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US leads in mental illness

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WASHINGTON, June 7 (Xinhuanet)
The United States leads in mental illness globally with 46 percent of Americans suffering mental
disorders ranging from anxiety, depression to substance abuse in their lifetime, The Washington
Post reported Tuesday.
Within the past year, about 25 percent of all Americans met the criteria for having a mental
illness, and fully 25 percent of those had a "serious" disorder that significantly disrupted their
ability to function day to day, according to a one-year-and-a-half survey of the country's mental
health, conducted by the University of Michigan.
Simultaneous occurrence of two or more illnesses was reported in nearly half of the mental
disorder sufferers.
The survey is by far the largest and most detailed of its kind in the United States, during which
nearly 300 trained interviewers visited 9,282 households selected at random in 34 states.
It focused on four major categories of mental illness. They are anxiety disorders, such as panic
and post-traumatic stress disorders; mood disorders, such as major depression and bipolar
disease; impulse control disorders, such as hyperactivity; and alcohol or drug abuse.
Those Americans with mental disorders will mostly seek treatment after delays of years or often
more than a decade, if ever, the survey found, adding that it is much so among younger sufferers.
Half of those who will ever be diagnosed with a mental disorder show signs of the disease by the
age of 14, and three-quarters by 24.
One third of people in need of treatment rely solely on nonprofessional sources such as Internet
support groups and spiritual advisers despite the availability of effective treatments for many
mental illnesses, said the newspaper.
The survey, published in the June issue of the Archives of General Psychiatry, attributed the low
treatment rate to factors including inattention to early warning signs, inadequate health insurance
and the lingering stigma that surrounds mental illness.
-------------Keren, thanks to Anton (AB) yang udah posting di comment box ttg. survey di Indo, jadi gak
perlu repot2 lagi Ummi mencari informasinya, sudah dibantu sama teman sesama blogger. Sekali
lagi Makasih banyak yah. Nah, ini dia isinya.

Di Indonesia berdasarkan PPDGJ, dikenal 4 besar kategori gangguan jiwa atau gangguan mental
(bukan "penyakit jiwa"), yaitu: 1.Gangguan mental organik 2.Gangguan mental psikotik
3.Gangguan neurotik dan gangguan kepribadian 4.Gangguan masa kanak, remaja dan
Di Indonesia, hasil Survei Kesehatan Mental Rumah Tangga (SKMRT) yang dilakukan oleh
Jaringan Epidemiologi Psikiatri Indonesia (Bahar, dkk 1995) menemukan, 185 dari 1000
penduduk menunjukkan gejala-gejala gangguan jiwa. Artinya, dalam setiap rumah tangga di
Indonesia setidaknya terdapat satu orang yang mengalami gejala-gejala gangguan jiwa.
Sedang survei yang dilaksanakan Departemen Kesehatan dengan menggunakan rancangan
sampel Modul Survei Sosial Ekonomi Nasional, 1995, pada 65.664 rumah tangga menunjukkan:
prevalensi gangguan jiwa adalah 264 per 1000 anggota rumah tangga.
Survei Direktorat Kesehatan Jiwa Departemen Kesehatan, 1996, di 10 kota terhadap 994
responden dengan menggunakan instrumen diagnostik gangguan jiwa dari Organisasi Kesehatan
Dunia (WHO) melaporkan, 34,4 persen menderita gangguan jiwa.
Dari data sumber tersebut bisa diduga, dalam keadaan yang serba krisis dewasa ini, penderita
gangguan jiwa di Indonesia meningkat.
Ehm... gak usah jauh-jauh. Macet bisa bikin stress toh, lihat aja pengendara motor dan mobil :)
Posted by Lili at 4:23 am
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