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Teoras del crecimiento y desarrollo econmicos

Programa y lista de lecturas

1. Los hechos del crecimiento y el modelo neoclsico

*Ros, J., La teora del desarrollo y la economa del crecimiento, caps. 1 y 2 (secciones
1 y 2)
Solow, R. M., A contribution to the theory of economic growth, Quarterly Journal of
Economics 70 (February): 65-94. 1956
*Solow, R., Growth Theory: an exposition, 1988 (Nobel Lecture y cap. 2)
2. Extensiones del modelo neoclsico: tecnologa, capital humano y ahorro endgeno
*Ros, J., La teora del desarrollo y la economa del crecimiento, cap. 2, secciones 3 y 4
Mankiw, G., D. Romer, and D. Weil, A contribution to the empirics of economic
growth", Quarterly Journal of Economics, 152 (May): 407-37. 1992
*Mankiw, G., The growth of nations, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, (1)
Romer, P., Comment on N. Gregory Mankiw, The Growth of Nations, Brookings
Papers on Economic Activity 1, pp. 313-320. 1995
Islam, N., Growth empirics: A panel data approach, Quarterly Journal of Economics
110, 4 (November): 1127-1170. 1995
*King, R. G., and S. T. Rebelo, Transitional dynamics and economic growth in the
neoclassical model, American Economic Review 83 (September), 908-31. 1993
*Nelson, R. , A theory of the low level equilibrium trap in underdeveloped
economies, American Economic Review, 46: 894-908. 1956
Leibenstein, H., Economic Backwardness and Economic Growth, 1957, cap. 8
*Barro, R. J. (1991), Economic growth in a cross section of countries, Quarterly
Journal of Economics, 106: 407-44
Barro, R. Determinants of Economic Growth: A Cross Country Empirical Study

3. El modelo de Lewis y nociones alternativas de excedente de trabajo

*Basu, Analytical Development Economics. The Less Developed Economy Revisited.
Cambridge: MIT Press, 1997, cap. 7
*Ros, La teora del desarrollo y la economa del crecimiento, cap. 3, secciones 1, 3 y 4
*Lewis, A., Economic development with unlimited supplies of labor, The Manchester
School of Economic and Social Studies, May, 1954
Ranis, G., Arthur Lewis contribution to development thinking and policy, Center
Discussion Paper no. 891,
Little, I., Economic Development: Theory, Policy and International Relations, 1982,
cap. 6
*Nurkse, R., Population and capital supply, cap. 2 en Problems of Capital Formation
in Underdeveloped Countries, 1953
Fei, J. and G. Ranis, Development of the Labor Surplus Economy, 1964, cap. 2
Fei, J. and G. Ranis, A theory of economic development, American Economic Review,
Jorgenson, D., The development of a dual economy, Economic Journal, June, 1961
*Dixit, A., Models of dual economies, in J. Mirrlees and N. Stern (eds.), Models of
Economic Growth, 1973
Kaldor, N., Characteristics of economic development, in his Essays on Economic
Stability and Growth, 1960
4. Rendimientos crecientes, excedentes de trabajo y equilibrios mltiples
*Ros, La teora del desarrollo y la economa del crecimiento, cap. 4
Rosenstein-Rodan, P., Problems of industrialization of Eastern and South-Eastern
Europe, Economic Journal, June-September, 1943
*Rosenstein-Rodan, P., Natura facit saltum: analysis of the disequilibrium growth
process, in G. Meier and D. Seers (eds.), Pioneers in Development, 1984
*Nurkse, R., The size of the market and the inducement to invest, ch. 1 in Problems
of Capital Formation in Underdeveloped Countries, 1953

Ades, A. and E. Glaeser, Evidence on growth, increasing returns, and the extent of
the market, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Volume CXIV (3), August 1999, pp.
5. Competencia imperfecta, economas internas y externalidades pecuniarias
*Ros, La teora del desarrollo y la economa del crecimiento, cap. 5
Basu, Analytical Development Economics. The Less Developed Economy Revisited.
Cambridge: MIT Press, 1997, cap. 2
*Murphy, K., A. Shleifer, and R. Vishny, Industrialization and the big push, Journal of
Political Economy, October, 1989
*Krugman, P., Toward a Counter-Counterrevolution in Development Theory, in

Proceedings of the World Bank Annual Conference on Development Economics,

1992 (ver tambin comentario de Stiglitz)

Skott, P. and J. Ros, The 'big push' in an open economy with non tradable inputs,
Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, Fall 1997, vol. 20, n.1. 1997
6. Crecimiento endgeno y la teora del desarrollo
*Ros, La teora del desarrollo y la economa del crecimiento, cap. 6
*Romer, P. M., Increasing returns and new developments in the theory of growth, in
W. Barnett, (ed.), Equilibrium Theory and Applications: Proceedings of the 6th
International Symposium in Economic Theory and Econometrics, Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge, 1991
Lucas, R., On the mechanics of economic development, Journal of Monetary
Economics, 1988
Pack, H., Endogenous growth theory: Intellectual appeal and empirical
shortcomings, The Journal of Economic Perspectives, Winter 1994, 8 : 1. 1994.
Romer, P., The Origins of Endogenous Growth. Journal of Economic Perspectives 8:
3-22. 1994
*Solow, R.M., Perspectives on growth theory, The Journal of Economic Perspectives,
Winter, 8: 1. 1994

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