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Rubric- Index Cards:

All of your in-class notes for each chapter that we go through will be designated
by color. I will assign which chapter is deemed what color. Please buy in bulk.
Consider purchasing a small portfolio or a large sturdy rubber-band to keep all
notecards tidy and in order. Each chapter of note cards are worth 100 Major
points. I will be collecting at each Unit Test.
Mrs. Rollino reserves the right to deny any or all notecards.

1. Index cards are 5x7 in size and nicely organized in
either a folder or box when turned in. They should be in
chronological order when turned in. 26 Total Index
Cards. 10/________
2. Student printed out images that are colored, cleared
and non-distorted. 10/______
4. All information on index cards must be legibly handwritten, NOT typed. The information on the Index Cards
should have: Name of artist, title of the artwork, date,
period/movement, original location, current location,
patron, materials and techniques, Content, Form,
Function, Context, Style and Meaning. All should be in
complete sentences with correct information. 80/______
-Laminating flash cards= 5 bonus points.Creating both flash cards and digital flashcards= 10 bonus points. (Scroll Below)

Total Possible Points: 100/________

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