all who were left could evolve into a higher species 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12. Daniel
11:40- King of South is the Egypt, unites with Arab nations Ezekiel 38:5-6, Tamara is Turkey,
Psalm 83:1-8, Damascus is Syria. King of North is Russia Ezekiel 39:2, Jeremiah 1:13, Joel 2:20.
Draw a line from Palestine to the North Pole, you must go through Moscow, Russia, God, Megog
are are in Russia today, Meshack is Mesheck and Mosock, Moscovy and then Moscow. Verse
41-44 glorious land is Israel, antichrist will spare Edom, Moab, and certain people in order to

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08879, VE077704970, Daniel Test Form 03082010

destroy Israel, these people were always the enemies of Israel, God is preserving these nations
for a special judgment on the Arab nations, Isaiah 11:11. In AD 1935- Reckonings of
Redemption- book written by a Rabbi, we can know about the future of the Jews by the Daniel
and midrash- 3 attacks against Jerusalem in the end- 1st) Russia, 2nd) Egypt, 3rd) antichrist.
Russia will flee to Siberia when the antichrist attacks Joel 2:20. Daniel 11:44- antichrist on a
rampage he hears that the orient armies and the Russian army against the antichrist, Revelation
9:16- 200 million against antichrist, antichrist killed by Gog of Russia, Daniel 11:45- antichrist
comes back to life to duplicate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, Revelation 13:3. Wondered- in
an amazement and cause to follow after the antichrist after he is cured of wound. Antichrist will
set himself up between 2 seas, Dead Sea and Mediteranen Sea, on the holy Mountain is
Jerusalem, where the antichrist will plant himself a live for 3 years. 1/3rd of worlds
population. Job 3:2- Valley of Jehosaphat, Armageddon. Revelation 19:19- antichrist thinks he is
going to stop Jesus. 2 Thess. 2:8.
Chapter 12- Only 13 verses. Millennial Kingdom. St Michael- Everyone will be delivered, who
are written in the book, those dead will rise. End times the worst events ever in world history,
Jeremiah 30:7- Jacob/Israels Trouble- Mt 24:21. Revelation 12:7-8. St Michael- to save the
Jews physically. Before the tribulation- everything with prosper and be in an enlightenment.
Ezekiel 38:11. Revelation 12:2- resurrection- the OT does deal with a resurrection- Sadducees
deny the resurrection Mt 22:23, if you recognized Jesus as the Anointed One/Messiah would rise
from the dead, John 5:28-29- resurrection of the righteous, Rev 20:11-15, Great White Throne
Judgment those going to hell, the righteous will only be rewarded for their good workRevelation 4:1. The beginning of the tribulation, the Jews and Gentiles will begin to suffer for
receiving the mark of the beast. Can be saved in the Tribulation period by accepting Christ, and
be raptured. Raptured Saints return with Christ, Jude 1:14- Enoch, the Lord cometh with 10,000s
of His Saints, Revelation 19:16. Resurrection of Jewish believers- millions die in tribulation
hour, and all believing OT Jews are raised to reign with Christ for 1000 years. Psalm 22, Isaiah
53, these Jews placed their trust in the Messiah who would come (those named in Hebrews 11).
Daniel 12:4- 2 explanations- 1) many shall run, the Hebrew word for run, is pronounced shoot,
and means to push forth, but in scripture it has a figurative meaning to lash at the sea with oars, it
denotes travelling, rapid movement in our society today, knowledge shall increase, Hebrew word
for increase rabah, a multiplication of knowledge increasing exponentially, knowledge is
doubling every 22 months, the knowledge of God may be decreasing St Paul told Timothy;
advance from the vacuum to the computer chip is a one million fold improvement in 40 years,
the computer chip will advance in 10 years one million fold more (Scientific Atlantic
estimation), AD 1950 to 2000 productivity and knowledge is a one trillion fold increase. 2)
Inordinate fascination of knowledge concerning latter day predictions and prophecies concerning
the return of Jesus. Verses 5-12- Daniel with 2 Angels- one Angel states time, times and half time
(Daniel 7:25)- 3 years, the end of the antichrist time of three and a half years is the events in
Daniel 12. Terrible battle of Daniel 11- King of South joined by North to invade Israel and a 200
million man army with China enters for the 2nd wave of the Armageddon, 3rd wave antichrist

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08879, VE077704970, Daniel Test Form 03082010

battle Christ Revelation 19:11-21. Mt 24:16- people will flee from Jerusalem. People purified
and made white. Wicked people wont be able to understand God, and ways of God- natural man
does not understand the ways of God, are you spiritually discerning, listening to God, studying to
show yourself approved. Tribulation build patience in us. Why are 3 amounts of days used:
1,260, 1,290, 1,335 days, angel- a time of consecration before the 1,000 year kingdom, 2
Chronicles 30:2-4 Priests had not sanctified themselves sufficiently, nor had the people gathered
themselves to Jerusalem, King Hezekiah said there could be no Passover, a need to consecrate
the Priests, which would take 30 days, an additional 30 day period for Gods people to prepare
themselves. The additional 30 day period, so people consecrate themselves to train Gods people
for kingdom service (1,290 days). The extra 45 days, to see who is worthy to enter kingdom,
1,335- Mt 25:31-46- judgment of Christ of His people. An additional 75 days to the 1,260 days.
Sanctified means to be set apart and used for the service of God! Verse 13- Word of
encouragement from God to Daniel, God telling Daniel that he was going to die- Daniel is
assured that he will rule and reign with Christ in the millennial.

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