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Paper 1 suggested responses

Question One
Text One (Book Review)
(a) How does this review achieve its purpose? (2 marks)
Purpose to inform the audience about women on physical journeys that they
are not just for men
What it suggests about the nature of physical journeys:
they can be dangerous and people can be put at risk, not only physically
but morally as well, too much freedom could be a dangerous thing
they allow for people to satisfy their curiosity in seeing something new
and different Rebecca West had adventures throughout Europe, Africa
and the Americas
they allow people the freedom to do what they want a sense of escapism
a window to the world, threw caution to the wind and travelled

emotive language frowned, freedom, morally,

restraints, curiosity
Metaphor book is a window to the world
Descriptive language dangerous, adventures
Visual reference of the book may appeal to women

Text Two (Photograph)

(b) What kind of journey is represented and how? (2 marks)
Journey physical

it suggests about the nature of physical journeys:

Physical journeys can be difficult and arduous
Physical journeys can be rewarding
Physical journeys can be physically demanding and challenging


Low angle shot shows the challenge that the men face
mountain is shown as powerful, the journey is made difficult
Salience the mountain stands out in contrast to the climbers
symbolises the long journey that they are on
Lighting the lighting against the backdrop of the mountain
symbolises that there is hope after they go through the
challenges on the arduous journey they will gain greater
perspectives on their lives and the world around them

Text Three (Poem)

(c) Explain how the images contribute to the sense of an emotional journey? (3 marks)
Journey physical journey, inner journey

What it suggest about the nature of physical journeys:

Difficult and challenging burned out, labouring heavily, cracks
began to appear, empty
Long and not always rewarding after two days, seven days, never
on the horizon, salt scorched them, no one slept, a vast disc under a
dome, what rest could not conceal
Provide hope for change and comfort inner journey the boat became
an ear, the men cheered, a lean horseman rode towards them with a
Can be lonely they began to think about death, each man to himself,
perilously blue

Inclusive language I you reflects that everyone can feel

the same things about physical journeys
Simile sea was as empty as the sky reflects the notion that
what is gained on a physical journey is personal and individual
Personification the boat had become an ear, straining for the
desired thunder
Simile ominous as the big guns physical journeys can be
challenging with unknown ends

Text Four (Prose Extract)

(d) What does the writer achieve through the use of contrast? (3 marks)
Journey imaginative journey

it suggests about the nature of imaginative journeys

Allow you to be who you want and to have what you want
Provide you with the tools to reflect on your life and the world around you
Allow you to see what you take for granted
Shows a person that sometimes when you get what you want it does not
satisfy you in the end
You cant always get what you want
Be careful what you wish for
Imaginative journeys have the power to persuade you to have a change in


Juxtaposition the two sides reflects the notion that

imaginative journeys allow you to be someone that you are not
but provides the idea that although you can escape from your
reality for a short while whilst on an imaginative journey you
have to return to reality eventually.
Descriptive language soothing carols, parrots cheeky
whistles, descending darkness provides the escapism that
comes with imaginative journeys

Imagery slender black hands, shiny black wheel, his

movements are delicate and elegant, he was white now
imaginative journeys allow you to be what you want
Colloquial language Ya going anywheres near Koodup?
reflects the notion that imaginative journeys can be or anyone
anyone can escape into their imagination
Metaphor sea of brownness provides the notion that reality
does not go away when you journey into your imagination it is
how you deal with it once your journey has finished matters

Text One, Two, Three and Four

Each text explores several points of view about the journey. Choose TWO of the texts and
compare how these points of view are represented in them
Use the above to help you with your answer to this response.

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