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Pharmacology Final Exam

Soul batch
Exam Details :
60 Questions
Duration : 65 minutes
First & Second 15 Questions
They gave a bonus for the Exam ( 4 Questions )
1-A weak acid had pka = 4, what is the percentage of the unionized form of this drug in the
intestines which has a pH of 7?
A) 0.1 <c+>
B) 90%
C) 10%
D) 99%
E) 1%
2-Diarrhea is the most common side effect of:
ampicilin <c+>
3-Erictile dysfinction ?
alprostadil <c+>
4-Ketoconazole... antiacid
5-remove Paracetamol toxicity ?
N-acetylcysteine <c+>
6-Which of the following is true ?
Kinins ----- peptide autocoids
7-all of the following are side effect of chloroquinon except ?
Tinnitus <c+>

8-which of the following is not side effects of NSAIDS ?

A) increase gastric acids
B) decrease gastric mucus
C) decrease bleeding time <c+>
10-Contraindicated in pregnancy ?
misoprostol <c+>
11-which of the following is true about Pharmacokinetics ?
Non of the above <c+>
12-The antidote used for a farmer exposed to a high dose of insecticides is :
atropin <c+>
13-cases about peptic ulcer ?
celecoxib <c+>
14- blocking M2 receptor ?
amantadine <c+>
15- Contraindicated in heart failur ?
16- Candida infection in mouth?
Nystatin <c+>
17- Which of the following incorrect ?
ivermectin can be given in meningitis <c+>
18-which of the following is false?
Antagonist receptor dont produce effect and shift to the right <c+>
19- All of the following are considered to be of dug actions except:
A) block ion channels
B) phosphorylation of certain protein
C) increase the production of cAM
D) enhance gene expression
E) passing the plasma membrane <c+>

20-In which of the following antimicrobials aren't used to prevent the disease:
A) Malaria
B) reumatic fever
C) viral gastroenteritis <c+>
21-Which of the following antiviral drugs used mainly as a prophylactic agent not as a
treatment :
<c+> a dug that inhibit nuuraminidase enzyme (osltmavir)
22-Co-trimoxazole is used :
<c+> females with recurrent UTI
23-Which of the following is the drug of choice for the treatment of Antimicrobial associated
diarrhea :
Metronidazole <c+>
24-What is the drug of choice against clostridium difficile :
Vancomycin <c+>
25-Erythromycin can be used for all of the following EXCEPT:
A) <+> tuberculosis
B) prior to dental proced:ures
26-The best drug used for gastric nematodes :
Mebendazole <c+>
27-The anthelmintic drug aganst cestodes ?
(The question was a bonus)
28-Metronidazole :
active on treatment colistridum diffcle <c+>
29-Which is not true about quinolone?
It is NOT active aganst mycobaciruim and mycoplasma <c+>

30- all is true about the relation between hypertension and NSAIDs exept ?
A) Topical NSAIDS cannot cause hypertension
B) NSAIDs on blood pressure is dose independent <c+>
C) Can reduce the efficiecy of blood pressure medications
D) Can increase mean arterial pressure by around 5-6 mmHg
31-which is false about Acyclovir?
It's the drug of choice in all herpes infection <c+>
32-All of the fowling drug can contract ciliary muscle exept ?
A) Atropine <c+>
B) Carbonicol
C) Bethanocol
D) Palicarpine
33-All of the following indicated in probranlol except ?
A) Premature labor contraction <c+>
B) Hypertension
C) Hyperthyroidism
D) Angina
E) Gluecoma
34-ADME in drug discovery Represent ?
A) toxity test and safety <c+>
B) load identification
C) target identification
D) target validation
35-flumazil is antidote for ?
Benzodaizapines <c+>
36-which of the following is true?
Pencyclovir is more effective than acyclovir against hepes when its taken typically <c+>
37-Crohn's disease :
sulfasalazine <c+>

38- Which of the following is the least common problem in chemotherapy?

A) drug interactions
B) pseudombranous colitis
C) route of administration
D) drug resistance
E) skin infection
39-Which of the following collenergic drugs has the longest duration of action ?
A) ectiophate <c+>
B) physostigmine
C) edrophoniom
40-Alpha blocker .:
41-Drug A 0.5 mg Drug B 20 have same Which of the following is true?
A) Drug b is less potent than a <c+>
B) Drug a is more efficacious than b
C) B has more side effects
D) All of the above
42- Function of alprostadil :
maintain the ductus arteriolus open

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