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Case 3:16-cr-00051-BR

Document 1305

Filed 09/20/16

Page 1 of 4



Shawna Cox, et al, No. 3:16-cr-00051-BR-7


COMES NOW the Defendant Shawna Cox, with this Notice to the Court that the U.S.
Attorneys Office has been caught by courtroom observers coaching and giving signals
to government witnesses who are testifying, so as to deprive Defendants of a fair trial.

Attached is a sworn declaration of Deborah Venetucci. Venetucci states that while

observing trial last week, she observed the United States Attorney and other high-level
government officials sitting behind the prosecutors' table and giving hand or face
signals to government witness who testify.

Venetucci states that she informed U.S. Marshals of this apparent coaching of
witnesses. But instead of addressing the issue, the Marshals threatened and removed
Venetucci. See Exhibit 1
Respectfully submitted,

Shawna Cox

I, Shawna Cox, hereby attest and certify that on September 19, 2016, this document
was sent, via this Court's electronic filing system, to all parties of this case.



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Case 3:16-cr-00051-BR

Document 1305

Filed 09/20/16

Page 2 of 4

Day 4 of United States vs Ammon Bundy trial in Portland, Oregon

I declare under penalty of perjury that this is a true statement from Deborah Sue Venetucci.

I have sat in the court proceedings every day since trial began on 9.12.16.
I was curious why groups of 2 to 4 people sit in the very back of the court room, directly behind the
prosecuting attorneys for the government and directly across from the witness box. These people's
backs are to the retainer wall that separates the public gallery from the actual courtroom. The attorneys
and defendant's backs are to these people while court is in session. The only people that would be able
to see their front side of these persons would be the judge and jurors. I watch the jurors to see if they
are seeing this but their eyes are always on the person speaking or evidence screens. These groups of
people change with each witness. They are in straight view of the witness stand. It was brought to my
attention the first day of trial when Sheriff Ward was on the witness stand that he would look to this
group of people when answering during the cross examination. The group he was looking at included
Greg Bretzing, Billy Williams and other FBI agents, one was a short blonde haired woman that were in
charge of the investigation and operation during the 41-day occupation of the Malhuer bird refuge in
Harney Country, Oregon in January of2016.

It was clear to me that these men and one women were leading the witness because of the body
movement and pause in response from the witness the same group of people were tampering with the
witness when sheriff Needham was testifying. Every government witness besides William Eaton has
had a group sitting there. The following day, Mr. Kurges from the Fish and wild life was on the stand
and a different group of people took the same position in the court room as Bretzig and partners sat.
Again. Same reactions and body movements and responses from all people involved. It was very clear

Case 3:16-cr-00051-BR

Document 1305

Filed 09/20/16

Page 3 of 4

what was taking place. I believe the people are there to coach and lead these people were witnesses. I
did not notice people in these chairs when a citizen of Hamey county got on the stand as a witnesses.
When being cross examined, often the witness would look to this group before answering
Today, while FBI agents that handled the Facebook evidence were on the stand, I noticed a new group
of people and the same sort of behaviors between the witnesses and the people sitting in the chairs
against the divider wall that separates the court floor from the public gallery. After the jurors were
excused for the attorneys to argue evidence, I politely asked the US Martial who the people were. She
politely answered, "they are government, they are with us." I asked her if she notice the non verbal
communication happening between the people and she instantly changed her demeanor. She said if I
was going to mess with the proceeding that I would be moved to the


floor, which is an over flow

room where you cannot see the people in the jury or the defendants.
I went and sat back in my spot and after a couple minutes I wrote a note to a lady sitting next to me
telling her that I was just threatened by the Marshal. She asked me when because it happened so fast
and it was absolutely not a disturbance to anyone nor the court. I sat there for a couple more minutes
and couldn't stop thinking about what just happened. I got up quietly and walked out of the court room
to ask the other US Marshal what I should do and how to contact their superior. They refused to answer
me and by then the lady martial came out and I told her I wanted her name. She aggressively stated that
she was not going to give me her name and demanded I give her my ID. She informed the martial that I
was kicked out the court house and if I came back to arrest me. Please note that she threatened to move
me to the 13th floor for asking two was, who are the people that are sitting in the chairs
and I pointed to them. The second question was if she noticed the nonverbal communication going on
between them. I was not asked to leave the court room at this time because I did NOT act as a
distraction in the court room. It was after I decided to leave to bring this up to a superior of the court or
the chief judge Mosman. That is when the lady martial lied and said that I was disruptive in the court
room and I argued that I was not and that I wanted her name to report her and the situation. She then

Case 3:16-cr-00051-BR

Document 1305

Filed 09/20/16

Page 4 of 4

threatened me with arrest if I were to even step foot in the court house. She told the other martial to
have me arrested if I tried to gain access into the court room.
I also want it to be known that I was not the only one that witnessed this throughout the


week of this


I have informed some of the defendant's attorneys and am asking for a complete investigation into all
of this.
I want the witnesses and people in the court room leading them to be investigated and punished by the
law. I also want the US Marshal investigated and reprimanded for trying to cover up this corruption
within the corruption.
Had I pointed out anybody in the gallery doing the same to any witness, an investigation would have
happened immediately and probably criminally charged and arrested.
I demand a thorough investigation into this from an outside agency. Obviously these martial cannot be
trusted. They won't even give their names.
Also for the record, the events that occurred with myself and the lady martial, occurred as the jurors
were asked to leave so the attorneys could dicuss the Bunkerville evidence. Soon after they introduced
the Bunkerville evidence. In case you need to look at video footage. After the jurors left and everyone
was still standing, I went and whispered these question to the US marshal (short dark haired Hispanic
looking woman).
Deborah Venetucci

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