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Part 5 SPICE circuit applications

50 ms was used and then a suitable segment selected covering an up and a down
transition on the time graph of V2. Then the simulation was run again with No
Print Delay set to the earlier time and the Final Time to the later time. Note also
that the Step Ceiling has an eect on what you may see and you should make this
as short as you can stand (1 s was used for the results in the gure). The simulation approximations can lead to deviations in the paths calculated in some cases,
but you may want to use a longer step time when searching. The parameter values
for the gures are given in the caption.
In part (c) the current IR may be determined by inserting, at point M, a VSRC
set for zero voltage so that you can then ask for the current through it. The portrait shows the gravitational pull of the attractor as a bulge on the penultimate
cycle of each scroll, with capture on the next.
Examples of many other aspects of stability and chaotic response are discussed
by Pippard (1985). A nal warning: fossicking around in chaos circuits can seriously aect your time schedules!

SPICE simulation circuits

Consult the SimCmnt.doc le on the CD before running
Fig. 5.26.2(a)
Fig. 5.26.2(b)
Fig. 5.26.3(b)
Fig. 5.26.3(c)
Fig. 5.26.3(d)
Fig. 5.26.6(a)
Fig. 5.26.6(b)
Fig. 5.26.6(c)

Chaos 2.SCH
Chaos 6.SCH
Chaos 1.SCH
Chaos 5.SCH
Chaos 4.SCH
Chuachs 5.SCH
Chuachs 4.SCH
Chuachs 3.SCH

Note: In reproducing the chaotic responses generated in the simulations it was necessary to use broader traces than normal in PROBE to allow reduction. PSpice has
a limitation on the length of trace that can be broadened so the length shown has
had to be restricted. Your simulations will look much better on the screen.

References and additional sources 5.26

Austin (2000): A cartoon in my newspaper, The Guardian, shows two butteries perched on a
twig in the jungle, with one saying to the other Lets ap our wings and make it rain over
the Easter holiday.
Azzouz A., Duhr R., Hasler M. (1983): Transition to chaos in a simple nonlinear circuit driven
by a sinusoidal voltage source. IEEE Trans. CAS-30, 913914.
Chua L. O., Hasler M., Neirynck J., Verburgh P. (1982): Dynamics of a piecewise-linear resonant circuit. IEEE Trans. CAS-29, 535547.

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