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Howards Mix
This Program is a combination package of mostly my own work and the best of thir
d party freeware add-ons from the internet. The textures in most cases have bee
n enhanced and hand edited to blend together or be more compatible in a world wi
de environment with the purpose of upgrading our beloved and trusted Century of
Fight to a whole new experience in Simming.
Over the years since the release of FS9 I have been trying all the different
freeware add-ons. Not been able to afford any pay ware environmental upgrades I
altered textures and settings as I went along, to be quite frank what I did for
my own personal use was better and more well received at the SWFSG than bought p
rograms demoed by other members.
FSX then came along; I won't dwell on that subject but to say it did not real
ly have a starting point to display my favourite GA play ground which is New Zea
land. So back to FS9, I had all the directories backed up on a old USB HDD.
during the transfer the USB HDD corrupted and has since suffered a total demise
I had less than half the main FS directory left and a lot of that was corrupted
to the point that flightsim would not load flights at all. All I had now was a f
ew old zips on CD and some of my textures. Having looked at all the date stamps
on the files in my FS directories I could not really tell what was installed on
my system or from whom I got it. So I searched the net for the original develope
rs. there was even some FS2002 in there, but that was not a success as most had
dropped of the bottom on the host sites, So start again, but now I had a 64bi
t system not a very good one but 64bit it was. I could do more detailed scenery.
Quite early on I decided to share it on the net as freeware, even then it was l
ooking commercial quality. So out to the beta tester about 60% doctored up third
party. Not all could be traced to obtain there permission and include them in t
he credits. It proved a nightmare, as I could not even remember what is actually
installed over the time since FS9 was first released. So start again this time
with only FS default files, and the third parties I new and had contacted.
Many Many Thanks to :Lenart
Martin Wright
David Scotti
Bj0nor Henden
Christian stock
Adrian Shortall

Ground Textures
DTXBmp tool
Perfect Sky
installer ISTool
Inspiration and Weather Themes
Weather Themes

If I have omitted any words or even sentences said things back to front, made s
pelling errors then I am NOT apologizing for it, my abilities do not extend to t
yping official documents or sad imported political correctness.
I have in the pasts been accused unjustly of piracy, theft of pay ware textures
by forum users. All due to the wording in this document NO OTHER REASON. It does
seem to me that forum uses are mocking the inflicted and hope that this revised
issue spells it out beyond dispute.

Revised 09

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