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Preedintele Klaus Iohannis a fost prezent la evenimentul Magna Carta,

fundamentul statului de drept britanic, cu o istorie de 800 de ani, desfurat la

Biblioteca Central Universitar Carol I din Bucureti.

Stimate domnule Ambasador,

Stimai invitai, membri ai Inner Temple,
Domnule Preedinte al Camerei Deputailor,
Domnule Preedinte al Curii Constituionale,
Domnule Procuror General,
Doamn Judector al Curii Europene a Drepturilor Omului,
Doamnelor i domnilor minitri i secretari de stat,
Excelenele Voastre doamnelor i domnilor ambasadori, reprezentani ai corpului
Doamnelor i domnilor,

mi face o deosebit plcere s m aflu astzi aici, la o conferin prilejuit de

aniversarea a 800 de ani de la semnarea Magna Carta. V mulumesc pentru
invitaie i felicit organizatorii pentru modul cu totul aparte n care marcheaz
acest eveniment i n Romnia. Magna Carta face parte din acea categorie de
documente care au avut un rol covritor n istoria omenirii. Este primul act
constituional cu o valoare excepional, un document istoric simbol al
patrimoniului juridic internaional, al statului de drept, al libertilor i drepturilor
individuale de care ne bucurm cu toii astzi. Magna Carta a fost o surs de
inspiraie pentru antrenarea statelor n asumarea, n baza unor legi scrise, a
respectrii drepturilor omului. Principiile enunate n acest document se gsesc n
Bill of Rights, n Constituia Statelor Unite ale Americii, n Declaraia Universal a
Drepturilor Omului, precum i n declaraiile ulterioare cu privire la aprarea
acestora. Magna Carta a marcat n istorie schimbarea de curs de la o mentalitate n
care cuvintele i jurmintele aveau o valoare simbolic la un angajament i la
asumarea unor responsabiliti fa de un set de valori.
Dar de ce ne aplecm totui cu att de mult atenie i interes asupra unui act
scris acum opt secole? Carta este un document fundamental, n special prin
indicaiile i implicaiile sale, n materie de stat de drept, de liberti i drepturi ale
omului i prin promovarea unui set de valori devenit universal, precum egalitatea
n faa legilor, indiferent de statut.

Doamnelor i domnilor,
Magna Carta este astzi privit ca fundament al libertii i al democraiei. La
attea secole dup semnarea sa, democraia are de nfruntat alte pericole i
provocri, mai bine ascunse sub aparene, dar care nu trebuie subestimate.
Populismul, electoralismul, goana dup imagine i nlocuirea aciunii de substan
cu propaganda sunt printre cele mai nocive. Iar Romnia ultimilor ani nu fost deloc
lipsit de aceste tentaii. Politica fcut de dragul ctigului electoral imediat i cu
gndul doar la beneficiile de imagine, msurile nefundamentate luate n prag de
alegeri n sperana ctorva voturi n plus, promisiunile fr acoperire n scopul
manipulrii, propaganda goal de coninut fac democraia fragil. Toate acestea o
ndeprteaz de menirea sa reprezentarea cetenilor i guvernarea n serviciul
De cealalt parte, ce face astzi o democraie puternic este participarea
cetenilor, comportamentul responsabil al actorilor politici i soliditatea
instituiilor i mecanismelor democratice.
Participarea nu poate fi separat de garantarea dreptului la vot. Avem o guvernare
care s-a dovedit incapabil s asigure condiiile necesare pentru exercitarea
acestuia de ctre toi cetenii n ar i n strintate. Absena unei legi a votului
prin coresponden ar fi n continuare o piedic n a garanta tuturor cetenilor
romni, oriunde s-ar afla ei, dreptul la vot.
Aa cum am mai afirmat, sper c exist nelepciunea la nivelul tuturor partidelor
pentru a schimba ct mai repede aceast stare de fapt i de a finaliza acest proiect
i, n acest context, pot s spun c sunt foarte bucuros c astzi Senatul a votat
proiectul legii i sper n continuare ca partidele s-i menin acest entuziasm
pentru Legea votului prin coresponden i, poate, sptmna viitoare deja s fim
n posesia unei astfel de legi.
Pe de alt parte, ne aflm n perioada imediat premergtoare construirii bugetului.
mi doresc ca el s fie rezultatul unei viziuni, al asumrii unor obiective n interesul
ntregii societi i al respectrii angajamentelor luate de ntreaga clas politic, nu
al unor calcule electoraliste sau interese partizane. Practica direcionrii de resurse
de la bugetul statului pentru a influena procesul electoral nu are ce cuta ntr-o
democraie puternic. Renunarea la un asemenea mod de lucru ar fi tocmai
expresia unui comportament responsabil.
n fine, consolidarea statului de drept i ntrirea mecanismelor democratice
reprezint o prioritate a mandatului meu. Statul de drept nseamn c nimeni nu
este mai presus de lege. Iar cnd spunem nimeni, aceasta nseamn de fapt
nicio putere a statului i nicio persoan, indiferent de demnitatea public n care se
afl ntr-un moment sau altul.
n calitatea de Preedinte al Romniei, mi-am asumat rolul de a fi un promotor i
garant al statului de drept. Cred c aciunile mele, n acest aproape prim an de

mandat, vorbesc de la sine despre modul n care am susinut pe deplin domnia

legii i funcionarea justiiei.
Justiia din Romnia a parcurs un proces de schimbare, care a fcut ca ntreg
sistemul s devin unul eficient, modern i performant. Aceste demersuri trebuie
continuate. Un sistem judiciar independent, integru i imparial, n care drepturile
omului sunt respectate pe deplin, este unul din pilonii de baz ai unui stat
Justiia contribuie la nsntoirea societii prin combaterea unor fenomene grave
care stagneaz evoluia comunitii, de tipul corupiei, precum i la reechilibrarea
raporturilor juridice de drept privat, indiferent de natura lor. La intrarea n profesie,
magistraii, judectorii i procurorii jur s respecte Constituia i legile rii,
drepturile i libertile cetenilor. n acest mod, se subliniaz o dat n plus
supremaia Constituiei.
Eforturile de pn acum pentru ntrirea mecanismelor democratice trebuie
continuate i prin creterea calitii actului legislativ. De altfel, rule of law
presupune calitate, transparen i corectitudine n adoptarea actelor normative.
Vreau s reafirm aici faptul c Romnia are nevoie de legi clare, coerente i
durabile, c o democraie solid nu i permite schimbri de legislaie de pe o zi pe
alta i nici artificii procedurale de tipul comasrii mai multor acte normative, fr
nicio legtur ntre ele, ntr-o singur ordonan de urgen. n acelai timp cu
schimbarea practicilor n materie de legiferare trebuie s existe i o schimbare a
atitudinii fiecruia dintre noi, prin respingerea oricror tentative de nclcare a
legii. Locul, parcursul i viitorul Romniei pot fi garantate prin asigurarea domniei
Doamnelor i domnilor,
Suntei aici, prezeni la aceast manifestare, oameni cu experien i prestigiu
profesional, dar i tineri cu angajament pentru principiile democraiei i statului de
drept. Suntem ntr-un moment potrivit pentru a redescoperi tradiiile democratice
sntoase i latura etic a politicii. Marea Britanie a fost de-a lungul anilor un
model de dialog democratic, de elegan a btliei politice. Nimeni n-a spus
vreodat c democraia este comod. Ea presupune s respeci regulile, chiar i
atunci cnd nu-i plac, s accepi critica i opiniile diferite, chiar sau mai ales
atunci cnd crezi c ai dreptate, s fii dispus s rspunzi public pentru reuite i,
mai ales, pentru nereuite.
Pentru Romnia urmeaz un nou an electoral. Clasa noastr politic va da n 2016
un examen al maturizrii. Liderii politici, partidele, candidaii vor avea ocazia s
demonstreze c au neles leciile trecutului, c fac o opiune definitiv pentru rule
of law i c pot pstra decena i principialitatea chiar n interiorul unei aprige
btlii electorale.
n final, vreau s reafirm convingerea c Romnia dispune de toate resursele
necesare pentru consolidarea democraiei i ntrirea statului de drept, n care

prevaleaz principiul domniei legii. Avem datoria s continum msurile necesare

pentru ca justiia s funcioneze, instituiile s devin pe deplin eficiente, puternice
i credibile, iar cetenii s se simt aprai, respectai i n siguran., a spus
Klaus Iohannis.

President Klaus Johannis was present at the "Magna Carta, the foundation of British
rule of law, with a history of 800 years", held at the Central University Library
"Carol I" in Bucharest.
"Dear Mr. Ambassador,
Distinguished guests, members of the Inner Temple,
President of the Chamber of Deputies,
President of the Constitutional Court,
Mr. Attorney General,
Judge of the European Court of Human Rights
Ladies and gentlemen ministers and secretaries of state,
Your Excellencies Ladies and gentlemen ambassadors, representatives of
diplomatic corps,
Ladies and gentlemen,
It gives me great pleasure to be here today at a conference dedicated to the
anniversary of 800 years since the signing of the Magna Carta. Thank you for the
invitation and congratulate the organizers for how peculiar that marks this event in
Romania. Magna Carta is part of the category of documents which had a dominant
role in human history. It is the first constitutional act with exceptional value, a
historical document symbol of international legal heritage, the rule of law,
individual rights and freedoms we enjoy today all. Magna Carta was an inspiration
to drive the states assuming, based on written law, respect for human rights. The
principles in this document are the Bill of Rights, the United States Constitution,
the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in subsequent statements on their
defense. Magna Carta marked change of course in the history of the mentality the
words and oaths had symbolic value and a commitment to assuming
responsibilities for a set of values.
But why, however, that we pay so much attention and interest on a note written
eight centuries ago? Charter is a fundamental document, in particular by
indications and its implications in terms of rule of law, freedoms and human rights
and promoting a set of values become universal, such as equality before the law,
regardless of status.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Magna Carta is today regarded as the foundation of freedom and democracy. In so
many centuries after its signature, democracy has to face other dangers and
challenges, better hidden under appearances, but that should not be
underestimated. Populism, electioneering eagerness image and replacing the
action of substance are among the most harmful propaganda. And last year
Romania was not at all free from these temptations. For the sake of electoral gain
policy made immediately and think only of the benefits of image, unsubstantiated
measures taken on the eve of elections in the hope of a few more votes, promises
without coverage to manipulate, empty propaganda content are fragile democracy.
All this removes the mission to - represent citizens and governance in their service.

On the other hand, makes today a strong democracy is citizen participation,

responsible behavior of political actors and strong institutions and democratic
Participation can not be separated from guaranteeing the right to vote. We have a
government that proved unable to provide the necessary conditions for its exercise
by all citizens in the country and abroad. The absence of a law on postal voting
would still be a hindrance to guarantee all Romanian citizens, wherever they find
them the right to vote.
As I said, I hope there is wisdom in all parties to change as soon as this state of
affairs and to complete this project and, in this context, I can say that I am very
happy that today the Senate passed the draft law and I hope that the parties
continue to maintain this enthusiasm for postal voting law and maybe already next
week to be in possession of such a law.
On the other hand, we are on the eve construction budget. I want him to be the
result of a vision, of taking objectives in the interests of society and that
commitments made by the entire political class, not electoraliste calculations or
partisan interests. The practice of channeling resources from the state to influence
the electoral process has no place in a democracy strong. Waiving such a way
would be just the expression of responsible behavior.
Finally, strengthening the rule of law and strengthening democratic mechanisms is
a priority of my mandate. The rule of law means that no one is above the law. And
when we say 'no', it actually means the state no power and no person, regardless
of public dignity that is in one time or another.
As President of Romania, I assumed the role of being a promoter and guarantor of
the rule of law. I think my actions in this almost first term, speak for themselves
about how we supported fully the rule of law and the judicial process.
Justice of Romania has undergone a process of change that has made the entire
system to become an efficient, modern and efficient. This work should be
continued. An independent judiciary, honest and impartial manner in which human
rights are fully respected, is one of the basic pillars of a democratic state.
Justice recovery contributes to society by fighting evils of stagnant community
development, such as corruption and rebalance the legal relationships of private
law, whatever their nature. Upon entering the profession, magistrates, judges and
prosecutors vow to observe the Constitution and laws, rights and freedoms. In this
way, it underlines once again the supremacy of the Constitution.
Efforts so far to strengthen the democratic mechanisms should continue and
increase the quality of legislation. Incidentally, the "rule of law" implies quality,
transparency and fairness in adopting legislation. I want to reaffirm here that
Romania needs laws clear, coherent and sustainable, that a robust democracy does
not allow changes in legislation from one day to another and no fireworks
procedures such as merging several legal acts, with no connection between them
in one emergency ordinance. At the same time changing its regulatory practices
must be a change of attitude of each of us by rejecting any attempts of violations.
Place, during and Romania's future can be secured by ensuring the rule of law.
Ladies and gentlemen,
We are here for this event, people with experience and professional prestige, but
also young people with commitment to the principles of democracy and rule of law.
We are in a good time to rediscover healthy democratic traditions and the ethical
side of politics. Britain has been over the years a model of democratic dialogue,
the political battle elegance. Nobody ever said that democracy is convenient. It
presupposes respect the rules, even when they do not like to accept criticism and
different opinions, even or especially when you think you're right, be willing to
answer for successful public and especially for failures.

For Romania follows a new election year. Our political class will give a exam
maturing in 2016. Leaders of political parties, candidates will have the opportunity
to demonstrate that they understand the lessons of the past that make a definitive
option for "rule of law" and can keep decency and principled even within a fierce
electoral battle.
Finally, I want to reaffirm my conviction that Romania has all the resources needed
to strengthen democracy and strengthen the rule of law, the principle of the rule of
law prevails. We have a duty to ensure that justice continue to operate institutions
to become fully effective, powerful and credible, and citizens feel defend,
respected and safe. "Said Johannis.

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