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Science by God

Higher Powers .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Craig Hendricks ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Genesis ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
............................................................................................................................................................................................ 2

Higher Powers

God is the only thing you can prove definitively. When someone tells me they do not
believe in a higher power, it makes me wonder if the person is telling the truth or if that
person is even alive existing with a brain that processes complex thoughts and associated
feelings (e.g. You did not create yourself nor did humans create life on earth or the
universe, you dont control everything on earth, and you cannot prevent your death. *
The word of God can be a derivative compliments of the Holy Bible, but you cannot know
the word of God until it has been revealed to you personally, no matter how much
information quantitative data sciences provide. How someone can trust a science based
on observations that are only possible through the lens of a scope or representation
projected on a screen as reported by others is somewhat of an indication of limited
intelligence. However, when science aligns absolutely perfectly with ancient wisdom and
personal experience, then you can confidently call it Truth (with a capital T).

Some Truths with a Capital T, c.h


In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

2 And the earth was without form, and void; an idea is first void without form and
darkness was upon the face of the deep. (an idea is first void without form)

Removed: Whatever you decide to call the power responsible for controlling these things, you can safely assume it is a Higher Power than you.
I think the part that many Atheists reject is organized religion. They, for some reason, attribute unfortunate events as intended consequences
perpetrated by religious establishments, even though they lack perfect or complete information regarding said event along with the fact that
they were not there, so whatever they think happened, can never be proven (in most cases). All organized groups of people exist by an
organized structure with a set or operational principles and generally work together to seek a certain goal or goals by providing certain products,
services, and information to others, as directed by stakeholders who generally carry out their goals in transactions for profit. They then use that
profit to either better their offerings, add new offerings, or to influence the world at large by directing certain resources at influential targets to
accomplish a particular objective(s) or by attracting unknown outside parties whose function can either be predetermined or later attributed.
That being said I would like to emphasize the fact that religion has never killed a single person. People kill people. In the past, any involvement
of religious institutions in acts of war have been to maintain the preservation of Truth. The truth being the word of God. And by that, I do not
mean the Bible, I mean the word of God.

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