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A semi-cooperative pocket horror game


Calm Night
cards (5)

cards (6)

Klein Location
cards (7)

cards (6)

Player Aid
cards (6)


cards (6)

cards (7)

cards (6)


Hiding Place tiles (3)

cards (4)

cards (4)

Klein Location
sleeves (2)
sleeves (6)

Locations &
Clues Share card

Quick Reference
Set-Up card

counter marker


3 Klein
standee turn

Player Tokens (6)

Supporting Character
tokens (3)


The year is 1951. A Mental patient, the Nazi war criminal
known only as Klein, escapes from captivity out of the
Crimson Creek Asylum. With his
enormous size and supernatural
strength, he overtakes the
Sanitarium guards. Wielding a
single axe, he dismembers nearly
the entire population of Crimson
A ragtag team of locals band
together to hunt and capture this
maniac. After much blood, sweat and tears, they eventually
subdue Klein and hang him by the lake. With his dying breath
he swears he will one day return
to Crimson Creek and kill them all.
Years pass, Crimson Creek slowly
recovers, but horrifying memories
still haunt the surviving townsfolk.
It is now 1981. You, and a few of
your friends, head up to the lake to
celebrate your recent graduation.
Ignoring the advice and cautions
from locals, you embark on a hard-partying amorous filled
lost weekend. Little do you know that it was at this exact spot,
thirty years ago to the day, that the infamous killer now known
as The Hatchet Man, was executed.
As soon as night falls, you learn the
terrifying truth. KLEIN IS BACK. And he
has bewitched someone in Crimson Creek
to seek his vengeance. You must Run,
Peek, and Hide to survive until morning.
But even then you wont be safe. You will
never be safe again, until you learn the true
identity of the killer possessed by Klein.




Overview OF THE GAME

Crimson Creek is a semi-cooperative game of SURVIVAL
based on Slasher films of the 1980s. The goal of the game is
to work together to stay alive until morning. Like many classic
Slasher films, morning arrives after 3 Acts are completed.
An Act is a single round consisting of 3 scenes. A scene
is completed each time Klein attacks. An Act ends when
Kleins starting location (also known as Kleins Lair) has
been revealed. During the 3 Acts you will have the chance to
perform up to 2 of a possible 9 actions on your turn.
While you are doing whatever you can to survive, it is
important to search for clues and share information to deduce
who is the character possessed by Klein. If you survive
the night, you will need to accuse the correct character of
being the killer. If you cannot, you are eliminated in one final
attack. Being a semi-cooperative game it is possible to have
any combination of winners and losers.
If it is determined that your character is possessed by Klein,
you may have to mislead or sabotage your fellow Players.
For the Killer will only win if he or she is the sole survivor.

Each Player selects one character token: Jock, Geek,
Cheerleader, Goth, Preppy, or Punk. Each of these characters
has their own special ability, so choose wisely.
Player Location card

Peeking icon


For the first Act, take

the 7 Player location
cards and lay them
in the center of the
table, location side up,
creating a Location
board following the
Act 1 map diagram on

Setup Quick Reference Card

Shuffle the 7 Klein Location cards and turn over the top three.
The 1st location is where the Cheerleader & Jock start. The
2nd location is where the Goth & Punk start. And the 3rd
location is where the Geek & Preppy start. After determining
the starting locations, place all the Klein Location cards aside.
Place only your chosen Player controlled character tokens
on the appropriate locations. Everyone starts the game calm,
with the calm face up on their character token.


The unchosen remaining character tokens become

supporting characters and are placed on the board, calm
face up, in the following order by Peeking icon: Center
location (has no Peeking icon), Treetop, Window, Lantern,
Flashlight, Binoculars and Camera. If a location already has
two character tokens on it, place the supporting character on
the next location from the list with less than two characters.
A maximum of 2 character tokens may occupy a location
at the same time.
Lay out the Lair sleeve and 6 Klein Location Peeking sleeves
as seen in the Tabletop Setup diagram. The Lair sleeve on
the left and the 6 Peeking sleeves across the top in any order.


Shuffle the 4 Clue cards and, without looking, randomly draw

2 Clue cards and place them face down each in an individual
Clue sleeve below the Location board. This determines who
is possessed by Klein.
Next shuffle the 4 Search cards and place the Search deck
face down next to the Location board.
The Exposure track card is placed next to the Clue sleeves.

When a new Act begins use the Setup Quick Reference card
to determine the Board setup for the Act you are starting.
In the second and third Acts, the Board setup and layout will
change and you will need to put aside any Peeking sleeves,
Reveal cards, Klein Location cards and Player Location cards
not being used in the Act.
Take the Player Location cards, for the Act you are setting
up, and lay them in the center of the table creating a Location
board following the Map diagram on the Setup Quick
Reference card.
Make sure all of the Player Location cards of the Location
board are placed so the location side is face up.
After Act 1, all characters will begin from the location on
which they survived the previous Act. (When using Expansion
locations, match the Peeking icon on the location which you
survived the previous Act to the icon on the new Expansion
locations. Place your character token on that new location)
Make sure all character tokens are on the correct starting
location for the new Act.


Shuffle the Klein Location cards together and randomly place

them, unseen, each in their own Klein Location Peeking
sleeve above the Location board. These are the locations
Klein may attack. If you are caught at one of these locations
you may be eliminated from the game.

The final remaining Klein Location card is Kleins Lair. Place

this card, also unseen, in the Lair sleeve.
Place the HIDING PLACE tiles for the Act next to the board.
At the beginning of each Act, setup a new Attack deck
according to the number of surviving players starting the Act.
Supporting characters DO NOT count as surviving
players when setting up the ATTACK deck.
Setup the Attack deck
as directed in the Attack
Deck Chart.
Shuffle the Attack deck
and place it face down
next to the Location
Shuffle the Reveal deck
and place it face down
next to the Location
During an Act you may be
asked to add characters
or items to the Location
For example: In Act 2
Scene 1, the Setup Quick
Reference card directs
you to add the Caretaker and Gravedigger supporting
characters to the Location board. In Act 3 Scene 1, you will
need to add the Deputy supporting character, all following the
previously defined order for adding supporting characters.


At the start of the game, whichever Player
is most easily scared goes first. Gameplay
progresses clockwise.
In each scene, you will move around the
Location board and acquire information to
avoid Klein and discover his lair. Klein systematically attacks
his way through each of the Crimson Creek locations. He will
never backtrack during an Act. An Act ends when Kleins Lair
has been revealed.
Kleins Lair can be revealed in one of two ways:
After the 3rd Klein attack is completed, the
remaining Klein locations are immediately
attacked thereby revealing Kleins Lair.
You deduce which location is Kleins Lair,
move there, and declare it before the 3rd
Klein attack occurs.
You can survive an Act the following ways:
Deduce and move your character token to
Kleins Lair, then declare it to be Kleins
Lair immediately ending the Act.
Be in possession of a relevant hiding
place when Klein attacks your location.
Be in Kleins Lair after he attacks all the
locations in an Act.
Each Act continues where the previous Act left off. In
subsequent Acts, whichever the next surviving players turn it
was begins the scene.


You are allowed UP TO 2 actions on each turn. You may

use a specific action type ONLY ONCE per turn.

There are 2 types of Run actions:

You may move your character
token from your present location to
an available adjacent location.
If there are two characters on the location you wish to move
to, and at least one is a Player controlled character, you may
force a location swap of your character token with a Player
controlled character token on the available adjacent location.
You MAY NOT swap locations
with supporting characters, only
Player controlled characters can
swap locations. You MAY NOT
swap locations if there is only one
character token at the location you
are moving to, you MAY only move
there. You MAY NOT swap back locations with a Player if their
last turn was swapping locations with you. And you MAY NOT
swap locations with a character in possession of a relevant
hiding place for their current location.
You may push a supporting character, sharing
your current location, to an available adjacent

You may pull a supporting character, on an

adjacent location, to your location if there is
available space.



direction that is connected by a path on the Location board
map diagram and has available space.
Again, up to 2 character tokens are allowed to be on the same
location at the same time.
The key to surviving is information. You may
peek into a Klein Location Peeking sleeve
that corresponds to the Peeking Icon for
the location you are currenly occupying.
When peeking, you privately look at the
Klein Location card in the Peeking sleeve.
For example: The Barn has a Window
icon so, when you are at the Barn, you
may privately look at the Klein Location
card in the Window Peeking sleeve.


When peeking from a location without a Peeking icon, you
MAY privately peek in ANY single Klein Location Peeking
sleeve regardless of its Peeking icon.
When peeking from a location without a Peeking icon
you MAY view a Klein Location card in a Klein Location
Peeking sleeve EVEN IF the location with that Peeking
icon has been attacked and is


Once your character has peeked from

a location without a Peeking icon, you
MAY NOT peek from it again for the
remainder of the Act. A location without
a Peeking icon may only be peeked
from a total of two times during an Act,
regardless of which Players have or
have not peeked. A Peeking counter
token has been included for you to
keep track. Start the Peeking counter
on 2 and reduce and remove it with
successive peeks.

On your turn, you may claim a hiding place as your own. Each
hiding place is labeled with the relevant location you must be
on to use the hiding place.
Can be used to hide at the
Can be used to hide in the
CABIN and the BARN.
Can be used to hide at the
LAKE and the WOODS.
Some locations, such as the Highway, do not have a hiding
place. You MAY grab a hiding place for any location, even if
you are not on that location. You MAY NOT hold more than
one hiding place at a time.
The hiding place is only used if Klein attacks the location you
are at, while you are holding the hiding place tile relevant to
that location.
You MAY NOT use a hiding place if your character is
scared. Only calm characters, including supporting
characters, can hide.
Supporting characters, sharing a location with a successfully
hiding Player controlled character, ALWAYS hide with Player
characters. Player controlled characters MAY NOT hide with
other Player controlled characters.
If you survive an attack by using a hiding place that hiding
place is no longer available for the remainder of the Act.
Any characters that successfully hide in a hiding place must
begin the next scene scared.
Whenever a character is scared they stay scared for the
remainder of the Act, unless they are calmed down. Some
characters have the ability to calm another character.


HIDING (contd)
At the start of a new Act, all scared characters flip back over
to calm and are no longer scared. Only when a character
survives the final scene of an Act by successfully hiding, do
you begin the opening scene of a new Act scared.
After succesfully hiding, flip over the character token to
scared and place the scared character token on an available
adjacent location. If there are no available adjacent locations
to move to, your hiding place is discovered by Klein and your
character is killed and eliminated from the game.
If you share your
hiding place with
character and there
is only one available
space to move to
after hiding, the
supporting character is eliminated from the game. The Player
hiding with a supporting character chooses where to place the
supporting character after hiding. The supporting character
does not need to be placed on the same available adjacent
location as the Player controlled character they hid with.
You MAY take a hiding place from another Player, but you
MAY NOT take their hiding place if their last turn was grabbing
that same hiding place. If you take a hiding place, and are
already in possession of another hiding place, return your
original hiding place to the side of the Location board so other
players may take it.
Hiding place tiles have a Do Not Grab
symbol on one side. When you first grab the
tile, place this side face up so other players
know not to grab your hiding place. Once
your turn comes around again, flip the tile
over so everyone knows it is available to be


On your turn you may search your location for a clue to the
identity of the Hatchetman. To search, draw a SEARCH card
from the Search deck. If the SEARCH card is blank, you did
not find a clue, place the card
in the Search deck discard
pile. If the SEARCH card
shows a bloody handprint you
have found a clue and you
may privately look at a CLUE
card of your choice. Once a
clue is discovered, reshuffle
the entire Search deck back
together and place the full Search deck face down back next
to the Location board.

The Evidence List

Your discovered clue is kept
secret and only shared with
other players when allowed
to share information on a
subsequent action. Compare
your clues to the suspects on
the Line-Up/Evidence card to
determine who is possessed
by Klein or to discover if you
are the character possessed
by Klein.

For example: If you uncover

the clue GLASSES, you
can see on the Evidence List and in the Line-Up that the
Geek, the Goth and the Preppy all wear glasses. Upon
discovering the second clue, you will learn which of these
three characters is possessed by Klein.
Suspect Line-Up


If you are on the same location as another Player, you may
both privately share information. To share information, you
and the Player you are sharing with, each use the Location/
Clue word cloud pointer card to point to the hidden Klein
locations and clues you each have knowledge of.

Share card: locations side

Share card: clues side

Players are not allowed to speak aloud about locations or

clues during a game.
You MAY NOT share which clue or location card is which
with other players, only the knowledge of which clues and
locations you have seen using the word cloud pointer card.
You DO NOT have to share ALL, SOME or ANY of the
information you know. Nor do you have to be honest
about the information you share.
If you are possessed by Klein, or suspect another Player
to be possessed by Klein, it may be in your best interest to
disseminate misinformation.


Each character has a special ability. The rules of a characters
special ability supersede the standard rules.
Can run or be chased across two
available adjacent locations as a single
May peek using the peeking icon of one
available adjacent location from his
current location.
Does not get scared the scene after
hiding, but does get scared when chased.
Can calm a scared character at the same
location, but cannot calm herself down.
Does not get scared when chased, but
does get scared the scene after hiding.
Can privately share information with a
single Player on an adjacent location.
You are still only allowed to use a specific action type
once per turn.
So the Jock, the Geek and the Preppys special abilities allow
them to utilize Run, Peek and Share actions differently than
other characters. But it does not allow them to use those
types of actions twice on a single turn. The Geek MAY NOT
use his special ability on a location without a Peeking icon.


You must declare Kleins Lair before the third attack begins.
To declare Kleins Lair, and end the Act, you must move your
character token to the location you believe to be Kleins Lair
and with a subsequent action declare this location to be his
lair. You will privately check to see if you were correct.
If you are wrong, you are immediately killed by Klein and
eliminated from the game. Gameplay continues clockwise. If
you are correct, the Act ends immediately and any surviving
players move on to the next scene. The Player successfully
declaring Kleins Lair, discovers a clue in the lair, and privately
views a Clue card of their choice.


Every time you complete your turn of up to 2 actions, you
must draw a card from the Attack deck. If a Hatchet attack
card is drawn, place it next to the Location board. If a Calm
night card is drawn place it in the Attack deck discard pile.
A Klein attack is triggered, in an Act that starts with 2 to 3
survivors, when 2 Hatchet cards have been drawn. A Klein
attack is triggered, in an Act that starts with 4 to 6 survivors,
when 3 Hatchet cards have been drawn.

If a Klein attack is not triggered, the next Players turn begins.

Gameplay progresses clockwise.


Use the included Exposure card to keep track of your
Exposure to Klein. Start the game on the Act 1 side of the
Exposure card with ZERO exposure.
Each time you either SHARE, PEEK, PUSH, PULL or RUN
(but NOT WHEN CHASED) move the red Exposure marker
cube to increase the Exposure track 1 unit. Remember the
Jocks special ability counts as a single action and only
increases the Exposure track 1 unit.
When the Exposure track reaches an Attack card red square,
first resolve the action and then immediately draw an extra
Attack card.
Use the red Exposure Marker
cube to keep track of Players
actions that put everyone at risk
of a Klein attack!

No-Risk space
Draw an ATTACK card space

If a Hatchet attack card is drawn and an Attack is NOT

triggered, or a Calm Night card is drawn, play continues as
usual. You still draw your usual Attack card at the end of
your turn. If a Hatchet attack card is drawn and an Attack IS
triggered, your turn immediately ends, and the Attack begins.
At the completion of Act 1, flip over the Exposure card to the
Act 2 & 3 side. Start your exposure at ZERO again for the
beginning of Act 2. For the remainder of the game you will
keep track of your exposure on the Act 2 & 3 side.
At the completion of Act 2, DO NOT reset your exposure
to zero. Continue Act 3 where your exposure left off in
Act 2.


The Player that triggers a Klein attack immediately draws
a Reveal card. The icon on the Reveal card is shown to
everyone. This icon is matched to the Klein Location Peeking
sleeve, above the Location board, that conceals the Klein
Location card with the location that is about to be attacked.

Flashlight REVEAL card

Flashlight Peeking sleeve

Once an attack is triggered, each Player has a chance to

escape by being chased from their current location before
the location being attacked is revealed. Once a Klein attack
begins your only recourse is to be chased to an available
adjacent location or stay put.
You MAY NOT grab a hiding place once a Klein attack
around the table, starting with
the attack triggering player, each
Player has a chance to be chased
from their location.


You may choose, when the Reveal card icon is revealed, to
be chased to an available adjacent location. If you choose
to be chased from your current location to a new location,
you must immediately flip your character token to scared at
the new location. If your character was already scared, they
remain scared.

When chased, you MAY swap locations with a Player

controlled character following normal swapping rules. You
MAY NOT swap locations with a Player controlled character
that is in possession of a relevant hiding place for their
current location.

A character that is forced to swap locations during a

chase DOES NOT become scared. The Player initiating
the chase DOES become scared.



After each player has had a chance to be chased, the attack

triggering player reveals the Klein location card in the Peeking
sleeve corresponding to the icon on the Reveal card.
This location on the Location board
is now flipped over to show Klein has
attacked that location and the location is
no longer accessible in this Act.
Any characters at the attack location
are killed and eliminated from the game,
unless they have a valid hiding place for that location and are
not scared.
After each Klein attack, ADD 1
additional Hatchet attack card to the
Attack deck.
Re-shuffle the entire Act Attack deck,
including any previously discarded
cards, and continue the Act. A third
Klein attack in an Act triggers the end of that Act.
After the third Klein attack is resolved the remaining
locations in the Klein Location Peeking sleeves are
attacked and players either survive or are eliminated.
There is NO chance to be chased when the remaining
Klein Location cards are revealed. Once Klein has
attacked all the locations, the Act is over.
Perform the beginning Act setup again for the next Act, and
create a new Attack deck for the surviving number of players
in the new Act.
Players begin the new Act from the location where they
finished the previous Act. If the location you completed the
Act in is no longer available you may choose, following turn
order, any available location to place your character token.


Any Player that was scared when the previous Act ended flips
their character token back to calm and begins the new Act
calmed down. If you survived the last scene in the previous
Act in a hiding place you begin the new Act scared.

are, for most players,
obstacles in your way
hindering your chance
of survival. Usually they
do not have abilities, nor do they take actions on their own.
Supporting characters count as another character on a
location and just like other characters they may block you
from moving or being chased to a location.
When adding supporting characters to the Location board,
place one supporting character at a time to a location,
as long as there is available space, in the following order
by Peeking icon: Center location (has no Peeking icon),
Treetop, Window, Lantern, Flashlight, Binoculars and
Camera. A supporting character may be added to a location
where there is already a supporting character present.
Supporting characters always start calm.
Calm supporting characters ALWAYS hide with hiding
Player characters. And after successfully hiding they are
scared just like Player characters.
Supporting characters may be forced to move if a Player
character, sharing a location or adjacent to a location with
a supporting character, chooses to PUSH or PULL the
supporting character.
Supporting characters NEVER SWAP locations.
Supporting characters
are NEVER chased
from a location. If
supporting characters
are caught at a location
attacked by Klein, and
they are not hiding with
a Player character,
they are killed and removed from the game.


If, after viewing clues, you discover one of the other Players
or you yourself is possessed by Klein, it may effect what
information you share, or how truthful the information you
share is, with other players.
As the Player possessed by Klein, you only win if you are the
sole survivor and correctly declare yourself to be the killer.
In 2 to 5 player games there may or may not be a traitor.
In a 6 player game there is ALWAYS a traitor.

All players surviving the 3 Acts until morning each take a
Suspect lineup card. Take your character token and, using
any knowledge you have acquired about the clues, secretly
place your character token on the suspect you believe to be
possessed by Klein.
Once all surviving players
have secretly chosen which
suspect they believe to be
possessed by Klein, the
accusations are revealed.
After all accusations are
revealed both clues are
unveiled and the character
possessed by Klein is
Any player that is not possessed by Klein, has survived until
morning, and correctly deduces who the killer is, wins.
Any surviving players that accuse the wrong suspect are
eliminated in one final Klein attack and lose the game.


If you are the traitor and you have survived the night, you
only win if all the other Players are eliminated and you
identify yourself as the killer. So, if other Players survive the
night and you have mislead them that another character is
the Killer, they will not survive the accusation phase, and you
will win the game.
Whether you are a survivor or the traitor, you must
survive the night to win the game unless you are the
sole survivor.
If at any point during the game you are the sole remaining
Player and you can correctly name the killer, even if you are
the killer, you win.

To increase difficulty, subtract 1 Calm Night
card when configuring the Attack deck at the
start of each Act.

*For a less aggressive game do not allow Player characters

to swap locations while being chased.


Michael The Original Klein, Richard Rahdo Ham, Tyler
Bearded Meeple Anderson, Nick BoardGameBrawl
Meenachan, Pasan Madusanka, Brenda, Nita, Jack,
Kimberly, Megan, Andrew, Lena, and Playtesters Leo, Lola,
Jennifer, Veronica, Tali, and especially Max for contributing
his game design ideas.

Produced by:
Gregory James & Andrew Scott
Game Design:
Andrew Scott
Marco Chiu
Graphic Design:
Gregory James
Manufactured by:
Wingo Games


1. Take notes! Take notes about other Players actions! Take notes
about what other Players have seen! Take notes about what
information you have acquired! Take as many notes as possible!
2. Surviving is your number one goal. It is more important to know
what locations are safe than to figure out who the Killer is.
3. When the REVEAL card Peeking icon is revealed, if you havent
viewed the location in the Peeking sleeve that is about to be attacked,
you may not know where the attack will occur. But if you have viewed
locations in other Peeking sleeves, then you do know which locations
are safe to move to.
4. If you dont have any knowledge of what locations are safe, follow
other Players actions. Everyone has to survive to win, even the Killer.
5. When you dont need to follow another Players actions to be safe,
still watch what they do. This way you can deduce what information
they have acquired, without having to share. And on occasion, their
actions will alert you to who is possessed by Klein.
6. If an attack is imminent be sure to take Non-Exposure actions
(Grab a Hiding place tile or Search for clues) before taking Exposure
7. Sometimes it is better to be chased to a location and become
scared rather than to stay put. When you are chased to a location, that
you know is safe, you are supplying other Players with information.
8. Trust Player actions more than you trust information shared by
other Players.
9. When you discover information another Player has shared with
you to be untrue, your newly acquired information may shed light on
what information the other Player really knows. For example: If the
Jock looks at Clue #1 and tells you, the Cheerleader, he saw the clue
Piercing, and later you look at Clue #2 and you also see Piercing,
you can deduce the Jock has lied to you. The Clue he likely saw
probably matches one of his Clues, either Muddy shoes or Torn
pants. Meaning either the Punk or you, the Cheerleader, is the Killer.




Each Player controls their own Character token.

Turn order progresses CLOCKWISE.
Every turn you are allowed up to 2 actions.
You may use a specific action type only once per turn.
Be sure to move the Exposure marker with each RUN, PEEK,
PUSH, PULL or SHARE action.
Dont forget to draw an Attack card at the end of every turn.


When a Klein attack begins the Attack triggering player draws a

REVEAL card.
The REVEAL card is shown to all players.
Starting with the Attack triggering Player and progressing
COUNTER-CLOCKWISE each player has a chance to be
CHASED from their location.
During this CHASE mode you can either STAY PUT or be chased
and RUN. A character may be chased even if they are already
Flip your character token to SCARED if you choose to be CHASED.
You MAY NOT grab a Hiding place during a Klein attack.
Once all players have had a chance to be CHASED reveal the
Klein Location card in the Peeking sleeve with the same icon as
the REVEAL card.
The revealed location is flipped over and the attack is resolved.
The attacked location is no longer accessible for the remainder
of the Act.
After a Klein attack add 1 additional Hatchet card to the ATTACK
deck and begin the next scene.


A Character may not hide if they are SCARED.

At the start of each new ACT, build a new ATTACK DECK based on
the number of surviving Players.
Supporting Characters do not count as surviving Players.
connected by paths on ACT maps and have available space for
a character to move to.
Supporting Characters may never SWAP locations. But they can
Only 2 Characters are allowed on the SAME location at the SAME
A Player who successfully declares Kleins Lair gets to privately
view a CLUE card of their choice.
Do not reset your EXPOSURE count after ACT 2, continue ACT 3
where your EXPOSURE count left off.

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