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Human can not be separated from language. Because language
is used to unite people. Peitro (1990) says that language is a stand out
amongst the most helpful devices we have as human. It can be
concluded that without dialect we can not express what we want to say
to other individuals.
English is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.
So it is not surprising that so many people want to learn how to speak
English. English is one of the most important subjects in almost schools
in every country including Indonesia. It is the most commonly used
languange among foreign language speakers. Throughout the world,
when peole from different nationalities want to communicate, they
commonly use english language. thats why people like to call it The
Language of Communication. Moreover, speaking english will enable
someone to contact people from all over world.
Speaking ability is something that is often being a barometer of
whether a person is able to speak well or not. It is true that, when a
person speaks with pretty good technique, he or she is considered as
someone who masters English language very well. In order to improve
speaking ability,
someone should master the English grammar.
Grammar is the important component in using English. Grammar is the
explanation that describes the rules for forming words and making
In grammar, a conjunction is a part of speech that is used to
connect words, phrases, sentences and clauses. Conjunction is one of
the most powerful part of a sentence that helps us maintain a strong
flow of communication. In addition, the ability of using conjunctions
appropriately will aid us to speak English in a confident manner. That is
why the writer wants to explain about The Correlation of
Mastering Conjunction with The Ability of Speaking

2.1 Definition
Conjunction is a word which is used to link or join words, phrases,
or clauses. It links these words or groups of words together, in such
a way that certain relationships among these different parts of the
sentence will be established, and the thoughts that all of these
convey will be connected.
2.2 Functions of Conjunctions
Generally, the functions of conjunction are to link or join words,
phrases, and clauses and sentences. Kardimin (2004:167) said that
the functions of conjunction are parts of speech that connect words,
phrases, clauses, and sentences. The most common one: and,
but, and or. while, because, so, and however are also
2.3 Types and Classifications of Conjunctions
In English languange, conjunctions come in three basic types :
coordinating, subordinating and correlative conjunctions.
a. Coordinating Conjunction
Among the three types of conjunctions, Coordinating
conjunction is probably the most common one. The main function
of coordinating conjunctions is to join words, phrases, and
clauses together, which are usually grammatically equal. Aside
from that, this type of conjunction is placed in between the words
or groups of words that it links together, and not at the beginning
or at the end.

There are seven coordinating conjunctions. A simple way to

remember these is to rearrange their order so that their first
letters form a word in their own right:

Fanboys. (It may be odd, but its
conjunctions always go between the words or
phrases that they are connecting.
Examples :
1. I will be late to the party, for I am working until seven.
2. Tom likes to read and write.
3. Sally does not like the mountains, nor does she like the

I wanted to ride my bike, but the tire was flat.
Fred wants peas or carrots for supper.
I love chocolate, yet I do not eat chocolate ice cream.
She was late to school, so teacher made her clean the

Another examples :
1. Steve and his friend are Noun + and + noun
coming to dinner.
2. Susan raised her hand Verb + and + verb
and snapped her fingers.
3. He is wafing his arms and Verb + and + verb (The
shouting at us.
second auxiliary ommitted If
it is the same as the first
4. Those shoes are old but Adjective + but + adjective
5. He wants to watch TV or Infinitive + or + infinitive
listen to some music.
(The second to is usually

Punctuation Note :

1. Put a comma before the coordinating conjunction when it is

used to connect two independent clauses.
A clause is a group of words contain a subject and a verb.
An independent clause (or main clause) expresses a
complete thought. It can stand alone as a sentence. For example
: "I like apples."
(A dependent clause does not express a complete thought. It
cannot stand alone as a sentence. For example : "that I saw last
Examples of independent clauses:
1. Tom walked the dog.
Subject = Tom
Verb = walked
2. Tom grabbed the mail.
Subject = Tom
Verb = grabbed
These two independent clauses can be combined with a
coordinating conjunction. When we combine these two sentences, the
second "Tom" will be changed to "he."
Tom walked the dog, so he grabbed the mail.
Tom walked the dog, and he grabbed the mail.
Both parts of the sentence have a subject and verb (before and after
the coordinating conjunction).

2. When using a coordinating conjunction to connect two

items, do not use a comma.
In the example above with Tom and his dog, we can leave out the
comma if we do not have two independent clauses. We do this by
leaving out the subject in the second part of the sentence (he).
Tom walked the dog and grabbed the mail.
("Tom walked the dog" is an independent clause, but "grabbed
the mail" is not.
Here are a few more examples of how to use a coordinating
conjunction to connect two items that are not independent clauses.
Incorrect: She likes apples, and bananas.
Correct: She likes apples and bananas.
Incorrect: My brother is young, but smart.
Correct: My brother is young but smart.
3. When using a coordinating conjunction with a list of items
(three or more in number), the comma before the
coordinating conjunction is optional.
You should put or leave out the comma before the coordinating
conjunction based on the style guide you are using.
Examples :
She is cooking chicken, potatoes, corn, and carrot. (with
She is cooking chicken, potatoes, corn and carrot. (without

b. Subordinating Conjunctions
This type of conjunctions is used in linking two clauses together.
Aside from the fact that they introduce a dependent clause,
subordinating conjunctions also describe the relationship between the
dependent clause and the independent clause in the sentence. Most of
subordinate conjunctions are from preposition.
Subordinating conjunctions combined elements of sentencesclauses-which is less of equal. The most general of subordinate
conjunctions are after, although, as, because, before, even, if, if only,
once, since, than, though, unless, until, when, where, whereas, while.
Subordinate conjunctions can be classified into six kinds. They consists


Conjunctions of Reason

Conjunctions of reason are because, since, as, and for because

of,owing to, due to. Their positions is in the middle of sentence, but
sometimes is in the beginning of sentence before noun. The usage is
to express or illustrate a reason of an event.
Because/as/since/for +


It is hard for us to speak English

we never practice it.

Because everything in this world shows me the reality, I grow

Because of/due to/ owing to +
noun phrase

Because of his laziness, He doesnt not pass the examination.

I over slept this morning, due to My tiring journey on my last


Conjunctions of Result

positions is

of result are so that, and in order to. Their

in the middle of sentence. The usage is to express or

to illustrate a result or consequence of an event.

I eat so much in order to make I have stomachache.
It rained so heavily that all tanks breached.
He ran so fast so that made himself tired.


Conjunctions of Conditional

Conjunction of conditional are if, unless, as, and as if. Their

position is in the middle of the sentence but if may be put in the
beginning of sentence before noun. The usage is to express or
illustrate a concession of an event.

You will get lose unless you study hard.
If you agree I shall accompany you.
He talked alone as if He were drunk.


Conjunctions of Concession

Conjunctions of concession are although, though, eventhough,

despite and inspite of. Their positions is in the middle of sentence,
but sometimes may be put in the beginning of sentence before noun.
The usage is to express or illustrate a concession of an event.
Even though/although/though +
Although I am so busy, I still phone you.
She buys some clothes eventhough she do not have much
My father is an honest man though he is poor.

In spite of/despite + noun phrase

In spite of hating you, I have to meet you.
Despite my broken hand, I have to go to school.


Conjunctions of Comparison

Conjunctions of comparison are as as, than, and more than.

Their positions is in the middle of the sentence. The usage is to
express or illustrate a comparison of an event.
My father as tall as my uncle
A car more expensive than a motorcycle.
The sea is deeper than the mountains are high.

Conjunctions of Situation
Conjunctions of situation are until, after, before, since, as, as soon

as, and as long as, when, while, as long as. Their position is in the
middle of sentence, but after may be put in the beginning of
sentence. The usage is to express or illustrate the situation of an
We stayed up talking until the sun came up
Budi has been much stronger since he recovered from his
I brush my teeth after eating sweet food.
Return my book as soon as you can, please !
You can sit on my seat while I stand

I will be around you as long as I live

Punctuation Note :
When the dependent clause is placed first in a sentence, use a comma
between the two clauses. When the independent clause is placed first and
the dependent clause second, do not separate the two clauses with a

Conjunctive Adverbs
Conjunctive adverbs connect two sentences. They explain how
the first sentence relates to the second. They can be considered both
adverbs and conjunctions because they modify the second clause and
connect the second clause to the first.
The conjunctive adverbs are:

incidenta namely
meanwhi otherwise
moreove similarly




Conjunctive adverbs can be moved to different positions in a clause

(part of a sentence).
Sometimes, conjunctions (like however, nevertheless, whereas,
furthermore, therefore and moreover) connect the meanings of
adjacent sentences. This sort of conjunction is termed a conjunctive
Independent clauses (parts of a sentence that could stand alone as
a complete sentence) connected by a conjunctive adverb must be
separated by a semicolon or a period, not just a comma.

1. I have to study hard; otherwise, I dont pass the examination.

2. Smoking can cause cancer; futhermore, It can kill you.
3. She is very dilligent; moreover, she is geneorous.

c. Correlative Conjunctions
Correlative conjunctions are pairs of conjunctions that enable you,
the writer, to combine sentence phrases into larger sentence units.
The most common correlative conjunctions are:
either or
neither nor
not only but also
both and

Uses of Correlative Conjunctions

To connect nouns:
o Playing guitar is not easy but difficult.
o Both trees and flowers grow colorfully during summer.
To connect adjectives:
o Summer camp offers not only swimming but also
camping instruction.
o Kids enjoy both wet and dry sports.
To connect prepositional phrases:
o I'll take my vacation either in July or in August.
o Most students are neither below nor above national
academic standards.
To connect independent clauses:
o Not only did Michael grill a steak for Tiffany, but he also
prepared a hotdog for Rocket, her dog.

o Whether teachers are happy or they are sad, all are

dedicated to student's success.
o I cant decide whether Ill take Chemical Engineering or
take Medical Technology in college.

2.4 The Correlation of Mastering Conjunction with The

Ability of Speaking
Some students have problems in creating more than two or
create single sentence comfortably, whereas framing more
sentences seems to be difficult. This is also, mostly, due to
inadequate vocabulary of conjunctions.
Conjunction is used in our daily conversation. Each of
sentences that we say contains conjunctions. here is some
examples of dialogue that use conjunctions.
1. Dialogue between mother and daughter
mom : Bella, help me to cook rice and prepare dinner,
please !
Bella : oh, Im sorry mom, I cant do that because I have
to finish my
thesis now.
mom : oke, It doesnt matter. I will handle it by myself.
2. dialogue in telephone
Mr. Jamil
: Hello, good morning. can I speak to Mr. Zul ?
: Im Yasmin, Mr. Zuls daughter. Mr. Zul
is not
available. Im sorry, may I know who is in on
the other
end ?
Mr. Jamil : Oh, Im Jamil, your fathers friend. if so, can i
talk to your
mom ?
: Im sorry. both my mom and my father are
outside now. would you like to leave a
message ?
Mr. Jamil : No, I will call him later.

3. dialogue between two bestfriends

Tamara : Are you Jessica?
Jessica : Yes, Im Jessica. Tamara? How are you? Long
time no see.

: How do you think I am?

: You upright and still breathing, hahaha
: Where do you go?
: Ill go both to The Yummy Cake and to gift

store. And you?

Tamara : I will go for lunch. For your boy friend?
Jessica : Nope, just for my mom.
Tamara : Will you go with me for lunch or you just go to
store and The Yummy Cake?

: No, thanks. Im waiting for my brother. He is at

Tamara : Oh. Yesterdey I met Sonya at Dmall when I
was shopping.

She asked me to hangout with you and Vanny.

What do you think?

Tamara : I really want. How about next weekend?


: Oke, Ill ask them about it.

Tamara : By the way do you know that Vanny got

scholarship to
university at Germany.

: Are you sure? She is so clever that she got it.

Tamara : Im agree with you. She is not only clever but

also kind.

: I must say congratulation to her.

: Jessica! Came on, we must go

home before mom arrives.

: Yes Tom. Tamara, I have to go. See you soon.


: Oke. See you. Be careful

4. dialogue about 2 people

Hey,where will you go?
i will go to hypermart for shopping, do you want
to join with
Of course,, why do you like shopping in that mall?
S :
Because in that mall, we can get many discout
and many product. do you have any planning after
shopping ?
Oh yeah,actually.i really wanna taste lasagna in the
restaurant, beside the mall and then, i also wanna watch a
new movie in the cinema. but, would you like to
accompany me?
S :
yes. why not... eating and watching can avoid
aour stress, isnt it?
A :
yeah, by the way, whats your favorite movie
genre ? action or love story?
S :
I like watch genre love story, yet my favorite is
genre comedy
A :
were the same. i also like comedy. so, is it the
time for shopping?
Of course !
5. dialogue between students and teacher about home work
teacher :g.morninh, dear students
:good morn, sir
t :ali, bring your hw note-book tome
s : sorry sir.i forgot to bring my hw
t :did you do y. hw?
s :yes, sir. but i left my note-book at home
t : how is it possible ? i think you have not cmpleted your
hw and its just an excuse
s :sorry sir.infact,i had to go to my uncleshouse yester
t : do u prefer other things to your studies ? a strange
thing maybe
s: my pa asked me to go there.
t :thats right. after coming back, you could have
completed your hw.
s : it was late at night when i came back
t : if you dont work regulary, you will faail in exam . keep
in mind that regularity conquers the montains.
s : next time, i must be careful
t: well, show me your note book tomorrow,

s: ok. sir. thsnk you.

So, from 5 dialogues we know that conjunction is very
useful in speaking ability.

Conjuntion is a word that is used to link, or put together, other
words, phrases, and clauses. There are three types of conjunctions:
coordinating, correlative, subordinating
Coordinating: connect similar words together. Example: and,
but, nor, just
Correlative: connect similar groups of words together, but
always come in pairs. Example : not only...but also.
Subordinating: connect two ideas with one more important
than the other.
Conjunction is an english basic lesson. A good knowledge and
understanding of various conjunctions enable us to maintain both
ways of communication. It must be noted that a great distinction
between a person who communicates English language fluently and
a person who gets stuck up while communicating, is due to lack of
knowledge and understanding of conjunctions. Therefore, learning
conjunction is very important to improve speaking ability.

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