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Feasibility of Mussel Shells in Making Hollow Blocks

Arceo, Chester Lim, Kyle Mabasa, Jojo Marquez, Avery Sonza, Ethan
Lourdes School of Mandaluyong St. Ignatius of Laconi
Armand John Yangat February 22, 2013

This study is dedicated to people who have curious minds that could devote their
time, body, mind, money, and heart for the sake of Science and for the sake of
the improvement of civilization. This study is also aimed for the sake of the pr
ominent minds and bright futures of the future students of Lourdes School of Man
This study is also dedicated to the researchers prominent, outstanding, inspirati
onal Physics teacher, Sir Armand John Yangat for being their light and guide in
conducting the research.

The researchers express their utmost gratitude to their Physics teacher, Sir Arm
and John Yangat, for giving them the opportunity to conduct this experiment and
for the support, encouragement, patience and perseverance he portrayed. Sir Yang
at is, indeed, a true inspiration and role model to society. The researchers wou
ld also like to thank the people who have had helped them in conducting, researc
hing and printing the experiment and research such as the parents of the researc
hers for providing the materials, mainly the mussel shells, the High School Libr
ary of Lourdes School of Mandaluyong for providing useful and detailed informati
on related to the research, the University of the Philippines Institute of Civi
l Engineering for providing past, similar, researches and for testing the compon
ents of the hollow blocks. Lastly but certainly not the least, the researchers w
ould like to thank the people who have whole-heartedly read, studied and used th
is research for the greater good of the world.

This study aims to develop with stronger and tougher hollow blocks by the means
of adding mussel shells to the base composition of the hollow block so that it c
ould withstand greater compressive strength. This will also serve as a substitut
e for the regular, commercial hollow blocks that are deemed quite expensive in t
he current market. Based on initial research, the researchers believe that musse
l shells, or rather a crustacean shell, can offer extra strength and durability
when used properly hence, leading to mussel shells used as an additive in hollow
block making. The study is mainly for the betterment and improvement of civiliz
ation by killing two birds with one stone: addressing the pollution and solid wa
ste problem by recycling mussel shells and by improving infrastructures by stren
gthening the foundations of it through improving the base which, in the Philippi
nes, is usually hollow blocks integrated with the famous cooking thought: Better
ingredients, better food.

Dedication - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i Acknowledgement - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ii Abstract - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - iii Table of Contents - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - iv Chapter I: Introduction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1-4
Background of the Study - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 Statement of the Problem - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 Hypothesis of the Study - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 Significance of the Study - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 Scope and Limitatio
ns of the Study - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 - 4 Defi
nition of Terms - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4
Chapter II: Review of Related Studies and Literature - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5 - 9 Chapter III: Methodology - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Research Design - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sampling Procedure - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10 11 11
Instrumentation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11 Research Procedure - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11 - 12 Research Diagram - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12 Chapter IV: Presenta
tion, Analysis and Interpretation of Data - - - - - - - - - 13 - 14
Chapter V: Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 15
- 16 Summary - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 15 Conclusion - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 15 - 16 Recommendation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bibliography - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 16 v

Background of the Study
The world progresses alongside civilization, culture and technology; innovation
is a must. As part of human nature, man continues to make life easier through
inventions, discoveries and innovations hence, the assurance of the best possibl
e service and materials available for the daily lives of man. As an attempt to
innovate , the researchers have decided to commit ourselves to a research that w
ill do just that. An experiment revolving around a common building tool used in
almost every infrastructure around the world: hollow blocks.
Hollow blocks are large rectangular bricks used in construction. It is a basic b
uilding tool. It is also known as concrete blocks, cement blocks and as foundati
on blocks. These are made in several different ways such as, in Portland, cement
and either sand and fine gravel aggregates for high density-blocks or industria
l wastes for low density-blocks. Those that use cinders -fly ash or bottom ashare called cinder blocks in Canada, the US and New Zealand, breeze blocks -breez
e is a synonym of ash- in the UK. Hollow blocks in the Philippines and are also
known as besser blocks or bricks in Australia. Clinker blocks use clinker as agg
regate. In non-technical usage, the terms cinder block and breeze block are ofte
n generalized to cover all of these varieties. Lightweight blocks can also be pr
oduced using aerated concrete.
Several environmentalist groups, researchers and students has had experimented o
ver the matter of what additive is suitable to increase the effectiveness of hol
low blocks wherein lime soil, coconut coir, rice hull, plastic and a few others
were used as an additive. This,

however, did the opposite wherein the hollow block became less solid , making i
ts building options lesser for instance, walls and fences were the only stable p
After initial research, the researchers stumbled upon a common product that coul
d strengthen materials with its high calcium carbonate that will supposedly stre
ngthen cement. Mussel shells, the common product, are considered waste for it is
usually thrown out immediately after consumed. Mussel shells contain 95-99% cal
cium carbonate by weight, while an organic component makes up the remaining 1-5%
. The resulting composite has fracture toughness ~3000 times greater than that o
f the crystals themselves. In the biomineralization of the mollusk shell, specia
lized proteins are responsible for directing crystal nucleation, phase, morpholo
gy, and growths dynamics and ultimately give the shell its remarkable mechanical
strength. The application of biomimetic principles elucidated from mollusk shel
l assembly and structure may help in fabricating new composite materials with en
hanced optical, electronic, or structural properties.
Statement of the Problem
How will mussel shells used as an additive affect the h
ollow block s compressive strength? Would the ratio of sand to mussel shells aff
ect it? o o o 40% Mussel Shells while 60% Sand 50% Mussel Shells while 50% Sand
60% Mussel Shells while 40% Sand

Will a commercial hollow block be better than the home-made hollow block with mu
ssel shells as an additive in terms of compressive strength?

Hypothesis of the Study

There is no significant difference in the feasibility of the hollow block based
on the amount of mussel shell-additives with the commercial hollow block.
Significance of the Study
The chosen study, Feasibility of Mussel Shells in Making Hollow Blocks, can help
the society in its crisis in solid waste management because with the help of th
is study, the researchers can reuse the shells as an additive instead of simply
disposing them. This study can also help the construction industry in producing
more efficient and stronger hollow blocks. Stronger hollow blocks would mean a b
etter, more reliable foundation for infrastructures such as houses, buildings, b
ridges, towers and the like. This would also benefit the economy due to the geog
raphical feature of the Philippines wherein it is surrounded by water, making th
is, if successful, an easier and more common way to produce better hollow blocks
. Ecology-wise, this would also beneficial due to the reuse of empty mussel shel
ls because mussel shells are not easily decomposed. Burning these will harm the
atmosphere, environment and the people.
Scope and Limitations of the Study
The study was formulated to determine if using mussel shells as an additive to h
ollow blocks would either make the hollow block stronger or weaker. The research
would have four set-ups; one commercial hollow block and three with mussel shel
ls as an additive but with different amounts of mussel shells and sand; 40-60, 5
0-50 and 60-40 respectively.

The limitation of the study is that the researchers will not conduct the experim
ent inside the school, but rather outside of its premises hence, the hollow bloc
k would be homemade. The study cannot be successful without seeking professional
help due to the fact that compressive strength needs to be determined through t
horough laboratory analysis. The study will be tested at the University of the P
hilippines Institute of Civil Engineering. Additionally, the research is only l
imited in determining the compressive strength of the hollow blocks, making the
conclusions and interpretations of this experiment solely based on the PSI. Any
form of building shall not be used either.
Definition of Terms
cement. a building material made by grinding calcined limestone and clay to fine
powder, which can be mixed with water and poured to form a solid mass; used as
an ingredient in making mortar or concrete compressive strength. maximum stress
a material can sustain under crush loading hollow block. concrete or burnt clay
hollow blocks used for construction of hollow-tile floors mussel. any of various
marine bivalves of the genus Mytilus and related genera especially medulis. edi
ble mussel; having a dark, slightly elongated shell and, usually, attached to ro
cks psi. a unit of pressure or of stress based on avoirdupois units. It is the p
ressure resulting from a force of one pound-force applied to an area of one squa
re inch ultimate load. a statistical figure of the maximum weight a substance ca
n withstand


This chapter deals with the concepts, research studies and literature of the stu
dy. The concepts are organized around major topics that are derived from the var
iables that have been explained in the study.
Concrete blocks are made from cement and aggregate blocks. They are cheaper and
more utilitarian than traditional clay bricks. They are often used for retaining
walls and garden screens, although some blocks that mimic the colour and textur
e of store are widely used for dwellings.
A mussel is any bivalve mollusk, especially and edible marine bivalve of the fam
ily Mytiliadae and a freshwater clam of the family Unionidae. The byssal threads
of the mussel are so adhesive that they even cling to Teflon; scientists are no
w trying to develop a mussel-based adhesive for use in eye surgery. The oyster c
reates its own environment by secreting a shell composed or ninety-five percent
(95%) of calcium carbonate. The remainder of the shell is made up of organic mat
erial and trace amounts of manganese, iron, aluminum, sulfate and magnesium. The
structure or the shell of a mussel consists or four distinct layers: periostrac
um, a tissue of organic material called conchiolin, secreted by the cells locate
d near the edge of the mantle. The periostracum is poorly developed in crassostr
ea virginica and it is not round in old shells, prismatic layer, which is made u
p of bricklike prism units. Each prism consists or calcite crystals laid in a ma
trix of conchiolin. The conchiolin can be destroyed by boiling in potassium hydr
oxide and the prisms are separated, calcite-ostracum is a subnacreous layer cons
isting or foliated sheets or calcite laid between thin membranes of conchiolin.
This layer is interrupted by

soft chalky deposits which consist of amorphous material. This layer makes up th
e major part of the shell, hypostracum layer is made or shell material under the
abductor muscle. In the crassostrea virginica the layer is pigmented and consis
ts of aragonite. As the oyster grows the adductor muscle increases in size and t
he new areas or attachment become covered with aragonite.
Shells grow by the accretion of material secreted at their edges. The rings on t
he outer surfaces or a bivalve shell represent the contours of the shell at diff
erent ages. Rings are common to all bivalves shells. Depending on the shape of th
e shell, the rings are either circular or oval with a common point or origin at
the extreme dorsal side near the umbo. The rate of growth along the edge of the
shell is not uniform and may actually change direction in response to environmen
tal factors
The mantle of the mussel; the animal inside the shell is covered by a mantle. Th
e principal function of the mantle is the formation or the shell and its calcifi
cation. It is made up of soft and freshly tissue. The structure of the mantle co
nsists of a sheet of connective tissue containing muscles, blood vessels, nerves
and it is covered on both sides by epithelium. The mantle receives sensory stim
uli, and conveys them to the nervous system and aid in the shedding and dispersa
l of eggs. It also participates in respiration, stores reserve materials, secret
es large quantities of mucous and aids in excretion. The most obvious components
of the mantle are the radial muscles, blood vessels and nerves. The radial musc
les are large bands of fibers which extend almost the entire width of the mantle
. The radial muscle contracts and pulls the entire mantle inside and throws its
surface into ridges. The mantles blood vessel are the circumpallial artery which
sends out many branches; the common pallial artery, and a large pulsating vessel
in the anteriorventral part of

the mantle called the accessory heart. The nerve provides communication. Close n
erve contact is maintained between the muscles and the organs of the mantle thro
ugh a fine nerve network.
An important use of calcium carbonate is in the building industry. Due to its wi
de abundance and properties, it has been used as a building substance since anci
ent times. For example, the Egyptians used limestone for building their pyramids
. Another notable monument made up of white marble is the Taj Mahal in India. To
day, calcium carbonate is used in construction of buildings, roads and other eng
ineering works.
Besides construction, calcium carbonate is also used in other industries like pa
int, plastic, rubber, ceramic, cement, glass, steel, oil refining, iron ore puri
fication and biorock creation for mariculture of sea organisms. It is used as a
blackboard chalk and as pH correcting compound in swimming pools. As per statist
ics, about 200 tons of chalk is used every year. Calcium carbonate is the most p
referred mineral in the paper industry, used for filling and coating paper. It h
elps in production of the best quality printing papers.
Since calcium is essential for healthy bones and teeth, calcium carbonate is use
d as dietary calcium supplement. Calcium carbonate supplement is effective to tr
eat certain ailments related to calcium deficiency, for example, osteoporosis an
d acidity problems. Calcium supplements, made from calcium carbonate, are prescr
ibed in various doses as per the requirement of the patients. Calcium carbonate
is used in homeopathy, production of toothpaste and as an inert substance in tab
Calcium carbonate is a primary component of garden lime, also known as agricultu
ral lime, which is used for neutralizing soil. Acidic soils can be treated with
garden lime to enhance

the soil quality. Garden lime when added in soil acts as a calcium source for pl
ants as well as increases the pH and water retaining capacity of acidic soils. C
alcium carbonate sources such as limestone and chalk, along with other chemical
compounds are used in preparation of garden lime.
Calcium carbonate has various environmental applications. It is used in the trea
tment of drinking water, desulphurisation of flue gas and waste water treatments
. Water bodies affected by acid rain can be neutralized by using calcium carbona
te. However, care has to be taken as it can increase the concentration of alumin
um ions.
Compressive strength is the capacity of a material or structure to withstand axi
ally directed pushing forces. It provides data (or a plot) of force vs deformati
on for the conditions of the test method. When the limit of compressive strength
is reached, brittle materials are crushed. Concrete can be made to have high co
mpressive strength, e.g. many concrete structures have compressive strengths in
excess of 50 MPa, whereas a material such as soft sandstone may have a compressi
ve strength as low as 5 or 10 MPa. By contrast, a small plastic container might
have a compressive strength of less than 250 N.
Calcium carbonate is a chemical compound with the formula CaCO3. It is a common
substance found in rocks in all parts of the world, and is the main component of
shells of marine organisms, snails, coal balls, pearls, and eggshells. Calcium
carbonate is the active ingredient in agricultural lime, and is usually the prin
cipal cause of hard water. It is commonly used medicinally as a calcium suppleme
nt or as an antacid, but excessive consumption can be hazardous.

Ms. Frances Monina M. Obreros study, according to

, focused on the possibility of replacing silica in ceramic production with oyst
er shells. Powdered oyster shells were used instead of silica in the production
of ceramics. The texture, color and durability of the ceramics were compared to
those made with silica. Six kilograms of Vigan clay and 2.5 kg of ball clay were
mixed and soaked in water overnight. The following day, the mixture was kneaded
again and filtered. The mixture was placed over Plaster of Paris for the water
to be absorbed.
The solidified mixture was then rolled and compressed to let the air escape from
the spaces inside the solidified mixture. After this, the mixture was molded, a
ir dried for four days and fired in a furnace. Three trials were made at differe
nt temperatures 900 degrees Celsius, 950 degrees Celsius and 1000 degrees Celsiu
s. The finished products were compared in terms of texture and color to those ma
de using silica. Ten evaluators from the staff of the University of Northern Phi
lippines Ceramics Research, Training and Development Center rated set-ups in a s
cale of 1-10 with 1 being the lowest rating and 10 the highest. It was found tha
t the texture of the experimental set-up is better than the control set-up. It w
as also found that the color of the experimental set-up is comparable to the con
trol set-up. Tests on durability of the ceramics, which were done at SLU College
of Engineering Laboratory, revealed that the experimental setup is more durable
than the control set-up. This proves that oyster shell can be utilized in the p
roduction of ceramics. It also affirms that ceramics made using oyster shells ar
e better than those produced using silica in terms of texture and durability.


The study used the experimental method of research. In this kind of research the
investigations manipulate the experimental variables.
Research Design
Dependent Variable
Independent Variable
Constant Variable

Compressive Strength of the Hollow Block

Amount of Mussel Shell Additives

Amount of Cement Amount of Water Dried Mussel Shells Size of the Hollow Block (M

Amount of Sand Additives

Ultimate Load Quality of the Hollow Block

Table 1.1. Table of Variables
The experimental method is used to determine the relationship of the variables w
herein the dependent variable would be the compressive strength of the hollow bl
ock, the ultimate load and the quality of the hollow blocks while the independen
t variables would be the amount of mussel shell additives and the amount of sand
additives and the constant variables would be the amount of cement, amount of w
ater, the dried mussel shells and the size of the hollow block depending on the
mold or Tupper wear.

Sampling Procedure
This part of the study briefly discusses the procedures in conducting the study.
The follow steps were taken by the researchers to complete their study; first,
they gathered all the required materials: a hammer, spatula, Tupper wear, mussel
shells, sand and water, second; they sun-dried the shells then crushed them tho
roughly, third; prepare the four set-ups. Testing would be done by people from t
he University of the Philippines due to the researcher s lack of equipment. Thei
r laboratory is a necessity and a must in this experiment.
The researchers aim to make hollow blocks with mussel shells as an additive. To
do so, several tools and materials are required such as: a hammer to crush the s
hells; a weighing scale to measure the materials like sand, cement, mussel shell
s; shovel, a spatula or a wooden rod for mixing substances and mixtures and; a T
upper wear or any molding material to mold the hollow block. The study will be g
oing to the University of the Philippines Institute of Civil Engineering for th
e testing of compressive strength.
Research Procedure
This part of the study is a detailed procedure of the whole experiment. The gath
ered mussel shells were sun dried for half a day on a sheet of foil. These were
then crushed with the hammer. The set-ups were made by the people from the Unive
rsity of the Philippines wherein the researchers only provided the materials. As
recorded by UP, there were 4 set-ups: A, B, C and D. Set-up A was a commercial
block; set-up B s additive composition had 60% mussel shells and 40% sand while;
set-up C had 50% mussel shells and 50% sand and; set-up D with

40% mussel shells and 60% sand. They also claim that similar students has had do
ne this exact request before, making it easier for them. The blocks were left to
harden up and will be tested at their laboratories immediately after the comple
ted hollow block making process. The laboratory tests would test the four blocks
compressive through pound force per square inch or PSI. The results would be sen
t to the researchers for further analysis and interpretations that would lead to
this experiment s conclusion.
Research Diagram
Gather the materials.
Let the professionals do their thing.
Conduct the experiment by... Testing its compressive strength.
Clean the mussel shells.
Bring them to the laboratory.
Sun dry them for half a day.
Flowchart 1.1. Procedure
Crush them.
Observe and record.


Ultimate Load
Compressive Strength 1.023 psi
Commercial Block
50,000 pounds
60% Mussel Shells; 40% Sand
65,000 pounds
1.19 psi
50% Mussel Shells; 50% Sand
54,500 pounds
1.089 psi
40% Mussel Shells; 60% Sand
51,500 pounds
Table 2.1. Table of Data
As presented in the table, the results of the compressive strength test from the
University of the Philippines tests is as follows: set-up A, the commercial bl
ock, had an ultimate load of 50,000 pounds resulting to a 1.023 psi (Pounds per
Square Inch) while; set-up B, 60/40, had an ultimate load of 65,000 pounds resul
ting to a 1.19 psi; set-up C, 50/50, had a 54,500 pound load, leading to a 1.089
psi and; set-up D, 40/60, had the load of 51,500 pounds with the compressive st
rength of 1.045 psi.
As seen in the table and by analyzing the results, it is clear that the amount o
f mussel shells does indeed affect the compressive strength of the hollow blocks
and, as it seems, affects it in a more positive way wherein its compressive str
ength is somewhat higher and better than

that of a commercial hollow block. Additionally, the ratio of mussel shells to s

and also affects the results. As observed in the testing, the more mussel shells
there is, the higher compressive strength and the less mussel shell there is, t
he lesser the compressive strength. To emphasize and to clarify the interpreted
data regarding the effects of the hollow block-to-sand ratio to the hollow blocks
compressive strength, refer to the presented graph below:
Set-up B
Set-up C
Mussel Shells Sand
Set-up D
Table 1.1. Ratio of Mussel Shells to Sand
Setup B
Setup C
Set-up D Set-up C Set-up B
Setup D
Table 1.2. Compressive Strength of the Set-Ups with Mussel Shells


Summary of Findings
The results from the conducted tests show that blocks with mussel shells as addi
tives are indeed more effective wherein, considering the compressive strength an
d the additional results of the ultimate load: Set-A, the commercial block, had
an ultimate load of 50,000 lbs. with 1.029 psi while Set-B, having 60% mussel sh
ells, had more than 15,000 lbs. ultimate load compared to Set-A. The results dee
m that the compressive strength is directly proportional to the ultimate load he
nce, as the ultimate load increases, the compressive strength does too. With tha
t, comparing Set-C and Set-D respectively to Set-A: 4,500 lbs. difference with 1
.089 psi and 1,500 lbs. difference with 1.045 psi.
By observing the analysis, tests and summary of findings, the researchs statement
of the problem can be claimed that the percentage of mussel shells is directly
proportional to the ultimate load which is also directly proportional to the com
pressive strength hence, concluding that mussel shells used as an additive in ho
llow block making does in fact make the hollow blocks compressive strength greate
r which can be basically summed up to: mussel shells additives increase the comp
ressive strength of hollow blocks. As seen at the results of the tests, the amou
nt of clam shells, particularly set-up B: the 60% mussel shell additive, is a cl
ear result that more mussel shells would make the hollow block stronger in terms
of compressive strength and ultimate load. Comparing it to set-up A: the commer
cial hollow block, set-up B would

appear superior. Same goes to set-up C: 50% mussel shell additive and set-up D:
40% mussel shell additive in contrast with set-up A. These set-ups support the s
tatement that the more mussel shell additive added to the hollow block would mak
e the hollow blocks compressive strength greater wherein these set-ups determined
that the less mussel shell additives made the hollow blocks compressive strength
lower. Therefore, the conclusion: mussel shells used as an additive in hollow b
lock making would make the hollow block stronger in terms of compressive strengt
h and, additionally, ultimate load.
The researchers would like to recommend: planning ahead of time is highly recomm
ended for the next batch of researchers for collecting a sizable amount of musse
l shells poses to be an easy task but in reality, it is rather a tedious act. Ad
ditionally, the testing laboratory at the University of the Philippines is highl
y recommended for testing various quantities, qualities and compositions such as
, in this experiments case, ultimate load and compressive strength. However, plan
ning the tests ahead of schedule would be, also, highly recommended due to the f
act that the people at the University of the Philippines are quite busy; a sched
uled appointment is a must. It is also recommended that instead of using mussel
shells, several other additives may be used such as, as mentioned in the introdu
ction, lime soil, coconut coir, rice hull, plastic or other Mollusks such clams,
oysters, crabs, lobsters and the like. It is also recommended to, as the origin
al plan of this experiment, try pure additives without the mix of others such as
, in this case, sand; making the experiment only 100% mussel shells or 100% chos
en additive which, by theory, should make the hollow block even stronger. Anothe
r recommendation would be seeking professional help in making the hollow block t
o secure the best and most accurate results, as did in this experiment. Proper t
esting, however, would cost at least 2, 500 Pesos.

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Calcium Carbonate (2002). Retrieved on August 22, 2012 accessed from http://www. The Mussel (2002). Retrieved
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