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16th September 2016

KS2 Newsletter
Year Three
Year 3 have made a good start to the year. They have been recording their reading in their new
reading record books and returning them to school every day. Thank you for the excellent response
to this.
In English, the class have been writing and answering their own questions related to the Stone
Age. Extra information has been researched from text books. Next week the class will present their
work as an information sheet, which will include the features of non-fiction writing.
In maths the class have been explaining what place value is and how it works. Further to that, they
have then been able to add and subtract ones, tens and hundreds form 3 digit numbers.
Please help your child with the 2, 5 and 10 times tables at home.

Year Four
I have been very impressed with the attitude and hard-work shown by year 4 since the beginning of
the year. The children have been looking at the everyday life of an Anglo-Saxon child, comparing the
similarities and differences between that time period and this. They have begun to look at the
features of a recount with the overall aim of completing a diary extract from the point of view of an
Anglo-Saxon child. In Maths the children have focused on place value of four digit numbers, focusing
on how best to order them and place them on a blank number line.
In PE, we have begun our netball topic, focusing on the different type of passes at our disposal, as
well as how best to find space on the pitch. We have also begun our DT topic up in the secondary
school, with Spanish soon to follow!
Since starting, our class have been making our way through Roald Dahls Fantastic Mr Fox, a story
all the children have enjoyed. From next week we will be focusing on understanding the book in
more detail, asking and answering questions on the different chapters.
I hope you all enjoy your weekend!

Year Five
Year 5 have had an amazing start to year. We have already begun to explore complex problem
solving tasks in maths based on place value. We are working hard to develop our reasoning skills in
many different ways.
In English, we have immersed ourselves in the story 'Space Oddity', and have begun to explore the
emotions of the characters to prepare for our first writing task. We are developing exciting
vocabulary and sentence structures to share our interesting ideas. Our music lessons are directly
linked to our English learning, where we will be performing our own version of 'Space Oddity'.
In Science we are beginning to explore Space, developing our understanding of the solar system and
our own planet and moon. We are linking this learning to Geography as we focus on structure of the
Earth, its continents, countries and oceans. In PE, we have already begun developing skills in Netball
and we will also be swimming this year.
Finally, our ambitious ideas in Art are already taking form. Taking inspiration from Jackson Pollock,
we will be creating three pieces of unique art based on space using a variety of materials and media;
exploring how art can represent ideas and promote different ways of thinking.

Year Six
We have had a strong start to the year and have been working hard in Year Six this week. The
children have been writing book recommendations in English, with the aim of persuading others to
read a book. They have worked hard on their word choices, descriptive phrases, sentence structure
and punctuation to produce high quality sentences. In Maths they have been exploring place value,
comparing and ordering numbers and rounding numbers, focusing particularly on their ability to
explain their learning and understanding using mathematical vocabulary.
This week the children also started Netball in P.E, learning the different passes and playing games to
develop their skills. Next week we will be starting our Science topic: Light, as well as beginning D&T
lessons which will be taught by a Secondary specialist.
The children have worked hard to expand their vocabulary and develop their understanding of
language in their reading. This is going to be essential for success this year so please make sure your
child reads every night and records something meaningful in their reading record.
Congratulations to Seun who is our School Council Representative and Maha who is our Deputy

Key Dates
Year Six Reading Workshop: Wednesday 21st September, 8.30am
Year Five Reading Workshop: Wednesday 28th September, 8.30am
Harvest Assembly: Thursday 6th October
Year Four Reading Workshop: Wednesday 12th October, 8.30am
Parents Evening: 18th & 19th October
Year Three Reading Workshop: Wednesday 9th November, 8.30am

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