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A filter can be used to search for a specific value within a form or datasheet. There are four types
of filter:
1) Filter by selection shows all instances of a selected piece of data
2) Filter by exclusion retrieves all data in the database except the data that has been
chosen to be excluded from the search
3) Filter by form for searching an Access form.
4) Advanced filter allows us to add conditions across a number of fields in a table that the
search must meet
Filters are temporary searches and cannot be saved for re-use. The only exception is the
Advanced Filter, which is classed as a query.
1. Applying a basic filter
1) Select a table to filter and open it in Datasheet view
2) Click in the field containing the data that will be used in the filter

3) Click the Filter button

from the Sort & Filter group and choose the filter you

wish to apply
4) The data in the table will temporarily change to display the results of the filter
5) To remove the filter, click the Filtered button on the Record bar at the bottom of the
6) To display the results of the filter again, click the Unfiltered button on the Record bar
2. Filtering by Selection
Filter by Selection is one of the fastest ways to filter our list. With this option, all we need to do
is highlight the filter criteria in our table or form and then choose Filter by Selection. our list will
quickly filter based on the data that is selected.
1) Select a table to filter and open it in Datasheet view
2) Click in the field containing the data that will be used in the filter
3) Click the Selection button

from the Sort & Filter group and choose

the filter we wish to apply

Applying a Filter by Selection

1.Open the Table or Form in Datasheet View we want to filter

2. Select the data we want to filter by

3. Choose the Selection command in the Sort & Filter group on the Home tab
4. Choose our Filter by Selection option
3. Filter by Form:
When using common filters and Filter by Selection, youre only able to filter one field at a time.
However, when you want to filter based on several fields, you can use the Filter by Form feature.
When using Filter by Form, Access creates a blank form or datasheet that is similar to the
original form or datasheet. On this blank object, you can enter data into as many fields as you
want to in order to specify your criteria.
All criteria entered on the initial form must be matched before a record result will be returned.
This is an AND criteria. But, you can also create an OR criteria by using the OR tabs located on
the lower-left corner of the Filter by Form window. Each time you enter criteria on one OR tab, a
new OR tab will appear so you can continue to add criteria.

Filter by Form Criteria Tabs

Applying a Filter by Form
1. Open the Table or Form in Datasheet View we want to filter
2. Choose the Advanced command in the Sort & Filter group on the Home tab
3. Choose Filter by Form
4. Enter your Filter criteria
5. Choose the Toggle Filter command in the Sort & Filter group on the Home tab
6. Click the Toggle Filter command again to display all records or click Filter by Form again to
modify the filter criteria

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