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Numele meu este Josh Robar. Eu sunt din Canada i locuiesc n oraul Lahave, pe strada
Principal la numrul 331, ntr-o cas cu dou etaje, la etajul doi. Eu am 26 de ani i locuiesc
singur.Ziua mea de natere este pe 15 iunie i m-am nscut pe 15 iunie 1990.
Personal pronouns and the verbs "to be" and "to have"
Personal pronouns
eu (I)
noi (we)
tu (you)
voi (you)
el (he)
ei (they masculine)
ea (she)
ele (they feminine)
The word "dumneavoastr" is an equivalent of "you", but it is used in a formal context
(instead of "tu" or "voi").

Eu am (I have)
Tu ai (you have)
El are (he has)
Ea are (she has)

Noi avem (we have)

Voi avei (you have)
Ei au (they have - masculine)
Ele au (they have feminine)

"To be" (a fi)

Eu sunt (I am)
Tu eti (you are)
El este (he is)
Ea este (she is)

Noi suntem (we are)

Voi suntei (you are)
Ei sunt (they are - masculine)
Ele sunt (they are - feminine)

Write the correct form of the verbs in the Present Tense:
Eu (a avea) o carte - I (to have) a book.
El (a fi) student He (to be) a student.
Noi (a avea) o main. - We (to have) a car.

Ei (a fi) acas. - They (to be) at home.

Voi (a avea) un telefon. - You (to have) a phone.
Ea (a fi) frumoas. - She (to be) beautiful.
Let's learn the family MEMBERS.
The abbreviations are:
s.f. = substantiv feminin (feminine noun)
s.m. = substantiv masculin (masculine noun)
The plural form is indicated before abbreviation.
mam, - e (s.f.) = engl. mother
tat, tai (s.m.) = engl. Father
printe, prini(s.m.) = engl. parent(s)
frate, frai (s.m.) = engl. brother
sor, surori(s.f.) = engl. sister
so, - i (s.m.) = engl. husband
soie, soii (s.f.) = engl. wife
nor, nurori (s.f.) = engl. daughter in law
ginere, gineri (s.m.) = engl. son in law
cumnat, cumnai (s.m.) = engl. brother in law
cumnat, -e (s.f.) = engl. sister-in-law
vr, veri (s.m.) = engl. cousin
verioar, e (s.f.) = engl. cousin
nepot, nepoi (s.m.) = engl. nephew
nepoat, e (s.f.) = engl. niece
bunic, i (s.m.) = engl. grandfather
bunic, i (s.f.) = engl. grandmother

socru, socrii (s.m.) = engl. father in law

soacr, -e (s.f.) = engl. mother in law
na,- i (s.m.) = engl. godfather
na, -e (s.f.) = engl. Godmother
Adjective posesive.Possessive adjectives









Her ...

















My mother=
Our parents=
Your brother=
Their cousins=
His nephew and her niece=



Fill in the blanks with the missing word or phrase:Completai spaiile goale
cu cuvntul sau expresia lips:
Prinii.................. nu.............btrni.( My parents are not old). are ............and ...........years
old) Eu .........(I have) ............. (a brother) i o ........... (sister).
Numele...........(his name) este..........., iar numele ........(her name)
este.......... . Noi.........(have) muli................... (cousins
i ........................ (cousins Oraul ....... (their town)........
(is) .................. .
Feminine nouns. Forming the plural

A feminine noun designates a word referring to a female person, animal, bird, etc., or
professions and nationalities referring to females.
Certain objects are feminine: carte cri (books), mas mese (tables), as are some fruits:
portocal portocale (oranges), lmie lmi (lemons), and some vegetables: roie roii
(tomatoes), conopid conopide (cauliflowers).
The plural ending for a feminine word can be: -e,-i or u/ori.
Vowels and consonants mutations in the stem can also occur.
iarb (engl.grass) Singular Plural

- -e
prieten (engl. friend) prietene
fat (engl.girl) fete
- -i
strad (engl. street) strzi
sal ( sli
- -uri
blan (engl.fur) blnuri
-e -i
carte ( cri

pasre (engl. bird) psri

-ea -ele
cafea ( cafele
stea ( stele
-a -ale
pijama (engl.pyjamas) pijamale
-ie -i
cheie (engl.key) chei
femeie (engl.woman) femei

zi (engl. day) zile

sor (engl. sister) surori
vnztoare (engl. seller) vnztoare
Masculine nouns plural
The plural ending for a masculine noun is always "i". This letter is added to the end of a noun,
but in most cases vowel or consonant mutations in the root also occur.
A masculine noun designates a word referring to a male person, animal, bird, etc., or
professions and nationalities referring to males.
Certain objects are also masculine: pantalon pantaloni (trousers), pantof pantofi (shoes),
as are some fruits: strugure struguri (grapes), pepene pepeni (melon), and some
vegetables: castravete castravei (cucumber), ardei ardei (pepper), morcov morcovi
consonant, -i
prieten,prieteni (engl. friend)
biat,biei (engl. boy)
-u -i

fiu,fii (engl. son)

leu,lei (engl. lion)
-e -i

frate,frai (engl. brother)

cine,cini (engl. dog)
-i -i

ochi,ochi (engl. eye)

pui,pui (engl. chicken)
tat,tai (engl. father)
pop,popi (engl. priest)
cal,cai (engl. horse)
copil,copii (engl. child)
There are no specific rules for vowel or consonant mutations: biat (singular) biei (plural),
frate (singular) frai (plural).
In the singular, the masculine nouns have different endings: consonant (prieten), -u (fiu), -e
(cine), -i (ochi), - (tat).
Certain masculine words have identical singular and plural forms ("ochi,ochi" or "pui,pui").
Rules for indefinite article singular and plural
fem -ea-ia-e

e (-ori/ ii)
i (i, ii)

Neuter nouns. Plural

A neuter noun refers in general to a thing or an inanimate object. The neuter nouns are
masculine in the singular and feminine in the plural. A native speaker of Romanian knows that
an inanimate word takes in the singular the masculine numeral "un" and in the plural the
feminine numeral "dou".

Examples: untelefon dou telefoane (one phone two phones), un scaun dou scaune
(one chair two chairs), un pix dou pixuri (one pen two pens).
The plural endings for a neuter noun can be: -e,-uri,-i.
These endings can be added to the final letter of the neuter noun (bilete,dansuri) or it can
replace the last vowel of the noun in the singular (lucru lucruri, fluviu fluvii, teatru teatre).
Singular Plural
[consonant] -e
bilet (engl. ticket), bilete
autobuz (engl. bus), autobuze
-u -e
muzeu (engl. museum), muzee
teatru (engl. theater), teatre
-u -uri
ru (engl. river), ruri
titlu (engl. title), titluri
-(i)u -(i)i
fluviu (engl. river), fluvii
fotoliu (engl. armchair), fotolii
-i -e
tramvai (engl. tramway), tramvaie
pai (engl. straw), paie
[consonant] -uri
corp (engl. body), corpuri
dans (engl. dance), dansuri
-i -uri

taxi (engl. taxi), taxiuri

nume (engl. name), nume
prenume (engl. first name), prenume
Sumar- Summary pg .54
Exerciii recapitulative Revision pg 57,58
Things in the house mp3
0 0 o baie
a bath
0 0 o banc
a bench
0 0 o buctrie
a kitchen
0 0 o carpet
a carpet
0 0 o cas
a house
0 0 o chiuvet
a sink
0 0 o etajer
a bookshelf
0 0 o fereastr
a window
0 0 o foaie
a sheet
0 0 o fotografie
a photograph
0 0 o incuietoare
a lock
0 0 o intrare
an entrance
0 0 o lamp
a lamp
0 0 o lumnare
a candle
0 0 o mas
a table
0 0 o mas de toalet a dressing table
0 0 o oglind
a mirror
0 0 o perdea
a curtain
0 0 o pern
a pillow
0 0 o pies de
a piece of
0 0 o poz
a picture
0 0 o sob
a stove
0 0 o sofa
a sofa
0 0 o sufragerie
a dining room
0 0 o sufragerie
a living room
0 0 o toalet
a restroom
0 0 o us
a door
0 0 o vaz
a vase
0 0 o verand
a porch
0 0 radio
0 0 scri
0 0 spltorie

0 0 un apartament
0 0 un ascensor
0 0 un aspirator
0 0 un balcon
0 0 un bec electric
0 0 un cablu
0 0 un capac
0 0 un chibrit
0 0 un coridor
0 0 un cuptor
0 0 un dormitor
0 0 un fier de clcat
0 0 un fotoliu
0 0 un frigider
0 0 un garaj
0 0 un ibric
0 0 un pat
0 0 un prosop
0 0 un rulou
0 0 un scaun
0 0 un spltor de
0 0 un subsol
0 0 un telefon
0 0 un televizor
0 0 un video
0 0 vesel

an apartment
an elevator
a vacuum cleaner
a balcony
an electric bulb
a cable
a lid
a match
a corridor
an oven
a bedroom
an iron
an armchair
a refrigerator
a garage
a kettle
a bed
a towel
a roll
a chair
a dishwasher
a basement
a telephone
a television
a video

Aragaz cooker
Dulap de buctrie

In my house there are 3 rooms: 2 bedrooms and a living-room.There are a kitchen
and a dining-room,too.In my living-room there is a sofa and an armchair, a
bookcase and a small table, a TV and a video.In the bedrooms, there are
beds,dressing tables, wardrobes, and carpets.There are no TVs.In the kitchen, there
is a fridge, a sink and a cooker.In the dining-room, there is a big table and chairs.

The definite article

the fem sg. a-ea-aua ; pl. - le, -ul; pl. ii

-when a noun is the subject of a sentence:
Incorect: *Carte este pe mas.
Corect: Cartea este pe mas.
-when a noun preceded by the preposition cu indicates the instrument, the
association or the means of transportation:
Incorect: *Scriu cu pix.
Corect: Scriu cu pixul.
Incorect: *Merg cu prieteni la munte.
Corect: Merg cu prietenii la munte.
Incorect: *Merg cu metrou acas.
Corect: Merg cu metroul acas.
-when a noun is specified by an adjective, a pronominal adjective or a phrase:
Incorect: *Merg n parc Cimigiu.
Corect: Merg n parcul Cimigiu.
Incorect: *Este frumos parc din faa casei mele.
Corect: Este frumos parcul din faa casei mele.
-when a noun is specified by a possessive adjective:
Incorect: *Carte mea este interesant.
Corect: Cartea mea este interesant.
-after the quantifier tot / toat / to i / toate:
Incorect: *toi oameni / *toate cri
Corect: toi oamenii / toate crile.

-after the verb to like:

Incorect: *Nu mi place cafea.
Corect: Nu mi place cafeaua.
The definite article is not used when the noun is preceded by numerals,
interrogatives, demonstrative or indefinite adjectives:
Dou cri (two books)
Ce carte! (what a book!)
Cteva cri (a few books)
Aceast carte / acea carte (this book / that book)
Cte cri (how many books)
Celelalte cri (the other books)
Aceleai cri (the same books)
The definite article is not used after the quantifiers mult / mult / muli /
multe / puin / puin / puini / puine:
Multe cri (many books)
Alte cri (other books)

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