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RE: change the date of sun solaris.

On a solaris system you could do this:

date +%r
Or you can modify following file/usr/bin/date [-u] [[mmdd]HHMM | mmddHHMM[cc]yy][.SS]
HH will be the hour number format of 24hours and 12 hours.
Amit Shiknis
RE: User password
rpc.yppasswdd daemon automatically updates the user password file.
RE: What is the command to check consistency/errors of a file system?
fsck -m /dev/rdsk/c?t?d?s?
RE: What is the command to check consistency/errors of...
You can use "fsck" for this.
For example,
# fsck /dev/dsk/c0t1d0s1
RE: What is the difference between reboot and init 6
INIT6:- execute Rc0 kill script.
Reboot:- does not execute Rc0 kill script.

RE: What is the command for Install any software like oracle in Unix/Solaris? Why
am I not getting colors while installing solaris9 even though it displays colors during
test of KDM configuration?How to install solaris9 in NON GUI mode?
Here are some few steps to install oracle.
1) first u create a seperate partition.
2) create a new filesystem for created partition
2) mount the file system

3) create are user called oracle

4) allocate that oracle user the mounted filesystem directory
5) and get the proper oracle installation cd for the x86 or sparc architecture
Colors after installtion
1) better get the proper solaris9 installtion cd
2) install solaris OEM entire distribution
3) and sometimes the compaq does not support graphics, Intel boards etc supports
Intallation in NON GUI.
1) Try to install to solaris in text mode.
2) if you doing jumpstart command is boot -net install nowin. This command is for
Sparc architecture.
RE: On Solaris 8 where is the log file for a failed patch installation stored?
RE: what is the difference between grep and find commands?
grep command can be used onlywith files .it doesn't work for directories
find command works with both files and directories.
RE: what are the kernel parameters?
You can see the kernel parameters in /etc/sysctl.conf file in Linux.
sysctl -a print all the Kernel parameters.we can change the kernel parameters using
the /etc/sysctl.conf file ,which will need reboot or sysctl -p command to take
effect.We can temporarily change the kernel parameters by echoing to the /proc
directory(be careful while doing this,unknown supplied parameters will cuase crash
to the kernel).
RE: what is the command in UNIX to see a list of opened files?
lsof - List open files on the system. Normally, it only lists files you (or processes you
own) have open; if run as root, it lists all open files.

RE: Proxy Server IP

To find out IP address of Linux/UNIX/BSD/Unixish system you need to use command

called ifconfig.
It is used to configure the kernel-resident network interfaces. It is used at boot time to set
up interfaces as necessary. After that, it is usually only needed when debugging or when
system tuning is needed.
If no arguments are given to ifconfig command it displays the status of the current active
interfaces. It displays Ethernet IP address, Mac address, subnet mask and other
information. Type /sbin/ipconfig command to display IP address:
$ /sbin/ifconfig
$ /sbin/ifconfig -a (under Solaris and other Unixish oses)
RE: What is the difference between Instance and a Data...
Instance is the memory structures and background processes used to interact with
Instance = SGA + Background Process
Database is the physical files used to store information. the 3 types of physical files are:
Datafiles, Control File and Redo-Log fileS(minimum 2).
RE: Solaris - increase directory size
growfs command is used to increse the file system size in online
RE: Solaris - increase directory size
#growfs -m /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s0

RE: Solaris - increase directory size

1. mount . doesn't carry any space. Space is being consumed by the mount path it is
reflecting.2. Dir. doesn't carry any space. It even doesn't carry files. It simply
carry no. of links of any files and their names.3. Size is increased for various
mounted fs.

RE: what is the command to list files from directory in decreasing order of their file
the command is ls -rt|sort -nr
RE: what is the command to list files from directory in decreasing order of their file
ls S
RE: what is the command to list files from directory in decreasing order of their file
du /directoryname | sort -r -n
gives file size and file mame
uptime gives a one line display of the following information. The
current time, how long the system has been running, how many users are
currently logged on, and the system load averages for the past 1, 5,
and 15 minutes.

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