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Colegio Marista Castilla (PALENCIA)

Science 4 - Educacin Primaria. Teacher: Sara Dios Puebla



Contenido mnimo para estudiar:

LANDSFORMS (accidentes geogrficos):

1. MOUNTAIN: It is a high and rocky area (rea alta y rocosa).
2. MOUNTAIN RANGE (cordillera montaosa): Group of mountains.
3. HILLS (colinas): high places (lugares altos) smaller than mountains.
4. PLATEAU (meseta): It is a high area of flat land (zona elevada de terreno plano).
5. VALLEY (valle): It is a low area between mountains or hills (rea baja
entre montaas o colinas).

6. PLAIN (llanura): Flat land (terreno plano).

7. BAY (baha): Curved area next to the sea. (Zona curvada junto al mar).
8. BEACH (playa): Low and flat area next to the sea (zona baja y plana).
9. HEADLAND AND CLIFF (cabo y acantilado): Dangerous walls of rock next
to the sea. (peligrosos muros de roca junto al mar).
10. ISLAND (isla): Land surrounded by water (tierra rodeada de agua).
11. ARCHIPELAGO (archipilago): Group of islands.
12. PENINSULA (pennsula): Land surrounded by water on 3 sides (por tres lados).
PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF SPAIN (geografa fsica de Espaa):

7. Cordillera Cantbrica

3. Montes Vascos

1. Pyrennes (Pirineos)

2. Macizo Galaico
4. Cordillera Costero-Catalana

13. Meseta
8. Sistema Ibrico

11.Depresin del Ebro

5. Sistema Central
6. Montes de Toledo


10.Sierra Morena

12.Depresin del

9. Sistemas Bticos

HUMAN ACTIVITY AND MAN-MADE LANDSCAPE (actividad humana y paisajes hechos por el hombre):
Today it is very difficult to find a landscape that is 100% natural (hoy es muy difcil encontrar un paisaje que sea 100% natural).
We have lots of man-made features: roads, airports, railways, villages, towns, cities, farms, factories (tenemos
un montn de caractersticas artificiales: carreteras, aeropuertos, ferrocarriles, pueblos, pequeas y grandes ciudades, granjas, fbricas).

NEGATIVE IMPACTS (impactos negativos): deforestation, waste products, noise, air pollution or high energy
consumption (deforestacin, residuos, ruido, contaminacin del aire o un alto consumo de energa).

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