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1. Yes, the relationship does appear linear. Line of best fit (demand equation) is D(x)= -0.014x + 6.600.

There is a strong correlation

between how much you charge per loaf and the number of loaves you sell based on that price.
2. The Revenue Function; R(x)= -0.014x^2 + 6.600x
3. Cost Function; C(x)=1.182x+43.715 with a domain of x being all integers from 0 to 400.
4. The Profit Function: P(x)= -0.014x^2 + 6.600x - (1.182x + 43.715)
so P(x)= -0.014x^2 + 5.418x - 43.715
5. Maximum Revenue/quantity sold to maximize revenue/ price that should be charged;
a= -0.014
b= 6.600
c= 43.715
x= -6.600/2(-0.014)
x= 235.714
For the quantity sold to Maximum Revenue is x=235.714 but since x must be an integer, round the number up to 236. So for the quantity sold
to Maximum Revenue; x=236
R(236)=-0.014(236)^2 + 6.600(236)
Maximum Revenue would be $777.856 but since you can only go two decimal places in our currency, round the number to $777.86
So the price that should be charged to maximize revenue is $3.30
6. number of loaves to maximize profit is 192
the Maximum profit is 480.44
I'm sorry. I ran out of time to finish this.

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