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Today, humans are too much exposed to technology, that they almost forgot the
epitome of this world for them. They most likely forgot the presence of God and the
Church, which is the most important gift that we ever received. Church is a sacred
place where worship services are being held. It is a place where we talk to God and
fortify our faith to him. The question is why humans dont spent a diminutive time
for God? In times of crisis and delirium that we are experiencing right now, it is
impossible to overcome it without asking Gods Guidance through going to Church.
It is more vital to ask Gods guidance first, than anything else because it can
somehow ease the pain that you are experiencing. It is also significant to make
change in this world by inviting them and being a good example of living a true
Christian World.

Church greatly values our relationship and faith with God. During the Middle Ages,
having a faith to God is also evident. It molds us to become a better individual that
is closer to God. During the Middle Ages, Church is a powerful institution with its
own government, laws, courts, and system of taxation. Today, Church was
separated to the government and have their own dealings and businesses. During
the Middle Ages, priest was appointed in parish. Today, we are still applying the
same thing. Church helps us to learn things and realize our mistakes. Church helps
us to correct and confess our wrong actions that sometimes broke our relationship
with God. During the Middle Ages, the route to salvation was through the
sacraments and the seven sacred rites. Today, we are still applying it and making it
as a center of our life. Church helps humans to see the brighter side of them.
Before, during the middle ages, Church used harsh measures to enforce discipline.
Currently, the church are not that strict when it comes to discipline. You should
know by yourself if youre doing the right thing or not. Church also shows
humanitarianism, in the sense that it protected and gave charitable aid to weak,
poor, sick and homeless, that is evident nowadays. During the Middle Ages. Church
also helps in the building of our connection with him. Church also gives us adequate
knowledge about the factual role of the church to us humans.

I realized that we must not forget but to treasure how the Church mold us to
become closer to God. I realized how the people before give importance to Church. I
realize how the church in middle ages influence and contributed so much. I realize
that we should follow it and cherish all those influences. I realize that we should put
our heart to our Lord and to be thankful for the blessing that we receive. I realize
that it is not enough to listen to the words of God, but to apply it on our daily
actions. It is momentous to be on the track always, by going to church because it
can truly transform you as an improved individual. I realized that church is not just a
building but a place where everyone worship and connect to God as a sign of their

faith. I will let my voice be heard by the people to go to Church and confess their
faith to God, because it can lead to the right path.

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